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November 22, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-22

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 22, 1983


PLO forces
(Continued from Page 1)
But at the Baddawi refugee camp, wit-
nesses saw artillery firing repeatedly
from Syrian bunkers on Mount Turbol
into loyalist positions to the south.
Small-arms fire echoed everywhere.
The outgunned loyalists lobbed a few
rockets and shells at their attackers. In
the city, a few small stores opened and
civilians ventured out of their homes in-
to the debris littered streets. Hundreds
of others flew south, creating traffic
jams of cars loaded with mattresses,
suitcases and other belongings.
Firing hundreds of shells and rockets,
the dissident Palestinian and Syrians
apushed forward from the refugee camp
of Baddawai, just north of Tripoli, into the
northern neighborhoods of Mallouleh,
Kubbeh and Bakkar.
In Beirut, U.S.aMiddle East envoy
Donald Rumsfeld completed his first
Middle East tour, and state radio said
he conferred with President Amin
Gemayel of Lebanon before leaving for
Washington. Rumsfeld made no

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Speakers at a panel discussion last night tell an audience of 120 in the Michigan Union that a real nuclear holocaust
would be far worse than the one dramatized in the ABC television movie, "The Day After."

Weapons halt needed

(Continued from Page 1)
who received lethal doses of radiation
would simply be left to die, Rucknagel
told the 120-member Michigan Union
Highways would be clogged and it
would be difficult to get gas, he added,
making evacuation near impossible.

And while the movie showed only one
blind person, Rucknagel said that
everyone within 30 to 50 miles of a
nuclear explosion would lose their
The only way to prevent such a
disaster is for citizens to push the
government to freeze weapons build up
and demand a mutual nuclear freeze
with the Soviets, said Rucknagel.
"WE CANNOT tolerate this
anymore. This situation is beyond our
imagination and must be prevented at
all costs," he said.
Civil defense plans which the U.S.
government has relied on since World
War II are not the answer, Rucknagel
said. "To think we can maintain any
semblence of shelter after a nuclear
explosion is impractical," he said.
Clearly the course we've been pur-
suing has brought it to this sorry state
of affairs.
A MUTUAL, verifiable freeze is the
only answer, he said. It is useless to
worry about weapon inequity with the
Soviets when we have the capacity to
kill them 25 times, he said.
If Ann Arbor were hit by a nuclear
explosion people would be vaporized in
only a couple of seconds, said Dan
Axelrod, associate professor of physics
who spoke at the forum sponsored by
Students for a Sane Nuclear Policy
"The U.S. has enough nuclear
warheads to retaliate on 4,000 Soviet
cities at the same time," Axelrod said.
The Soviets don't even have that many
AXELROD urged the audience to
refute the Reagan administration's

- panelist
arguments that a weapons build-up is a
deterrent. "The Pentagon isn't seeking
deterrence, what it's seeking is first-
strike capability," he said.
The community should support the
Nuclear Free Zone proposal, expected
to go before the city voters in April, that
would prohibit weapons research or
production in Ann Arbor. If approved,
the proposal could have a significant
impact on Pentagon-sponsored resear-
ch on campus.
"If Ann Arbor is a Nuclear Free
Zone, we will send a message saying
that we won't allow our community to
be prostituted by the Pentagon," said
REPRESENTING the Reagan ad-
ministration's point of view at last
night's panel was James Blaker, a
visiting political science lecturer who is
also the U.S. Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense.
Blaker defended weapons build-up
and the administration's $4.1 billion
civil defense plan, initiated in 1981,
that would prepare the nation for a
nuclear disaster by 1988.
Blaker said that a civil defense plan
and maintaining weapons build-up for
deterrence will not increase the
liklihood of a first strike, but such
moves protect the U.S.
Dr. Richard Ketai, a psychiatrist
from the Henry Ford Hospital in
Detroit, spoke on the psychological ef-
fects of watching the movie. Ketai said
people shouldn't deny their fears of a
nuclear holocaust.
"The most dangerous thing would be
to slip into denial and entrust our future
to those in power," said Ketai.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
West German protest U.S. missiles
BONN, West Germany - Thousands of anti-nuclear activists defied riot
squads firing water jets yesterday, and marched outside Parliament as the
government reaffirmed its pledge to deploy new U.S. missiles. Police
arrested at least 180 protesters.
Chancellor Helmut Kohl, opening a parliamentary debate on the medium-
range missiles, said some of the weapons would be operational on German
soil "by year's end" unless U.S. and Soviet negotiators in Geneva break
their deadlock.
"We are not wanderers between East and West," Kohn said. "Between
democracy and dictatorship there is no middle road. We stand on the side of
The debate, scheduled to end tonight with a vote, is considered largely
symbolic because Kohl's conservatives have a 58-seat majority and are
determined to approve the deployment. Kohl had agreed to the debate
because of public pressure.
He said the Soviet Union must not be allowed "to intimidate Western
Europeans, to limit our political freedom of action and to separate us from
the U.S.A."
Imelda Marcos quits post
MANILA, Philippines - First Lady Imelda Marcos resigned yesterday
from the powerful Executive Committee and renounced any presidential
ambitions. And President Ferdinand Marcos' governing party proposed
restoration of the vice presidency it abolished 11 years ago.
Opposition politicians dismissed the moves as ploys to defuse a gover-
nment crisis and to satisfying uneasy foreign creditors.
Marcos' speech in the National Assembly came as an estimated 75,000 an-
ti-government demonstrators marched through the central Philippine city of
Bacolod. In Manila, the military and police went on full alert in anticipation
of demonstrations to mark the 51st birthday Sunday of slain opposition
leader Benigno Aquino.
His assassignation Aug. 21 has strained the nation's political and economic
stability and triggered calls for Marcos to resign from the office he has held
for 18 years.
Mrs. Marcos, 54, remains a member of parliament, governor of
Metropolitan Manila and minister of human settlements.
rish church killings condemned
BELFAST, Northern Ireland - Politicians, religious leaders and the IRA
yesterday condemned a machine-gun massacre of worshippers at a
Protestant church service and cautioned against acts of revenge. A
Protestant leader threatened to revive vigilant squads.
Police said they suspect that Northern Ireland's most wanted terrorist
masterminded the shooting spree Sunday night in which three church elders
were killed and seven people were wounded.
Some 60 men, women and children had just begun singing the hymn, "Are
You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?" Then two hooded men burst int the
Mountain Lodge Pentecostal Church in Darkley, deep in an Irish Republican
Army stronghold in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, near the border with
the Irish Republic.
The outlawed IRA said it had no part in the attack, which it condemned as
"blatantly sectarian."
The IRA, which is mainly Roman Catholic, isfighting a guerrilla war to
wein independence for Northern Ireland from Britian and unite it with the
Irish Republic. Northern Ireland is predominantly Protestant, while the
republic is mainly Catholic.
Bomb meant for Reagan found
NEW YORK - A ticking bomb containing two sticks of dynamite and ad-
dressed to President Reagan was found yesterday in a U.S. Postal Office at
Kennedy International Airport, authorities said.
The parcel was discovered inside the post office building about 2:30 p.m.
by a postal worker, "address to President Reagan and it was ticking," said
Port Authority police Lt. Jose Elique.
The building was evacuated.
Port Authority police alerted the New York City Police Department's
Bomb Squad, which responded and verified the parcel containing two sticks
of dynamite.
The bomb was removed from the building, and officials waited for a bomb
disposal team from the New York City Police Department to take the device
to a range in the Bronx.
Ruling identifies hazardous
chemicals for factory workers
WASHINGTON - The Reagan administration is expected to announce a
"right-to-know" rule today that would disclose to more than 2 million factory
workers the identities of the hazardous chemicals they are handling, while
safeguarding industry trade secrets.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's new "hazardous
communications" regulation, which has been in the works for more than two
years, was denounced by an AFL-CIO spokesman as ineffective and praised
by a former OSHA official in the Carter administration as "a major step in
the right direction."
"We certainly feel this is the most far-reaching action that OSHA has
taken" in its 12-year history, OSHA director Thorne Auchter said in a
telephone interview. It also will be one of the most expensive OSHA
regulations for industry, at an estimated $600 million in starting costs.
Under the new rule, companies would be required to conduct education
programs to inform workers of the nature and hazards of the chemicals they
handle. Companies would be permitted to withhold the names of chemicals
under certain circumstances by invoking provisions intended to protect

trade secrets.
Tuesday; November 22, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No. 66
(ISS N 0745-967X)





Prof petitions faculty
for 'U' research forum


(Continued from Page 1)
"I SUBMIT that many persons believe
that the issue of 'harmful research' has
not been fully and adequately dealt with
by the regents vote."
Bassett said his request is not related
to recent student demonstrations
against pentagon-sponsored research
on campus.
He said the conference would be
designed not to change the regents'
minds - a desirable outcome, he added
- but to promote discussion of research
"MORE importantly, there is the
possibility of finding those persons who
have grappled with the problem in their
minds and bring' them together to
discuss possible solutions," Bassett
Although the regents said last week
that they stand by their decision on the
non-classified research guidelines,
Bassett says the issue is not closed.
"The regents say that there are no

new circumstances, but it's my opinion
that there are new circumstances. One
has to take note of the increasing
possibility of conflict. Look at what's
happening in Beirut. Look at the
Korean Airlines incident. You also have
to take note of what students are
saying," Bassett said.
RESEARCH guidelines are not to tally
unmanageable, Bassett says, policies
which have been -successfully im-
plemented in recombinant DNA,
"The- topic was dealt with in a num-
ber of forums. These conferences and
subsequent conferences. . '. led to the
adoption of guidelines, which it appears,
have served the research community
well," he said. "It might be possible to
do the same with 'harmful research.' "
Bassett says he has personal reasons
for bringing the idea to the assembly.
"This issue has been one of my thoughts
since the late 1940s. But more impor-
tantly, my presence at the University in
the school of medicine as a physician
has influenced my views."'
His proposal will now go before the
top faculty governing committee, the
Senate Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA), which will decide
if it wants to bring the issue before the
Senate Assembly at a later date.
"I believe it is clear that there is
more to be said. We have an open
university. We take pride in that,"
Bassett said. "The areas of conflict
have not gone away.'.
""" """



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