Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, November 12, 1983
Inkblots mar Minnesota Playboys
Don't stand near the Playboy and
Penthouse magazine racks near the
University of Minnesota's campus - it
could be dangerous.
Three unknown women dumped
black ink last week on the magazines in
the Minnesota Student Association
store for the second time this term,
ruining about 100 magazines and
splashing a woman on her way to a job
The store has received a few com-
plaints this year from students on cam-
pus for selling the magazines, and one
formal complaint was lodged last mon-
th by student Trina Porte.
Porte filed a letter of complaint with
the student association, which runs the
store located in the university's student
"How can a woman feel safe given
the presence of pornographic magazines
on campus? Forte wrote in her letter.
"The magazines objectify women, are
pro-rape...sexist, and racist, and un-
dermine a woman's ability to feel
But the student association's cor-
poration board refused her request to
stop selling the magazines. Board
members said that removing the
publications would be censorship in
som'estudents' view.
"There has been an outpouring of
support for the board's position," said
corporation president Gary Klouda.
"Censorship has started to become an
issue with some of our supporters."
Klouda added that "if the incidents
continue, we will be forced to increase
security around the store. We are still
standing by our decision."
The store sells an average of 105 Pen-
thouse, 60 Playboy, and 21 Playgirl
magazines per month, compared to
about 90 Newsweek and People
magazines monthly.
- The Minnesota Daily
CMU students hoaxed
Students at Central Michigan Univer-
sity have been collecting tabs from pop
cans this term, believing their efforts
would give a Chicago girl vital kidney
But members of the school's
Residence Hall Association found out
Monday that they were the victims of a
hoax - the girl doesn't really exist.
According to Keith Miner, director of
Barnes residence hall, a dormitory
resident proposed the tab collection
drive. The student said she was told by
a co-worker that for every 1,000 tabs
returned to an aluminum company, the
girl would receive ten minutes of free
The project drew support from
various campus groups, and collection
.r of
boxes popped up at locations around
campus, including the library and
residence halls.
But Miner suspected something was
wrong where he couldn't get further in-
formation on the drive by calling alum-
inum companies. He got his answer,
however, when he reached ALCOA of-
Miner said a company spokesperson
told him "that he's been at the company
for fourteen years and
thatethe rumors had been around ever
since he'd been there. He told me he
could trace (the rumor) back at least
twenty years," Miner said.
Student groups will continue to
collect pop cans for recycling, but won't
be stocking up on the tabs, Miner said.
- The CMU Life
Harvard considers
phone discounts
Harvard students may be able to
reach out and touch someone at a 40
percent discount next year.
University officials are considering a
proposal to hook student telephones into
the school administration's long distan-
ce system, which allows Harvard to
make calls at rates much below stan-
dard charges.
Administrators say that if they find
that the proposal is cost effective, it
could be implemented as early as next
SAID wants bigger
student voice in LSA
Students need to become more aware
and involved in the University, accor-
ding to LSA Student Government
Presidential candidate Eric Berman.
"Too many people go to college for a
credential-filling their requirements.
There's more to it than that," said
Berman, an LSA junior, whose Students
for Academic and Institutional
Development (SAID) party will try
next week to hold on to control of the
topSA-SG position for another year.
BERMAN AND vice presidential
candidate Jean Wyman, also an LSA
junior, are running with 11 candidates
for at-large seats in the LSA-SG elec-
tions held next Monday and Tuesday.
Because student awareness is Ber-
man's primary concern, one of his first
goals is to put a student member on the
LSA Executive Committee, the school's
most powerful group of administrators
and faculty members. LSA-SG pushed
for a student committee member last
year, but was unsuccessful.
While he would prefer to have a
student vote on the committee, Berman
said he would settle for a non-voting
member if it is the only way an LSA
student will be able to participate in
executive committee meetings and
"THIS YEAR we plan to do it,
whether the student gets the vote or
not," he said.
Traning for teaching assistants is
also a major SAID concern. Instead of
testing only foreign TA' for their
speaking abilities, and leaving training
for a1llTAs up to the departments, SAID
wants to institute stricter college-wide
training requirements.,
SAID also considers the 4.9 percent
minority enrollment figure to be an
LSA-SG concern. Their proposed
solution calls for the formation of a
committee of representatives from
campus organizations to discuss
solutions to minority enrollment and
"WE NEED TO learn what the 4.9
percent feels about the 4.9 percent,"
Wyman said.
Another SAID proposal would
strengthen student peer counceling
through the Student Counseling Office
in Angell Hall. "There needs to be a
place where students can go and talk to
students," Wyman said.
Currently, the office is hampered by
low-visibility and insufficient funds ac-
cording to Berman.
Like his opponents Andrew Hartman
of the Ignite party, Berman has
specific plans for cutting crime on
campus. His proposals includes not
only preventing rape and other
assaults, but also making dormitories
SAID HAS proposed instit'uting a
campus-wide escort system and em-
ploying more University security guar-
ds to make the campus safer at night.
Berman also said that the University
dormitories should issue picture iden-
tification cards to students, which
... students need a voice
year. The move would be just one of
Harvard's attempt's to get the cheapest
telephone service possible in the wake of
the AT&T breakup.
Despite the financial advantage to
students, Harvard administrators have
several reservations to switching
student telephones to the money-saving
service. If students numbers are added
to the university system, Harvard
would be responsible for tabulating and
collecting student phone bills, said
Robert Carroll, associate director of
Harvard's Office of Information
The university may also have to give
students business lines instead of
residential lines to integrate them into
the system, Carroll said. Students
would have to pay an additional two
cents per local call on business
Other administrators have warned
against switching to a new telephone
system unti it can be seen how the
AT&T breakup is going to affect the
market and telephone equipment.
"This is the wrong time to be
changing everything, while the in-
dustry is in such turmoil, said Harvard
Law School Assistant Dean Russell
-The Harvard Crimson
Colleges appears every Saturday
and was compiled by Rajnish
cuts funds
slated for
West Bank
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Economic
problems are forcing the Israeli gover-
nment to trim its plan for saturating the
occupied West Bank with Jewish set-
tlements to prevent its return to Arab
The Housing Ministry has postponed
construction of four outposts, and says
it will cut back public services to
existing settlements as well as financial
aid to prospective homebuyers.
FINANCE Minister Yigal Cohen;
Orgad is seeking a 10 percent cut of $2
billion from the government's budget in
order to start closing the $21.5 billion
foreign debt and tame the 130 percent
annual inflation rate.
The cuts will soon be felt in every
field. Education and health services
will cost more, welfare payments will
get smaller and credit for businesses
will shrink. Thus it is politically impor-
tant for the government to show that
the settlements also are being cut back,
lest the poor of Israel - until now the
ruling Likud bloc's strongest con-
stituency - come to perceive the settlers
as a pampered elite.
The opposition Labor Party has
sought to make political capital out of
the spending on settlements, claiming
the government is neglecting the poor
while "squandering" more than $1
billion on putting Jews in the West
HOUSING Ministry spokeswoman
Aliza Goren said, "There will be a
general slowdown in the pace of con-
struction and the standards of the set-
tlements. What was supposed to be built
in a year will now take 18 months or two
years. Where a clubhouse was planned,
it won't be built. The same goes for
roads, services, etc."
The settlers reacted angrily. "We are
willing to accept cuts in aid to in-
dividuals,"said Israel Harel,
spokesman for the council of West Bank
settlements, in a telephone interview.
But he was angry about the prospect of
delaying work on four West Bank set-
tlements, Dolev, Hermesh, Kochva and
Otniel, which are military outposts and
were soon to become civilian villages.
"THE establishment of dozens of new
settlements in the heartland is a basic
political necessity," he said.
Uri Uriel, of the nationalist Gush
Emunim Bloc of the Faithful
movement which spearheads West
Bank settlement, believes potential
settlers already have been deferred.
"Very few Jews today are starting to
build, compared with the numbers in
the past," he said.
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Wealthy rapist may avoid prison
by funding rape crisis center
KALAMAZOO - A judge's contemplated rape sentence for an heir to the
Upjohn fortune was described by a women's organization yesterday an "ap-
palling" plan that would allow a rapist to "buy his way out of prison."
Cheri Wilczek, vice president of the local National Organization for
Women chapter, said she was "shocked" at reports Circuit Judge John Fit-
zgerald was considering a proposal to allow Upjohn heir Roger Gauntlett
avoid a lengthy prison sentence by donating from $1 million to $2 million to
build a rae crisis center.
Gauntlett entered a no contest plea to the first degree criminal sexual con-
duct charge July 12. In return, prosecutors agreed to drop a second rape
charge involving the girl's 12-year-old brother and three second-degree
counts involving both children.
The Kalamazoo Gazette earlier this week reported Fitzgerald, in a con-
versation with an assistant prosecutor and Gauntlett's attorney, had
suggested sentencing Gauntlett to one-year in the county jail and five years
probation for raping a 14-year-old girl in 1981.
In addition, the 41-year-old businessman would be required to make a
donation of up to $2 million for the construction of a "first-class" rape center, :
the judge reportedly said. Gauntlett, whose great-grandfather founded the
Upjohn Co. in 1866, is to be sentenced Dec. 5.
U.S. jets draw fire in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Carrier-based U.S. jets flew over Lebanon yesterday
and Christian radio stations reported that Syrian gunners fired at the planes.
Beirut residents saw U.S. F-14 Tomcats swoop over the capital then back
toward the carrier Dwight D: Eisenhower. The Voice of Lebanon and the
Voice of Free Lebanon said Syrian gunners fired at the jets from the moun-
tains overlooking the Marine base at Beirut airport. No hits were reported.
Syria said its gunners on Thursday drove off four F-14 Tomcats that flew
over Syrian-held central Lebanon. U.S. officials confirmed the planes were
fired at Thursday, but Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger said there was
no evidence the Syrians did the shooting.
The Voice of Lebanon also said mutineers battling Palestine Liberation
Organization chief Yasser Arafat in Tripoli ordered him to surrender and
leave the northern port by Sunday or face an all-out attack.
New protests erupt in Manila
MANILA, Philippines - Tens of thousands of Filipinos joined i peaceful
protest rallies against President Ferdinand Marcos vesterday. At the same
time, the man police claim killed Benigno Agnino was buried in the same
cemetery as the popular opposition leader
Some 10,000 professionals, white-collar workers, and relatives of political
detainees demanded the resignation of President Ferdinand Marcos, 66, in
the biggest protest yet in Manila's Makati financial district.
"There is any ugly cancer eating away at the very foundations of our
civilization," Dr. Francisco Arcellana, leader of a doctors delegation, told a
rally after the "Professionals March." "We must do a radical surgery."
About 300 students, watched by 100 riot police, protested at the American
Embassy against U.S. support of the Marcos regime, burning an effigy of
the American eagle and marching through the city's "red light" district. A
smaller workers rally was held at the Labor Ministry.
U.S. to replace ousted Marxist
doctors and teachers in Grenada
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - The Reagan administration is seeking to re-
place Soviet bloc teachers and doctors expelled from Grenada after the U.S.
invasion that toppled a Marxist regime, aid officials said yesterday.
Congress has approved $3 million in assistance to Grenada, which was
barred frozjiree yOng URS. aid duri g bae foar;yein power of pro-Cuban
Prime Minister Maurice Bishop, slain Oct. 19 in a coup by more militant
A U.S. aid official, Ted Morse; said the United States will "try to replace 32
East bloc teachers within 10 days" and will make efforts to bring in 16 doc-
"We hope that many will come from American private voluntary
organizations," he said.
Morse added that the U.S. aid would provide jobs for hundreds of
Grenadians who lost jobs after the invasion. Those without work include air-
port construction workers, soldiers and employees of Soviet bloc aid
Congress to act on cash crisis
WASHINGTON - Senate-House Conferees resolved all their differences
yesterday and adopted a compromise emergency measure to fund federal
agencies that had run out of money. Congress is expected to give final ap-
proval today.
"I have every reason to believe we have a bill that will get signed," Senate
Appropriations Committee Chairman Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.) said after the
joint conference committee approved the compromise agreement by voice
The House, tired of waiting around all day on Veterans Day for the con-
ference to resolve the differences between the Senate-and House-passed
spending bills, announced it would return today to vote on the compromise.
The Senate has to wait for the House to act.
President Reagan had vowed to veto the legislation if the compromise
measure contained a House-passed. provision providing $1 billion for
education and social-welfare programs. The Senate version contained no
such funds.
Vol. XCIV-No. 58
Saturday, November 12, 1983
t(ISSN 0745-967x)
would be checked by security guards
when students entered a dorm. All
dorms would have only one open en-
trance after a certain time, under Ber-
man's plan.
Berman was appointed to serve on
LSA-SG last year, and has also par-
ticipated in Michigan Student Assem-
bly and Student Alumni Council ac-
tivities. Wyman joined LSA-SG last
month and now is a council member.
You're Needed All
Over the Word.
Ask Peace Corps volunteers why their in-
genuity and flexibility are as viral as their
degrees. They'll tell you they are helping
the world's poorest peoples attain self suf-
ficiency in the areas of food production,
energy conservation, education, eco-
nomic development and health services.
And they'll tell you about the rewards of
hands on career experience overseas.
Ihey 11 tell you it's the roughest job you'll
ever love.
Qb urrb nr3Iip 'ErtIE
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus/Career Fellowship
Coordinator: Steve Spina
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour-10:30 social hall.
11:00 a.m. Issues Class, French
Room Wednesday p.m.
8:00 Christian Fellowship, French
8:30 - Study/Discussion Groups.
9:30 - Holy Communion, sanctuary.
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
November 13, "The Devil is a Liar." by
Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
502 East Huron, 663-9376
9:55 a.m. Sunday Worship, Com-
munion Sunday, November 13 "How to
Preserve." Hans Kung preaching.
11:00 a.m. - Church School. Classes
for all ages. Class for undergraduates.
Class for graduates and young adults.
Choir Thursday 7:15 p.m, John Reed,
director; Janice Beck, organist.
Student theological discussion Thur-
sday 6:00 p.m.
(Call 761-6476 evenings for infor-
Weekly Student Dinner. Sunday 6
Interim Pastor and Campus
Minister: Rev. T. J. Ging.
* * *
For Doctrine, Fellowship, Breaking
of Bread, and Prayers
Washtenaw Independent Bible Chur-
ch meets in homes in Ypsilanti and Ann
Arbor, Sunday and Wednesday of each
For more information, call David
Nelson, 434-9734; or Van Parunak, 996-
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Mon.-Wed.-5:10 p.m.
Thurs.-Fri.-12:10 p.m.
Sat.-7:00 p.m.
Sun.-8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Upstairs
and downstairs).
12 noon and 5 p.m. (Upstairs and
Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5 p.m.
on Friday only; any other time by ap-
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Postema
10:00a.m. Morning Worship
"The Compassionate Way - Action"
(Compassion VIII).
6 p.m. Evening Service.
The Film "Rich and Poor: What can
we do?" will be presented. Discussion
will follow.
This is World Hunger Sunday.
Wed. 10 p.m. Evening Prayers.
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates: $8 in Ann Arbor; $10 by mail outside Ann
Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER: ,
Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY,. 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109.
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