w - .,.. Shelter from Page 1 have joined the ranks of aged winos and the mentally ill in shelters for the homeless nationwide. Their reasons for living on the streets are as varied as the individuals themselves. Few have chosen their way of life. In Ann Arbor, two shelters keep an average of 50 people safe from the freezing temperatures every night. But volunteers say those shelters are operating at capacity and that the need may soon outgrow the current facilities. Their goal - to open a permanent shelter for the homeless in Ann Arbor - has created a storm of public discussion, which shelter advocates say has been clouded by misunderstandings over who the homeless are, what their lives are like, and how they can best be! helped. According to a "quick study" conduc- ted by University Social Work Prof. Lawrence Root in 1982, the homeless include a cross-section of the Ann Arbor community that is difficult to categorize. "What we found was that the! homeless are an extremely heterogeneous group," Root says. "They are not only the people that we tend to think of - the sort of traditional hobo figure. They can be sufferers of mental illness refusing further treat- ment. They can be people just passing through who have run out of money. They can be people who are out of a job and in need of a place to live. . . we are talking about many kinds of people." Root says it is as difficult to count the area's homeless as it is to categorize them. Government statistics don't in- clude people who have given up looking for work and are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits. Because of the transient lifestyle many of the homeless lead, some are never counted. "We really should just stop talking about street people because that presents an image that we just can't seem to get over," says the Rev. James Lewis, pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. "The reality of who is actually on the street today is a lot more com- plicated." Lewis, whose church has provided shelter for the area's homeless for over a year, says he has noticed an in- creasing number of homeless women and young, unemployed black men. "It's changed radically, the make-up of who's in trouble and who's on the street," Lewis says. "A lot more people are coming into soup kitchens and shelters who normally never would= have set foot inside one." THE SHELTER at St. Andrew's Church on North Division Street provides the bare minimum for a safe night's rest. As many as 40 "guests" sleep on foam mattresses scattered around the church's basement recreation area. Women sleep on a small wooden stage at one end of the room; men camp out on the floor. Guests bring their own blankets. Many of the guests are regulars and long-time friends. The hour before bed- time is devoted to friendly socializing; the cigarette smoke from that hour leaves a pale fog hanging in the lobby area for the rest of the night. Although newcomers are eyed suspiciously at first, they are accepted into . the little community within an evening or two. Many of the more established guests help the newer, younger ones adjust to life on the streets after getting to know them at the shelter. "This program here is decent," says Bill "Dad" Mumford, 39, a regular at St. Andrew's for the past four months. "It ain't no Holiday Inn. There's no television, no phone, no champagne or stuff like that, but it's decent." Mumford, a native of Ann Arbor, has been looking for an affordable home here since he first arrived from Westland, Michigan, in October. He says he wanted to come back to Ann Arbor because "everybody knows me here. This is my place." But after four months of frustration, he says it's time to give up and start hunting in Ypsilanti. "If you're going to put your money down, you at least want a place that's decent," he says. "This town is for college kids and rent is way over what it should be. Ann Arbor's a good town but ... this is a money town and if you ain't got no paper, there ain't nothing you can do." AFTER TWO YEARS as St. Andrew's pastor, Rev. Lewis says he, too, has decided to leave Ann Arbor. Although Lewis says his decision to move on has little to do with the stiff opposition he has encountered since fir- st proposing a church-operated shelter for the homeless, he says his experien- ces with the politics of poverty in Ann Arbor have helped him realize that he would prefer to live in less affluent community. "There have been times when I've asked deep questions about the total community here," he says. "Can this community house people who don't have anything? I just don't know. The jury's still out." When Lewis arrived in Ann Arbor in late 1982, the only shelter available for the homeless was Arbor Haven, an 18- bed facility operated by the Salvation Army. Acting on a recommendation made by the City's Poverty Committee, Lewis convinced his parish to rent a house to provide temporary shelter for the homeless until the city could set up a permanent facility. St. Andrew's program, dubbed "The House Across The Street" because of the new shelter's proximity to the chur- ch, was forced to shut down a few mon- ths later when neighbors complained that the large number of people staying there each night violated city zoning codes. Unwilling to force the homeless back onto the streets, Lewis moved the program into the basement of the chur- ch itself - over the indignant protests of many of his parishioners. Much of the anger and fear Lewis en- countered during the early stages of the St. Andrew's program has since died down, he says, and he calls the current protest over a proposal to open a per- manent shelter at 415 N. Fourth Ave. "deja vu." The proposed shelter, scheduled for City Council consideration on Monday, is located immediately behind St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. Although church members have served a weekly free lunch to the city's poor for almost a year, they say locating the shelter in the eight-bedroom house directly behind their bilding would create unnecessary danger for parishioners, including women and school children, who use the church at night. "You don't put bars within 200 feet of schools or churches," says C. Nicholas Raphael, president of St. Nicholas' parish council. "Why would you put a shelter so close? . . . They're telling us, 'We'll send the cops up the back alley once in a while,' but I don't think that's enough" "We went through it all last year when we started our program," Lewis says. "All the things they are saying are the things that they were saying here at our church. They got frightened. They were saying, 'The people off the street will hurt us.' . . . A year's experience has shown us that those fears can be overcome." Jack Wilson, director of social ser- vices for Ann Arbor's Salvation Army, says Arbor Haven residents frequently share dining and meeting facilities with senior citizens and children par- ticipating in other programs. "The very people that St. Nicholas (parishioners) seem to be frightened of are the ones that we have been dealing with and we have had no problems," Wilson says, adding that neighborhood opposition is the main roadblock to creating another permanent shelter. Although Arbor Haven runs a more structured program than the St. An- drew's shelter does - including man- datory prayer meetings, group discussion sessions, and daily meetings with a case worker - Wilson thinks both programs are essential to meet the needs of Ann Arbor's homeless. For the shelter currently under con- sideration, Wilson favors creating an open-ended program similar to the one at St. Andrew's rather than duplicating Arbor Haven's more rigid "self-help" structure. "There are people in the community who. ... say, 'Hey, if we're going to give somebody something, then we've got a right to demand something of them, and if people aren't willing to cooperate with that, don't give them anything," Wilson says. "But we already know from experience that there is a segment, a group of people, who just don't work well in a structured setting. They would rather not have any shelter at all than have to go through the program.. . but we need to make sure they don't freeze to death out there because of that." ST. ANDREW'S houses its share of such free spirits. Several have tried the Arbor Haven program and found it too structured for their purposes. j"I am violently opposed to the system," bellows Charles Harris, one of the more philosophical regulars at St. Andrew's. This particular evening he is not exceptionally drunk, just talkative. Arbor Haven "is a shrink tank for a bunch of dummies. It is an animalistic atmosphere. The rules are set up as prison rules," he says. The few guests who remain awake af- ter lights-out to smoke one more cigarette quietly remind Harris how much his voice is echoing through the sleeping area. He obligingly tones down to a theatrical whisper. "Here we're treated like human beings (but) sometimes I get rebellious and refuse to even stay here, if it's warm enough," he says. "The average member of the so-called status quo ... is afraid to acknowledge the fact that they would like some of this freedom." Harris, whb says he plays the drums for a reggae band, was born in Ann Ar- bor and has made the city his home ever since. A self-proclaimed free spirit, he is angered by the city's shor- tage of low-income housing and dreams of one day having a place of his own. But he won't leave town to find it. "I've lived here 40 years and they're trying to move me out of town," he says. "I was born and raised here. Why should I be run out of town?" Although boisterous and animated for the first half-hour at the shelter, Harris eventually quiets down and becomes pensive. He waves a hand toward his fellow shelter guests. ............... ....................... ... ... .. ... .................. ........... . . ....... .. X IX: .............................. . ..... .. .... ... ..... .............. ........ .. . ... .... Bill Nelson Vistamix CBS Records By Jim Boyd T HE SYNTHESIZED noises of rock and funk and jazz have come from machines whose circuitry alters, divor- ces the emotion of the creator from the created. Music and its bond to lifeare threatened. The sounds come from machines as distantly separated from their creators as the music is from the musician. Electrons travel tangled highways where once sound existed on strings or in air. Life, as we know it, is lost to the ravages of particle decay. But where life is lost it is elsewhere born. The machine between man and his music has developed a being of its own. The robot achieves a birth, not of body, but of soul. Nelson has pushed his machine from the nest and it now must fly or fall. In its struggle it has to know, who pushed it and from where? This is music conceived and brought to fruition by the mechanism. It does Rodney Rodney Dangerfield Rockin' Rodney RCA By Ben Yomtoomb I'm scared. Receiving an assignment to review one of the finest albums of the year is something which would cause any reporter to cringe in fear. I did not recieve an assignment to review one of the finest albums of the year, but I'm scared anyway. Basically, I'm scared ninety percent of the time. I just think that its important for people to know. The album I did recieve was Rodney Dangerfield's Rappin' Rodney. What did I think of it? I don't know that that's important. But then, who knows what's important and what's not important. Do you? If you do, please contact me in care of the Daily. Seriously. I actually kind of liked this album. It contains the recordings of one of Mr. Dangerfield's night club acts with one startling exception - namely the title cut, which, by now, most of us have either heard of seen on MTV. Rod is aging, but is still able to pull off the "I don't get no respect at all" schtick with a tolerable level of acceptance. Particularly impressive is his ability to deal with idiotic hecklers from the audience. For instance, when an ob- noxious jerk asks the master o self- not copy but instead searches for the answers only hinted at within the miles of wire and flashes of diode. The ties to the old are forgotten except for these. There is lifeless yearning, a striving from darkness into light. The metal sheen acquiring what little warmth it can find. No easy sounds are these for conflict arises out of a mystery of origin. Alone in the world it has very lit- tle to work with. Fools desire the things forbidden us... / of this rule we are all prisoners. The machine is the prisoner of its lost beginnings. The knowledge man possesses is the jewel toward which it strains. The voice shifts octaves with facility and yet the ease is deceiving. It struggles within a cage against limitations unrecognized. Time to work it out/ chasing my tail! I'm seeing double! time to make a move. Desires are recognized but couched in naive terms. Love is lust and passion but adventure. The child doesn't know the right things to say but says them anyway. The birth and struggle, though coming from such barren circumstan- ces, yield the fruit toward which creation plods. Adolescence creeps in and there is a rebel thought in my state of mind. The questioning has arrived at some answers and starts to state them forcefully. The growth continues until in maturity the panic, the questions, the deprecation how big his rod is, Rodney replies: "What, don't you remem- ber?". Most of the better gags, however, are on the second side. One thing that begins to wear on the listner is Rodney's lead-ins such as "I tell ya" and "you kiddin"' which he repeats constantly until they become irritating. Bill Nelson: Robot rock discovery, the assertion, the reflection find another day, another ray of hope/ another way to say hello. Life in flux, alien to us and yet not unlike its creator. The processes of growth remain uniform and constant, only the births now are of the truly Now for the title cut (the musical rap). In all honesty I have to say that I generally don't like this kind of stuff because it is boring and repetitive; in some of his rap, Rodney seems to in- dicate that he shares similar concerns. (For example he beseeches the band to keep their day jobs.) Since the rap is so skillfully constructed and has unknowing there mus cerely as his own we a world c for itself, From this humorous that the so' In conclu that, altho this album and would a gift for up/thumbs Rodney ge COME HOME TO THE DAILY AND A FREE PIZZA FROM SNAPPY'S! Subscribe to c and receive a FREE PIZZA from SNAF A $5.00 value FREE with your new Sub A Semes ter of the Daily and Suicppys Only $8.00! Subscr 764.055 Shelter: A place to rest and a bite to eat I p 10 Weekend/January 27, 1984 3 V