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January 28, 1984 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-28

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The Michigan Daily Saturday, January 28, 1984 Pge5
ate night dang
mysterious figure who manipulates people, or thinks he does,
By Joshua Bilmes and the audience shares in the uncertainty. He keeps files on
everyone he meets. Again, the audience never learns why or£g
for whom. Kwan is also the only character to really care
FTER ALMOST 60 years of talkies, new plots and stories about people. He takes Gibson on a tour of the underside of
are hard to find. The art of being a filmmaker is starting Indonesia and to the home of a child he has adopted, so to 'P
to become the ar.t of retelling the old ideas in a new and speak. Kwan gives the child's family a few pennies for rice,
ahetter manner. but the child dies. Kwan's obvious suffering leads to a
,,,Peter Weir's The Year of Living Dangerously, appearing change in his character, excellently executed by Hunt.
onmidnight weekends at the State Theater, is essentially a Basically Hunt is magnificent in this role. Many critics' a
love story that has been seen before. Weir managed to bring groups have given her the year's Best Supporting Actress
:as exceptional flair for atmosphere to the old story, however, Award, and it seems reasonable to assume she will be aa
:and crafted one of the best films of 1983. When Academy nominee for the Academy Award. 33. ] Nl\a k
Award nominations come out, the film is sure to have at least The film's cinematographer, Russell Boyd, also deserves a
a. ew. nomination. He teams with Weir, as he also does in
.,The star of The Year of Living Dangerously is Mel Gibson, Gallipoli and Picnic at Hanging Rock, to create a moody In-
of the Mad Max movies and Gallipoli, another Weir film. He donesia - a dark, foreboding place where the malaise is K
plays an Australian broadcaster who is sent to Jakarta, In- plain to see. 4
anesia shortly before the government of General Sukarno is Weir also includes plenty of political viewpoints in the
overthrown. His first experience is his meeting with Billy film. These political overtones combine with the
Kwan, a photographer played by Linda Hunt. Kwan in- cinematography to make it seem like one watches the coup \,
troduces Gibson to an attache with the British embassy take place after a long build-up instead of watching a filmed
played by Sigourney Weaver (Eyewitness and Alien), and romance with the coup as a backdrop.
the romance follows. That is the strength of The Year of Living Dangerously.
The love story, an essential twist of the film's plot, is what Love stories and romances are a dime a dozen, and the love
makes people stay in their seats. Will Gibson print some story set against the backdrop of war is fairly common itself.
secret information disclosed to him by Weaver? Will Weaver But to Weir, the romance is the background, and it is the coup
Mel Gibson takes time out from his dangerous exploits in The Year of Livng Dangerously' to confer
see Gibson? Basically, will the boy get the girl. that really counts. with his love, Sigourney Weaver.
The actual heart of the movie is Billy Kwan; he is a Stay up late for this one.
The Jones Girls - 'On Target' (RCA) Dazz Band's "Let it Whip," even though it's women Carlisle is today's Diana Ross, although she may yet
/< 'singing, and it's not nearly as good. This encouraging prove to be tomorrow's Leslie Gore.
Berry Gordy gave us The Supremes, Prince gave precedent is followed by a vinyl wasteland. The final, abbreviated reprise of On Target at the
us Vanity 6, Rick James unleashed the Mary Jane It's not that The Jones Girls are not vocally talen- close of the album served only to reinforce my
Gurls, and now ..Richard "Fonzi" Thornton writes ted, it's the awful Fonzi Thorton compositions they longing for a real girl group, with a balance of sugar
and produces for The Jones Girls. . are singing. Lyrics like these abound: and spice, of niceness and nastiness, and a SOUND.
Fonzi, Fonzi, Fonzi. You had me all excited. I He's knockin', knockin', knockin', knockin' at -John L ogie
thought you had the next Supremes on your hands.
You don't even have the next Shangri-Las. my heart you 've been away too long - better
Of the two types of girl-groups - nice, like the rush back - hurry home.
Supremes of Angels, and nasty, like Vanity 6 or the Where are Holland-Dozier-Holland now that we
Mary Jane Gurls - The Jones Girls are decidedly need them? Even when Brenda, Shirley, and Valorie
nice. They smile and wear sweater-minis rather arent trying to salvage one of Fonzi's songs, they're Jackson burned in accident
than lingerie. The whole cover concept is rather '60s- busy covering Van McCoy's "Baby I'm Yours;" a
pop-artsy-yet-with-an-'80s-feel. song that was bad enough the first time we heard it. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Pop singer Michael
When a group sets out to deliberately evoke.an The second-to-last song on the album "I'm a Jackson was hospitalized in good condition with
earlier, hallowed group theywhad better back it up. Woman Here," is mildly better than the rest of the seconddegree burns on his scalp yesterday after
..This strategy worked for a while with The Knack's limp offering, largely because it is not written by_ his hair caught fire when a smoke-bomb canister
Meet the Beatles-type album cover, yet where are Fonzi Thornton. It's an innocuous piece of reggae- exploded while he was filming a commercial, a
The Knack now? The answer is that The Knack are in tinted fluff, yet it shines in comparison to "2 Win U spokesman said.
the same place The Jones Girls are going. Do not Back." (Hey lyrics with abbreviations just like The cannister was part of specialeffects
evoke "Love Child" if you aren't ready to deliver on Prince's, wow!) equipment bg used durig the 6:30 p.m. filmig
the Supreme's level. The current dearth of good girl groups is a national of a concert scene for a Pepsi-Coia commercial.
The album starts promisingly enough with the title travesty. Vanity 6 is dead, the Mary Jane Gurls are Jackson, 25, arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical
song, "On Target." It's bouncy, it's got synthesized sleazy, and don't know how to spell, and no, holdout Center about 7:25 p.m., where he was in good con-
Tmredrums. For some odd reason it reminds me of The GoGos fans, you can't make me believe that Belinda dition, said hospital vice president Larry Baum.
The Jones Girls miss the bullseye n their newest release, 'On Target

subs cited
In Atlantic
Union has moved several nuclear sub-
marines into the Atlantic Ocean in
recent days, decreasing the time it
would take for their missiles to hit the
United States, defense sources said
The sources said they believe the
move was in retaliation for U.S.
deployment of intermediate-range
missiles in Western Europe.
The unusual spurt of activity by
Delta-2 class submarines, which nor-
mally do not range far from Soviet home
waters, is viewed seriously by U.S. in-
telligence and Navy officials, the sour-
ces said. The subs carry nuclear
missiles with a range 4,800 miles.
"It is a rather worrisome develop-
ment," one source said. "It deletes
long-term strategic warning" - the
time it would take for U.S. intelligence
to be aware missiles had been fired.
The movement of bigger, more
modern missile-carrying submarines to
positions off the U.S. east coast was.
viewed- by the sources, who requested
anonymity, as a direct response to the
U.S. deployment of Pershing-2 and
cruise missiles in Europe.
7 u .

Speaker advocates pro-Arab policy

(Continued from Page 1)
BASSIOUNI said that Israel is only
the "apparent servant of the U.S." and
that in reality it goes against our best
interests to continue furthering Israeli
The continued U.S. support of Israel
is creating a groundswell of resentment
in the Arab world, causing Arab nations
to view themselves as merely a back-
drop for the U.S.-Soviet conflict in an
arena where the only given is that
Israel mrust survive, he said.
Bassiouni pointed to the structure of
American politics as the source of
many Middle East problems. He said
the president and other policy makers
tend to rely too often on defense depar-
tment rather than state department
proposals, and added that decisions in
Congress are too frequently influen-
ced by the powerful pro-Israeli lobby.
HE SAID THESE influences create a
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$2.00 SHOWS BEFORE 6:00 P.M.

policy which supports Israeli moves
which are "contrary to everything I
think this country stands for," such as
Israeli expansion into the West Bank.
The tension over the issue was
evident in the question and answer

session,. where several people
challenged his conclusions about U.S.
interests in the Middle East, such as the
importance of the Mediterranean Sea to
U.S. submarine -launched nuclear

Burnt Out AP Photo
A Californian man picks through the burned interior of his home near Los
Angelos, where a brush fire ignited his house and several others in the area
Housing Division Resident Director
Position Available August 1, 1984
Undergraduate Female House
Application Forms Available
in the Housing Office, 1500 S.A.B.
A bachelor's degree or the equivalent is desirable.
Henderson House offers a co-operative living arrangement.
The 30 undergraduate women residents share the responsi-
bilities of cleaning the house and cooking meals by each
working five hours per week. The Resident Director super-
vises the work activities, orders food, is responsible for

New York
New York Times

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