Friday, December 9, 1983 w. .d MichiganNational Bank ANN ARBOR Has these 14 convenient locations at which you can use your Michigan Money Card or any other MAGIC LINE (fjt) automatic teller card: @ 112S. Ashley at Washington * 2355 * 2180 * 2930 " 3930 * 3080 * 3075 * 3580 E. Stadium at Washtenaw W. Stadium at Liberty S. State at Eisenhower S. State at Ellsworth Washtenaw at Golfside Washtenaw at Golfside Plymouth Road at Green (Plymouth/Green Shopping Center) " 2789 Plymouth Road, "Showerman's IGA * 601 W. Main St., "Pump-N-Pantry" " 317 S. State, "Kresge's" * 3825 Carpenter Rd., Ypsilanti, "Meijer 's Thrifty A cres''(Store Hours Only) * 1101 S. University, "Baskin-Robbins" * 2069 Rawsonville Road, Belleville AN AFFILIATE OF THE $6.5 BILLION MICHIGAN NATIONAL CORPORATION Deposits insured to $100,000 by the FDIC. , y Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-, Friday, December 4, 1983 Y F: Supplement to The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 9, 1983