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November 17, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-17

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

£ir 43UU


Sunny today with highs in the low
to mid 40s. Getting cloudy
tonight, with a low dipping into
the 20s.

OVol XCIV-No. 62 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 17, 1983 Fifteen Cents . Ten Pages

riv e n
From AP and UPI
TRIPOLI, Lebanon-Guerilla
mutineers drove Yasser Arafat's
fighters out of their last Mideast
stronghold in fierce hand-to-hand com-
bat at the Baddawi refugee camp
At the same time, Israeli jets flew
reprisal raids against Moslem ex-
tremist bases in Lebanon's Bekaa
said 100 were killed and 600 wounded in
the final Syrian-backed onslaught on
Baddawi, and that 33 were killed and 80
wounded in the Israeli air strikes on the
Janta and Shaara camps in the Bekaa
Valley, just three miles from the Syrian
Arafat's troops were seen retreating
south on the coast road to Tripoli as
Syrian tanks crossed the barbed-wire
outskirts of the refugee camp on the
second day of an all-out tank and ar-
tillery onslaught.
One Arafat soldier said Syrian tanks
struck so swiftly that "we did not even
have time to take our wounded and
dead comrades."
headquarters in Tripoli early in the af-
ternoon, but made no public statement.
See PLO, Page 5

SAID resumes



LSA juniors Eric Berman and Jean
Wyman trounced their opposition by a
more than two-to-one margin to become
the next president and vice president of
the LSA Student Government, election
officials said yesterday.
The two representatives of the
Students for Academic and In-
stitutional Development party (SAID)
will have plenty of friends in LSA-SG
because SAID candidates captured nine
of the 15 at-large council seats in this
year's election.
been named winners at press time last
night, after LSA-SG workers spent all
Tuesday night and part of yesterday
counting votes in the basement of the
Michigan Union. Two SAID candidates
and four independents are tied for the
four remaining seats, according to elec-
tion director David Surovell.
Voting results are incomplete
because election officials couldn't
validate ballots yesterday for some
Residential College students. There
are approximately 250 ballots left to be
counted, Surovell said.
He said he expects to have complete
election results today.
THE NINE SAID council members
are: Chris Cobb; Junior Elizabeth
Evans; junior Joel Herz; sophomore
Winston Lee; sophomore Sara
Massarik; sophomore Andrew
Plevin;junior Jane Ross; Michelle
Tear; and sophomore Michael Jay

Wi'm an Berman
...says SAID worked hard ...pleased with turnout

Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
Takin' care of business
Steve Smolinski welds part of a stairway yesterday in thenew business
school library. Most of the external structure for the privately-funded
facility, which has been under construction for over a year, is now complete.

The two independent winners are
juniors Ruth Bard and Robin Morgan.
"I'm very happy with the results of
the campaign and the fact that more
students turned out to vote," Berman
said. A total of 2,143 ballots were cast
this year, an increase of 600 votes over
last year's election.
worked very hard and deserved to
win," said Wyman.
Berman has said he will lobby to put a

student on the LSA executive commit-
tee; will try to enact a college-wide
program to train teaching assistants;
and will institute a campus-wide escort
system, and increase the -number of
security guards to improve campus
SAID's opposition, the IGNITE party
had little luck in the elections. None of
the group's seven at-large candidates
See SAID, Page 3

PSN member fired for anti-military views

A member of a student activist group was
dismissed from his job as a research assistant
in the College of Engineering because the
professor said the student's anti-military views
could affect his work.
Mechanical Engineering Prof. Joseph Dat-
sko said "it was not an easy decision" to fire
engineering school junior Piers Lewis, who is a
member of the Progressive Student Network,
the group which blockaded a University
radiation laboratory last week.
ALTHOUGH Lewis did not participate in the

blockade, he did join a candlelight march to
support the sit-in and protest the presence of
military research on campus..
In a separate incident, a University em-
ployer threatened another PSN member with
dismissal after the student took two hours off
work to assist protesters during the blockade.
The employer said if he had known why the
student was taking time off, he would not have
given his permission for the absence.
DATSKO, WHOSE current research is funded
by the Department of Defense, said he fired
Lewis last Thursday night for several reasons,
including his affiliation with PSN.

"It seems inconsistent that a student would
be willing to work on a Department of Defenser
project and be in PSN," said Datsko. "It
shouldn't be necessary to terminate him. (He)
should resign."
"I feel I'm in a position - morally, respon-
sibly, and ethically - where I have no other
recourse," he added.
BUT LEWIS who had worked for Datski sin-
ce May said he was fired because of a misun-
derstanding about PSN's position on military
Reports in local media said PSN wanted all
Pentagon-sponsored research banned from

campus, but the group actually supports adop-
ting guidelines only to restrict research that
could be used to kill people.
"There was a misunderstanding in what PSN
wanted and what was printed. PSN wants
guidelines extended to non-classified research
and means of enforcing (the guidelines). Get-
ting the DOD off campus is impractical,"
Lewis said.
LEWIS SAID he is not against all Pentagon-
sponsored research, only those projects which
have military applications. Datsko is studying
how computers could be used to cut metal more
efficiently. Such work is mostly used in in-

dustry for car parts and tools. Although it is
possible that Datsko's work could be used for
weapons technology, such an application is
unlikely, Lewis said.
Another factor which prompted the dismissal
was Lewis' misuse of a University building key
Datsko gave him.
During the sit-in last week, Lewis used his
key to the East Engineering Building to let in a
PSN member and a Daily reporter at 2:40 a.m.
University security officials confronted Lewis,
searched him, confiscated the key, and repor-
ted the incident to the College of Engineering.
See 'U', Page 5

PIRGIM forms new

toxic waste c
A new organization to help coordinate state government
assistance with toxic waste problems has been formed,
representatives from chapters of the Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan at both the University and Michigan State
University announced yesterday.
According to Amy Gibans, University campus coordinator
for PIRGIM, the Toxic Education Citizens Assistance
Program (TECAP) will use 100 student volunteers to in-
vestigate citizen complaints about hazardous wastes in the
Organizers hope the new group can assist government of-
ficials with handling citizens' complaints, instead of acting
solely as critics of how the state agencies deal with the
"WE RECOGNIZE the lack of consolidation and the lack of
accountability," in the state government agencies, Gibans
said. "We want to patch up the holes and make the picture
clearer on particular toxic waste sites."
To accomplish this, Gibans said the volunteers will coor-
dinate their activities with workers from the state Depar-
tment of Natural Resources. The group will catalogue
existing toxic waste sites and publish brochures to make
nformation about the problem more available to the general
public, she said.
A hotline (1-800-841-6795) has been installed for citizens

iction group
wishing to file complaints about toxic contamination.
The volunteers will also work on a case-by.-case basis to
identify and research toxic sites, determine the public health
dangers, and recommend action to state agencies, Gibans
ORGANIZERS hope the group eventually will be able to
compile a comprehensive report using the case studies to
highlight general problems with enforcement of toxic waste
laws. They also intend to recommend new legislation to
resolve some of the problems.
Two student coordinators at both the University and
Michigan State campuses will direct research at targeted
sites, Gibans said. The organization has received endor-
sements from the governor, the Toxic Substance Control
Committee, and the Department of Natural Resources.
TECAP grew out of work PIRGIM was involved in last
spring with the South Macomb Disposal Authority and
residents near the Spiegelburg and Rasmussen dumpsites in
Green Oaks Township, Gibans said.
LSA Senior Debbie Bergman, a University student volun-
teer coordinator, said she will be organizing citizen assistan-
ce and educaton programs at sites in Attica County and with
the Wolverine Disposal Company.
Bergman said PIRGIM and TECAP will host a campus
film-lecture series on such issues as toxics, feminism and
nuclear war. Organizers hope eventually to expand the series
into a University course.

Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
Fancy pants
High-fashion models strut their stuff last night at the Ebony Fashion Fair in the Michigan Theatre. Proceeds from the
event, which was sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, will go into a scholarship fund for minority students.

Professor for a term
THE WOMEN'S STUDIES Program is looking for
students interested in facilitating small discussion
groups for Women's Studies 100, an introductory course on
women's issues. Students would register for the 4-credit
Women's Studies 320 which meets two hours a week. The
weekly discussion sessions also are two hours long. Women
and men of all backgrounds, cultures, and sexualities are

tland, Ore., would include mourners wearing black arm
bands and a drummer pounding a funeral dirge. He said he
named the light "Red-Eyed Pete" because "that is the
proper nomenclature for the notorious bandit who, for
many years has been hanging out on the corner' of the old
Oregon Trail in Caldwell -- robbing motorists and truck
drivers of time and fuel, fraying nerves, causing rear-
enders, and committing the horrendous crime of imper-
sonating a Christmas tree." Local, state, and federal high-
way officials will be in the small western Idaho town to
dedicate the final link in Interstate 84, a spur of the national
T QA -4--1,L At 41 .4 ale ...... r <<S .J ! rnJ Dn ...x1llkh

was embarrassed to have the same name. State officials
agreed Tuesday to a request by city officials to remove
Ossining from the massive Hudson River jail. The change
will be filed with the New York Department of State and
then published in the State Register. After a 30-day waiting
period, the notorious appelation of Sing Sing will be back.
The prison was named Sing Sing when it was built in 1825.
At the time, the village was also named Sing Sing after an
Indian tribe living in the area. Village manager George
Kupcynsky said the village changed its name to Ossining in
1901 to differentiate itself from the prison, but 69 years later

University library system, reported that about 2,000 books
are stolen from the UGLi every year.
"1966 - The University administration answered student
demands that the University cease compilation of class
ranking for use by the Selective Service and rescind a new
ban on sit-ins with a mimeographed "no.'' In response, the
Student Government Council declared itself independent
from the Office of Student Affairs.
" 1967 - At a University conference on fertility and
family planning, sociologists reported were approaching
total acceptance of some form of birth control:Q




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