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November 30, 1983 - Image 2

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Page 2 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 30, 1983



Courts give OK for


STARKE, Fla. (AP) - The U.S.
Supreme Court and a federal appeals
panel refused yesterday to spare the
life of convicted murderer Robert
Sullivan, clearing the way for his
execution this morning.
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
first vacated a stay of execution that
had been issued Monday, and the case
went to the high court, which refused to
issue a stay yesterday evening. It was
the third time the Supreme Court had
rejected his case.

scheduled for yesterday morning, was
rescheduled for 10 a.m. EST today, ac-
cording to Steve Hull, a spokesman for
Gov. Bob Graham.
Florida State Prison Superintendent
Richard Dugger earlier set the elec-
trocution for 7 a.m. today, but delayed
it three hours to give defense attorneys
more time to prepare an appeal
claiming that Sullivan may have an
alibi, according to Sidney McKenzie,
the governor's general counsel.
Sullivan won a temporary reprieve
Monday night from Chief Judge John

Godbold of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in Atlanta.
But the court's 12 judges decided
yesterday'not to hear Sullivan's ap-
peal, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Lewis Powell was asked to say whether
the convicted killer should die in the
electric chair.
An appeal had been filed with Powell
on Monday, but his role was superceded
when the appeals panel issued the stay.
With the stay vacated, the case was
back in Powell's hands. He passed it on
to the whole court yesterday night.

On Monday afternoon, Graham
received a communique from Pope
John Paul II seeking mercy for
Sullivan, a Catholic who grew up in
Massachusetts. The plea, relayed by
telephone by Archbishop Edward Mc-
Carthy of Miami, was rejected. Steve
Hull, the governor's press secretary,
said Graham thanked the pope for his
The governor told anti-death penalty
protesters in Tallahassee yesterday
that "the time has come for finality"
for Sullivan.

College fights feds over sex bias laws

WASHINGTON (AP) - A tiny Pennsylvania
college, fighting "to remain independent," took on
the Reagan administration yesterday in a Supreme
Court confrontation over the government's attempts
to combat sex bias on campus.
And although the justice's questions and comments
are not always an accurate indicator, Grove City
College appeared to get the best of it.
THE COURT is to decide by July whether students
at the liberal arts college may receive federal grants
and loans even though school officials refuse to
pledge in writing that they do not discriminate again-
st women.
Justice Lewis Powell noted that the denial of federal
aid may force some students to leave the college of
their choice.
The government says requiring such written
assurance is a valid regulation under a 1972 law,

commonly called Title IX, banning sex bias in
educational programs subsidized by federal money..
THE REAGAN. administration's interpretation of
the law's scope has been attacked as too narrow by
women's rights groups, giving the case added atten-
tion. But that dispute was hardly mentioned during
the court's 60-minute argument session yesterday.
Grove City College, founded in 1876 as a
coeducational, liberal arts school affiliated with the
Presbyterian Church, never has been accused of
discriminating against anyone. In fact, the school
was on record opposing bias based on race or sex long
before such discrimination in education was
But the school, located 70 miles north of Pittsburgh,
historically has refused all forms of direct gover-
nment assistance, either federal or state.
THE COLLEGE only "seeks to avoid governmen-

tal entanglement, to remain independent," lawyer
David Lascell of Rochester, N.Y., argued yesterday.
He said the school is not a "recipient" of federal aid
under the law. If the Supreme Court agrees, it need
go no further in reversing a federal appeals court and
ruling for Grove City College.
But if the justices decide the school fits the legal
definition of a federal aid recipient, they likely will
tackle a more controversial issue: Just what is an
"education program" covered by Title IX?
In ruling against Grove City College last year, the
3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said, "Where the
federal government furnished indirect or non-
earmarked aid to an institution it is apparent to us'
that the institution itself must be the 'program.' "
Arguing for the college, Lascell contended that no
relevant "program" exists so Title IX does not ap-

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U.S.-Soviet strategic
arms talks resume

GENEVA, Switzerland - U.S.-Soviet
talks on reducing strategic arms
resumed yesterday and they were ex-
pected to continue despite the Soviet
walkout from parallel negotiations on
medium-range missiles in Europe.
Soviet negotiator Viktor Karpov met
for more than three hours with
American negotiator Edward Rowny,
and said the Strategic Arms Reduction,
or START talks, would go on despite
what he called U.S. efforts to block an
PAUL NITZE, the U.S. negotiator at
the aborted medium-range talks, told a
London news conference he hoped and
expected the Soviets would also resume
the meduium-range negotiations but
that he had no firm evidence they
The Kremlin scuttled the parallel In-
termediate-Range Nuclear Force talks
Nov. 23 after the West German
Parliament approved NATO
deployment of the 572 new missiles.

It's Here!
1983=84 f,:
Um -M

Moscow has announced counter-plans
to put new Soviet rockets in East bloc
states, and on submarines near U.S.
There had been speculation the
Soviets would also break off the long-
range talks but the delegation turned up
for the scheduled session.
BUT KARPOV, upon coming out of
the START session, accused the United
States of blocking progress.
"There is no progress up to now,"
Karpov told reporters in English. "As I
have explained many times, the
position of the American side is not for
an agreement."
But he said the talks would go on.
Asked if the negotiations would con-
tinue beyond Thursday, the next
scheduled session, Karpos replied with
a laugh: "A step at a time."
Karpov's comments suggest the
Soviets want to keep open avenues of
negotiation while showing anti-missile
opposition groups in the West "good
faith" by staying at START as the
current round approached an expected
recess date next week.
This would allow Moscow to keep
pressure on NATO while it draws up
strategy, including a possible merger of
the two sets of talks.
Western analysts have said, however,
that a merger could complicate the
strategic talks without raising prospec-
ts for an agreement on medium-range
hit by
in months
(Continued from Page 1)
down. Phalange radio listed seven
people dead and 30 wounded.
Official Beirut radio identified the
source of the shelling as the Upper Metn
mountains, a Druze area within the
Syrian-controlled sector of Lebanon,
east of the capital.
A main power station was reported
hit, forcing Beirut back ontorpower
rationing after only a one-week break
from three months of restrictions. The
darkened streets made a 3-month-old 8
p.m. curfew even more oppressive.
followed an exchange of abductions
that pushed tense Christian-Shiite
relations closer to another explosion of
sectarian killing.
After Christian Phalange militiamen
kidnapped several Shiites on the high-
way south of Beirut, Moslem gunmen
retaliated by seizing two buses loaded
with 60 Christian employees of Middle
East Airlines, the Lebanese flag
Michael Teague,. a spokesman for the

Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
German government official
charged with taking bribes
BONN, West Germany - The government of Chancellor Helmut Kohl was
rocked yesterday with the announcement that Economics Minister Count Ot
to Lambsdorff will be charged with taking $50,000 bribes in a corporate tax
Bonn public prosecutor Johannes Wilhelm announced the charges against
Lambsdorff and said four corporate and political figures including the
president of the giant Dresdner Bank had already been charged in the affair.
The announcement was a serious embarrassment for Kohl's 14-month-old
coalition government and was likely to lead to cabinet changes.
Opposition Social Democratic Party leader Hans-Jochen Vogel im-
mediately called for Lambsdorff's resignation.
Poland to allow Walesa's wife
to collect peace prize
WARSAW, Poland - Poland's Communist authorities will allow Lech
Walesa's wife to go to Norway to collect his Nobel Peace Prize, a gover-
nment spokesman said yesterday, but it appeared doubtful a Solidarity ad-
viser could accompany her.
Danuta Walesa, reached by telephone at her apartment in the Baltic port
of Gdansk, said she would "refuse to go" if Tadeusz Mazowiecki, a long-time
adviser to Walesa, is denied the passport he needs to travel with her.
Walesa, awarded the Nobel prize Oct. 5 for his leadership of the now-
outlawed Solidarity labor federation, designated his wife,rtheir eldest son,
Bogdon, 13, and Mazowiecki to collect the award and $190,000 prize in his
The 40-year-old shipyard electrician said he does not want to leave Poland
while other union activists are in jail. He has been quoted as saying he might
not be allowed to return.
State Dept. denies visa request
WASHINGTON - The State Department, in a show of displeasure toward
perceived leftist and right-wing extremism in Central America, said yester-
day it has denied visa requests from a top Nicaraguan Marxist and from El
Salvador's most prominent anti-communist politician.
The department said both applications were denied under a provision of the
Immigration and Nationality Act that excludes aliens "whose activities
here would be contrary to the public interest." There was no further
The denial of the visa request from Robert d'Aubuisson, president of the
Salvadoran Constituent Assembly, seems related to the Reagan ad-
ministration's heightened concern over an upsurge in activity by, rightist
death squads in that country.
Nicaraguan Interior Minister Tomas Borge said he was informed of the
decision at midday and was "filled with surprise" because he said the U.S.
ambassador to Managua, Anthony Quainton, had told him a month ago his
visa request would be granted.
Borge, who spoke by telephone to U.S. reporters assembled at the
Nicaraguan Embassy, had planned at least three appearances here, starting
Spacelab crew begins work
SPACE CENTER, Houston - Scientists on the ground marveled at the
work of scientists in orbit yesterday as the crewmen of Spacelab spun and
jumped and stuck themselves with needles in exhaustive tests of human
adaptation to weightlessness.
The six men aboard the space shuttle Columbia, with the excitement of
Monday's launch behind them, concentrated on around-the-clock science
yesterday, working on some of the 73 experiments that will fill almost every
moment of their nine days orbiting 155 miles above Earth.
A mission scientist monitoring the astronauts from the science control
room at the Johnson Space Center said the experiments were "going ex-
tremely well" and the crew was dong "a great job"
The largest crew ever launched into space divided itself into two shifts, the
Red Team and the Blue Team, and kept work gong nonstop in the 23-by-14
foot science module called Spacelab, which was carried in Columbia's cargo
Spacelab is a $1 billion module designed and built by the European Space
Agency. It is packed with 73 experiments developed by scientists from 14
nations. Principal investigators are able to sit in the science room at Mission
Control and monitor the work of the astronauts,
Police seek gold bandits
LONDON - Scotland Yard detectives issued descriptions yesterday of two
vans bandits might have used to haul away three tons of gold bars worth $39
"I'm not discouraged," said Cmdr. Frank Cater, appealing to the public
for more clues to help his investigation of the heist at a Brinks-Mat security
depot Saturday. A $3 million reward has been offered for information
leading to the conviction of the gunmen who pulled off Britain's largest theft.
Police have refused to identify either the offerer of the reward and the
gold's owner.
Cater said the stolen gold was worth about $39 million - about $1.5 more
than investigators' original estimate.
At a news conference, Cater and two other police commanders showed
photographs of the two types of panel trucks and of two kinds of cartons -
the size of shoeboxes - in which the 6,800 gold bars were kept. Cater, in
charge of the investigation, also displayed a beige cloth bag that was one of
the hoods used by the gang to blindfold the six security guards at the depot.

Wednesday, November 30, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No. 69
(ISSN 0745-967X)






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