Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
Lit c4au
Guess what?
Mostly cloudy with more-you
guessed it-snow flurries. Expect
a high between 25 and 30.
Vol. XCIV-No. 75 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 7, 1983 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
in Israel
From AP and UPI
Daily Photo by DOUG MCMAHON
Winter wonderart,
Mother Nature shows up the art students on North Campus yesterday as she adds a coat of glistening snow to their artwork in the Sculpture Court.
Pan.el wavants open dorm, lottery
JERUSALEM - A PLO bomb blew
apart a crowded bus yesterday killing
four people and wounding 46 in the
bloodiest terrorist attack in Jerusalem
in more than five years.
In Beirut, militia gunners poured
heavy machine-gun fire at the U.S.
Marine base at Beirut airport.
NO U.S. casualties were reported in
the machine-gun attack, the first on the
American contingent of the
multinational peacekeeping force since
Sunday when an artillery barrage
killed eight Marines and wounded two.
In Tripoli, the Palestine Liberation
Organization claimed responsibility for
Jerusalem blast, saying one of its
guerrilla units planted the bomb aboard
a "military bus."
The bomb ripped limbs off some
passengers and blew away the roof and
sides of the bus while it was stopped on
Herzl Boulevard linking southern
Jerusalem to its western suburbs. One-
fourth of the wounded were in intensive
care units with serious burns and
singed lungs, doctors said.
IT WAS THE most serious attack on
civilians in Israel since the Israeli in-
vasion of Lebanon in June 1982 to crush
the PLO, and the worst bombing in Jer-
usalem since a June 1978 bus bombing
that killed six people.
The office of Prime Minister Yitzhak
Shamir vowed "the perpetrators of this
wicked assault . . . will not remain un-
The explosion occurred when the bus
was stopped at a traffic light in
Jerusalem's Jewish section. It came
during a school vacation for Hanukkah,
and several children were believed to
be on the bus.
THE BLAST also damaged another
bus stopped at the red light, knocking
the driver and some of his passengers
from their seats.
Parts of the red-and-white bus were
scattered over a 200-yard radius. The
roof flew almost 100 yards and landed
down the street almost intact.
The bomb appeared to have been
placed under a seat near the center of
the bus. It blew a 3-by-6-foot hole in the
floor, buckled seats and stripped the
panelling off the sides.
"It appears that the bomb was very
heavy," Transport Minister Haim Cor-
fu told Israel radio. "A heavy package
or a big shopping basket like that
should have aroused suspicions among
the passengers."
Bombs are often found on buses by
passengers, who are reminded on
television and radio to be alert for
suspicious packages.
Police said the four dead were two
girls, 14 and 15 years old, a 65-year-old
man and a 35-year-old man. At least 10
schoolchildren were among the 43 in-
"There was a baby's blood-stained
pacifier on the street," said one shaken
rescue worker. "It was a horrific
MEANWHILE, U.S. Marines at the
airport responded to the rebel machine-
gun bursts with fire from tank guns and
anti-tank weapons. The fire came from
an area controlled by Druse and Shiite
"At 5 p.m. 11 a.m. EST today our
eastern perimeter received heavy, con-
centrated machine-gun fire from a for-
tified position," said Marine
spokesman Maj. Dennis Brooks.
"The Marines responded ... and the
fighting ceased. It stopped im-
mediately. there were no casualties."
AT THE SAME time Beirut radios
reported U.S. jets few reconnaissance
over Syrian-controlled Lebanon and
Syria said: it downed two unmanned
Israeli spy planes.
Five formations of F-14 Tomcat in-
tercepters, each made up of two jets,
steaked over Beirut at midafternoon
See PLO, Page 5
Students who decide to remain in University housing
next year may have an easier time switching dorms
if Housing Division officials accept a new system
proposed by a planning committee yesterday.
The new plan would open lease lotteries in all the
halls to any current resident of University housing.
Under the system used last year, students were only
allowed to enter the lottery in their current hall,
Those wishing to change halls had to sign on to
lengthy waiting lists. After signing a lease in their old
MEMBERS OF the Fall Planning Committee said
the proposed system would allow everyone an equal
chance of getting a spot in one of the more popular
halls, such as West Quad or Mosher-Jordan. Current
residents of those halls, however, may resent losing
their privilege to renew their leases.
A majority of the nine-member planning commit-
tee, which is made up of housing officials, building
directors, a faculty member of LSA, and students,
approved the, plan, said Marlene Mantyk, housing
advisor and chairperson of the committee.
The proposal also includes an "escalation clauise"
which would increase the number of leases available
to returning students currently living in the more
popular dorms, Mantyk said. Last year, only 42 per-
cent of the spaces in each hall were made available to
returning students, with the rest reserved for in-
coming freshpersons.
THE CEILING would be escalated after officials
tallied up the number of leases available system-
wide. Un-signed leases for the less popular dorms
would be used to allow more students into the popular
halls, keeping the ceiling at 42 percent for the system
as a whole Mantyk said.
Residence Hall Association members said they
fully support the recommendation. "It's the fastest,
simplest, smoothest plan possible," said RHA mem-
ber Matt Burley.
Although Burley acknowledged that the residents
of the more sought-after dorms would lose their
current advantage over residents of other halls, he
said the escalation clause would make up for some of
the loss.
See PANEL, Page 6
MSA passes sexual anti-
disermunation proposal
Students will be asked to approve a
sexual non-discrimination clause for
the Michigan Student Assembly's con-
stitution during elections this spring,
MSA members voted unanimously last
The clause, one of the first to be ap-
proved by a University organization,
was approved in part to encourage
University administrators to take a
similar step.
"IN SOME WAYS we hoped that it
would have an effect on (the University
by-laws) but it was not done for that
purpose," said Diane Devries, lesbian
coordinator for MSA. "It was done
because MSA thought it appropriate."
If the proposed wording is approved
by three-fifths of the student voters
next term, MSA's constitution would be'
altered to read: "The Assembly shall
recognize and undertake to guarantee.
the right to enjoy all of these rights . .
without regard to the race, color, sex,
social class, political views, national
origin, religious creed, sexual orien-
tation, or any other arbitrary or
'We have always supported the sexual
orientation clause at the general (Univer-
sity) by-law level. We felt it was time we
take a firm stand ourselves."
-Mary Rowland, MSA president
unreasonable consideration."
Devries said the assembly had been
talking about changing the by-laws for
some time, but the task of drafting a
proposal did not fall under any mem-
ber's specific duties.
IT TOOK three weeks for Devries and
gay coordinator Greg Prokopowitz to
draft a proposal after they were appoin-
ted last month.
"Until November, there was no one to
work on it," Devries said. "Once MSA
realized that it didn't fit in with any
other group's concerns, they created
the (lesbian and gay) liaison
MSA president Mary Rowland said
the clause represents the assembly's
strong sentiments on the issue.
"WE HAVE always supported the
sexual orientation clause at the general
(University) by-law level," she said.
"We felt it was time we take a firm
stand ourselves."
Rowland predicted that the clause
would have little trouble earning voter
MSA Vice President Jono Soglin
agreed, saying the clause will be a
more political issue than the unsuc-
cessful attempt last year to get students
to approve a steering committee vote
for the assembly's vice president for
minority affairs.
Blown away AP Photo
A housing project is left in ruins yesterday in Selma, Ala., after a tornado stuck, killing one and injuring at least 14. The
tornado was part of a second plague of tornados and floods to rip through the Deep South since Saturday.
Snowballers' attack peters out
HAT STARTED out as a fight between two
halls in Markley snowballed into an attack
on the rest of the hill area dorms late Monday
night. Residents of fourth Reeves moved a
was too much, according to one Reeves house resident.
Sources say that West Quad and neighboring South Quad
will be hit eventually-watch out. Q
A sports scandal that wasn't
N HIS JUST released autobiography, Giant Steps, bas-
ketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who played college
ball at the University of California at Los Angeles, reveals
that he was offered a bonus package to transfer to Michigan
during the 1966-67 season. Abdul-Jabbar, who says he was
According to Hal ...
D ID ANYONE ELSE notice who was included among
the noted celebrities queried by The New York Times
Book Review on Sunday about their favorite books for work
and pleasure of 1983? That's right. Questioned along with
Ronald Reagan, Sally Ride, and Dan Rather was none other
than our very own Harold Shapiro. What was the
president's favorite book for work? Victor Fuch's "Who
Shall Live," a studied proposal for universal comprehen-
sive medical insurance. For pleasure, Shapiro named
Joel Samoff tenure. The students held that Samoff was
denied tenure because of his Marxist political beliefs.
Also on this date in history:
" 1971 - The Daily learned that John Lennon and Yoko
Ono would make an appearance at a rally held two days
later for radical leader John Sinclair.
* 1969 - Residents of Baits told University housing of-
ficials they were considering a rent strike if the University
didn't lower their rent and negotiate with the Baits Housing
Tenants Union on other issues.
" 1961- University President Harlan Hatcher told a group
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