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January 21, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-21

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sunny with high temperatures
stretfhing to six degrees.

P. XCIV-No. 92 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, January 21, 1984 Fifteen CentsEight Pages

ity to see
Ann Arbor Cablevision will show six
ichigan basketball games previously
navailable in this area. The contests
ill be shown at no cost to the com-
any's subscribers.
The firm bought the rights to the
ames from Sports View, the Nashville-
ased company which first purchased
he rights from the Michigan athletic
epartment in November.
ANN ARBOR cablevision is paying
ports View a fee based on its number
f subscribers. The games had
)reviously been available on a pay-per-
'ew basis in other areas, but not in Ann
The games will be shown on cable
hannel 19, channel F on older boxes.
rhe first game on the station will be
Text Thursday at Purdue.
Sharon Wilson, the cable company's
reneral, manager, explained that the
ystem does not currently possess
acilities to provide pay-per-view.
elecasts. Instead, it will sell adver-
sing to raise revenue.
"Sports View is offering some time to
ill with local advertising," she said.
'We're hoping that we can make the
noney up that way."
FOLLOWING THE Purdue telecast,
inn Arbor Cablevision will telecast the
anuary 28 game at Illinois, February
See ANN, Page 7

Em'pire strikes


Regents rebound to blast activists

With the kids off in school yesterday
morning, the regents finished their
monthly meeting in a quick, quiet half-
hour session marked by some harsh
criticism of the behavior of student ac-
The first day of the monthly meeting
had ended Thursday afternoon with
about 50 students blasting the regents
during and after the public comments
session for everything from military
research on campus to not allowing
students enough time to air their
grievances before the University's
governing body.
BUT YESERDAY morning, with
none of the activists in the room and
only a few press people to hear their
grievances, the regents struck back.
After finishing their official business,
the six of seven regents present com-
mented on the speeches they had heard
the day before, complaining that the
,protesters were misinformed and too
confrontational in approach.
"It's obvious (the students) had not
been apprised of the facts," said
Regent Robert Nederlander (D-
Saline) said of Tom Marx, an activist
who has appeared before the regents
more than half a dozen times in the last
year, that "he takes certain of the facts,
by actual design he eliminates others,
and through his design he comes to
some conclusions that are unwarran-
ted." Last month, Marx presented to
the regents an evaluation of the Univer-
sity's budget that he compiled for the

Michigan Student Assembly.
Responding to the complaint voiced
by students that the regents haven't
been listening to what the speakers are
saying, Roach said, "What some of
them seem to be saying is, if we don't
agree with them, we haven't listened
to them. They expect us to talk (about
issues) and then negotiate. Well, I don't
agree with what they say. .. and it will
be some time before I do."
The regents also said they were sear-
ching for ways to open better lines of
communication with students, but they
came to no resolution. Roach suggested
that the, board set up open meeting
times just before or after the scheduled

regents' meetings.
City) expressing sympathy for some of
the student positions, said that their ef-
forts to repeatedly bring up topics that
have already been decided is a waste
of time. "I don't think we should change
our format because one group says
we're not listening when we are
After the meeting, Regent Sarah
Goddard Power (D-Ann Arbor) said
"there are all kinds of forums (for
opinions to be expressed) and to
harangue that way is not appropriate."
See REGENTS, Page 3

Tuition freeze may
be unconstitutional

Gov. James Blanchard's plan to keep
college and university tuition down by
tying it to state funding, is getting a:
rather chilly reception at the Univer-
sity. Some top officials say the plan is
misleading and some call it uncon-
In his "State of the State" address
Wednesday, Blanchard proposed to
freeze tuition at the state's colleges and
universities in exchange for a 10 perce-
nt increase in state funding.
IF SCHOOLS and colleges do raise
their tuition, they are still eligible for 6
percent increase in state money.

Invisible man
A University of Minnesota student crosses campus through
weather yesterday. Temperatures in Minneapolis dropped to
degrees below zero Thursday night.

AP Photo
below zero
a record 24

Hunting season
for off-campus
housing opens

Rental Agency

Types of Units

Rental Information

You may dread the thought of
another year's housing search, but now
is the time to start looking if you're in
the.market for a specific size, shape, or
location for your home next year.
Landlords are already reporting lots
of calls from early-bird students,
seeking that elusive house or apar-
tment with a dishwasher, seperate
rooms for everyone, working fireplace,
hardwood floors, eight-month lease,
and the all-important washer and dryer
for less than $150 a month.
AFTER TWO YEARS of double-digit
vacancy rates, the city housing market
has returned to something close to its
old self again. Last fall the vacancy
NSA's Housing Fair will allow
students to examine all of their
housing options. See story,
Page 3.
rate dipped to just under four percent.
That isn't anything near the 1 percent it
hovered at throughout the 1970s, but it
is still a tight market.
Jo Rumsey, an assistant director of
housing information, said the vacancy
rate drop probably resulted from the
upturn in the economy this summer,
and the fact that landlords were
already hustling to rent more apar-
When the vacancy rate was around 13
percent, "the property owners respon-
ded to the market by maintaining rents...
going out of their way to negotiate
leases, upgrading apartments, and of-
fering inducements," Rumsey said.

The economic upswing this summer
further encouraged students to stop
doubling up and get their own room said
Bob Miller, a representative of Andrus
Davis Company. The combination
pulled vacancy rates down to the
current level.
AS MUCH AS the revived economy
has helped the state, however, it has put
tenants back on the disadvantage.
Many landlords say they are planning
larger-than-usual rent increases to
make up for the past years when they
froze rents in order to keep tenants.
David Copi, an independent landlord,
said he is planning to raise rent for the
first time in three years: He said,
however, that returning tenants would
receive smaller increases than new
ELAINE DAILY, A representative of
McKinley Properties, said the company
would probably raise rent between 2
percent and 5 percent.
.Rumsey predicted that homes in high
demand close to campus would see the
highest increases. Landlords renting
less desirable locations may be forced
to hold increases to a minimum, she
To assure that students get the houses
they want, Rumsey suggested begin-
ning to look early, when the selection of
houses in the city is the greatest.
To broaden the number of choices
even more, she said that students
should check the housing board in the
student activities building regularly.
Often, the SAB board has the most
' complete listings of independent lan-
dlords in the area, as well as the larger
companies, she said.

Ann Arbor Realty-663-7444 variety listings available
Baker Management-662-6626 no available listing not available
Andrus Davis Co./R.O. variety listings available early February
Campus Management-663-4104 variety listings available late January
Campus Rentals-665-8825 2 bedroom apartments listings available
Tom Clark-996-2836 no available listing no available listings
David Copi-663-5609 variety listings available
Dahlman Apartments-761-7600 apartments and homes listings available early February
Warren Hamill-769.1196 1-2 bedroom plus efficiencies listings available mid-February
Maize and Blue-761-3131 1-3 bedroom apartments listings available late-March
McKinley Properties-769-8520 variety listings available late January
Modern Apartments-668-6906 1-2 bedroom apartments listings avdilable
Sang Y. Nam--662-0351 variety listings available
Old Town Realty-663-8989 old houses and apartments listings available early February
Post Realty-761-8220 listings available listings available
Ravalp Management--665-2341 variety listings available early February
Real Invest-996-5929 no available listing no available listing
Realty Enterprises-761-8990 variety listings available early February
Neil Snook-996-1444 1-2 bedroom plus efficiencies listings available early January
Spears & Woltersom Co.-663-3050 1-2 bedrm. apts. plus efficiencies listings available

Yesterday, University General Coun-
sel Roderick Daane said the plan is un-
constitutional because- it would ,go
against a 1973 state Supreme Court
ruling in a similar case. In that ruling,
the court declared unconstitutional a
1971 law that had attempted to control
tuition hikes by withholding the same
amount of state aid that the college
gained through the tuition increase.
If the Blanchard proposal takes the
same form, "then it has already by
declared unconstitutional," Daane
ACCORDING to Daane, the proposal
See TUITION, Page 3
fils suit.
against 28
for toxic,
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The government
yesterday sued 28 individuals and com-
panies in an effort to fix legal blame for
dioxin contamination in Missouri, and
to send a signal to polluters nationwide
that it intends to get tough about hazar-
dous wastes.
"We will move either with enfor-
cement action or with Superfund money
to get these contaminated sites cleaned
up," said Courtney Price, assistant
administrator of the Environmental
Protection Agency.
THE SUIT demands that the defen-
dents take action to prevent further ex-
posure of people to the six dioxin-
tainted sites and begin cleanup efforts,
It also asks that the defendents repay
government money already used in the
cleanup efforts.
If the defendents fail to do so, Price
said, the agency will clean up the sites
using money from the $1.6 billion
Superfund and take legal action to
recover the costs.
Price and other EPA officials said
they could place no dollar figure on the
potential costs of the cleanup at the six
sites, but they agreed it would be
millions of dollars. One agency source,
who spoke only if granted anonymity,
said $10 million would be a conservative
THE SIX sites are a location near
Frontenac, where the tainted oil was
stored in bulk tanks; a rural area in
See EPA Page 5

University Towers-761-2680

2.bedroom apartments

listings available February 15

Wilson White-995-9551

no available listing

no available listings

On the air
UNIVERSITY STUDENT attitudes are about to be
exposed to the nation - on network tele-
vision. NBC Nightly News has been on cam-
pus since last week filming a segment on the
political attitudes of students. The debut is this Wednesday
night at 6:30 on Detroit's TV-4. "We wanted to find out how

to Miami, to interview inner city youths. What were their
findings? Entin said to watch the news Wednesday, but his
personal feelings were that "kids today are so much more
worried about finding jobs." When he went to school, "all
they worried about was getting stoned," he said. OI
Another week overdue
THE UNIVERSITY Library system won't be giving out
overdue notices until Feb. 8, instead of Feb. 1, as was
reported in yesterday's Daily. Jim Cruse, head of cir-
culation service for the Graduate library said he was
notified by library officials yesterday that the new Geac

ding to the International Dull Folks Unlimited organization.
Bombeck was the top winner of the "Dull Lifestyle" award,
given to seven people each year by the group. The group's
guiding light and "chairman of the bored" is J.D. Stewart,
a self-professed dull guy who works as a statistician at
Eastman Kodak Co. Other winners in the not-so-coveted
awards were Ed MacMahon, who was specifically cited for
his work in the field of dog food commercials; Dallas
Cowboys coach Tom Landry; Good Morning America host
David Hartman, for his favorite line "And now, here's
Steve Bell from Washington;" Perry Como, who was
praised for his clothing motto, "the duller the color, the bet-

his career "colorful." "I've fixed elections, I've screwed
people left and right, but I never stole any money...I per-
ceived political confrontation as wars, and my opponents as
enemies," he said.
Also on this date in history:
*1965 - Hundreds of students planned a sit-in at The
Michigan Theater to protest a price increase of 25 cents.
" 1969 - The University Activities Center was threatened
with police action if any nudity or indecent expose occUrred
in the play "Dionysus in '69," scheduled to occur that night.
" 1974 - A "plethora" of people showed up at a city coun-
cil meeting to protest the planned building of a McDonald's




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