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January 17, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-17

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Snow flurries in the morning
with a high of 17 degrees.

Vol. XCIV-No. 88 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, January 17, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Students slide into trouble on trays

On cafeteria trays, in kiddie swim-
ming pools, or even bare-bottomed,
University students love to brave the
rolling hills and dodge jutting trees in
one of the few campus refuges, Nichols
Arboretum. E
But this year, students upholding the
University tradition of "traying in the
Arb" are dodging more than just trees.
LOCAL OFFICIALS are trying to
clamp down on students' late-night
revelry by increasing security to enforce
the arboretum's 10 p.m. curfew. And
students are putting up a fight.
In an almost comical game of cops
and robbers, campus security officials
order students out of the Arb after it
closes while students feign compliance
by hiding behind trees until the officials
leave. Then the fun starts again.,
"We know we're being criticized and
laughed at," says Gil Jaeger, the
University's caretaker for the ar-
boretum. "But sometimes big parties
- I mean three or four barrels of beer
and a hundred people - get started and
things get out of hand."
WHILE STUDENTS say the sledding
is harmless fun, Jaeger points out that

it has led to serious injuries and caused
severe damage to the plants and trees
in the arboretum.
In an accident several years ago, a
University student slid off a trail and
hit an electrical wire. The accident
resulted in permanent paralysis,
Jaeger says.
About five years ago, a University
law student hit a tree while sledding in
the arboretum and was in a coma for 18
months before he died, according to
BUT STUDENTS are determined not
to let the risks - or the University -
ruin their fun.
"It's a joke," says LSA senior John
Woldenberg. "There's no way they'll
ever, ever stop traying. People just
hide in the forest."
Jaeger admits it is futile for campus
security to chase students out of the ar-
boretum and added that only city police
have the authority to write citations.
Young agrees that it is silly for security
to try to keep people out. Although
campus officials have asked her to
leave the Arb, Young kept sledding and
the officials never returned.
"We all just laughed and kept on

(traying)," Young says.
Signs posted at the arboretum en-
trances on Geddes Road and near
Markley dormitory state that the ar-
boretum is closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
and that coasting, skiing, or building
fires are prohibited.
Jaeger says the signs are posted so
that he has something to fall back
on if someone gets hurt and decides to
sue. "It gives us teeth in the law, so that
if we really want to enforce it we can."
BUT SOME students said they
weren't aware of the curfew, and others
simply ignore the signs.
"In four years of frequenting the arb,
I've never seen a sign," said Wolden-
"Don't worry about that sign," adds
Russ Hill, a Ypsilanti resident who of-
ten cross-country skis in the Arb. "They
set a curfew but they don't mean it," he
THE ARBORETUM, jointly owned
by the University and the city, stret-
ches approximately 135 acres from the
Huron River to Geddes Road and in-
cludes rare plants, birds, and pic-
turesque landscape.
But several trees have been
See SLEDDERS, Page 2

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Fresh snow and hilly fields lull this student to the Arboretum for an afternoon of traying, or sledding with a cafeteria
tray. But such escapades can lead to serious injuries, University officials say.


won' t see
city ballot
A legal technicality will keep a pro-
posal to make Ann Arbor a nuclear-free
zone off the city election ballot in April,
City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw said
Although supporters of the nuclear-
free zone collectea the 5,000 signatures
necessary to place the motion on the
ballot and submitted the signed
petitions to city hall before the Jan. 3
deadline, Laidlaw announced last week
that the signatures were invalid
because they had not been notarized.
MEMBERS OF the Michigan Allian-
ce for Disarmament (MAD), which
sponsored the proposal and collected
5,800 voter signatures supporting the
measure, said they were never told of
the requirement.
According to MAD member Janis
Michael, City Councilman Lowell
Peterson (D-1st Ward) spoke to
Laidlaw about the language of the
proposal but was not told that
signatures collected on petitions needed
to be notarized.
Notarization is required under the
Michigan Home Rule Act.
CITY CLERK Winifred Northcross
discovered the error while checking a
regulation written by Laidlaw concer-
ning the elections. Michael insists that
MAD never received a copy of
Laidlaw's memo, and neither did any
other citizens group contacted by MAD.
Northcross also found that a proposed
charter amendment dealing with
weatherization of rental property,
which was defeated in last year's elec-
tion, also did not have the signatures
Northcross said her office is still
checking the signatures on the MAD
proposal. "I have been advised by the
city administrator to let the lack of
notarization become a second point af-
ter the signatures," she said. "It is
strictly a legal matter now."
LAIDLAW said the proposal will not
go on the ballot, and said he has heard
that many of the signatures are invalid
See CITY, Page 2


From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Reagan, The
declaring that "1984 is a year of oppor- negotiati
tunities for peace," challenged the and conv
Soviet Union yesterday to revive response
nuclear arms control talks. Fears of -medium
war prompted by harsh Soviet rhetoric, equipped
the president added, are "understan- Reaga
dable but profoundly mistaken." military1
In an otherwise conciliatory speech, "stridert
Reagan criticized Soviet violations of recently.
arms control agreements and the "These
Kremlin's handling of human rights speak of
issues. But he stated that as a result of increase
the military buildup of his first three presiden
years in office, "we are safer now." dable, bu
REAGAN'S advisers acknowledged beyond tf
that the speech was intended to dispel out: Am
impressions of the president as credible
"Warlike" - a perception which could safer pla
hurt in an election year. less dang
The speech was given before an will und
audience of top government officials question c
and members of Congress and Reagan
delivered by satellite in time for meeting
European evening news broadcasts. George
"The opportunity for progress in ar- Minister,
ms control exists; the Soviet leaders Stockholm
should take advantage of it," Reagan Reagan
said. solutions
THE SOVIET news media dismissed fered nev
Reagan's speech as "a pseudo- summit
peacable tirade." Andropov


Doily Photo by DAN HABIB
About 250 march down city streets Sunday behind a banner reading "We Shall Overcome" to commemorate what would
have been Martin Luther King's 55th birthday. See story, page 3.
ProfS, candi~dates say.
debate had little eff ect

Soviets walked out of
ons aimed at limiting nuclear
entional arms late last year in
to NATO deployment of U.S.
-range, -nuclear warhead-
missiles in Western Europe.
n said the United States'
buildup may account for the
rhetoric from the Kremlin
harsh words have led some to
heightened uncertainty and an
d danger of conflict," the
it said. "This is understan-
ut profoundly mistaken. Look
he words, and one fact stands
aerica's deterrence is more
and it is making the world a
ce; safer because now there is
ger that the Soviet leadership
erestimate our strength or
our resolve."
n's speech set the stage for a
between Secretary of State
Shultz and Soviet Foreign
Andrei Gromyko tomorrow in
n, however, proposed no new
to the stalemate. He neither of-
w concessions nor called for a
with Soviet President Yuri
v to ease tensions.

with wire reports
Sunday's debate between the eight men vying for the
Democratic presidential nomination could have had a
significant impact on the campaigns, but the candidates and
some University professors agree that the marathon at Dar-
tmouth College did little to change the race.
Frontrunner Walter Mondale, who had nothing to gain and
everything to lose in the three-hour program, may have lost
some of his attractiveness but was not severely hurt, said
political science Prof. Gregory Markus.
The former Vice President was the focus of a great deal of
criticism from the seven candidates who are chasing him,
and Markus said Sens. Ernest Hollings of South Carolina and
Alan Cranston of California gained some necessary exposure
in the process.
Sen. Gary Hart said the debate also helped his long-shot
candidacy because "people now know who I am." Rev. Jesse
Jackson needed to show that he was a serious contender, and
Markus said the sole black candidate was successful.
"Jesse Jackson came off quite well and may have been the
big winner of the debate," Markus said. "He was articulate

in his responses and came off as a respectable kind of can-
Jackson, the only presidential hopeful to say he would
definitely select a woman as his vice presidential candidate,
said the program at Dartmouth.College "did not help to in-
struct the people," and University Prof. Bunyon Bryant said
viewers "never got any in-depth understanding of the issues
and where people stood."
Bryant, who leads a course on political strategies, said the
structure of the debates and the similarity of most of the can-
didates' positions made the discussion less effective.
Political science department chairman John Kingdon said
the debates probably were hindered by the small number of
viewers who actually watched the whole program. The total
number of people who watched the debate was not im-
mediately known, but an informal poll of some 30 people in
the Fishbowl yesterday revealed that none of them had seen
Several candidates, however, said the dialogue was an ef-
fective outlet for their opinions. "It was probably the most
thorough airing of positions of the candidates we have had
yet," said former South Dakota Sen.:George 1V4cGovern.
See DEBATE, Page 3

Two women attacked
in weekend assaults

One woman was raped near the
campus area and another was
sexually assaulted in South Quad on
Saturday night, Ann Arbor police
reported yesterday.
According to Sgt. Harold Tinsey
both the two unrelated attacks oc-
curred around midnight. He said no.

arrests have been made in either
IN THE RAPE incident, an 18-year-
old West Quad resident was attacked
in the driveway of a residence near
the intersection of Washtenaw and
South University Avenues.
According to police reports, the
See S. QUAD, Page 3

Bathroom ears
mHE RESTROOMS are quieter now behind the
South Dakota House of Representatives'chamber.
They used to be much better than the water cooler
or the old picket fense for picking up juicy tid bits
of infnrmatinn hut tht's all hn changed A full wall was

were plotting. Perhaps we've lost a valuable source of in-
formation while gaining some privacy," she said. Male
legislators were more garrulous than their female counter-
parts, according to Rep. Debra Anderson of Sioux Falls.
"It seems so quiet in there," she said after the wall went up.
"I always liked it when you could hear what the men were
talking about." Q
Teacher Smurf and the Smurfettes
JUNIOR HIGH school principal who pledged to reward
students for academic excellence has made good by

Thursday morning. Green, doing his part, turned his face,
neck, and arms blue and donned white shorts, blue shirts,
white tights, a flopply white nightcap, and white shoes that
turned up at the toes. He also stuck on a blue extended nose
and a long white beard. Green said that pre-test pep rally
and his odd behavior helped motivate students to do better
on the tests. Plus, he said, Cobb teachers advised students
to relax and avoid careless mistakes when taking the state

magazine, saying, "We have discovered there is a very
serious streak in those people who are generally considered
" 1937 - University Health Service put a quarantine on
the infirmary to keep the 19 influenze patients from
spreading the bug.
* 1933 - Fearing competition with the Junior Hop, the
Student Council ordered all dancing at fraternity parties to
stop at 10 p.m. the night of the hop. 0
On the inside.





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