OPINION Page 4 Saturday, December 3, 1983 The Michigan Daily Peace is the, way, not just the goal -4 By Coretta Scott King seventh in a series The winds of change are sweeping America and the world. Our nation has begun the largest military buildup in human history. As never before, we are confronted with the unthinkable specter of a nuclear Armageddon. Both the United States and the Soviet Union have-assembled an awesome range of nuclear weapons. The two superpowers already have 15,000 hydrogen bombs and 10,000 tactical nuclear weapons, enough to destroy the earth many times over. Euro missile Debate No one knows exactly how many nuclear bombs there are today. But with 247 nuclear power reactors in the world, it would be possible to produce up to 8,000 bombs per year, each one of which is many times more destruc- tive than the atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War II. ALTHOUGH MANY people think that the nuclear arms race is between the United States and the Soviet Union, in fact, four other nations admit to possessing nuclear weapons as well. The other nations include China, Britain, France, and India. It's bad enough that six nations have nuclear weapons, but this number is expected to triple within just three years, when a total of 18 nations will have nuclear weapons. By 1987 it is expected that a total of 29 nations will have the bomb. Clearly, this is madness. There are those who say we have no choice but to increase our stockpile of nuclear weapons because the Soviets are doing the same. Indeed, it's true that the Soviets have an awesome nuclear force which could destroy this nation. But that has been true for a long time. The historical record shows that when we escalate, they escalate, and vice-versa. That's why it never seems to end. ISN'T IT STRANGE how the leaders of nations can talk so eloquently about peace while they prepare for war? There is no way to make peace while preparing for war. The supporters of the nuclear arms race say that peace can only be achieved through strength. But what do they mean by "strength"? Apparently, an ability to destroy the world an infinite number of times. But at a certain point we must ask: just what is it that makes a nation safe and secure? If we ruin our economy to engage in an ac- celerating arms race, are we really any stronger? When we demoralize and polarize millions of jobless, homeless, and im- poverished Americans, it seems to me that we are dangerously weak at the very fabric of our society. In this sense, the nuclear race breeds insecurity, not strength. OUR GREATEST defense against com- munism or any other "ism" is economic prosperity and opportunity for all of our citizens, as well as for people of other nations. This should be the corner stone of both our domestic and foreign policies. If our nation can set a higher standard of justice, opportunity, and human rights, we will win the war of ideas without resorting to fear. This is the only way to achieve a truly lasting peace which is built on a solid foundation of respect instead of fear. The proliferation of nuclear weapons is not only the major threat to the survival of humanity. It's also the primary cause of pover- ty and economic stagnation around the world. With a serious arms control program, the and are not clothed." Martin Luther King, Jr. said it a little dif- ferently. As he put it: "If we reversed invest- ments and gave the armed forces the an- tipoverty budget, the generals could be forgiven if they walked off the battlefield in disgust. Poverty, urban problems, and social progress generally are ignored when the guns of war become a national obsession... A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplifts is approaching spiritual death." Martin's point about the debilitating effects of the frms race is well taken. Black Americans in particular, should also be aware that nuclear war is not an "equal opportunity" destroyer. Black Americans would be disproportionately victimized in the event of a nuclear war because we are more concentrated in the central cities. In this sense, nuclear war is kind of genocide as well as homocide. EVEN BEFORE we get to a war, however, black Americans are also disproportionately victimized by the nuclear arms race. The social programs which have been cut to finance the nuclear arms race have provided needed opportunities and services for millions of black Americans. I A recent study by Employment Research Associates calculated that every increase of one billion dollars in Pentagon spending causes 1,300 black workers to lose their jobs. In one two-year period, 1977 and 1978, increases in the defense budget cost black workers 480,000 jobs in civilian industry. Consider that, when people lost their jobs, they need more human services from their government. More unemployment compensation, more food stamps, more AFDC assistance, and other government programs. Yet, these are the kinds of benefits that are being slashed to finance the arms race. The bottom line is that black workers are being for- ced to pay a heavy price at both ends. When you look at the statistics, it's no exaggeration to say that the nuclear arms race is a leading cause of economic depression in the black community. Black Americans can play a pivotal role in the struggle to prevent nuclear war. We are a cohesive community, and many of our leaders have already been trained in the philosophy and strategy of active nonviolence. The biblical admonition to "beat your swords into plowshares" is closely compatible with black religious traditions as well as our self- interest. The black community has extensive experience with boycotts and selective patronage campaigns which can advance the movement for economic conversion. Blacks tend to vote as a bloc, and this means we can exercise a disproportionate impact on impor- tant elections at every level. Black voters can make the difference which can send peace- makers to the halls of Congress as well as to the White House. So black Americans in particular have a vested interest in preventing nuclear war and promoting nuclear disarmament. However, this concern is shared by all Americans who seek a better society. To prevent nuclear war, we must forge a new coalition of conscience which can make human needs and an improved quality of life the cen- tral priorities in the federal budget. We must create a new awareness that peace and justice are indivisible, that a unity of means and ends is the way to achieve world peace. In other words, if we want to create a truly nonviolent world society, then we must adhere to a non- violent strategy. Peace is the way not just the goal. King is founding president and chief executive officer of. the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change headquartered in Atlanta, Ga. The center was established in 1969 as a living memorial to her late husband. nations of the world could apply countless billions of dollars saved to advancing social and economic progress. The arms race is a shameful theft of funds from programs that would enrich our planet. Here in America the cost of one heavy bomber could pay for 30 modern brick schools, or two fully equipped hospitals. The cost of a single destroyer would provide new homes for 8,000 people, and that of a single fighter plane would pay for a half million bushels of wheat. AS PRESIDENT Eisenhower once said, "Every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold I Edie ttigan t Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LaBan Vol. XCIV-No. 72 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Big money; big problems T IHE STAKES in maj letics were raised a And they threaten to co leaving the Nationa Athletic Association wi solving some difficult p the primary cause of th continues to grow unchec CBS recently agreed than $96 million to telec basketball tournament and 1987. The figure isc million CBS is now pay 1982-84 championships. In football, a pending give every college t negotiate television c dividually, instead of NCAA as is done now. B dependently, major fo could blow the roof television contracts. Ath Don Canham has estima this arrangement the Un reap close to 19 million -a figure almost equal tment's current budget. In these profits lies the problems plaguing big athletics. Without this unlikely that college at have faced such a wide] dIes involving gambling, illegal recruiting, trans and poor academic stc pursuit of vast profit- amateur athletes into pr or college ath- gain this year. )ntinue rising, 1 Collegiate th the job of roblems while iose problems ked. to pay more ast the NCAA in 1985, 1986, double the $48 ing to air the tertainment. And the first rule, of professional entertainment if filling the seats. The key to doing that is to win, win, win - by whatever means possible. There is little, however, which the NCAA can do about these profits. Practically speaking, it would be silly to turn them down. What the NCAA can do is set rules to protect the performers, who many seem to forget are also college studen- ts. f~op I T RI&Wf TAfERF! Yk,$stR \RA 'TT WILL NOT $ -MITLU D WrnTUNE.R5TAHD? L *$5AI'M NOT (,INttCUPSO H A~Txv SVJOOV0T CowS ~ ..Nvk wNICM In! y'ou'I G(A.TWG A Vr.W L oi.COE1hV VV hrN 6b -__ 4 Last year's adoption of rule 48 was a lawsuit could good start. The regulation set up ;he right to specific high school course contracts in- requirements and college board test through the scores for athletes who want to com- 3argaining in- pete as freshpersons. otball powers This January, NCAA delegates can off existing take another step by creating a power-j iletic Director ful board of University presidents! ted that under which would have the power to set up iversity could 'further NCAA legislation. The NCAA extra dollars has long been overly influenced by to the depar- coaches and athletic directors; if there are going to be any major reforms, e root of many they are most likely to come from the time college academic heads of the nation's money, it is colleges. hletics would Money and big profits, for better or range of scan- worse, have become part of college game fixing, athletics. The NCAA and the nation' cript forgery, universities are going to have to andards. The scramble to counteract the strains this s has turned money has, and will continue to, put on ofessional en- college athletics. 1 K ~7 J /' '/ j . / STO THE DAILY: Sit-ins better than military research 4 To the Daily: Inhan open letter to the Univer- sity community three top ad- ministrators wrote, "(A) protest becomes unacceptable, poten- tially intolerable, when it inter- feres significantly with academic freedom" which they define as "the right of faculty and students to pursue their legitimate teaching and research activities without interference." Inmthis -context "unacceptable" means that the PSN blockade was not accepted by the administration as an appropriate action. Those of us involved in the blockade realized this before we began. We chose to work outside of the system. This means using methods that the system will call unacceptable. I would like to raise the issue of acceptability in a larger context. We took our action to say weapons research is unaccep- table. The motives of researchers may ha anod (such a trving to proposed guidelines for non- classified research?rThese guidelines had the support of students, faculty, and the ad- ministration. Harold Shapiro said of our action, "The unilateral ac- tion of a few people to attempt to impose their will on the Univer- sity of Michigan community is not tolerable." This statement seems to apply better to the regents action than to ours. Our action was not forcing our will on the University community, it was giving the administration a choice, stop the research or arrest us, they chose the former. Our action was a denial of academic freedom only if (by the administration's definition) we interfered with legitimate research activities. Our position is that the research we tried to BLOOM COUNTY stop is not legitimate. If has. legitimacy comes only from the s -David Miklethun regents then our action was a November 18 denial of academic freedom as the administration defines it, but Miklethun is a member of if, as I would contend, legitimacy the Progressive Student Net- comes from the people, from the work and was..a participant in University community then there the group's early November is some question as to what sit-in. legitimacy weapons research Community high commended 1 3 f t r I } .; M ' } ' } ' k k 3 f(/may \' 1 To The Daily: Thank you for the recent article on Community High School. ("Community: Education with a choice," Weekend, October 28). The enthusiasm and high morale of students and teachers at Community was evident in their remarks. For students who are alienated' by the traditional programs, Community provides an alternative that can make a tremendous difference. We are 4 fortunate to have this alternative available in Ann Arbor. -Miriam Meisler November 14 Meisler is a professor of genetics. N - - ANV FINAWU.Y, (PLCT -U- vn) APDIT MY CAMO _. A AX, A R~l -m,,IA DIO fIlA irx vlj/ by Berke Breathed uu rr>