ECB from Page 1 The ECB was established in the late '70s to oversee a new set of writing requirements for all LSA students. Not only would students be required to take one term of first-year English,, but in order to graduate, they would have to take a 300-, 400-, or 500-level com- position course to fulfill the junior/senior writing requirement. In doing so, the University set a precedent for major schools across the country. Upper-level writing requirements were common for English majors, but not for chemistry, physics, sociology and the other liberal arts ;disciplines. What made the plan even more unconventional was that the new writing courses would be taught by faculty members from different disciplines - not by the English Depar- tment. So, six years later, what is the state of student literacy? Has the ECB made a significant impact on the quality of writing in the liberal arts college? Soon, an LSA-appointed committee will be asking those questions as ECB undergoes its first program review. Jack Meiland, the college's associate dean for long-range planning, says that "there is nothing special in the aim or method of this review. It's the same standard procedure with other depar- tments." Meiland ;says the review committee, which will consist of experts from out- side the University, will arrive sometime in April to conduct the review - almost one year after the first class required to fulfill ECB obligations graduated. Most professors interviewed for this story give credit to the ECB for im- proving writing skills. Although it's dif- ficult to gauge, they say, the writing abilities of many students has im- proved over the past several years. Nevertheless, not everybody agrees Echoes Biology Prof. Robert Helling, who currently is teaching an upper- level writing course in his department: "I don't see the atrocious writing that I used to. That's in part due to the better quality of students at the University, although with ECB, the people who need help are getting help." Other faculty members aren't certain whether or not the ECB is responsible for it, but there has been a real tur- naround in what was a rapid decline in student writing abilities. "I've sat in some freshman-and sophomore-level classes," says Physics Prof. Bill Williams. "I'm aware that there are some students with problems, but by the time they get to the junior/senior level. they're writing well. I don't know what happened. I'm not sure if it's because of ECB, but there is improvement." While some students in majors that don't require a great deal of writing en- ter their ECB courses with a good deal of hesitation, they often complete the class having enjoyed a refreshing change of pace. For Margaret Thompson, a recent University graduate in cellular and microbiology, the upper-level writing course was worthwhile. "I enjoyed it very much," she says. "It was a good, rounded course that demanded a lot of you. After taking the course, I took an upper-level English course. I could compete because I had taken the ECB course." But the ECB requirements have not received rave reviews from everyone on campus. Some juniors and seniors-in the habit of writing a paper once and forgetting about it-circum- vent the practice in most ECB upper- level courses of writing several drafts of essays. The theory is that students will meet with their instructor as the paper reaches each stage, but many find the procedure burdensome. ECB professors often will allow those students to get by that way if they've shown an ability to write well. Other complaints are levelled at English 125-the first half of ECB requirement for most LSA students. Due to the overwhelming demand for the course, classes are taught almost I - ;-z f"a ,j r - - *' N rwW NW mw w T ~,- ,4.' -~ Yv } :"} is ................ ........ ............................................. i::;iti4:":: v'::'riii: 'rii:"iii:""i'rY'v; i:"i:"':::ti:ti+:;'{ }. ....................:...........n.....t.::...n..v.....:.. :isi : ::v:4:vn...:...::"i:"iryih'::::{:":::ii:: iir>}it".::.:: i:2..,:y';:K :;<::i:iiii:4i: C O L O O -m Robinson: Sees more writing on campus 'Student writing has 'probably gotten worse . . . Many of the students still don't know how to construct a sentence.' ' -Economics Prof. Ronald Teigen little change in students today. "I think technically, writing is im- proved over the last few years," says Prof. Robert Berkhofer, the director of the Program in American Culture. "But I'm not sure in the area of con- veying thought it's any better. I just don't see any improvement in that respect... There still isn't enough time being spent getting students to write long, analytical papers where they have to use reasoning." Economics Prof. Ronald Teigen states flat out that student writing has "probably gotten worse... Many of the students still don't know how to con- struct a sentence." And John Kingdon, chairman of the political science department, says there "probably has been some slip-. page (in writing skills) over the past 10 to 15 years." But Kingdon says the ECB is at least a step in the right direction. "The more writing the better," he says, "There should be more than just one upper- level ECB course. But then ECB couldn't be expected to solve the problem." T he college is devoting a lot of time and money to teaching its students how to express themselves clearly in writing. English Prof. Jay Robinson, who chairs the English Composition Board, says that some 10 years ago both students and faculty members were realizing a deficiency in student writing skills and the University was receiving a fair degree of negative feedback from graduate schools and corporations that had accepted or employed its graduates concerning their abilities to com- municate. It wasn't until January, 1978 that the LSA faculty accepted the present ECB, having rejected an earlier plan the year. before that Robinson says was more complicated than the present program. Determining what actually caused the decline of student writing skills is a complex matter. Robinson places some of the blame on what he calls "the terrific expansion of electronic media," which has reduced the amount of reading children do as they grow up. Another problem is poor training in high schools. In part, crowded classrooms have allowed teachers to give their students less individual at- tention, which is especially important for students with writing troubles, and even for students who are trying to gain an added level of proficiency. Students in both secondary and higher education also are getting less practice in writing these days, accor- ding to Robinson. "When I was an un- dergraduate back in the early '50s, I wrote a hell of a lot more than un- dergrads do today." Regardless of the impact of the ECB on University students, the quality of writing among students entering the University appears to be much the same as it was five years ago. Fran Zorn, who coordinates the ECB's tutorial program for students who sh6w writing deficiencies, says the * percentage of students placing into her program after taking tests prior to en- tering the college is about the same today as when the program first star- ted. ECB instructors argue that figures such as those show the continuing need for the entire program. "If you're willing to accept the fact that the University has to graduate good writers, and there are people who do need help, you make a case for ECB," said Litsa Varonis, an ECB lecturer 1981. "When (writing skills) were a given, there was no need for ECB-but it's not a given any more." Varonis said that many of the students who place into the tutorial classes-special sections of Unh-. unh John Cougar Mellencamp Uh-huh Riva By Larry Dean IN THE never-ending search for authorial inspiration, I was referred to this ageless scenario of high school utopia by a fellow Daily staffer (and swell fellow): the football victory dan- ce. Some chintzy rock 'n' roll band is grinding out second-hand Rolling Stones and Styx covers and, somehow, pleasing the crowd, driving them to a post-pubescent, beer-sodden frenzy. Suddenly, that big, dumb "jock" with the "reputation" for being "crazy"' jumps up on the stage and begins frenetically jamming along with the lead guitarist of the band on a molecularly-unstable air guitar. The crowd, either super embarrassed or merely "fired up" by the team's win, cheers wildly; the Dionysian celebration continues long into the dawn-or at least 'til 11 or 12. Maybe you don't remember things like that happening at your school. But like John Mellencamp (nee Cougar), I went to a public high school in the Mid- west, that vast, untamed wilderness of suburbian hope and the tribal dance was the place to let it all out And that jock - stereotype that he is - is the perfect prototype for John Mellencamp. Shucks, if you just look a little bit closer at his face, up there on the stage, you might see that it is John-boy him- self wielding that oxygen axe, wishing he could play the real thing, and vowing, someday, to do it. So Mellencamp has done it. His hits range from the lengthy "I Need a Lover" (also immortalized by Pat Benatar) to the poety "Jack and Diane," an anthem for the unsung young of middle America, sitting at the Tastee Freeze with their car radios tuned to the local schmock 'n' droll station. Admittedly, it hasn't been an overnight success for Indiana's golden boy, but he's got security in the (faded denim) pocket now, and with Uh-huh, it's sure to stay. False I-dol Billy Idol Rebel Yell Chrysalis Records By Don Pappas ANYONE WHO has come into con tact with America's newest social disease, MTV, is most likely familiar with Billy Idol. In fact, before Idol's "White Wedding" started getting heavy airplay on MTV, Idol was just another bottle-blonde from just another British punk band, Generation X. But now, thanks to a couple of hit singles, Billy "Cool" is the word for this record, for Mellencamp, wow, for the aura he emanates. From the front cover pic showing our hero standing, Hugh Pup- pied, jeaned, white t-shirted, with a bored kind of sneer on his face and those bedroom eyes. From the liner notes, beginning with the proclamation This album was writ- ten, arranged and recorded during a 16 day blow-out at THE -SHACK. to the special thanks "...To the Rolling Stones for never takin' the livin' room off the records when we were kids." From the first song, "Crumblin' Down," to the last song, "Golden Gates." In between, there's about as much substance as the air guitar Mellencamp's still fooling around with. "Crumblin' Down" is one of the (many) obvious Rolling Bones referen- ces to be discovered within the grooves (purely technical term) of Uh-huh. Some people ai 't no damn good, it begins, which is about as heavy a statement as Mellencamp can muster. However, he manages to eke out a few more heartfelt hypotheses when he says, Some people say I'm ob- noxious and lazy/That I'm uneducated and my opinion means nothin '/But I know I'm a real good dancer (ref., "H. School Victory Celeb"). The chorus, a refrain of the title, means nothing the way Mellen- camp sings it ... it's just a neat hook with that R&R demolition rhetoric that makes the song kick in and schtick. Since "Jack and Diane" promised and didn't deliver some sort of message from and to the working class kids it sought to portray, Mellencamp feels he has to educate us on some more socially relevant issues. Thus "Pink Houses," about the ideal suburb dwelling struc- tures. Kind of a metaphor for America, Home of the free, as the lyrics read: and in the end, it's the simple man baby pays for the thrills, the bills, the pills that kill. When he tries to give us some good advice, Mellencamp sounds plain stupid. The ideas he tosses around in "Pink Houses," "Golden Gates," and "Jackie O" (co-written with John Prine!) are mouth olympics for a poseur pop star who really doesn't know any different. Sure, we're all hip on unemployment, hunger, political pandering, and authority figures who don't know their asses from holes in the ground, but in Mellencamp's world, they're just the basis for some words over a cool riff; so any statements he tries to make come out sounding like sophomoric gibberish. Which is why Mellencamp is better off writing straightforward rock tunes with little or no pretensions. As much as I detest the dopy biblical references and inherent seduction tactics of "Warmer Place to Sleep," it stands out as one of the better tracks on Uh-huh. Beginning with truly clone-like Keith Richards guitar chording, it rounds out side one and almost puts Mellencamp back in the days of yore, when a lover that won't drive him crazy was all he needed. Likewise a ball-crushing rocker like "Play Guitar" brown-noses to the Mar- shall stack mentalities of the world with its swaggering kick-assness, but manages to showcase the finest (autobiographical?) line on the LP: All woman around the world want a phony rock star who plays guitar. Uh-huh . . . "Serious Business" is another in a series of Rolling Stones sound-alikes, with Mellencamp, in a blatantly Jagger-esque voice, singing, Take my life/Take my soul/Put me on the cross for all to see/Put my name around my neck/Let those Mellencamp: Straight-ahead rockers and vacc people capital is sern and rc comple I don feel abo to me I the wh "Sex a which w the wh( then ag the kin radio people - even rock r genera the onl change the mu Mellenc that is knit, im - swallow is the v perfect air guil music. the ECB provides a $550,000 (the program's 1983-84 budget) cure-all for the writing woes of LSA students. Some faculty members say that students were writing badly before and are no better today. Perhaps, some suggest, writing skills at the University have continued to decline along with a trend common to schools across the country. And some students, too, find the program's requirements a waste of time, criticizing first-year assignments as dull and simplistic and dodging what are supposed to be stringent paper requirements in the upper-level cour- ses. To the program's critics, Thomas Dunn, former chairman of the chemistry department and an original member' of the ECB's faculty advisory board, reponds : "There is no doubt in my mind that the quality of writing has improved.. .and ECB is responsible for some of that." entirely by teaching assistants and some students find they have to wait until junior or even senior year to get in. Says LSA sophomore Debbie Crocker of her English 125 experience: "Ac- tually, I don't think I learned anything new in there... It was a waste of time." Crocker, like many of her peers, found the class periods boring, the assignments tedious, and the TAs too unenlightening. Ray Horning, another LSA sophomore, describes his English 125 class as "a lot of busy work. I had much of what we went over before I took the course." Boredom in a class, however, is not the most stinging indictment of cour- sework ever heard at the University. Even more important criticisms come from professors who remember what students were like before the English Composition Board's creation and see Idol has almost become a household name, if not a household joke. Billy Idol is considered a joke mainly because his record company, Chrysalis, is trying to market him as a popular punk rocker, a rebel without claws. I mean, how convincing is a fashionable anarchist, a sociopath who wants you to buy his album? Idol's new album, Rebel Yell, complements his new mainstreamed image. Rebel Yell, having very little to do with punk rock, is a state-of-the-art pop album, oc- casionally exciting, occasionally tiresome. The album certainly has its high poin- ts. "Rebel Yell," a heavy-metal ode to An oversexed "little angel," features ten tons of synthesizers and distorted guitars and yet remains thoroughly energetic, mainly because of Tommy Prices's thunderous drumming. Also, Idol's voice has a sense of urgency and intensity not often found in today's pop music. Billy's vocal delivery in "Daytime Drama" is equally strong and moreover reveals the acknowledged in- fluence of Lou Reed. "Daytime 'Drama" concerns Idol's obsession with the beautiful star of his daytime drama whom he sees as his "only hope for a future," and actually features some of the album's best lyrics. Other winners on Rebel Yell are "Flesh For Fantasy," a surprisingly funky disco romp, and "Eyes Without A Face," a slow, melodic song about the disillusionment of a relationship. In all these songs the rhythms are astonishingly interesting. Idol's voice is superb, the guitarwork is solid and of- ten creative, and the use of synthesizers and studio effects is kept in check. Unfortunately, four gems does not an album make. "Catch My Fall" and "(Do Not) Stand In The Shadows" reflect Billy Idol's tendency to be an- noyingl from te "Blue song ab almost guitar notewoi way" is The a nuclear Next D and son ply cot histrion Rebel not a fi image, talent. singers tion. repetiti rhythm songs. many o 10 Weekend/January 20, 1984