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January 31, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-31

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom


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You've seen it before. Chance
of snow showers today, with tem-
peratures in the mid-twenties.

o. XCIV-No. 100 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, January 31, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages

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The sister of one of two men allegedly
held as slaves on a Chelsea farm for
more than 10 years testified yesterday
that she was not allowed to speak to her
brother on the phone.
Gizella Korbini, 74, a small, frail
woman from Fredricktown, Pa. said
she tried to contact her brother Louis
Molitoris several times at the farm of
Ike and Margarethe Kozminski, but the
Kozminskis refused to let her speak
with him.
SHE DESCRIBED A phone conver-
sation she had in August with one of the
Kozminskis in which she tried to tell
Molitoris that his brother had died.
Gizella told U.S. District Judge
Charles Joiner and 12 jury members
yesterday that Ike Kozminski shouted
that he didn't "give a damn if her mother
was dead," and refused to let her
speak with Molitoris.
Kozminski, 61, and his wife, 56, and





sister barred

from phoning brother

, his son John, 30, are each charged with
one count of conspiracy to violate civil
rights and two counts of involuntary
IN THE third day of the state's first
slavery case in more than 60 years,
Joiner warned reporters present at the
early morning trial not to question at-
torneys involved in the case.
Joiner said he was concerned
publicity about the trial would bias the
jury's decision.
Witnesses testifying yesterday
backed up previous statements that
Molitoris, 59, and Robert Fulmer, 57
were forced to live in a broken-down

trailer and eat rotten food. ,
ONE OF THE Kozminski's neigh-
bors, Carol Satterthwaite, testified
yesterday that Fulmer stayed at her
home in January of 1981 for three days
and he was "covered with manure from
his head to toe."
"His fingers were all white and infec-
ted," Satterthwaite said, adding that he
also had a bloody nose and face.
Satterthwaite said Fulmer didn't
want to return to the Kozminski's farm
at 4768 Peckins Rd. in Chelsea.
According to Satterthwaite, Fulmer
said Mrs. Kozminski warned him
against going to the Satterthwaite's

farm and even told him the Satterth
waite's would shoot him.
Another neighbor, Dale Horning,
testified that Fulmer told him that he
had to "get out of here. They're killing
Joe Franklin, a former worker on the
Kozminski farm, said that the trailer
Fulmer and Molitoris lived in was "in-
fested with bugs, spider webs, (and
had) no light, no running water or
Their clothes were "filthy and torn,"
and they looked like they "hadn't had a
bath for quite some time," Franklin
U.S. District Attorney Virginia
Morgan said in her opening statements
last week that the two men were men-
tally retarded and could not leave the
farm, although they tried to several
Eric Mattson filed a report for
this story.

State GOP

4 I



Daily Photq by BRIAN MASCK
Seeing this puzzled view of the law library's windows from the corner of the
quadrangle is almost like being lost in a maze.
Marine dies during

The. chairman of Michigan's
Republican Party and one of its newest
leaders met with College Republicans
in Mason Hall last night to praise
President Reagan and urge students
involvement in this year's campaigns.
Speaking just a day afterr Reagan
formally announced his bid for a second
presidential term, state party chair-
man Spencer Abraham said, "Things
are better today. There are a lot of dif-
ferent ways to look at the economic
conditions, but almost any way you

shelling in
From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon -The U.S.
Marines came under rebel attack at the
Iity's airport yesterday and fired back
with tanks, mortars and machine guns
in-a day of heavy fighting that killed a
Marine and at least five other people.
The dead Marine, whose identity was
withheld pending notification of his
family, was the 259th American ser-
viceman killed in Lebanon since U.S.
forces arrived 17 months ago.
THREE AMERICAN troops were
wounded in the fighting around Beirut
airport, bringing to 131 the number of
}Americans wounded in Lebanon.
The fighting began with an artillery
barrage from suspected Druze Moslem
positions ih the Shouf mountains that
was answered by the Marines and the
Lebanese army. Shiite Moslem rebels
in Beirut's southern suburb of Hay el
Sullom said they then struck at Marine
emplacements in self-defense. ,

F Lebanon
The Marines had no comment on the
Shiite charges and could not im-
mediately say from which direction the
attack came that killed the American
OFFICIAL Beirut radio said at least
two Lebanese soldiers were killed and
three were wounded. Police sources
said at least three civilians were killed
and 30 were wounded, but unofficial
sources said as many as 60 civilians
were wounded.
Marine spokesman Brooks said that
in each clash, the Marines fired only af-
ter being attacked.
In the Shiite neighborhood of Hay el-
Sellum, Amal fighters showed
reporters a blue-green school bus with
four large-caliber bullet holes in one
side and fresh blood on two of the 12
seats. The bus was carrying children
from the Shiite Ahileh School in nearby
Bourj el-Barajneh when it was hit.

Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
U.S. Senate candidate Jack Lousma, himself a University Law School graduate, encourages students to join the Reagan
campaign for re-election at a College Republicans meeting last night.

Plans for shelter formalized


Ann Arbor's homeless came one step closer to a
shelter last night as City Council unanimously passed
a resolution to establish a non-profit organization to
search for a permanent site.
The Inter-Faith Congregation of churches will now
look for a place for the shelter, and Councilman
Larry Hunter (D-1st Ward) said it may well be at 415
N. Fourth Ave., a site which has been the source of a
great deal of controversy.
. ROGER KERSON, who lives near the site, presen-
ted the council with a 133-signature petition suppor-
ting the use of the now vacant house as a shelter.
Many members of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Church, located about 20 feet from the house, oppose

the site because of concern about "the safety of our
parishioners" - especially women, children, and the
The church did, however, present the council with
$1,000 to be used for the eventual shelter, and
proposed another site on South Division.
"There is a tremendous need for hospitality (in Ann
Arbor)," he said, adding that a new shelter would be
a symbol of that hospitality.
Hunter, one of the co-sponsors of the resolution,
said a shelter is needed soon.
"There is still one basic problem in Ann Arbor, and
that problem is homeless people," he said. "We're

not going to rest until we do find a solution."
Councilman Richard Deem (D-2nd Ward), who also
co-sponsored the resolution, said that city officials
are negotiating for three potential houses for
shelters. He declined to identify the sites, but said he
hoped the new shelter would open by April 1 when the
shelter at St. Andrews closes.
The Advisory Committee on Emergency Housing,
which approved the resolution before it went to the
full council, will continue to meet and advise the
Congregation of Churches on the issue.
ST. ANDREW'S Episcopalian Church has provided
the homeless a place to sleep for the past year and a
half, and the Rev. James Lewis said he supported a
permanent homeless shelter.


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'U' faculty. to,
decide on

A proposal that the University sponsor a,
forum on academic freedom and military
research is being considered by a subcommit-
tee of the faculty's top governing body, the
panel's chairman said yesterday.
Nicholas Steneck, chairman of the Collegiate
Institute on Values in Science (CIVS), said he is
collecting recommendations from members of
his committee to determine whether such a
conference would be useful. He said he will
have the information ready to present to the
Senate Advisory Committee on University Af-
fairs (SACUA) late next week.
THE PROPOSAL for a forum on military
research came last November from David
Bassett, a professor in the medical school. He
proposed a. conference which would discuss the

conflict between academic freedom and the
morality of military research.
Although Steneck has not looked at all of the
materials professors have submitted to him, he
said the group appears to be split on whether
the University should sponsor such a conferen-
"There are reservations about how much can
be accomplished given the fact that positions
(regarding the military research issues) are
diametrically opposed," Steneck said.
SOME BELIEVE there should be no limit on
the academic freedom of researchers, while
others say the University must carefully con-
sider dangerous effects any research might
Bassett said he wants the conference to con-
front research which has the substantial pur-
pose to destroy or permanently incapacitate

human beings.
"It seems to me that somewhere in
academia, the issue needs to be addressed,
and the University is the appropriate in-
stitution," Bassett said. "My hope is that all
the University community will consider this an
important issue and give their thought to it."
ONE ARGUMENT against the conference is
that many of the issues have already been ad-
dressed through other channels. Also, because
the opinions of both sides are so divided chan-
ces are slim an agreement could be reached on
the issue.
Bassett's call for a forum comes after
numerous attempts by faculty and students to
impose guidelines on non-classified research at
the University. Senate Assembly votes last
April and in April 1982 showed wide faculty
support for such guidelines.

But the regents voted down the guidelines in
June 1983 saying that such rules would inter-
fere with academic freedom.
SIMILAR guidelines governing classified
research on campus have been in effect since
If the Senate Assembly, a group of 65
representative faculty members, approves
Bassett's proposal for a conference, it would
not be the first time such a meeting has been
held. In 1964, a meeting known as the
Declaration of Helsinki established universal
guidelines for research on humans.
In the 1970s, a conference sponsored by a
genetic lab in Asiloma, Calif., set restrictions
on the lab's research which were eventually
adopted by the National Institute of Health.
See 'U', Page 7

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Hfe No. 26
ONGRATULATIONS to Glynn De Moss Wolf. Not only
was he married recently in Las Vegas, but he also ex-
tended his world record. Wolf was married for the twenty-
sixth time - a world record, according to the Guiness Book.
The bride is also a divorsee - though not as many times -
whom Wolf has known for 10 years. "I was surprised when
she accepted my proposal," said the 75 year old minister.
'"She is so beautiful and sweet I couldn't resist asking."
Wolf's newest wife, Christine Sue Camacho, joined hands

and she helps me. I think that's nice. Husbands and wives
should be partners in marriage and help one another.
That's the only way there is.: Although Wolf says he has 40
children, he is not planning to start a new family. The bride
said she was hopeful this would be Wolf's last marriage.
The end of happy taxes
SO MUCH FOR the light-hearted approach to tax collec-
ting. The smiling and frowning faces that stared up at
Arkansas taxpayers from their state income tax forms

A TECHNICAL institute near Bologna, a northern
Italian city, is offering sex education courses from one
of the most informed persons in the field - a prostitute. "It
is a correct initiative from both the scientific and cultural
points of view," Professor Paola De Donato, principal of
the Technical Institute of Castelmaggiore, said of the plan
to include a prositute in the faculty for the course in.
February entitled "Males and Females." "It will offer an
interesting perspective," Miss De Donato said, adding that
attendance will not be mandatory. "I can only hope that the

Also on this date in history:
* 1921- The Senior Honor Committee discussed using an
honors system for University testing.
* 1944 - The Men's Judiciary Council threw out LSA
student government election results because of "alleged
irregularities in the voting. The council promised an
"immediate and thorough investigation."
- 1972 - Officials of the federal Health, Education, and
Welfare office met with University officials to investigate
alleged sex discrimination in hiring policies.




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