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December 09, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-12-09

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GNinetyfour Years 4r4v4
o f iFinals
EditrialFreeom i Cloudy with a chance of snow.A
'ol.°XCIV-No. 77 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 9, 1983 Fifteen Cents Fourteen Pages

Students dodge finals
blues with unusual antics

When the pressure of final exams
gets too intense for LSA junior Shelly
McNamara, she punches out her stuf-
fed animals.
LSA sophomore David Pascal and his
roommates drove his car through the
East Engineering arch Wednesday
night just to release some study ten-
RESIDENCE hall staffs attributed a
monstrous snowball fight between
nearly 150 students from Markley,
Couzens, and Mosher Jordan dor-
mitories Tuesday night to pre-finals
And even the most restrained stud-
ents might let loose a primal scream to
make it through late nights of cram-
ming a neglected semester's worth of
reading into only a few hours.
While today marked the last day of
classes, it also signifies the start of the
most intense days of the semester.
Study days - the University's gift of
time to students before the final exam
anvil falls on their fact-filled heads -
put students in their own world of study

IT IS A time when students live on
,caffeine and candy bars, when they
disappear into campus libraries to
master academic feats such as learning
a semester of organic chemistry in 48
"You push yourself to the limit
(during study days)," said Jennifer
Clark, an Alice Lloyd resident adviser.
"You push yourself farther than you
thought you could."
The darker side of people's per-
sonalities emerge during finals week.
Tempers grow short. Vision narrows to
immediate study goals as each student
struggles with his or her own feelings of
STUDENTS walking the tightrope of
pressure during study days find dif-
ferent ways to release tension - some
more unusual than others.
LSA sophomore Melissa McDaniel
plays with eight wind-up Smurf dolls
and tries to get the toys all walking at
the same time.
Some of her friends pull out crayons
and coloring books to cope with final
exam pressures.
By tackling such simple tasks,

students can build their confidence, she
Winding up dolls "is not too tough,
and it's something I know I can do,"
said McDaniel.
SOMETIMES it's worth doing these
things just for a laugh, she added.
"You don't get to laugh much during
finals week. Unless you stay up late and
get giddy," she said.
McNamara, the South Quad RA who
abuses stuffed animals, said she
picked up odd strategies for coping with
finals pressure from a former resident
director who told her to throw plastic
glasses against the wall.
PASCAL, THE bold LSA sophomore
who ran his car thorugh the
Engineering arch said students become
crazier during exams to combat the
tense atmosphere on campus.
"You do fun things you wouldn't do
under normal situations to counteract
the effects of sitting in the library," he
Lisa Koppelberger, who was doing
last-minute work on a paper at the
Graduate Library last night, said the
See EXAM, Page 2

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
LSA Sophomore Brian Jendrusina sets up camp in the Undergraduate Library to begin the long haul of studying for
final exams. Today marks both the last day of classes for students and the start of study days for final exams.

be relocated

BEIRUT, Lebanon - U.S. Marines wiped out a
Shiite militia sniper nest and bunker in a fierce ex-
hange of fire yesterday, and the Reagan ad-
ministration said it was considering plans to move
the Marines out of Beirut airport to safer positions.
°The Marines retaliated when the northeastern
perimeter of their base came under a sustained
barrage of mortars,. rocket-propelled grenades and
automatic rifle fire.
THE SHOOTING came from a fortified position in
the Shiite Moslem stronghold of Hay el-Selum, and
the bunker was destroyed with 60 mm mortars, M-60
tank guns and Dragon missiles, Marine spokesman
aj. Dennis Brooks said.
In addition to the bunker, the Marines shelled a
building that had been used by Shiite snipers to fire at
leatherneck positions some 150 yards away.
As darkness fell, the 1,200 Marines at Beirut airport
remained in bunkers on Condition I maximum alert,
fearing a repeat of the morning's 90-minute battle on
the red dirt hills that form the Marines' nor-
theast perimeter.
NO MARINE casualties were reported in the fight,
which came four days after eight Marines were killed

and two wounded in assaults following an American
airstrike on Syrian troops.
Hay el-Sellum is a stronghold of Arnal, the
dominant Shiite militia in Lebanon. Shiite fanatics
were suspected of masterminding the suicide truck
bombing on Oct. 23 that killed 240 American troops at
the Marine base.
The Marines also face the Druse who control the
hills above the airport, and Druse gunners were
responsible for an attack that killed eight Marines
WITH THE deepening U.S. military involvement,
Italy said it wanted to slash its peacekeeping force in
Beirut by half, to the 1,100 originally committed..
At a NATO meeting of foreign ministers in
Brussels, the U.S. and three nations contributing
troops to peacekeeping forces in Lebanon - Italy,
France and Britain - vowed they would stay on to
support Lebanese President Amin Gemayel.
Because of the increasing attacks, the Reagan ad-
ministration is considering plans to move the
Marines away from the airport to more sheltered
positions, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes
said in Washington yesterday.
"There have been discussions on this matter ...
particularly since they came under attack and even

more so since the car bombing" of Oct. 23, he said.
SPEAKES declined to give details, but said no
consideration is being given to withdrawing the
Marines from Lebanon.
The New York Times said the plans under con-
sideration include redeploying the Marines to
positions south of the airport or to amphibious ships
offshore, and that they came in response to domestic
and foreign pressure.
In the Syrian capital of Damascus, Druze leader
Walid Jumblatt and Abdellah al Ahmar, assistant
secretary general of Syria's ruling Baath Party,
vowed more assaults on U.S. forces in Lebanon.
"It was agreed to step up operations by the
Lebanese resistance against the occupation and to
confront the Israeli and American aggressors,"
Syria's state-run. radio said of a meeting between
Jumblatt and Ahmar.
Brooks, describing the new fighting, said the
Marines came under "heavy and concentrated"
small arms, mortar and rocket-propelled grenade
fire" from an enemy bunker northeast of the airport.
Two U.S. vessels were seen cruising close to shore
during the fighting, but Marines spokesmen said
their guns were not fired.

Sign Language
Over 250 protesters and supporters of Reagan gathered outside the Indiana
Convention Center in Indianapolis to voice their opinion of Reagan's speach
yesterday on education, which defended the government's low school budget
and called for stricter classroom discipline. (See pg. 3 for story )

MSA errs in sexual
orientation proposal
By PETE WILLIAMS Jonathon Ellis, the director of
The Michigan Student Assembly Canterbury Loft, who worked on the
voteThesdhig toudntassbly campaign for the clause in 1977
voted Tuesday night to put a proposal caught MSA's error and informed
Ion next April's election ballot caghtMAserradifre
assembly members yesterday. Ellis
establishing a sexual non- said the repeat effort was not the fault
discrimination clause into the body's of MSA's gay and lesbian liaisons,
constitution. who presented the proposed amen-
But it wasn't until yesterday mor- dment to the Assembly Tuesday
ning that the Assembly found out that night. "I'm sure they were under the
the policy had already been passed - impression that MSA had once acted
by a vote of students in 1977. on it in some way, but not as an actual
APPARENTLY, nobody ever amendment," Ellis said.
bothered to change the master copy of Ellis also said that the amendment
MSA's constitution after the original wasn't totally forgotten by groups on
Presolution passed six years ago. As campus. He said that Lesbian and
gay rights has once again become a Gay Rights on Campus (LaGROC)
campus issue, MSAthis year decided sighted the clause as a precedent in
to show its support for eliminating their fight with the University ad-'
discrimination on the basis of sexual ministration to add a similar clause to
orientation. See MSA, Page 9

Israel denounces U.N.
help in PLO evacuati0n

From AP and UPI
TEL AVIV, Israel - Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir
denounced the United Nations yesterday for deciding to help
with the evacuation of Yasser Arafat from Lebanon, and a
controversy blew up over whether Israel should try to block
the escape or try to kill the Palestinian guerrilla leader.
Shamir, visiting Israelis wounded in the bombing of a
Jerusalem bus Tuesday, said the United Nations' agreement
to let its flags fly on the Greek ships which are to take Arafat
and his PLO loyalists out of Tripoli, Lebanon, "is a subject
for the most extreme condemnation." Instead of fulfilling its
purpose of "safeguarding peace," the world body was giving
protection to a "murderous organization," he charged.
THE PLO claimed responsibility for the bus bombing, but
the head of the Palestinian news agency WAFA was quoted
Wednesday as saying the PLO did not, after all, carry out the

Asked to comment on the debate over whether Israel
should try to kill Arafat, the head of the Palestine Liberation
Organization, Shamir replied that his gcvernment "is con-
sidering all ways of action." He did not elaborate.
The controversy was started by former Defense Minister
Ariel Sharon, now a minister without portfolio, who told a
French radio interviewer that Arafat "should not be allowed
to leave Tripoli alive."
SHARON SAID Arafat's death would be a "very, very im-
portant achievement and a step forward."
Ronnie Milo, a member of Parliament and close associate
of Sham ir, disagreed.
"We don't have to bother to save him, but we don't have to
kill him either," Milo said. "They (PLO rebels) against
Arafat will do that themselves."
See SHAMIR, Page 9

Sham ir
attacks U.N. decision


ON'T PANIC if the Daily isn't on your doorstep
tomorrow morning - it isn't supposed to be there.
This morning's paper is our last for the term, since even

graduation ceremonies, you'll get to hear from one of our
East Lansing rivals - Michigan State University President
Cecil Mackey is this year's speaker. Mackey's speech,
"Thoughts on 1984's Eve," will begin at 2 p.m. Graduates
have been allotted ten tickets apiece to hand out to friends
and relatives, but students who want to pick up tickets on
their own will have to wait until Friday, Dec. 16. Any lef-
tover tickets will be available that afternoon from the
diploma office at 1518 LSA Graduates are being asked to
line up in the tunnel at 1:30 p.m., and spectators are asked
to be seated by 2 p.m.mO

Enrichment Group Gift Catalog. "We intentionally tied it in
with the Christmas season hoping that people would ex-
tend their Christmas spirit to include some of our city
facilities, said James Overbeek, assistant city manager for
community enrichment. Several of the suggestions deal
with animals, alive and otherwise. A $20 donation will put a
portable X-ray machine at John Gall Zoo, and $1,000 will
restore a prehistoric Mastodon skeleton. "The book is a
success if we get one item paid for or all of them paid for,"
said Overbeek. O

cover agents operating in Michigan, despite the gover-
nment's warning that publication of the list would be a
* 1964 - The University officials said they were con-
sidering instituting a three-day study period between the
last day of classes and the beginnings of exams. Students
then had only a one-day break before exams.
* 1935 - A Daily survey found that 91 students would be
displaced or lose their jobs when a block of homes and
businesses was torn down to make way for the new
Rackham building. n




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