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January 26, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-26

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily k Thursday, January 26, 1984

Handbook author says careers are a crock

(Continued from Page 1)

generation's look like a trip to
Disneyland," she said.
Sipping a coke in a booth at the Pon-
tchartrain hotel before rushing to
Channel 7's studio to tape an interview,
Crimmins explains why she is
wearing lavender Nike running shoes
with her conservative gray flannel
business suit.
The garb is the female YAP uniform
that "everyone" wears in New York.
Women take off the running shoes to put
on classic high-heeled pumps when they
get to the office.
YAP - a spin-off of the professional

Yap - Crimmins loves second-hand
clothing such as an old- black sequined
dress - although her color consultant
warned her that the vintage dress adds
ten years to her appearance.
"When I started writing the book I
didn't think I was a YAP. But now I'll
admit to it. It's like being born again or
something," she says with a hooting
The YAP handbook differs from its
predecessors on Preppies, Lawyers
Jewish Mothers, and of course its
cousin the JAP (Jewish American
Princess) handbook, Crimmins says.
"EVERYONE CAN be a YAP," said

Crimmins. "Preppies don't really exist
except for a -couple thousand people in
this country."
The sign of a true preppie is that he or
she knows someone with a summer
house on "some secluded lake in Maine,
says Crimmins.
"I've never known anyone who has
had a summer house in my entire life. I
could never be a preppie. There's just
no way."
YAPS ARE ALSO the new target
audience for advertisers. From Brie to
pasta makers to the esoteric mushroom
brush, grabbing a chunk of a YAP's
salary is part of a new market trend.
Even Crimmins admits to taking ad-

vantage of that market by flying from
city to city to promote her book.
But celebrity life is new for Crim-
mins. Past occupations include writing
a book on seeds and working as a public
relations person at the Human Resour-
ces Network, where she says she lear-
ned first-hand about prioritizing,
touching base, and feedback.
She earned a bachelor's degree in
English from Douglas College, an all-
girls school in New Jersey, after which
she went on to receive a doctorate
degree in English from the University
of Pennsylvania in 1977 - despite the
agony over her thesis on Good Friday
servants of the 14th Century.

Reagan calls for manned space station
before. We can now move witn confidence to seize the

(Continued fromPage 1)
due next week, is expected to carry a deficit of $180
The president said his administration will later
propose a total overhaul of the federal tax code in "an
historic reform for fairness, simplicity and incen-
tives for growth." His timetable called for Treasury
Secretary Donald Regan to draw up recommen-
dations by December - a month after the election.-

In words directed to Soviet leaders, Reagan said
"there is only one sane policy, for your country and
mine, to preserve our civilization in this modern age:
A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be
He called on the nation to unite "to keep America
free, secure and at peace in the '80s," and said that it
is now "safer, stronger and more secure in 1984 than

opportunities for peace, and we will."
Reagan reiterated his interest in a tax credit based
on private school tuitions, called for constitutional
amendment allowing voluntary prayer in schools,
urged greater discipline in schools, and underlined
the need to crack down on organized crime.
But mostly, the speech offered the nation a look at
the president highlighting what he views as his ac-
complishments in three years and five days in office.

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(Continued from Page 1)
John Heidke, associate director for
housing, also fielded questions from
reporters on the new dormitory alcohol
policy at the forum held in the Kuenzel
roomof the Michigan Union.
The policy, which stiffens rules on
students drinking alcohol in their dor-
mitory roms, is a necessary step to en-
sure the regulations will be enforced,
Heidke said.
"IT IS NOT a new policy," he said.
"It is a restatement and an expansion
of the old policy."
Heidke said the old policy was vague
and did not claify how residence hall
staff members should enforce the rules.
the tougher rules are not meant to
restrict students from socializing, said

"Our concern is now how 'much
alcohol is consumed, but instead
teaching students to be responsible,"
Hughes added.
"The purpose of the residence hall is
to provide a good environment for lear-
PANELISTS at the forum sponsored
by The Michigan Daily and Canterbury
Loft also questioned the housing of-
ficials about the revised policy on han-
dling bomb threats in University dor-
In response to a rash of prank calls
last year, fire alarms will no longer be
pulled automatically when the Univer-
sity receives a bomb threat.
"We think there is less chance of in-
juries if we do not evacuate in the event
of a bomb threat," Heidke said.
INSTEAD, residence hall staff will
notify students that there has been a
threat while the University security in-
vestigates the threat.
If there is substantial evidence to
verify the call, fire alarms would be
sounded and buildings evacuated im-
mediately, he said.

Dorm policies clarified

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
U.S. finds new Soviet missiles
WASHINGTON - A new, more accurate Soviet medium-range nuclear
missile that could pose a wider threat to Western Europe has been spotted in
East Germany for the first time, U.S. intelligence sourcessaid yesterday.
That sighting of an SS-22 rocket could mark the start of the weapon's
deployment on Soviet allied territory in response to placement of new U.S.
intermediate-range missiles in Western Europe, said the sources, who spoke
only on condition they remain anonymous.
The 560-mile-range SS-22, developed to replace old SS-12 missiles, never
before has been deployed outside the Soviet Union, the sources said.
The SS-22 was seen at Bernsdorf, East Germany, about 33 miles west of the
Polish border, the sources said. From such a position, the SS-22 could hit
targets throughout West Germany, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, as well as
part of Britain, France and Italy.
ABC pays record price for
rights to' 88 winter Olympics
NEW YORK - ABC has purchased broadcast rights to the 1988 Winter
Olympics for a record $309 million - nearly $100 million more than it paid
for this year's Summer Games. But there's speculation in broadcasting cir-
cles that the 1988 Games in Calgary may be the last shown exclusively on,
free television.
ABC will be covering its 10th Games in the last 13 Olympics, missing out
only on the U.S.-boycotted 1980 Summer Games from Moscow, the 1972 Win-
ter Games and the 1964 Summer Games.
According to a network source, ABC won an out-and-out bidding war
with NBC. CBS had dropped out earlier, but NBC was ready to pay $300
The winning bid, which doesn't include costs for production; planning and
personnel, was the highest in Olympic history, surpassing the $225 million
ABC is paying for the Los Angeles Games this summer. Exclusive U.S.
broadcast rights for next month's Winter Games in Sarajevo cost ABC $91.5
Catholicism not state religion
under Italian premier's plan
ROME - The Socialist premier of Italy yesterday proposed major
changes in the nation's relationship with the Vatican. Roman Catholicism
would cease to be the state religion and Rome would lose its status as a "sacred
The changes, which Premier Bettino Craxi presented to Parliament, are
in a proposed revision of the Holy See's 54-year-old concordat with the
Italian state and are the fruit of 15 years of negotiations between the Vatican
and the increasingly secular Italian state.
In a 50-minute address televised nationwide, Craxi said the revisions
would overcome what he called the "unsuitable and anachronistic"
provisions now governing church-state relations.
The changes would not alter the status of Vatican City as an independent
state run by the pope in the heart of Rome.
Under the revised concordat, religious education would be given only to
schoolchildren whose parents requested it -special privileges no longer
would be given'to arrested clerics, and the capital would lose the "sacred
city" designation that allowed the banning of books the church found unac-
Moslem leader chides Gemayel
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Lebanon's most influential Sunni Moslem leader
yesterday joined critics of embattled President Amin Gemayel, whose for-
ces fought rebels in the mountains and in the streets of the capital.
Government troops, some manning tanks, fought Shiite Moslem
militiamen in crowded southern Beirut while army gunners exchanged ar-
tillery rounds with Druze Moslem rebels in the mountains overlooking the
There were no immediate reports suggesting the fighting involved the U.S.
Marines, whose presence in Beirut was vigorously defended by President
Reagan at a meeting with Congressional leaders in Washington.
With Gemayel's Christian-dominated administration already isolated,
former Prime Minister Saeb Salem, patriarchiof the Sunni community, ac-
cused the government of using emergency powers to establish "dictatorial"
High court refuses killer's stay
STARKE, Fla. - The U.S. Supreme Court last night refused to halt today's
execution of contract killer Anthony Antone in Florida's electric chair.
The court rejected by a 7-2 vote a plea to postpone the execution, scheduled
by the state after one stay had expired and a federal appeals court had
refused to reconsider the case for Antone, who at.66 is the oldest man on
Florida's death row.I
In an unsigned opinion issued less than 12 hours before ,the scheduled
execution, the court said Antone's lawyers had'failed to present any new
grounds to justify dela in his execution.
The court also rejected he convicted killer's appeal to throw out his death
sentence. The only dissenters were Justices William J. Brennan and
Thurgood Marshall, who oppose the death sentence in all circumstances.
The high court had previously twice refused to intervene on behalf of An-

The inmate, convicted in the 1975 murder of a former detective, had been
scheduled to die in the electric chair at 7 a.m. Tuesday. However, a three-
judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta granted a
temporary stay which expired at noon yesterday.


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fh iirigan 1a i
Thursday, January 26, 1984
Vol. XCI V-No. 96
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates: $8 in Ann Arbor; $10 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420oMaynard Street, Ann
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Billing, 764-0550. Tom Ehr. Joe Ewing, Chris Gerbasi. Jeff Harrison. Pau
Editor-in-chief........................BARRY WITT 'Helgren, Steve Hunter. Tom Keaney. Ted Lerner, Doug
Managing Editor............JANET RAE Levy. Tim Makinen. Adam Martin. Mike McGraw.
News Editor ........... GEORGE ADAMS Scott McKinley. Barb McQuade, Lisa Nolen, Phil
Student Affairs Editor .............. .G . BETH ALAEN Nussell, Rob Pollard, Mike Redstone. Scott Salowich,
Paula Schipper. Randy Schwartz. Rich Weidis, Steve
Opinion~n PaeEios.DYoSPAKc Wise, Andrea Wolf.

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Arts/Magazine Editors .............. MARE HODGES'
Associate Arts Editor ................. JAMES BOYD
Sports Editor ... . ....... JOHN KERR
Associate Sports Editors .. . JIM DWORMAN
Chief Photographer ............... DEBORAH LEWIS
NEWS STAFF: Marian Abernathy, Cheryl Boacke.
Sue Barto. Neil Chase, Laurie Delater, Andrew
Eriksen, Marcy Fleisher, Jeanette Funk, Rachel Got-

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Soles Monoger MEG GIBSON
Operations Manager LAURIE ICZKOVITZ
Classified Manager PAM GtLLERY
Display Manager JEFF VOIGI
Finance Manager JOE TRULIK
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