4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, November 22, 1983 The Michigan Daily t stt anthigan t Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Stewart i4 Vol. XCIV-No. 66 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Remembering JFK O N THE STEPS of the Union there is a small bronze medallion marking the spot where an idea was first announced by a candidate for political office. Though it was cold and rainy and nearly two in the morning, nearly 10,000 people, mostly students, warmly embraced both the idea and its creator. They didn't think of the idea as one only to grab headlines and votes. The idea was the Peace Corps. The candidate was John Fitzgerald Ken- nedy. The plaque near the medallion ex- plains it best: "Here, at 2:00 a.m. on October 14, 1960, John Fitzgerald Ken- nedy first defined the Peace Corps. He stood at the place marked by the medallion and was cheered by a large and enthusiastic student audience for the hope and promise his idea gave the world." The Peach Corps lives as a reminder of a man who brought this nation a skill - leadership - and a hope which has been lacking for exactly 20 years. For 20 years ago today was Dallas. What is most painful about John Kennedy's death is that so much of this nation's potential - its future - seemed to die with the young president. No one can know what might have been. John Kennedy's sen- se of what could be was so positive. Because of his leadership, so was the nation's sense of what could be. As president, he had his grand failures and his great triumphs. His name is as much linked with the abyss of the Bay of Pigs as the pinnacle of the Cuban missile crisis. He was cautious on civil rights at first, but later recognized the importance of the issue as few politicians have since. - . Kennedy's most important asset, though, was his unshakeable belief in the future and his ability to convey that belief to whomever he spoke with. 31 C)1 0 C)s Ni 1C- -th.w: J tt) '7{ 1I '-Ptoor!- I4 0 C) a r-. C> Ffrn 4 ONE DAY 9A ino -' C, A FEWIDAYS AFTER ... i l t When he said the United States would go to the moon, somehow the nation knew it would get there. When he an- nounced the New Frontier he wasn't seeking to reverse past failures, he sought future successes. Today's generation of leaders seem more intent on avoiding failure than on succeeding and moving forward. There is no one asking "not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." No one is telling the people of this nation what they can do to solve problems. Too many people are telling others what the nation is or isn't supposed to be doing for them. There aren't any politicians who can draw a crowd in cold and wet weather at two in the morning. Nor are there any politicians thousands would line the streets to catch a fleeting glimpse of as his or her motorcade swept past. But then again, John Ken- nedy was not only a politician, he was a leader - the last leader this nation has had. William Manchester said it best in the title of his book: Johnny, We Har- dly Knew Ye. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Gear up to fight Solomon III 4 To the Daily: Opponents of Solomon Amen- dment legislation have their work cut out for them. As of October 1, 1983, Solomon I and II are in force: Solomon I on college campuses where a student's statement of com- mpliance with draft registration must be given to receive federal financial aid, and Solomon II in the states' job training programs in which the compliance requirements may vary from a statement of non-conviction un- der the Military Selective Service Act to proof of registration. Another Solomon amendment, this time attached to the Hawkins full-employment bill, H.R. 1036, passed the House September 21. No debate was offered, and only one representative (Levine, D- Ca.) entered into the record a statement of opposition to the amendment after the voice vote was taken. Under this bill, funds would be distributed to cities, counties, and states based on unem- Engine. students rebuff Duderstadt.. . To the Daily: In an article ("'U' won't increase lab security," Daily, November 10) Engineering Dean James Duder- stadt was quoted as saying that the military research issue is dead. As engineering students, we feel compelled to respond In his official capacity, Duder- stadt apparently speaks on behalf of the entire engineering college. We are among many engineering students who disagree with him and need to publicly state our view. For those of us who fight for peace and self determination for all world citizens, the military research issue is not dead. And we will not fade out with the media publicity. No doubt Dean Duderstadt wishes the military research issue were dead, as the Defense Department contributes heavily to the engineering school resear- ch budget. You may conclude that, because of these grants and the lucrative jobs offered by defense contractors, military ex- penditures are in the best interest of engineering students. Perhaps this conclusion justifies the school's behavior of being led around by the defense depar- tment like a donkey with a carrot. But every engineer who loves technology and is excited by the technological functions of society ' should see that the opposite is true. Military research is destroying American technology and industry by pouring billions and billions of research capital into products that are used only to 'enforce our heavy handed policies around the world. Although in some cases military research does have limited civilian applications, the advan- cements in scientific knowledge: obtained from military are wasted. Most of the money needed to develop new products and industries is controlled by the military.. With regard to academic responsibility, the engineering school has disturbing priorities. - The military research sponsored by our school is an outrage to students and- the community. Dean Duderstadt's recent statements have added insult to injury. - James A. Schueler John Haughton November 16 Schueler and Haughton are Michigan Student Assembly representatives for the engineering college. This letter was co-signed by eight other engineering students. i OThTUSWNGEROUS) THAT TV PROGRAM" K , /a T -Ci ployment rates to subsidize private and public sector jobs. Solomon III, if it becomes law, would mean that any person receiving funds under the act would have to state compliance with draft registration. Since compliance with the Solomon Amendments falls most heavily on young men in lower economic groups (Black, Hispanic, Puerto Rican, Native American) who need help in securing a college education, job training, and jobs, the racist characteristic of the legislation is glaringly obvious. Another frightening aspect is that colleges and state governments are required to enforce draft registration for which there is already a penalty for violation (five years in prison and/or $10,000 fine). This lays double punishment on non-registrants and leads to further militarization of civilian education and labor. Those who are concerned about the creeping tentacles of militarism should take action. The most viable measure in the House at the present time ap- pears to be Rep. Bob Edgar's (D- Pa.) H.R. 1286 to repeal Solomon I, which has about 50 co-sponsors. (An attempt to repeal Solomon I was defeated in the Senate earlier in the year.) Contact Congressman Carl Pursell, 2nd Congressional, District, and Congressman. William Ford, 15th Congressional District, to ask them to become co-sponsors of H.R. 1286. Ask them to work for repeal of Solomon I and II and for defeat of III. Thank Senators Donald Riegle and Carl Levin for their earlier yes vote in favor of repeal of Solomon I, and ask them to in- troduce measures in the Senate, leading to the demise of all Solomon legislation. The Washtenaw County Com- mittee Against Registration and the Draft (W-CARD) has also produced a petition asking for repeal of Solomon I and II. - Edith Hefley November 14 by Berke Breathed 4 4 4 .. .Research issue not even sick To the Daily: As one of the 26 protestors who blockaded Prof. Thomas Senior's lab this past week, I would like to address Engineering Dean James Duderstadt's comments in the article "'U' won't increase lab security," (Daily, November 10). Dean Duberstadt states that "(He and others) look at this as kind of a last gasp of a dying movement, it was a very ineffec- tive way to get attention." First off, I'd like to ask Dean Duderstadt, which movement is he speaking of? If he is referring to the movement which resulted in the 1972 classified research guidelines, then he should know that I was only ten years old then (and I'm not significantly younger than any of the others in- side). There were a number of elderly and middle-aged people who attended the support rallies. If Dean Duderstadt is speaking of another movement on this or another campus, I urge him to let us know of it - I'm sure we could help breath some life back into any dying movements out there. However, if Dean Duderstadt is referring to the present movement on this campus which has been building for the past three years to extend the citizens, and businesses throughout the Ann Arbor area supported the sit-in with voices, letters, food, blankets, and help in coordinating the many support activities. As far as attention generated, the Daily recieved let- ters and telegrams of support from student groups ranging from nearby MSU to the Univer- sity of Massachusetts. The press coverage was also nation-wide. So, Dean Duderstadt should not bother mourning the movement for peace and aginst militarism on this campus; it's alive, kicking, ahd on the rise. - Tom Mendelsohn November 11 4 4 Letters and columns represent the opinions of the individual author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the attitudes or beliefs of the Daily. BLOOM COUNTY !T'5 6./'?A.t. '6f*YRFAMPwM5 01V LvIAST II(h7 ePCNIMMY, %A7CHIN& /VC WOKIR 7WCWP 5 iY NOUCI. AR 4' 6A5 Wer 01/9AMAN WEC A 9(T5HqAA'. 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