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November 17, 1983 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-17

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Daily Libels Football
vs. Ohio State Lantern
8:00 p.m. Friday
Tartan Turf
The Michigan Daily

Thursday, November 17, 1983

Hockey vs MSU
Painter's Hat Night
Free to First 1000
Friday, 7:30 p.m.

Page 9

Senior icer guides Blue

The flat, treeless stretches of the
CAnadian Great Plains are best known
fol the crops produced there. But out of
this dreary, unremarkable landscape
lso come hockey players, the type that
rise above their counterparts to lead
their team toward its goals.
Michigan hockey co-captain Kelly
McCrimmon is one such player.
R1AILING FROM Plenty, Saskat-
cliewan, some 2,000 miles from Ann Ar-
b~r, McCrimmon can be considered the
elkder statesman of this season's squad.
The 23-year-old McCrimmon will close
out his career at Michigan this year,
but his influence could be felt for
several years more as the younger
players soak up his experience and
"He's a father-type," said fellow co-
captain Jim McCauley. "A lot of the
guys really look up to him. He knows
what it takes to get the guys fired up."
Although not a prolific scorer from
his right-wing position on the ice, Mc-
Crimmon knows how to put the puck in
the net. In 11 games so far this season,
i Crimmon has notched three goals
and one assist for the Wolverines. But
'personal marks are not the highest
priority on McCrimmon's list of objec-
"OBVIOUSLY I want to earn the

respect of my teammates and opponen-
ts, but I think more in terms of team
goals basically," McCrimmon said. "If
the team wins, pretty much everybody
looks good. Winning seems to solve a lot
of problems.",
McCrimmon's leadership qualities
first arose in his junior hockey career in
Canada. Playing along with older
brother Brad and future NHL players
Brian Propp, Ray Allison, and Laurie
Boschman, McCrimmon's team advan-

ced to the Canadian Major Junior 'A'
championship before bowing out 2-1 in
overtime. Brad, now a defenseman
with the Philadelphia Flyers, was the
captain that year. Kelly took over the
reigns the next season.
Thus it is no surprise that McCrim-
mon has assumed a leadership role at
Michigan. McCrimmon's brand of
leadership flows out of his own humble
and unselfish nature.



"I'VE PLAYED regularly for four
years so maybe I know a few more
things than some of the other guys,"
said McCrimmon. "But I don't really
think, 'Well today I've got to act like
captain.' I just try to be myself. That's
how I was voted in, so that's how I'll
"There are ways to do things (at
Michigan) that maybe some of the
younger guys aren't aware of. If you
can tell the kid he's doing something
wrong before coach gets a chance to see
him, you can save the kid from catching
it one time."
McCrimmon's maturity has not been
lost on Wolverine coach John Giordano.
After both arrived at Michigan in 1980,
the two clashed because of attitudes
that were at "opposite ends of the spec-
trum" according to McCrimmon. He

subsequently sat out the first half of the
'81-82 campaign for disciplinary
SINCE THAT time, however, there
has been no trouble at all and Mc-
Crimmon has been elevated to his
present status as co-captain.
"He has understood what it takes to
play on our team," said Giordano, "and
he has settled down some. He's a leader
on the ice and a very heady player. I
think he is just a better all-around in-
dividual since then and a valuable
member of our team."
The Wolverines appear to be a much
improved team this season, and despite
losses to Michigan Tech last weekend,
one looks for them to continue their
winning ways. McCrimmon's role as
leader will be instrumental to the
team's future success.
As for his own future, McCrimmon in-
tends to move back to Saskatchewan
with his wife Terry after graduation.
The couple has some land with which to
farm and raise a family. It is quite
possible that McCrimmon will give
back to the plains that same leadership
that was given to the Michigan hockey
team during his four-year career.

McCrimm on
.. . elder statesman

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Right winger Kelly McCrimmon, the senior member of the Michigan hockey
team, uses some of the tricks he has learned in the past three years to get the
puck by an opposing defenseman.

Wrestling star shoots for gold:
helps others grapple with life


Gridde Picks

Total domination earns recognition.
Very few athletes can be recognized as
the very best at what they do.
Steve Fraser, wrestler extraor-
dinaire, is the best 198-pound Greco-
Roman wrestler in the United States.
The wrestling world knows it, and
within months, millions of Olympic ob-
servers will know it.
degree from Michigan's School of
Education in 1980, after completing an
impressive three year careero0 :the;
Michigal wrestlig team.
Since 1980, Fraser has been a'
graduate-assistant for the U-M team.
As a graduate-assistant Fraser helps

According to Fraser, the advantages
of the Community Work Program are
"Say Steve Fraser is convicted of
drunk driving," he explained. "Instead
of getting sentenced to 30 days in jail
where I can't work and my wife and
children suffer, I get sentenced to the
work program. This means I can work
my normal job five days a week and
over the weekend come in ind work two
eight-hour shifts for Washtenaw Coun-
y.Under the work program, a 30 day
jail term can be worked off after 15
weekends. Several advantages are also
received by the community.
"IT COSTS $45 a day to keep a
prisoner in jail, which is paid by the tax
payer," said Fraser. "Plus it saves the
county from paying people to do these
The jobs include picking up garbage
along the roadways and cleaning up
park facilities. The Ann Arbor and Yp-
silanti public school systems, the Red
Cross and over 50 other agencies
benefit from the program.
Inside, Fraser is beaming at the ac-
complishments of his program which
now rehabilitates 250 convicts a month.
"IT'S ENJOYABLE because you see
the rewards," said Fraser. "The
program right now is the only one of its
kind in Michigan. And it is currently
being looked at by several other coun-
ties. The state sees the benefits that
have come from it, and is looking for
ways to apply it to state institutions."
Fraser's rise to the top of the Greco-
Roman wrestling world has paralleled
his career with the Sherrif's Depar-
"What happened is, Steve entered a
lot of tournaments and didn't do well,"
said Michigan coach Bahr. "But then

he made a break through. Not only did
he start doing well, he started winning.
And winning in Europe."
are impressive, but short of spec-
tacular. He won a total of over 60 mat-
ches as a 190 pounder in his junior and
senior seasons, but failed to capture a
Big Ten or NCAA championship. He
did earn all-American status twice,

HIS MOST impressive victory came
last May at a tournament in California
when he beat Norbert Norveini of
Hungary. Norveini was the 1980 Olym-
pic champion at 198 pounds and is
widely regarded as the best in the
Currently Fraser is training with
several qualified wrestlers including
Steve Goss, the 1983 180-pound National
Champion in Greco-Roman, who is a
new graduate-assistant at Michigan.
"He's got the most stamina of
anyone I know in wrestling," said Goss,
who is an Olympic hopeful and a Cen-
tral Michigan graduate. "I came to
Michigan to be able to train with him."
AS HE GEARS up to make his drive
for Olympic gold, Fraser is appreciative
of the people who have supported him:
his wife, coaches Bahr and Wells, Goss
and Bill Petoskey (his training partner
for eight years), and his boss at work,
Washtenaw County Sherrif Thomas
Minick is responsible for Fraser's
being able to take the necessary time
off to train for certain tournaments.
Fraser will be a busy man for the
next six months, traveling to Europe at
the end of January to compete in a han-
dful of National championships and
sharpen his skills against Europe's
finest wrestlers. And come the summer
of 1984, Fraser will be ready to earn the
recognition that has become his due.
Utilize Your U of M
Dental Benefits!
317 S. State, Suite 108
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Game time is drawing nearer. It's
the Ohio State-Michigan contest that
no one has tickets to. The Michigan
Daily Libels will do battle with the Ohio
State Lantern on Friday night at 8:00 on
the tartan turf. At stake is a berth in
the Ink Bowl, but more importantly this
game is one of the twenty Griddes
The Lantern has been holding double
sessions each day for the last week in
preparation for the battle, but this does
not figure to defray the Libels' abun-
dance of talent. Oddsmakers around
the country have made the Libels a
three point favorite. Turn in your picks
by midnight Friday to Pizza Bob's on S.
State or Church or the Daily training
1. Ohio State at MICHIGAN (Pick score)
2. Illinois at Northwestern
3. Michigan State at Wisconsin
4. Minnesota at Iowa
5. Purdue at Indiana
6. Penn St. at Pittsburgh
7. Duke at North Carolina
8. LSU at Tulane
9. UCLA at Southern California
10. Washington St. at Washington
11. Oregon St. at Oregon
12. West Virginia at Syracuse

13. E. Carolina at Southern Mississippi
14. Harvard at Yale
15. McNeese St. at Lamar
16. Montana St. at Nevada-Reno
17. Northridge at Humboldt St.
18. Weber St. at Texas El Paso
19. Ohio State Lanternettes at DAILY
20. Ohio State Lantern at DAILY LIBELS

Seminar openings are still'oail-
able 11 /18, 11/19, 11/20 for the


head coach Dale Bahr and assistant
coach Joe Wells train the varsity squad.
Ahd at the same time, Fraser has the
opportunity to train and work on his
own technique.
Yet Fraser has developed into much
more than a world class wrestler. For
tle past three and one half years, he
had worked for the Washtenaw County
Sherrif's Department, and today,
Fiaser is the coordinator of a new
program designed to rehabilitate minor
criminals and clean up the county.
sa concept which offers an alternative
tdjail," said the 26-year-old coor-
}dfuiator. Washtenaw County judges are
ndw sentencing public offenders to
work a series of eight-hour work days
rdher than doing time in jail.

... Olympic hopeful

while making several national teams
and traveling all over Europe.
It is in the last two years, however,
that Fraser has started beating
everyone in sight in the Greco-Roman
division, which differs from free-style
wrestling in that only the upper body
and arms are used.
Fraser has won two consecutive
National Championships in the 198-
pound Greco-Roman division, and last
August, he beat Luis Figueroa of
Venezuela for the gold medal at the Pan
American Games in Caracas.

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Pistons b
Special to the Daily
eONTIAC-The Pistons' all-star trio
Idid it again last night. Bill Laimbeer,
Isiah Thomas and Kelly Tripucka com-
biited for 86 points to lead Detroit to a
12120 victory over the Seattle Super-
'Laimbeer scored 17 of his 28 points in
ttkfirst quarter to give the Pistons a 29-
28ead that they relinquished for only a
TRIPUCKA, who ended up with 31
paints and Thomas, who added 27,
finished off the Sonics by scoring 11 of
Detroit's final 13 points.
Stanley H. Kaplan
The Smart

-at Son ics,
Seattle had taken a 110-109 lead with
4:09 left in the game but two Tripucka
free throws put the Pistons back on top.
A jumper by Jack Sikma reclaimed
the lead for Seattle, but Tripucka hit a
turnaround in the lane at 3:30 to give
Detroit the lead for good, 113-112.
Sikma led the Sonics with 25 points
and 11 rebounds. The Seattle center's
job was made more difficult down the
-----r n --rnmmasau

stretch, however, by the defense of
Detroit's Ray Tolbert. The Piston
reserve fouled out of the game with 48
seconds remaining, but beforehand,
kept Sikma away from the basket and
took away many of his shooting oppor-
Vinnie Johnson, like Tolbert a former
Supersonic, added 10 points off the ben-

I'i I


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