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November 13, 1983 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-13

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iPoge 4
N OW THAT IT'S OVER, the big question
is, "Who won?"
Twenty-seven members of the Progressive
Student Network - not all of who necessarily
are students - took control of an engineering
college research laboratory Monday afternoon
to protest the University's ties to the Pentagon.
Forty-eight hours later, 26 of them emerged,
declaring victory in their effort to "stop
.military research."
The effort was by far the most dramatic in a ;
now two-and-half-year old battle that activist
.students have been waging against professors
who do research sponsored by the Department
of Defense.
In its drama, the sit-in undoubtly was suc-
"cessful. The single move awakened more
students and faculty members to their cause
than months of wrangling in student and
faculty government committees. As for stop-
ping military research, the action couldn't
claim quite so much success.
The sit-in caused little, if any, delay in the ac-
tual research projects being conducted in Prof.
;'homas Senior's research laboratory. And
none of the protestors' demands - for the
.University to cease any weapons-related.
projects and set up a set of guidelines to govern
-non-classified military research - were met.
In fact, if the demonstration really had

Sunday, November 13, 1983

The Michigan Daily

and losers: A sit-in and salaries

The true impact of the sit-in can't be
measured in terms of its ability to "stop"
anything; rather, it's symbolic value is all that
But it's true effectiveness will only be seen if
the faculty once again picks up the issue of
establishing guidelines that would prohibit
work that contributes to the development of
weapons systems. The faculty members who
will make those decisions have thus far shown
a reluctance to drag the issue out again.

of administrators and professors in depar-
tments that might be affected. They worry that
the act would put undue restrictions on the
academic freedom of researchers. Cries of the
suppression of ideas and the fear of a witch
hunt atmosphere have been heard from the
Salem-like halls of West Engineering.
Even if the necessary 5,000 signatures are
collected, the battle for the freedom-depriving
zone will be a bloody one. Voters of the less-
than-right-wing city of Cambridge, Mass., sent
a similar proposal to the gallows this week. The
freedom of potentially victimized researchers
and developers was upheld, this time but the
war goes on.
It's nice to know that the military establish-
ment's voice of unambiguous morality and
purity is still heard by the American people.
Will Ann Arbor voters be so pious?
$100,009 club
University students and faculty ate up the
Daily's annual faculty salary issue published
this week to find out which professors and ad-
ministrators can afford to frequent the likes of
While their stomachs rumbled at the thought
of quaddie burgers students learned that 31
University employees earn six figure incomes.
All of the members of this "$100,000 club" hail'
from the medical school, with Prof. Herbert
Sloan heading the list for the third straight
year. Sloan earned $130,700.
Not far behind are University President
Harold Shapiro, living on a humble $96,500, and
his good buddy Bo Schembechler, who earns
$90,300 for filling up Michigan Stadium six
times a fall.
Adding some spice to the salary debate this
year were humanities and fine arts professors
who feel the University pay structure leaves
them undernourished. They have trouble
stomaching the amount of money reaped by
their colleagues in the engineering, law,
medical, and business school. They point out
that the average art school professor earns a
paultry $30,377, while the average counterpart
in the law school gets $62,497.
But what really bites is that students have


Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
The diag looked a little different Friday after the season's first snow whitened things up a bit. The
light snow and falling temperatures didn't seem to slow'anyone down, though, and it may have even
made Ann Arbor merchants a few Christmas sales.


... has those sat-upon blues

delayed Senior's project, the administration
most likely would have had the protestors for-
cibly removed. University President Harold
Shapiro took a hard-line stand against the
w protest, calling it "not tolerable" in a Univer-
sity community that "is devoted to the concept
Sof free and open inquiry."
Should the protestors strike again, they likely
a will end up in jail. The fact that they caught the
University off-guard this time, added to
S Shapiro's absence from campus for the first
two days of the protest, probably saved them
from eviction.

Nuking research?
Weapons researchers and developers are
demanding their freedom - freedom from the
chains that would bind them if Ann Arbor
voters declare the city a "Nuclear Free Zone."
Sponsors of the campaign to ban nuclear
weapons research and development in Ann Ar-
bor say they have almost one-third of the
signatures needed to place the proposal on next
April's city ballot. But neither the sponsors, the
Michigan Alliance for Disarmament, or its op-
ponents, including the head of the University's
Institute of Science and Technology, are sure if
the act would be binding on the University.
Not surprisingly, there has been a fair
amount of opposition from the oppressed ranks

suffered undigestible tuition hikes to support
these salaries. That's why they ate up the
Surfless city
If March comes in like a lion, this November
came in as a pussycat. Until Friday, November
seemed more like late September with gentle
fall-like rains and temperatures getting above
60 degrees. Winter? What's winter?
Ah, on Friday and Saturday Ann Arbor en-
tered winter 1983-84. Thursday's rain turned in-
to snow overnight and the city and University
awoke under the first white blanket of the
Many students, Ann Arbor residents, and
shopkeepers were ready to enjoy the novelty,
as it conjured up thoughts of the upcoming
Christmas season (with all the shopping im-
plied), frolicking in the snow, and the hot
chocolate and warm fire rewards waiting at

home. Those prepared for the cold seemed to
enjoy their first opportunity to don favorite
winter attire. Ann Arbor resident Matt Ralph
got a chance to wear his "Leonid Brezhnev" -
a furry black hat.
Many merchants noted an increase in winter-
type purchases - boots, gloves, and not soup -
and at least one store, the Van Buren shop in
Nickels Arcade, had its Christmas stockings on
Though many students might disagree, one
transfer student from the University of Hawaii'
said Michigan's weather has its advantages
over the island state's. LSA junior David
Thompson said, "You can't cut class to go sur-
fing. I go to class a lot more (now)."
Check back with us at'the end of the winter to
see if you still feel that way, will you David?

The Week in Review was compiled by
Daily staff writer Sue Barto and Daily
editors Jim Boyd, David Spak, and Barry


Edt tudnsat ni t Ma
Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan


.. -

Vol. XCIV-No. 59

420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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best job
a' goals for
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1 improve

Editorials represent a majority o

opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board

Berman for LSA-SG
PHE TWO candidates running want to establish a campus-wide escort
or LSA-SG president, Eric service using both students and cam-
of the SAID party would do the pus security officers. Although a
for students. program like this would be difficult to
nd his runningmate Jean establish, it would offer real benefits
have set some reasonable for students, especially women, who
LSA-SG and they possess the frequently traverse the campus late at
ge of University governance night.
ry to implement them. This proposal seems more practical
ps the strongest part of Ber- than setting up student groups to patrol
latform is his desire to in- the campus like Guardian Angel
student involvement in, and organizations in some big cities - an
ifluence over LSA policy- idea on which Andrew Hartman, Ber-
committees. Last year, LSA- man's opponent, has campaigned.
to place a student on the LSA Hartman's, and his IGNITE party's,
ve Committee, which is main problem is a lack of knowledge of
y comprised only of faculty how the University administration
inistrators. Although the effort works.
t is still an issue worth pur- In an interview with the
erman's party will try to get Daily, Hartman mistakenly thought
a non-voting student position that the LSA ExecutiveCommittee
ommittee. This is a reasonable was the same as the University Board
another attempt at gaining a of Regents. LSA-SG presidents do not
ig member. have to be experts in University struct-
an's desire to improve ture, but unfamiliarity on this level
g assistant training, and would seriously handicap Hartman's
language proficiency also has ability to implement ideas.
The high number of TAs who Hartman, however, did have a very
teachers, or worse, can barely good feeling for the limitations of
icate in English is a real student government, and especially an
. And it is a problem LSA-SG 'individual college government. There
pto solve, are many problems, some of them
s plans to persuade the quite serious, which LSA-SG does not.
ity to centralize language have the power to change.
cy tests to help improve the It is crucial that LSA-SG officers and
ent effort put forth by some representatives have the ability to
ty departments. This plan, weed out the projects on which the
3ffort to require all TAs to take student government is.simply wasting
ng training course, could help its time. Berman, and his party, should
n gu t h ttr at ogc hou r sef c o u l dth etp .
the quality of University in- gain just a touch more of this attitude.

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SAID party best for


To the Daily:
After interviewing both
presidential candidates involved
in the LSA Student Government
elections, I strongly recommend
that students support Eric Ber-
man and ,Jean Wyman of the
Students for Academic and In-
stitutional Development (SAID)
party for president and vice
president. I believe that Berman
and Wyman, along with their
slate members, are by far the
most knowledgeable about the
issues and most dedicated to the

responsibility effectively.
Though IGNITE candidates
are very sincere and well-
intentioned, they lack any hands-
on experience or knowledge
about the college. Presidential
candidate Andrew Hartman and

running-mate Andrew Sriro are
intelligent individuals, but they
are far from ready to take on the
responsibilities of running a
student government.
It is my opinion that the studen-
ts of LSA will have a strong and

dedicated student government if
they vote SAID November 14 and
-Mary Rowland
November 10 4
Rowland is president of the
Michigan Student Assembly.

I am not the hero described

To the Daily:
I was astounded to read the
Weekend section on internships
("Getting the competitive edge,"
November 4) and see myself

office, I did not "propose" a
research project which he "ap-
proved." One of his aids asked
me to research a defense depar-
tment bill, and I spoke to the

Congressman Dingell and his
staff were very helpful to all of
the interns. I feel that all of us
have been misrepresented.

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