Wolverine Open
wrestling tourney. November 13
9 a.m. Crisler Arena.
Saturday, November 12, 1983
today, 3
Men's Swimming
Intrasquad meet
3:00 p.m. Matt Mann Pool
page r
The Michigan Daily
(Continued from Page 1i)I
coordinator Gary Moeller said. "But if
you go out and get better each week, the
last game takes care of itself. So if we
go backward against Minnesota, that'll
hurt us against Ohio State."
Michigan players have also said all
week that its loss to Illinois, knocking
the Wolverines out of Rose Bowl con-
tention, will keep them from becoming
lackadaisical against Minnesota.
"WE WON'T HAVE any problems
with that, especially after Illinois," of-
fensive guard Stefan Humphries said.
"We're playing for pride now."
But isn't there a slight inclination to
look past Minnesota as Ohio State week
draws near?
"We know we have to perform well at
Minnesota and build for Ohio State,"
fullback Eddie Garrett said. "I per-
sonally am not looking forward to Ohio
NOT EVEN a teensy bit?
pose no threat to 'M'
"I don't think there's any doubt (the
players will) be looking ahead,"
Schembechler said.
And why not, the biggest threat Min-
nesota seems capable of posing is a late
starting time. The game will begin at
8:00 p.m.
"THE ONLY THING I don't like is
that we get back late and it's the week
before Ohio State," Schembechler said.
"I didn't like it when it was scheduled,
but there's nothing I can do about it. I
don't like it because coming back it
gives us a late start. It certainly doesn't
Said Garrett, "I don't like the idea of
dragging on. You go a certain amount
of time preparing for the game and then
the time changes. You haven't done it
all year and it's an adjustment you
haven't had to make."
Realistically, according to Schem-
bechler, the only problems Minnesota
Sim Nelson...... (240)
Clay Miller ....... (272)
Jerry Diorio.......(245)
Tom Dixon......(250)
Stefan Humphries . (256)
Doug James.......(254)
Vince Bean........(186)
Triando Markray . (181)
Steve Smith ....... (194)
Eddie Garrett ..... (215)
Rick Rogers.......(212)
( 1)
( 6)
Kevin Starks ...... (210)
Jim Hobbins ...... (246)
Ray Hitchcock .... (243)
Randy Pelphrey .. (252)
Randy Rasmussen (262)
Jon Lilleberg......(247)
Dwayne McMullen (172)
Fred Hartwig......(164)
Brett Sadek........(187)
Kevin Wilson......(197)
Malcolm Nelson .. (180)
can pose for Michigan is in the Gopher's
go-for-broke style of play.
"THEY COME after you with a lot of
blitzes and different looks," Schem-
bechler said. "It's a gambling defense.
Here's a team liable to do anything on
any down. Why not?"
Why not indeed. Minnesota has been
outscored this season, 399-161. What's
more, it has been devastated by in-
juries; 19 players counted on at the
beginning of the season are out of ac-
"Injuries have wiped us out," said
Minnesota head coach Joe Salem, who
has resigned effective at the end of the
season. "Right now we are struggling
to keep our heads above water. The in-
jury bug has totally destroyed any con-
THE TOLL THESE injuries have
taken on the Minnesota squad is
illustrated by a look at the team's depth
chart, which reveals nine freshman and
five sophomores in the starting lineup.
Worst of all, one of those freshman is
starting quarterback Brett Sadek.
Salem originally planned to redshirt
Sadek, but when junior Greg Murphy
failed to get the job done the freshman
was thrust into action. He has com-
pleted 41 of 83 passes for 460 yards, with
five touchdowns and three intercep-
"I think he's a fine prospect,"
Schembechler said. "He looks very
good. He'll be a fine quarterback."
RUNNING UNDER Sadek's passes
will be senior split end Fred Hartwig
(26 catches, 310 yards) and junior
flanker Dwayne McMullen (24 catches,
347 yards).
Minnesota's running backs have at-
tracted injuries like a magnet, and the
most productive healthy runner is
freshman fullback Kevin Wilson, who
has 189 yards on 54 carries.
On defense, three of the Golden
Gopher's top five tacklers are out of ac-
tion with injuries. Strong safety Kerry
Glenn is the team's top tackler who is
still healthy. His 54 tackles are second
best on the team.
WITH ALL OF this in mind, the
Gophers do not enter tonight's game
confident they will win the Little Brown
Jug, annually given to the winner of the
Minnesota-Michigan game, for the first
time since 1977.
."The Jug has, been in Minnesota.:so-
littlethat if we want ae it ha*b to
go to Ann Arbor," Salem said. "The Jug,
has not been on our minds."
Added Schembechler, "It's a game
we ought to win."
Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIEk
Wolverine middle guard Al Sincich zeroes in on Purdue tailback Mel Gray during last week's 42-140 Michigan win.
Vince DeFelice ...
Al Sincich........ .
Kevin Brooks .....
Tim Anderson ....
Rodney Lyles.....
Mike Mallory .....
Carlton Rose ......
John Lott .........
( 7)
( 8)
Craig Graffunder . (242)
Norries Wilson .... (284)
Craig Paulson .... (247)
Steve Thompson .. (265)
Mark Dusbabek ... (205)
Joe Christopherson . (215)
Scott Tessier ...... (211)
Phil Sutton ........ (191)
Kerry Glenn ...... (174)
Around ti
Indiana at Illinois
2:05 p.m. EST
WHAT TO WATCH: The Hoosiers go
into Champaign with a 2-5 record after
being crushed last week by Ohio State,
Illinois quarterback Jack Trudeau
comes off an explosive passing game
last week, when he threw for over 300
yards and three touchdowns against
Iowa at Michigan State
1:00 p.m. EST
WHAT TO WATCH: Iowa hopes to
show the Spartans why they are the Big
Ten's most potent offensive unit, using
a strong running game and accurate
passing from quarterback Chuck Long.
The Hawkeyes are averaging 33.4 poin-
ts a game.
sCoach Hayden Fry needs victories in-
Iowa's final two games for his
Hawkeyes to get a berth in a major
he Big Ten
bowl game.
Northwestern at Ohio
State, 1:30 p.m. EST
WHAT TO WATCH: Northwestern
coach Dennis Green believes the only
way to beat tenth-ranked Ohio State is
to stop quarterback Mike Tomczak,
who has accounted for 1300 yards
passing and 204 yards running while
leading the Buckeyes to a 7-2 record.
Northwestern will be without the ser-
vices of quarterback Sandy Schwab,
who was demoted to third-string for
disciplinary reasons.
Wisconsin at Purdue
1:30p.m. EST
WHAT TO WATCH: Wisconsin, also
hoping for a post-season invitation, puts
its 5-4 record on the line at West
Lafayette. The Badgers, second in the
conference in total offense, will rely on.
Randy Wright's passing and Gary
Ellerson's powerful rushing.
Hot Celtics
jam] Pistons
BOSTON (UPI) - Larry Bird hit for
a season-high 39 points last night,
leading the Boston Celtics to their
seventh straight victory, a 126-118 win
over the Detroit Pistons, the only club
to beat Boston this season.
Bird sparked the streaking Celtics to
leads of up to 17 points in the first half
befor.e a capacity Boston Garden crowd
and personally took a hand in the third
period when Detroit got back into the
game for its only lead of the night, a
single point.
Isiah Thomas led the Pistons with 27
points and Kelly Tripucka had 26 as the
Pistons fell behind by 14 in t hefirst
quarter, trailed by a dozen at The half
and were down.by 13 after three periods
when the comeback fizzled.
(21) Evan Cooper ...... (172)
(14) Tony Gant .........(167)
(30) Brad Cochran ..... (203)
(28) Don Bracken ...... (208)
(19) Bob Bergeron ..... (146)
Andy Hare ........ (190)
Duane Dutrieuille . (167)
Paul Blanchard ... (178),
Jim GalleryI......(191)
starts at 8:00 p.m. EST
WPAG (1050 AM), WWJ
Tonight's Michigan-Minnesota game
and can be heard on WAAM (1600 AM),
"Around the Big Ten " was compiled by Daily sports writer Barb McQuade.
(950 AM), WUOM (91.7 FM), and WJR (760 AM).
Snow-lovers flourish in flurries
(Continued from Page 1)
to have a long-standing argument with.'
ANN ARBOR resident Matt Ralph said
the snow didn't have all that mucn
meaning for him, although it would
take a couple of days to get used to.
Ralph said he took "Leonid
Brezhnev" out of the closet today to
help his ears combat the bitter cold.
Brezhnev is a furry, black hat.
For LSA senior Michelle Gittler, the
snow was a cause for hope and fear.
"WHEN I see that it is snowing I keep
wishing that it would keep snowing so
that there would be no school. I guess
it's just a hangover I have from grade
school," she said.
"I'm also deathly afraid of crossing
the street because Ann Arbor residents
don't know how to drive in the snow."
Second-year University graduate st-
udent Tony Phillips said he had been
anticipating the snow and that he felt
{pretty happy" yesterday to see it.
Phillips also said he felt the urge to go
Christmas shopping.
JAZIRI WALID, another Ann Arbor
resident said the snow conjured up
images of his dog, the fireplace, and his
Although some people dislike this
weather, walid said he thinks it's really
wonderful if you are well dressed and
prepared for it. However, Walid had no
mittens and had to make do by stret-
ching the sleeves of his sweather over
his hands.
For LSA junior David Thompson
snow is a new experience.
THOMPSON, who recently tran-
sferred to the University from the
University of Hawaii, said Michigan
weather has its good points.
"Michigan weather is a lot better
because you can't cut class to go
surfing. I go to class a lot more," he
said. "Walking in the snow," Thompson
said, "is like walking in a giant shave
ice." Shave ices are what most
Michigan residents term snow cones.
For MacDonalds snack bar worker
and LSA junior Bill Doss, the weather
means more orders for coffee and hot
chocolate. "The hot stuff is selling
really well," he said. "I want to go to a
warm house and go to sleep by the
fireplace," said Doss.
Nickels Arcade, green Christmasi
stockings hung on the outside door
yesterday. Store manager Linda
Liechty said glove, scarf and robe sales
were up. "People are finally thinking
it is going to get colder now. We are
selling a lot more in the way of things to
keep you warm."
But a Jason's spokesman said ice
cream sales haven't suffered. "Rain
keeps people away more than snow,"
said owner Joan French. "Sometimes
snow even makes people think of ice
cream. At least that is what they tell
But French notes that soup sales are
up along with diet hot chocolate and
hot-spiced cider.
Assistant store manager of Jacob-
son's John Purkiss said business was up
there too.
"TODAY'S WEATHER has brought
in a suprisingly large number of women
to shop. It was just enought snow. More
snow would have probably made them
stay home. But the weather seems to
have made everybody re-evaluate their
winter wardrobe."
Purkiss predicted the children's shoe
store would be packed with parents
anxious to have their children in water-
proof boots.
For Ann Arbor Policeman Paul Bun-
ten snow has a negative connotation. "I
hate snow. Snow usually does mean
more accidents," he said. As of 4 p.m.
yesterday 15 accidents had occurred,
mostly fender benders with minor in-
juries, according to police.
Fred Keyes of the Ann Arbor
National Weather Service said between
one and two inches of snow fell on the
city yesterday. Another storm system,
he said, will be moving into the area
tomorrow, but will mean mostly rain.
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Health agency to profit from- vaccine
"ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - A new vac-
cine to prevent herpes, hepatitis and in-
fluenza could be a financial gold mine
for the New York State Health Depar-
tnent which plans to enter the growing
commercial biotechnology market.
The development of the genetically
engineered vaccine, which its
proponents say has the potential to
protect against a limitless variety of
diseases, is unusual for a public health
agency. Equally unusual is the agen-
cy's decision to turn its vaccine, which
cost nearly $4 million to develop, into a
nrofit-making venture.
big push in the 1960s when Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller spent $100 million on its
new facilities.
The vaccine is made by inserting
genetic material fromii a disease
organism into the cowpox virus, which
has been used to protect against
smallpox for 200 years.
HUMAN TESTS are at least two
years away. But the health department,
seeing the potential for great monetary
rewards, has already taken steps to
protect its rights to any profits from the
Barth said Health Research set un a
produce the vaccine. Either way, the
state and the inventors will get a cut -
the amount yet to be determined - of
the profits.
THE FIRST profits to the state will be
used to repay $70,000 in patent fees, said
Slocum. The income is also expected to
save taxpayers some $7 million needed
to develop the vaccine. Any leftover
money will go toward other research,
Slocum said.
The only other state known to have
set up such a commercial venture to
reap profits from state patents is
Michigan. Slocum said
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