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November 13, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-13

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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:43 ti1tj

Mostly sunny and a little warmer
with a high around 40.

Vol. XCIV-No. 59 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan- Sunday, November 13, 1983 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages





Gopher rout

Smith leads attack
with six TD plays

Special to the Daily
MINNEAPOLIS - The Steve Smith
highlight film now has enough ad-
ditional footage to be deemed a full-
length movie after Michigan's 58-10
rout of Minnesota last night.
In little more than two quarters,
Smith riddled an undermanned Min-
nesota defense for three touchdowns
and 147yards on four carries, as well as
three touchdowns and 180 yards
through the air.
"THAT'S STEVE Smith," said
Michigan assistant Jerry Meter,
"That's the way he should play. He's
that good."
Ohio State scout Mark Dantonio, who
was at the game to get one last look at
Michigan before next week's clash bet-
ween the two rivals, also was im-
pressed by Smith's play.
"Steve , Smith is what makes
Michigan go," Dantonio said. "He can
turn it up on the option and was
throwing very well tonight. He can put
it on the money."
BEFORE SMITH went wild,
however, the Wolverines had a few
anxious moments. On the first play of
Michigan's opening drive, tailback
Rick Rogers could not handle a Smith
pitch and Minnesota middle linebacker
Joe Christopherson recovered at the
Wolverine 23.

The Golden Gophers were able to,
gain one first down and,.settled for a
Jim Gallery 29-yard field goal to go
ahead 3-0.
Michigan's next possession stalled af-
ter two first downs, and when Don
Bracken's punt was blocked, Minnesota
had the ball at the Michigan 49. On the
first play after the blocked punt, Min-
nesota quarterback Brett Sadek's pass
was intercepted by Brad Cochran on an
attempted flea flicker.
SMITH THEN PUT Michigan ahead
with a 75-yard touchdown run. The next
time the Wolverines had the ball,
placekicker Bob Bergeron booted a 39-
yard field goal to tie Ali Haji-Sheikh's
single season mark of 12 three-pointers
and give Michigan a 10-3 lead.
"Oh well, see you," said an exiting
Minnesota fan who knew the start of a
blowout when he saw one.
Michigan took a 17-3 lead when Smith
and receiver Triando Markray hooked
up on a 53-yard scoring stike in which
Markray caught the pass at the 38 yard
line, spun away from a tackler, and
sped into the end zone.
Smith then scored on a 20-yard option
run, hit Markray with a 26-yard touch-
down pass and found tight end Sim
Nelson alone in the end zone for an
eight-yard score to give Michigan a 38-3
See M', Page 8

Michigan quarterback Steve Smith scrambles from Minnesota linebacker
Scott Tessier in last night's football action. Smith accounted for six touch-

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
downs, running for three and passing for three, as Michigan routed the
Gophers 58-10.

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GE extends
deadline to vote
on eontraet

Problems with membership counts have forced the
Graduate Employees Organization to extend yester-
day's voting deadline on a contract agreement with
the University.
Membersnow have through Tuesday to get their
ballots in to either the GEO office or a drop box in the
lobby of the LSA Building.
THE CONTRACT vote, only the second since the
union's last contract with the University expired in
1976, was extended "due to problems with University
processing of membership," said Gene Goldenfeld.
elections committee coordinator for GEO.
He and other GEO leaders, who met yesterday af-
ter the original 1 p.m. deadline, refused to elaborate
on what those problems are. They said theyplan to

release a statement for the press sometime this mor-
But Dan Gamble, manager of the University's per-
sonnel office, said GEO leaders think the University
neglected to deduct membership or representation
service fees from some graduate student assistants'
paychecks, a process required by an agreement bet-
ween the University and the union.
Gamble said GEO leaders are questioning whether
the University complied with all the deduction
We don't know for sure if there's.an error or not,"
he said, although he said, "there can always be an
In order for the payroll to verify GEO's claim,
Gamble said the union would have to submit names of

people who authorized a deduciton but who have not
been listed as GEO members.
GAMBLE earlier estimated that the union has 800
members, but that estimate could increase if a
mistake has been made. Gamble's count does not in-
clude students who paid dues directly to GEO.
The count is crucial to finishing the vote because
the contract must be approved by a majority of the
union's members. But, until GEO has an accurate
membership list, the elecitons committee cannot
determine how many "yes" votes would constitute a
majority. -
Goldenfeld declined to comment on how many
ballots GEO has received already, and also would not
say whether the elections committee has begun to
open any of the ballots.

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'U' students protest
U.S. troops abroad

............... ........................ ..............

Special to the Daily
WASHINGTON - An Ann Arbor con-
tingent joined forces with, protesters
from all over the nation yesterday to
rally against U.S. intervention in Cen-
tral America and the Caribbean.
Approximately 120 University
students made the ten-hour bus trip to
take part in the rally, which was atten-
ded by more than 50,000 demonstrators.
MOST OF THE student demon-
strators gathered near the State Depar-
tment at 10:30 a.m. to hear Latin
American music and to listen to
speakers before beginning to their
march to the WhiteHouse at 12:30 p.m.
At the same time, two additional
groups of demonstrators rallied at the
Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices and the Department of Im-
migration and Naturalization.
The three groups, which called them-
selves the "November 12 Coalition,"
convened at the White House to parade
down to the Ellipse, a park south of the
White House.
AS THE THREE groups came

together, the chants of "No more draft,
no more war, U.S. out of El Salvador,"
grew louder. Many protestors carried
signs and banners, and one group from
North Carolina carried a coffin from
the State Department to the White
In the chilly November weather, the
crowd stood shoulder-to-shoulder to
keep warm as they listened to the folk
group "Peter, Paul and Mary," and
several speakers, including
Democratic presidential candidate
Jesse Jackson.
"WE ARE HERE today because poor
Black, Hispanic (and) white people are
the ones being used as cannon fodder in
Grenada and Lebanon," Jackson said.
"We are here today to make a firm
stand against a foreign policy of in-
justice, inhumanity, and intimidation."
Jackson, his voice hoarse, drew ap-
plause throughout the speech and was
greeted with the chant, "Run, Jesse,
Demonstrators said they braved the
cold because they wanted to show
Reagan and the rest of the country that
they believe U.S. intervention in Cen-

tral America is wrong.
"I feel a sense of urgency as far as
the world sits. For me not to do
anything would be to support the
government," said University student
Molly Adams.
"MOST PEOPLE here already know
the problems. Others need to be convin-
ced that the blood of the people of
Nicaragua is on their hands," said
graduate student Patrick Jones.
In addition to the march, some
protestors set up a mock "graveyard"
near the Lincoln Memorial. At the en-
trance to the mock cemetery, each
rallier received a card bearing the
name of a person killed in Central
America which they were asked to
place in front of six-foot caricatures of
Secretary of Defense Caspar Wein-
berger, U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick, and former
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
No cameras were allowed inside the
graveyard, and ralliers were not
allowed to break the solemnity of the
ritual with chants or banner-waving.
The University students traveled to
Washington on a bus sponsored by the
Latin American Solidarity Committee.

AP Photo
The Latin American Solidarity Committee of Ann Arbor join the November 12 Coalition yesterday near the Lincoln
Memorial in Washington D.C. in a national march to protest against U.S. intervention in Central America and the

And the score is...
WHEN IT REALLY counts, that maize and blue spirit
really shines through. The latest count in the
Michigan-Ohio State University Red Cross blood drive con-
test is. drum roll please. 2.416 pints for Michigan and 2.252

the Dade County Jail. Howard Penn, 28, admitted in court
he baked the brownies that made the other courthouse
workers ill. He pleaded guilty Monday to a felony
marijuana possession charge. Although Penn could be sen-
tenced to six months in jail and five years probation, Circuit
Judge Thomas Scott agreed to withhold adjudication,
leaving him without a criminal record. One court clerk
supervisor suffered a mild heart attack and was
hospitalized several days after the incident. Another
worker was hospitalized overnight. Twenty others were
taken to the hospital, treated and released. Penn said he

ficials said earlier this week. A federal agent testified about
the alleged takeover plan in a bond hearing for the suspec-
ts, Rawleigh Wilson, Jay Wright, and Shane Pringle, U.S.
Magistrate Thomas Faulconer said Tuesday. Faulconer
said James Quearry, an agent of the U.S. Alcohol, Tobacco
and Firearms division of the Treasury Department
"testified that there was a plan to take over the town. That
was the only reference, but I assume they have evidence,"
he said. The suspects were arrested last week and charged
with manufacturing an explosive, a federal offense, and for
allegedly making a pipe bomb to use against a federal in-

Also on this date in history:
"1973 - Adjunct theater Professor-in-residence
playwright, Arthur Miller told a luncheon audience at the
Michigan League that "the best theater is that which
reflects the whole society as much as possible. The rest of-
ten weakens itself."
.1976 - The Michigan Wolverines swamped Illinois 38-7
to set up the annual battle for the Big 10 championship and
Rose Bowl berth against arch-rival Ohio State.
*1979 - Bertell Ollman, a Marxist political theorist and
associate political science professor at New York Univer-





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