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November 29, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-29

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Cagers whip North

Carolina A&T,


Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom


Lit 43U


Cloudy and colder with a 50/50
chance of snow showers today.
High in the mid 30s.

Vol. XCIV-No. 68 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 29, 1983 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages

Old course
data used in




a unch


ADVICE, the Michigan Student Assembly's course
evaluation guide, is expected to hit the hallways again today,
looking somewhat different than it has in previous terms
because of a change in format.
Now in its fourth year of publication, ADVICE -which
originally was called Course Encounters - has been
threatened by staffing problems but appears ready to con-
tinue furnishing students with evaluations of LSA courses
completed by their peers.
IN THE PAST, ADVICE has been filled with data collected
from questionnaires completed by students at registration
during the preceding year. But no such questionnaires were
distributed last April, when students would have been
evaluating their winter term courses. The new edition will
consist of data compiled from previous years' issues.
Despite the fact that no new data was used, "the infor-
mation is still valuable and useful," said Richard Layman,
an LSA senior and coordinator of the project. "Because it is a
compilation, in one publication the student can compare
evaluations over time," he said.
After this semester, the guide will go through yet another
change in format, Layman said, when it stops using data
collected in registration lines and begins using course
evaluations conducted in class by the University.
fTHE UNIVERSITY'S Center for Research on Learning
and.Teaching, which already conducts in-class surveys for
professors, will provide ADVICE with evaluations - but
professors must consent to publication of results before they
can be released.
MargaretCole, a research assistant at the center, said that
thus far, about half the professors for 3,000 class surveys she
has looked at have consented to release of the results.
Layman said the results from University surveys would be
more accurate than those taken from people standing in
registration lines because students have more time to com-
plete evaluations and because the sample size will be much
greater. Many students do not register during the two weeks
that ADVICE typically does its surveys.
Another ADVICE official estimated that only 40 percent of
students completed surveys under the old survey, while 90
'percent will respond in-class.
IN ADDITION to the overhaul in format, ADVICE has been
See ADVICE, Page 5

into orbit

SPACE CENTER, Houston - The
shuttle Columbia rocketed the world's
largest space crew into orbit yesterday
for nine days of experiments with the $1
billion European-built Spacelab
research center.
The launch was precisely on time, 11
a.m. EST, despite a looming weather
front that threatened a two-day delay.
Columbia carried into space the largest
crew - six astronauts - and was the
first U.S. launch to include a non-
American, West German Ulf Merbold.
ASTRONAUTS Owen Garriett and
Byron Lichentenberg started turning
on equipment in the 23-foot-long
Spacelab, in the cargo bay of Columbia,
just three hours after they and four
crewmates were launched from the
Kennedy Space Center.
Mission commander John Young, 53-
year-old veteran making his a record
sixth flight, sounded like a rookie as
Columbia orbited 155 miles above the

"It is so neat up here," he said. "It is
really something." Earlier he noted:
"Things don't change any."
"IT'S A beautiful flying machine,"
radioed pilot Brewster Shaw, 38, who -
was making his first flight. "It's really
some ride. It's the smoothest way to go
you ever saw.''
The crew had a bit of trouble opening
the hatch that covers the tunnel from
Columbia's cabin to Spacelab. NASA
beamed down TV pictures that showed
the astronauts tugging and yanking to
no avail for several minutes, until
finally they freed a recalcitrant latch
and the hatch-swung free.
Then Garriott, Lichtenberg and Mer-
bold floated through the 19-foot tunnel
and made a joint entry into Spacelab,
smiling broadly and shaking hands all
around. They turned on the lights and
quickly set to work activating the ex-
periments. \Young also paid a brief visit
before returning to the cabin.
THEIR DAY was divided into 12-hour
See COLUMBIA, Page 2

The shuttle Columbia lifts Spacelab One into orbit yesterday from Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Scientists will conduct experiments in space for nine days.

Labor panel withdraws
complaint against Apex

The National Labor Relations Board last week withdrew a
formal complaint against Apex Drug Stores alleging the
company discriminated against union employees during its
takeover last year of 29 Cunningham Drug Stores in
The decision reversed earlier NLRB charges that Apex of-
fered employment to non-union applicants but illegally tur-
ned away most of the unionized employees. Of 350 former
Cunningham workers, 63 were hired by Apex.
OFFICIALS FROM the United Food and Commercial
Workers Union in Detroit said they will appeal the decision.
According to Mary Ellen Gurewitz, attorney for the union,
holders of a third of Cunningham stock essentially sold the
drug store chain to themselves in order to get rid of unionized

Cunningham's is owned by CD Holding Co. Two
shareholders in CD Holding, Mickey Shapiro and Spencer
Patrich, also own 75 percent of Apex.
DURING THE reopening of the stores under the Apex
name, new employees were hired in at $3.75 per hour with no
benefits. Cunningham's employees at the same stores earned
$6.17 per hour plus $1.50 in benefits.
Three Cunningham stores in Ann Arbor were bought out by
In its complaint issued last July, the NLRB asked Apex to
rehire Cunningham employees and give them full back pay.
The settlement could have amounted to as much as $5
ATTORNEYS for the NLRB said they found the difference
in identity between Cunningham and Apex sufficient to call
the two unaffiliated.


* slaying
Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor police still have noleads in
the shooting of an Ann Arbor woman
last Tuesday night near a grocery store
at Plymouth and Green roads.
Nancy Faber, 39, was shot in the head
shortly after she left the Kroger
grocery store at about 8 p.m. Tuesday.
She died Friday morning at St. Joseph
Mercy hospital.
POLICE BELIEVE Faber .was for-
ced at gunpoint to drive about a quarter
mile down Green-Road after leaving the
store. She was found in the car and her
purse was missing.
A $600 reward is being offered to

anyone with information leading to the
arrest and conviction of the person or
persons responsible for the shooting.
The Ann .Arbor News, where Faber's
husbadd is an editorial writer and
columnist, is providing $5000 of the
award and WAAM radio has donated
the remainder.
Police have formed a task force to in-
vestigate the murder, but all leads so
far have left them empty-handed.
Anyone with information is requested
to call the police at a special task force
telephone number, 996-3199.
Faber was a speech therapist in the
Plymouth-Canton Community School

AP Photo

Dad, send money
Dave Uitermarkt of Boulder, Colo., fights snowdrifts to reach out and touch someone during a snowstorm yesterday.
The weekend blizzard dumped as much as 27 inches of snow in some western states.

. .WOO. . .... .. . ... .... . . . . ......
. . . . . . . . . . ...............................is.... . . .


Some toy
T HERE'S A NEW doll on the market that is driving the
country crazy this Christmas season. In Hagerstown,
Md., six police officers were called in to keep order when a
crowd of 200 shoppers besieged a toy store hoping to buy
'"Cabbage Patch Kids," the new dolls with computer-
designed faces. Here in Ann Arbor, the manager of Kiddie-
Land on Main Street reported that all 24 of the dolls the
store received Wednesday were "none inside of 10

Coleco Industries Inc., of West Hartford, Conn., the
distributer, has stepped up production and expects to ship
2.5 million of the dolls by year's end, said a company
spokeswoman. Coleco's stock rose 31 points to 21%/4 yester-
The Daily almanac

*1977 - Former Michigan Gov. William Milliken told a
campus energy conference that the nation should turn more
to wood as a source of fuel.
*1978 - The Public Interest Group in Michigan kicked off
a campaign calling for a $5 fine for 18- to 20-year-olds
caught drinking liquor. E
On the inside





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