SECB:D Ninety-four. Years of Editorial Freedom Is it the write way? See Weekend Magazine P LIE 43UU iE ai1 Ice Cream Once again, look for a little snow, a little sun, a few clouds and a high of about 10 degrees. - Vol. XCIV-No. 91 Yopyright 1984, The r'ioiigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 20, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages Anew ball game likely By LAURIE DELATER Athletics and academics are bum- ping heads once again this month, as University administrators look at what to do with the physical- education department - an appen- dage of the School of Education left with an uncertain future since last year's budget review of the school.+ Physical education, which has been labeled a "back door" to the Univer'sity for athletes whose academic records are too poor to be admitted to other programs, is the University's black sheep these days. No school or college including the School of Education appears to want the program, and University ad- for ph ministrators specifically excluded the program from decisions made after last year's review. WITHIN THE next two weeks, the University's executive officers will decide what to do with the depar- tment, which enrolls a substantial portion of the football and basketball teams. According to many high- level officials, the likely result of their decision will, be a new academic unit, independent of any school or college, reporting directly to Vice President for Academic Af- fairs Billy Frye.t Mary Ann Swain, an assistant to Frye, has investigated the recom- mendations made by the School of /1 ys. ed. Education review committee last year to cut the physical education department's budget by 40 percent, discontinue teacher certification, eliminate the leisure studies aspect of the program, and remove the kinesiology or exercise science por- tion from the school. Swain said this week that although, no decision has been made about where to relocate the program, teacher certification and the leisure studies program - which includes fitness and recreation - will not be eliminated. She also said that the department's budget probably will be reduced by only 30 percent. See 'U', Page 6 Physical education: Athletics heads in... ... while the School of Education may be on its way out _ _ I Protesters turn the ta] on rege By LAURIE DELATER "I bet half of ther and KAREN TENSA listening," said one st When the regents left, the students public comments played. preceded their take-ov After an hour-long public comments tell that at least two session at the regents meeting yester- asleep." day, the regents left for dinner. Fifty In the public comm student activists, some of whom had activists took five m just finished speaking immediately chastise the regents 0] climbed into the empty chairs and from defense departn voted to end all military research on the inadequacy of only pus and raise minority enrollment five minutes to c smps tol campus public comments sess THEY ROCKED BACK and forth in allow each speaker five the plush chairs, sipped from the water THOSE FIVE M glasses left by the regents, and enough tire, however, laughed. See ACTIVIST ble nts m weren't even udent about the session which er. "And I could of them were ents session, 10 ninutes each to n topics ranging vent research to ly allowing them yn. The regents' sion rules only eminutes. INUTES were for a few semi- S, Page 5 Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF Activists sit in the regent's and executive officer's chairs in the Regents Room of the Fleming Administration Building after the regents meeting was adjourned yesterday. In a mock vote, the protesters agreed to abolish military research on campus and to divest the University funds from South Africa. Libraries to resume collecting fines for late books By MARCY FLEISHER The fine-free ridel University Libraries have provided for students with overdue books will come to a halt when the libraries begin charging fines for overdue books returned after Feb. 1, officials said yesterday. Problems with Geac, the recently-in- stalled computer circulation .system, have prevented libraries from sending out overdue notices since August. But 'David McDonald, head of the library systems office, said Geac is working correctly now and will begin mailing notices soon. "THE SYSTEM will start printing notices on the first (of February)," McDonald said. "How fast they go out will depend on how much there is still out after the first." Patrons will be informed of the up- coming fines through notices posted throughout libraries and advertisemen- ts in the Daily. McDonald said that although libraries using Geac have not been sending out overdue notices the com- puter does have a record of which books were checked out and when. IF AN OVERDUE book is not retur- ned by February 1, students can be charged the entire fine - which could be sizeable given the libraries' 25 cen- ts per day per book overdue rate. Mc- Donald said students will not be fined for overdue books returned by the end of January. "Students can go to any Geac library and the computer will tell you all the materials you have out, and from which library they were discharged," McDonald said. There are approximately 16,000 over- due materials checked out now, said Jim Cruse, head of circulation service for the Graduate Library. This number, he added, is "typical." WHEN THE Geac system is in full See LIBRARIES, Page 5 'U' dorms slowly. adjust to alcohol policy By NANCY GOTTESMAN Despite a recent tightening of dormitory drinking policies, residents say things haven't changed much - at least not yet. Earlier this month, housing officials outlined,a new policy to enforce existing drinking code and make them more uniform throughout the campus dormitory system. THE POLICY forbids students to mention booze in party advertisements, collect money to pur- chase alcohol at a party, and drink in the hallways or lounges of dorms. Most students, however, say they have yet to see any difference. "At Couzens the policies were enforced much earlier," said sophomore resident Anne Yurik. NANCY GROSS, RESIDENT director at Markley agreed. "Markley is not doing anything different than we've done all year." Last weekend, Bill Sheahan, a Mosher-Jordan resident, organized a "progressive" party at his dorm. He said he knew the rules about alcohol and 'Before, we were kind of walking a tightrope. Now we know what we can and can't allow.' - Glenn Merz Couzens Resident Advisor planned the party according to the rules. The liquor remained in residents' private rooms and everything was under control, he said. "The resident advisers were completely satisfied," he said. Harold McMillin, a West Quad RD, said he thinks the rules, although not yet strictly enforced in all the dorms, will begin to take effect in time. THE RULES "will centralize the policy so that every staff member in every dorm will operate under the same policy," he said. "In mid-year you can't expect everything to change right away," he said. Couzens Resident Advisor Glenn Merz, said, the policy "will make our job easier. Before we were kind of walking a tightrope. Now we know what we can and can't allow." ALTHOUGH SOME students are concerned that RAs and other staff members will become a police force rather than peers, most say they don't believe that that will be a problem. Janelle Johnson, a student advisor at Alice Lloyd, said, "It's really not a problem asking kids not to drink." "Most of the resident advisors are nice about it," agreed Markley resident Tom Kippola. MOSHER-JORDAN'S building director, Susan Harris, said she hopes the University's campaign for more responsible use of alcohol will "create a higher level of awareness and more discussion concerning the topics of alcohol use and education." She said she hopes the new clearly-defined regulations will "make it easier for the resident advisors to understand the policies and for the students to upderstand, why the resident advisors do what they do." McMillin said one of the good points about the stricter rules is that they may help decrease van- dalism in the dormitories. Less vandalism will mean "big savings" for the University because fewer repairs and less maintenance will be needed after the parties. Students don't think the policies will eliminate dorm drinking, and as Kippola said, "No matter what the rules are, people are going to drink." TODAY Money matters F YOU'RE worried about finding enough funds to pay your heating bills for another cold winter, try doing. more than just filling out financial aid forms and praying for extra money. The financial aid commit- tee of Michigan Student Assembly is asking for interested Sergeant Bow Wow THE MILITARY needs a few good dogs. If your pup stands proud and tall and can make the grade, the military will pay $400 for the canine recruit. A recruiting team from the Department of Defense Dog Center at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio is at the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station today testing dogs for active duty. To qualify, the dog must be part German shepherd, Rot- tweiler or Bouvier Des Flanders and must be one to three years old. And the government isn't discriminating on the basis of gender-male or female will do-but the animal Overexposed LORIDA HAS A Sunshine Law requiring that govern- ment activities be conducted in full public view, but employees at St. Petersburg City Hall think transparent windows in the bathrooms is taking full exposue a little too far. Workers recently installed 127 new tinted windows in the basement bathrooms at City Hall. But the tint was tain- ted, or at least a touch too thin. One can see right through the glass. "You might say we're getting maximum ex- posure," said city engineer Bob Bedell. Only after the $77,50 worth of glass was installed did officials realize that students in residence halls as long as they obtained paren- tal permission. The Regents also voted to allow each housing unit to determine their own hours of visitation for members of the opposite sex. Also on this date in history: * 1971 - Several cafeterias were forced to shut down due to a strike by University service employees. * 1969 - Writer-in-residence Kurt Vonnegut told students if they want to be writers they have to be paranoid. * 1925 - Local landladies of roominghouses held a secret meeting to discuss ways of keeping their rooms filled if the University instituted a dormitory system. '7 I i I ;I I