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Devour the Snow
Professional Theater Program
New True Blood Arena
8 p.m., Wednesday, November 16
By Crystal Duncan
P ICI'URE yourself and five other
people stranded in a sinking boat
in the middle of the ocean. Because of
the size, the boat can carry only three
passengers without sinking. If you all
stay, you are certain to meet a watery
death. Who should be allowed to live?
Who will die? Or would you all elect to
perish together?...
This familiar age-old concept of
man's inherent need to survive, and to
what extreme he will go in order to en-
sure his own survival, is one which has
long been the subject of literature and
drama. American playwright Abe
Polsky's Devour the Snow, presented
by the University Department of
Theater and Drama, is a fascinating
play that confronts many such
questions about life, death and human
Polsky's Devour the Snow opened
successfully Off-Broadway in 1979 at the
Hudson Guild Theater and later to a
respected run on Broadway. The play
is a court-room drama set in Sutters
Fort in northern California, 1847. It
depicts the trial of the historical Don-
ner Party, a band of wagon pioneers
who, while traveling west, were
separated from the main party and
trapped in the snow-covered moun-
German immigrant and survivor of
the expedition, Keseberg, brings a
slander suit against the party members
for murder and as the trail unfolds, so
do the horrible facts of the expedition
and what the desparate members had
to do in order to survive. The actual ac-
count of the historical trial has been
lost, however, the play is based on facts
of the expedition making Polsky's
drama a hauntingly true documen-
Directing Devour is Don Rice, a third
year doctoral candidate at the Univer-
sity. As an undergraduate at Grand
Valley State, Rice became interested in
acting and decided to pursue a career in
theater. He later specialized in direc-
ting, explaining that directing presents
a more varying degree of freedom. "As
director you have control over all
aspects of the production. I enjoy
having the ultimate responsibility of
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Michael Caine is an alcoholic professor who What an apt title for Sean (I'll never do another No, it's no
becomes the mentor of an aspiring young student in Bond movie") Connery. To some he is the only 007 pushing this
this comedy. (Movies at Briarwood, Brairwood Mall, to others he's just an old man out to make a buck. benefit by it
769-8780) Either way, he's back and he's Bond. (Ann Arbor good in t f
DEAL OF THE CENTURY Theater, 210 St. Fifth; 7619701). -inde story'
Chevy Chase gets his chance to work with some THE OSTERMAN WEEKENDiBdsry c
ALL THE RIGHT MOVES talented filmmakers for the first time when he stars Sam Peckinpah returns to the director's chair with Briarwood,
Another steel-town flick (a la Flashdance about an in this movie written by Marshall Brickman this tale of mystery and intrigue based on Robert ROMANTIC
underdog who fights to escape the grimy environ- (Manhattan) and directed by William Friedkin (The Ludlum's book. (State Theater 231S. State; 662-6264) Broadway
ment. This time the game is football instead of dan- Exorcist). (Fox-Village Theater, Maple Village; 769- REAR WINDOW Dudley Moo
ce. (Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769-8783) 1300) thrilleruniqut
THE BIG CHILL FANNY AND ALEXANDER The.re-release of Hitchcock's suspensethriller (Movies at B
Seven University alumni gather together at the Ingmar Bergman's latest film explores family a bod y tewart wh o itnes a md. ARUMBLE F]
der nobody else believes has been committed. Also
funeral of a friend, the results being humorous and relationships through the eyes of a young boy. Set in an u
Alexader.Perhas ofBer s finst wrks. starring a superbly icy performance by the late beFs st
touching. Are these the best years of our lives? Alexander. Perhaps one of Bergman's finest works. Grace Kelly. (Ann Arbor Theater, 210 S. Fifth; 761- e Fish is tl
(Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769-8780) (Campus Theater, 1214 S. University; 668-6416) GlAe 1- Mickey Rou
- Natalie Wood's last film finally makes it to the Old-timer Richard Farnsworth gave birth to a new RICHARD PRYOR H E E anothe "movie" by RUNNINGB
screen, thanks to much lobbying on the part of direc- career after co-starring in Comes a Horseman with Richard Pryor. Like his last few efforts, this is just a man posse
tor Douglas Trumbull. The sci-fi thriller also stars Jane Fonda. Now he gives another moving perfor- filmed montage of Pryor in concert. Assuming you triumph ove
Christopher Walken and Cliff Robertson. (Fox- mance in this Western. (Movies at Briarwood, want to see more Pryor monologues, this movie is for (Wayside T
Village Theater, Maple Village; 769-1300) Briarwood Mall; 769-8780) you. (Fox-Village Theater, Maple Village; 769-1300) ZELIG
Stephen King's newest story deals with the psychic A tired attempt at a tired theme. Mr. Mom looks at A dozen pubescent high-school hormonalites learn count on it.
powers of a man who awakens from a coma after five role reversal with all the charm of a wet liver. (The about love, life, college interviews and prostitution. twist in pse
long years. (State Theater, 231 S. State; 662-6264) Fox Village Theater, Maple Village; 769-1300). (Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769-8780). State; 662
::::: ::vmv:.: i:: :. ........... ......."::v'4 :. . . . . ...... ..... ^%"". .m .............. .
Devour the Snow: Melts in your mouth
how a production turns out rather than-
simply one aspect. Not that as director
I have total power, but as an artist it
makes sense to be able to draw all of the
aspects together into one unified
package," says Rice.
Rice's directing credits include Passing
Shots, Whale Rock, and recently Cat on
a Hot Tin Roof.
According to Rice, he chose this par-
ticular drama because of its power and
depth. "It's not your typical courtroom
drama. There are very strong thematic
statements being made in this piece;
man's survival, how far will he go in
order to survive, and how he deals with
transgressing the accepted morals of
"The second reason I chose this
drama is that it's simply full of power
and imagery. While- the play takes
place entirely in the courtroom, you are
constantly being taken back into the
snow with these people. There's power,
action, and emotions right at the point
of breaking all the time," says Rice.
The play, which has only 10 cast
members, will be presented in a small
theater as opposed to a large
auditorium. Rice explained that in a
smaller theater the audience is closer
to the action. "The audience needs to
get caught up in this drama. Their in-
timacy with the actors on stage is well
captured in a smaller theater, an im-
portant aspect of this particular
good film that got lost in the shuffle. (Mediatrics;
MLB 3, 6:10, 9:00)
Greenway, 1982)
Unusual, to say the least. A draughtsman is hired
to sketch an estate for unusual payment and gets in-
volved in a murder. (Ann Arbor Film Coop; Nat. Sci.
Aud., 7:00, 9:00)
largest, and this compilation of some of them
features just about everybody from the world of jazz.
(Alternative Action and Eclipse Jazz; MLB 3,8:00)
WISE BLOOD (John Huston, 1979)
Brad Dourif, Ned Beatty, and Huston star in an
adaptation of Flannery O'Connor's novel about a
preacher for the Church of Christ Without Christ.
(Ann Arbor Film Coop; Aud. A, 7:00)
DAY OF THE LOCUST (John Schlesinger, 1975)
An artist finds out that his beloved Hollywood glit-
ter of the '30s is just that when he sees the decadence
behind it. The cast includes Karen Black, Burgess
Meredith, and Donald Sutherland. (Ann Arbor Film
Coop; Aud. A, 9:00)
burlesque di
sland sectic
A night of
remake of
Rosalini Ru
in newspape
Aud., 9:00)
The novel
a film abou
cerned with
because of i
with subtitle:
Wine, Cocktails
and Antipasti
ii te
Authentic Italian
5k7-~~ 219
THE ROAD WARRIOR (George Miller, 1982)
A surprisingly well received sequel to Mad Max
which again stars Mel Gibson as a one-man army in
a post nuclear holocaust Australia. (Ann Arbor Film
Coop; Lorch Hall,7:00, 8:40, 10:20)
THE DARK CRYSTAL (Jim Henson & Frank Oz,
The Muppet people go one step further with a well-
made, visually stunning film that has a fine musical
score. But the plot is a rather tired one, and the
audience feels strangely detached from the action.
The best idea is to see it and judge for yourself.
(Mediatrics; Nat. Sci. Aud., 6:30, 8:15, 10:00)
TOOTSIE (Sidney Pollack, 1982).
In addition to directing, Pollack does a fabulous
job playing Dustin Hoffman's agent, who in turn,
does a fabulous job as a desperate actor who must
resort to dressing in drag to revive his acting
career. Great comedy and great acting make it one
of last year's best films. (Cinema 2; Aud. A, 7:00,
Mangio Italiano!
THE JAZZ SINGER (Alan Rosland,1927)
The very first talkie. Al Jolson's dad would like his
son to follow in his footsteps and become a cantor.
The son likes show business. (Hill Street Cinema;
1429 Hill, 7:00, 9:00)
A BOY AND HIS DOG (L.Q. Jones, 1975)
The title characters wander through L.A. in 2024,
after WW III. The dog sniffs things out for the boy
and offers protection. Based on a Harlan Ellison
novella, the film has a strong cult following. -Classic
Film Theatre; Michigan Theater, 7:30, 9:15)
THE MIKADO (Victor Schertzinger,1939)
One of the best of the Gilbert & Sullivan operettas
done by the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, one of the
most favorite Gilbert and Sullivan performing
groups. (Cinema Guild; Lorch hall, 7:00, 9:00)
BADLANDS (Terence Malick,1974)
Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek are two naughty
teenagers who go on a cross-country killing spree.
Based on a true story, this film iom the director of
Days of Heaven also has a cult following. (Cinema 2,
Aud. A, 7:00,9:00)
OPEN CITY (Roberto Rossellini,1945)
Shot secretly while the Nazis occupied Rome, this
film looks at the troubles faced by a resistance
leader who is trying to dodge the Germans. (Ann Ar-
bor Film Coop; MLB 4,7:00)
FELLINI'S ROMA (Federico Fellini, 1972)
Fellini gives both the story of Rome and his own
view of the city as he follows a boy who goes from
dreaming of the city during boyhood to being a part
of the contemporary city itself. (Ann Arbor Film
Coop; MLB 4, 9: 00)
ON THE TOWN (Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen,
Three sailors, including Gene Kelly and Frank
Sinatra, have a 24-hour liberty in New York. They
dance up a storm atop the Empire State Building and
sing "New York, New York." (Hill Street Cinema;
1429 Hill, 7:00, 9:00)
AGUIRRE, WRATH OF GOD (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Klaus Kinski is a conquistador searching for gold
and the city of El Dorado in the Peruvian jungle. He
finds insanity. German with subtitles. (Ann Arbor
Film Coop; MLB3,7:30)
DISTANT THUNDER (Styajit Ray, 1973)
After the outbreak of WW II, a young Brahmin
priest/doctor and his wife must adjust as the
tranquility of their village is shattered. The con-
clusion of the Apu trilogy. Bengali with subtitles.
(Ann Arbor Film Coop; MLB 3,9:15)
BALL OF FIRE (Howard Hawks, 1941)
The script is Billy Wilder's. The stars are Gary
Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. He is one of seven
profs working on a new dictionary. She is a
(Clarity File
What was
World War]I
views and a
Studies Filn
cludes. All
with subtitl
Theater, 7:1
Leading I
drawn clos(
(The Retur
Jewish hush
are in Fran
(Classic Fii
M ANGIA ITALIANO and your sto-
mach will thank you with
bilingual satisfaction. Through
automatic assimilation, America
speaks the language of Italy in the form
of pasta, spaghetti, lasagna, and fet-
tucini. Even our population reflects the
flavor and "Little Italy" thrives in a
handful of cities across the country.
Mangia Italiano means mangia molto
and mangia many courses. The Italian
meal features large portions of food
doused in the cheeses and sauces of
Europe's foremost food lovers. There
is no skimping on an Italian recipe. A
cheese is not a cheese unless it has body
and richness. A sauce is not a sauce
unless it tastes piquant and hearty.
Subtlety cast aside, an Italian meal is a
meal to remember and often difficult to
forget in the afterthought of garlic.
Italian desserts also boast a
reputation of their own and what sweet
tooth can overlook spumoni or canolli?
If the Italian main courses make bold
statements, their desserts scream the
epitomy of richness.
But the last course of a monumental
meal would be incomplete without the
piece de resistance - Italian coffee.
Espresso and cappucino warrent a
course of their own.
From the flavorful zest of the salad
and main course through the sweet
richness of dessert, Italian meals con-
stantly remind us, "This is what eating
is all about!" The cuisine of fulfilling
taste and large portions, Italian food is
suited for feasters. Julie Winokur
LACOMBE LUCIEN (Louis Malle, 1974)
A peasant boy has the unpleasant task of going
through his adolescence in a German-occupied
France. French with subtitles, the film examines in-
nocence and guilt. (Hill Street Cinema; 1429 Hill,
TOOTSIE (Sidney Pollack, 1982)
See Friday's listing. (Cinema 2; Aud. A, 7:00, 9:15)
DON JUAN (John Crosland, 1926)
The silent film starring John Barrymore and Mary
Astor will be accompanied by the Ann Arbor Cham-
ber Orchestra and organist Dennis James. Before
the movie, a vaudeville style program. (Michigan
Community Theater Foundation; Michigan Theater,
8:00, $8.50, $6.50 students)
MY BRILLIANT CAREER (Gillian Armstrong,
No matter where you live, it seems they want you
to marry into wealth. Based on an autobiography of
Miles Franklin, this film is about a woman from a
poor Australian family who gets the family mad by
choosing writing over marriage to a rich relative.
(Alternative Action; MLB 4, 7:00, 9:00)
WAR GAMES (John Badham,1983)
Matthew Broderick plays a teen-age computer
whiz who calls up a NORAD computer and engages it
in a "game" of global thermonuclear war. But the
computer doesn't want to stop playing, and it also
doesn't think its a game. An incredibly fun film with
an overstated theme. (Cinema Guild; 7:00,9:10)
PRINCE OF THE CITY (Sidney Lumet,1981)
Treat Williams is a cop who decides t0 help out a
commission investigating corruption.. The film
weaves a web from there with no easy exit. A very
A nasty mother organizes marital problems for her
son, who is caught between a conniving first wife and
a tasteless second one. The man goes to his cat for
solace. (Cinema Guild; Lorch Hall, 7:00, FREE)
rmtiM JZd brL
Open Daily
Till 2 A.M
A MAN ESCAPED (Robert Bresson, 1956)
An especially important soundtrack is but part of
the detail that makes this intense story of a man
trying to escape from prison so good. French with
subtitles. (Cinema Guild; Lorch Hall, 7:00,8:45)
DICK TRACY (William Witney and John English,
The five-episode serial nears its end as
episode 13 finds Tracy caught in a trial by fire.
(Cinema Guild; Lorch Hall, 6:30,50)
Chertok's collection of jazz films is the world's
1321 South University W i e Frk"
Kelly and Vera-ERen: On the town
12Weekend/November11.1983- - - - - --y..- -- - - - - -. .