k. Page 6 The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 9, 1983
Thrash your
a'By Joe Hoppe "Gee Wally, how are we going to get
through Christmas and seeing our
"Hey, Beav, there's only one more relatives and all that junk without a
show at the Halfway for all year." place to see a good thrash band?"
Looking for the intellectual side of life?
h M
Read the Mic hig an Da ill 764-ossa
Final papers ground out at the last
minute, no more regular classes, but
it's Still not all over. Where can you go
with all the leftover energy, last throes
of caffeine overdoses, and accumulated
frustration and blank anger of a whole
Try the Halfway Inn, basement of
East Quad, Saturday night. The bands
are The State, Ground Zero, and Mass
Retaliation. All hard core thrasho
maximum rock and roll energetic fun
This kind of music was made for end
of term angst. Frustration and aimless
anger are what it's all about; primal
scream therapy vocals in a tight beam
one minute hate (watch out for 1984,
when everyone will be doing it and it'll
last two minutes), rock cliche slash and
burn hamhand guitars, and drums that
make the jungle beat society-scaring
beats of the fifties laughable. And that's
just the band. You need to be there.
The Michigan Gamma Chapter of
The Tau Beta PI Association
Would like to welcome its new members.
Dawn Albrecht
Brooke Anderson
Ted Barnett
Janet Bednarski
Phillip Berry
James Bielicki
Robert Bonomo
Lisa Bowers
Steve Brouwer
James Campbell
Cynthia Chomic
D. J. Chung
Edward Cline
Ben Davis
David DePooli
Ray Dornbusch
Edwin Eberly
Rob Eidschun
Doug Feikema
Jill Feldman
Chek Peng Foo
Martin Ford
Santo Foti'
Karl Freter
Freddy Geraldo
Larry Godt
Julie Goodney
Eric Grupe
Lilly Handler
Bill Harkopus
Lars Helgeson
Glen Herman
Gary Hoch
Elaine Hoffman
Bryan Hubbell
James K'ihn
David Kamm
John Kelly
David Kim
Richard Kossik
Ron Krasnow
,Guey-Liou Lan
Gordon Lehtola
Ed Liu
Chip Levinson
Kurt Lloyd
Steve Lyzenga
Robert MacDonald
Catherine Maksymiuk
Binh Hoang
Pradeep Nayyar
Dave Rehmann
Mitchell Robbins
King Chen Wang
Mark Maletz
Tim McDonald
Greg Mehall
Paul Merchant
Steven Miller
Lori Mirek
Roger Myers
Geok Ing Ng
Trung Lap Nguyen
Jeffrey Nieman
Richard Oakley
Jeffrey Omichinski
Carol Ozaki
Catherine Park
Steve Pastor
Lorelle Pflaum
Dave Poston
Frances Poy
David Rcffo
Mark Randall
James Reinders
Earl Renaud
Paul Romani
Robert Roty
Steven Sawyer
Kane Schaphorst
Daniel Sebo
Traci Sebo
John Shaw
Mark Sieben
Brent Simon
Reuben Slone
Terrance Smorch
George So
David Soemarko
Greg Stewart
James Totte
Denise Travers
Binh Hoang
Don VanderLugt
Eric Vaughn
Robin Visser
Michael Vos
Judith Weiss
Thomas Wolfe
Man To Wong
David Yagiela
Edward Yee
Robert Zielke
The State is Ann Arbor's premiere
band in the above genre. They've had
anEP, No Illusions (Statement Recor-
ds) out since fall, and according to the
guys in the band, it's doing real well.
The first thousand pressings have pret-
ty much sold out, not only; in the U.S. ,
but also in far-off England and Finland.
Saturday's show will be only theirA
second performance sincethe record
came out.' Preston the singer is back
from resting his vocal cords in Europe
and the State is live again.
Ground Zero has been around over a
year now, ever improving and still
possessing the exuberance of youth -
they're in.high school.
Mass Retaliation is even younger.
Witness a group of 15 year olds' first
gig; virgin he for your consumption.
The show is for all ages, of course,
and is supposed to start at 9. Use the
Church Street entrance to get in and
pay $2.50.
"Now Beaver, if you're going out, -
don't forget to wear your boots.'
"Gee mom, okay." Why is he smiling? 'Cause Beaver's goin' dancin', that's why.
The mixed messages of love
and electric tambourine? young lady enters the parfumerie and
By Larry Dean But...it's not. asks for a job. She is accepted into the
She Loves Me is probably just what ranks, but, after a time, the relation-
An unusual marriage has taken you'd expect it to be: a dopey, guaran- ship between herself and Mr. Nowak
place; a strange bastard child has been teed-to-make-you-smile musical begins to disintegrate: they don't like
birthed. The University Musical comedy from the creators of Fiddler on each other. But, in a Kafka-esque twist
Theater Program and the Residential the Roof, Sheldon Harwick and Jerry of fate, it turns out that this young lady
College players are proud to present Bock. In its original conception, She disliked by Nowak is the woman with
their co-production of She Loves Me, Loves Me ran for about a year on the whom he has been in correspondence
December 8 - 11, in the Residential strip where the neon lights are these many weeks!
College auditorium. brightest, but it remains a strange Though an old plot, She Loves Me is
So the notion boggles you. Even if you novelty piece, even today. It never ripe with comical possibilities, theref of
don't know the first thing about She quite attracted the massive, unflagging the harvesting. It has almost thirty
Loves me, it sounds like one of those herds of patrons who still pay to see songs in its repertoire, including "Will
schmaltzy Broadway musicals loaded Tevye boogie on the shingles, and direc- He Like Me?," which was popularized
to the bustin' point with song and dance tor Bob Chapel refers to the play as "a by Barbra Streisand prior to her post;
numbers that haven't been done quite sleeper," an apt term. Bee Gees disco-tinged vocal showcae
so well since Fred and Ginge gave up The premise is this: it's the late '20s, of late.
their taps for recliners, right? Well, in a nameless European burg. A par- Director Chapel is an old handat
wouldn't you be surprised if I said it fumerie is the setting. Mr..Nowak is in musical comedy, and the head of the
was an angst-ridden, intellectual think- communication with a woman via the Musical Theater Program ' at th
piece in the R.C. vein, but with added "Dear Friend" column of a local University. He's appeared in over-,70
musical accompaniment - marimbas newspaper. At about this same time, a Plays in the last ten years, and even
lucked into a bit role in one of the Mp
pet movies! He received his PhD ron1
M eCarolyouR eagan University,and is right at home o
MheLoves Me turf. ,
Starring (although the play. ;i
WASHINGTON (AP) - Carol Bur- most of the other guests had left the basiclly an ensemble effort) in a
nett apparently. deeded'toleave behihd party,'the comedienne - just before Loves Me is Carla Broderick, Susan
!a nenntqof sorts at the end of a Whie =leaving herself - beat her breasts and Coe, Jay Frost, Jim Piper, Edward
House state dinner Wednesday night for uttered her famous "Tarzan" call. Smit, and Kelly Turner, It will be p r
the king and queen of Nepal. Only a few astounded socialites were formed on the stage of the Residetiat
still there to hear it, according to Nancy college Auditorium through Sunday
Long after President Reagan and Reagan's press secretary Sheila Tate. with a matinee Saturday at 2 p.m. and a
Sunday night show at 7 p.m. Otherwise,
curtain time is 8 p.m.; tickets are 45:
Daily Classifieds Bring Results For more information, call 764-68.
Come out to see a night of muica
merriment on the stage that Jean-Paul:
Sartre once called, "a swell place."
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Tau Beta Pi represents the highestI
honor to be obtained by an engineering student.
Membership is awarded on the basis of high scholarship
and exemplary character.
Nomination of new electees will begin in January o f1984!
Contact the Tau Beta Pi office at 764-6250 for more information.
Juo: Oper: dmk Date: 12/02/83
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Album Reconstructions
n exhibition of reconstructed record albums
-iiniiv desiwned by the artist
A n exhibition of reconstructed record albums
originally designed by the artist 2
Opening Reception"
Friday, December 9, 1983
10:00 pm
The artist will be present.
523 E. L iberty
Ann Arbor Ml 48104
For information
437-8430 ..