I OPINION 'Page 4 Saturday, January 28, 1984 The Michigan Daily - 1 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIV-No. 98 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Reagan's (di HERE ARE SOME old faces ..smiling at Ronald Reagan from new places these days, and their move to new offices is a beautiful example of business as usual in 'the White House. Reagan lovers surely are welcoming Ed Meese to his new position as Attor- ney General, replacing William Fren- ch Smith (who left to help with Reagan's reelection effort) as they have welcomed Secretary of the In- terior William Clark as James Watt's successor. The new cabinet members come to their offices not as well- qualified advisors, but as Reagan cronies who will be less controversial than Smith and Watt. Smith had a profound ignorance of. the tradition of his office - an ignorance that Meese shares. Smith distinguished himself in his ability to ignore judicial precedent to the point of lawlessness. Under his leadership, the Attorney General's office sought tax breaks for racist schools, it weakened sex discrimination laws applying to colleges, and he ignored fanatacist plans to increase censorship, use more lie detector tests, and place limitations on the Freedom of Information Act. He developed "looking, the other way" into an art. Meese supported many of the im- proprieties that Smith ignored. He has been a leader in efforts to alter civil S)appointments rights policies and eliminate legal ser- vices for the poor. Meese's appoin- tment will not change the, distorted viewpoint of the Attorney General's of- fice. In fact, the exuberance with which that viewpoint is imposed may very well increase. Meese and Smith are from the same ideological family, a family that often preaches sexist, racist, and arrogant policy. When you view things from the same country club, it's hard to not see eye to eye. Reagan's cosmetic cabinet changes do little more than help to erase the memory of past mistakes. With Clark heading the Department of the In- terior, the controversy is gone - proving Reagan has good timing. The president wants the travesties of Watt to be forgotten and his own environ- mental insensitivity to go unrecognized. Watt was unqualified to protect the environment; Clark is no more able. What does a former National Security Advisor know about the environment? Pitifully little. Reagan has not appointed people sensitive to the responsibilities bestowed upon them. Instead he em- ploys flunkies who pander to his beck and call. Watt and Smith lacked the background and propriety to fulfill their functions responsibly. Clark and Meese will probably preserve the ignorance and insensitivity charac- terized by their predecessors. In the escalating debate over how to improve our public education system, the time may have arrived when it no longer is appropriate to speak of reform - of tinkering with curriculum, budgets, and administration. The time has arrived, perhaps, to speak in radical language. The fact is, all the arguments over this or that approach to education take as their basic assumption the notion that we all agree on what education is, or should be. Our schools are built on ideas that go back to the an- cient Greeks, the Enlightenment, and the 19th and 20th century reformers. This heritage, one might think, has bequeathed us an educational wisdom tested by the ages. BUT INSTEAD of the certainty of wisdom, we find the confusion of ignorance. We do not know what education really is, and consequently we cannot agree on how to improve it. Recognition of this basic fact may be the first step toward leading our children out of the educational maze so many find themselves in. It may help, for purposes of perspective, to look at what other cultures think of education. The most basic clues are probably in the words they use to describe the process. For instan- ce, the Latin roots of the English word "educate" mean simply "to lead out." The word conjures up images of wise and older teachers leading youngsters by the hand through the difficult passages of life. In German and Russian, the common root for the word education means to shape a child the way a sculptor shapes clay. In Chinese and Japanese, the word suggests two ideas: instruction, plus allowing a child to grow naturally. In the Arabic language, the word means to im- part learning to children.m DOES OUR system of education do any'of these things? As for leading children through life, most American teachers Expanding our educational boundaries By Franz Schurmann have enough trouble finding their own way, especially outside the school or home. And as for molding children to become replicas of their elders, the idea runs up against the modern fact that no new generation wants to assume the shape of its parent generation. Nor, indeed, can it afford to. Instruction clearly remains one key task of all education. And allowing children to develop with natural potential should also remain a prime goal. But as we know from declining test scores and massive dropout rates, public education is doing poorly in both these critical areas. That leaves only the custodial function - "free" day care - as the residue. Obviously, education is not and cannot be a single thing; it must be a mix of subject matters, ap- proaches and experiences. IT ALSO may have t& be a mix of schools. Most schools attempt to offer children an integrated curriculm, a full meal of knowledge food all children are thought to need to function adequately as adults. But in a world of constantly changing technologies, populations, ideas, and values, it may be that no single school can be expected to provide an adequate and integrated diet. Instead, perhaps our "basic" school approach should be to provide just that: basics - math, science, and English. If public education did no more than train children in these skills, it would have done an important job. THAT IS only part of what youngsters must learn. They also must acquire special and customized knowledge that will help them develop their natural and individual potential. We live in an economy of work and jobs diversified as never before in human history. The earlier youngsters learn the special skills appropriate to their time, the better their chances when moving into adulthood. And they must learn now to cultivate their physical health. The Greeks and Romans stressed physical education: "A. healthy mind in a healthy body." This remains valid. Such a triple-sided educational approach is feasible today. We stillihave a fine structure of public education. It should be slimmed down and accept a par- tial rather than total role in the education of children. Its main function should be imparting the basics. PUBLIC EDUCATION could carry out this task in a shortened school day ending at noon. We also have thousands of private and specialized schools. All cost extra money. But they give youngsters the kind of customized education the regular schools find difficult to do. And we have a vast juvenile sports system both inside and outside the public schools - for martial arts, dance, exercise, swimming, etc. Public schools plus suitable private schools should remain the core of education in the basics, taking approximately half of the school day. The other half could then be allotted to specialized education and physical education, which should be man- dated by law. These functions could be provided by a mix of public and private enterprises that already exist, such as special classes in music, com- puters, languages, etc., plus a program of physical training. The demand for such services also would generate an even wider spread. How can all this be paid for? One idea that has much appeal is vouchers. If the public educational system were to be slimmed down, the money saved and new tax money could go for vouchers that parents can use like food stamps to purchase the kind of education they want for -their children. Children would have to go to public (or suitable private) schools for education in the basics. But the parents could then use their vouchers to acquire educational opportdnities for the second half of the entire portfolio throughout the vast range of schools that offer specialized in- struction. Schurmann is a professor of history and sociology at the Univerity of California Berkeley. He wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. 4 Voter incentive f // G , . ' 4. , ii' 4 ' t .. pt N. r, ' ,-i , i Si nclair ,O N A TYPICAL evening in Ann Arbor, the majority of students worry about homework, Charley's, or Saturday's party. Next November's elections are as far from their minds as Ronald Reagan's Bonzo movies. But members of several campus groups have their minds on those elections, and on non-voting students. The Public Interest Research Group in -Michigan, the Michigan Student Assembly, and other groups have 'launched a 10-day campaign to register at least 750 students. The win- :ners in this effort will be the students who stop at the booths in the fishbowl and MLB to sign up. There are a million arguments against registering to vote and voting - you don't know who is running, none of the candidates is worth your vote, you haven't got the time. But if you don't vote, who will vote for the can- didate in favor of increasing the availability of financial aid and money for the University; who will vote for the candidate favoring a repeal of the Solomon Amendment; and who will vote for the candidate favoring a lower drinking age? Still, if you are not convinced by any of the patriotic or political rationales for registering, some local restaurants have other incentives. Ten restaurants are offering discounts or free items for newly-registered voters. So now students have another reason to register to vote: they can cut their food bills. I TNT NckEPUf*LE SNKf'I cJRt'C. "_ .r 4 _ fI /1 ., L - - s 4/ C,]VD1 .'S~. -- ' !--' Al NV- $EfbRE 4 ,1- f- , ti.s LETTERS TO THE DAILY: __ _. _ Keeping the whole world in line To the Daily: The article, "'U' to stiffen student conduct policy," (Daily, January 19) on the proposed student code of non-academic conduct brought, or should have brought, this controversial proposal to the attention of the radical student body. I, however, see no controversy in this proposal. It is the right thing and just thing to do in this country. It will and must prevent the country from entering a period of outspokenness and dissent such as that radical period of unrest known as the 190s. Tn nn other eountrv has sometimes great people do com- mit wrongs just as inferior people. I also suggest a code of conduct for University professors and administrators, for they are the ones who instill liberal- communist - left - wing - radical ideas in the minds of young students. (I thank God for giving me the power to disregard and chastise any thought or belief that I, and the rest of my fellow Moral Majority members, know BLOOM COUNTY is wrong.) Finally, I propose a general code of conduct for all University employees and all inhabitants of University proper- ty (e.g. diag squirrels). For although important officials may not always be disciplined for their actions, if order is to take hold firmly, forever, discipline must begin at the lowest levels. In closing, I remind readers that if it were not for such in- dividualistic and free nations, such as the Soviet Union, there would. not be the unrest that exists in the world today. Perhaps someday, maybe in 2084, the people of the world, with the help of conduct codes like the proposed ones, will be able to live with peace, conformity, and the apathy for freedom that the inhabitants of the United States today approach as time flies by. - Tom Vandini January 27 by Berke Breathed A1760N.mAfNTARrr7 MRXI5 ( L50 AU. WE A5K 15 A UrU _ 111'/ 0I _ _ .. i!A/Va l F, A M-4--, /A JAL 'VI(AITh I