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from Page 1
He is the architect of a "five-year
plan" to rank University priorities and
then shift money from the bottom of the
list to the top. He made the final
decision to cut the natural resources
school by one quarter, to reduce the art
school's budget by 18 percent, and to lop
off nearly half the education school's
He also is the former owner of a pet
skunk and hummingbird, a "rabid"
hockey fan from the unlikely state of
Georgia, and still thinks of himself as a
professor, after ten years in ad-
Born into a very tight-knit family,
Frye was raised "just a hoot and a
holler" from the Smokey Mountains in
the hills of northern Georgia. And
although very few youngsters from that
part of Appalachiainever even went to
college, he has gone on - almost inad-
vertantly, he says - to hold the top
academic post at one of the nation's
most prestigious universities.
When Frye came to the University
(which in classic form, managed to
misspell his name two different ways in
the formal announcement of his
hiring), all he aspired to was teaching
and research, with a specialization in
endocrinology. He says he wanted
nothing to do with the administration.
In fact, he reached his two top ad-
ministrative positions - the LSA dean-
ship in 1975 and the vice president's
post in 1980 - through the back door.
He wasn't the regents' top choice for
dean, and he wasn't even included as a
candidate for the vice president's
position by the committee charged
with filling the spot.
In '75 the regents selected Jewell
Cobb, a black woman educator from
Connecticut, to be the permanent dean
of LSA. But-Frye, who was the acting
dean at the time, had great support
among the LSA faculty and then-
University President Robben Fleming
and Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Frank Rhodes. A stormy con-
troversy erupted when Cobb was
refused tenure, and Rhodes and
Fleming offered her only a two-year
position compared to the usual five.
When the storm settled, Frye had the
job - one which he says he never really
"I think the quote I was.reminded of
by a member of (the deanship search
committee) was that they said, 'Why do'
you want the job?' and I said, 'I don't
want the job,"' recalls Frye.
Four years later, when the vice
president for academic affairs post
opened up, Frye says he again did not
want the position. "Indeed, I asked that
I be withdrawn from that consideration
because I did not aspire to it," he says.
But for a second straight time, he
backed into one of the most prestigious
jobs in higher education - this time at
the urging of University President
Harold Shapiro, who had been appoin-
ted several months before.
Shapiro tossed out the three names
given to him by the vice presidential
search committee and tapped Frye.
Neither Shapiro nor Frye remember
today what it was that Shapiro said to
convince Frye to accept the job.
All that stands out in Frye's mind is the
tone: "The intensity of his deter-
mination that I must do this finally per-
suaded me that - impolite is not the
right word - that it would be improper
as a member of the community not to,"
he says.
- His rapid and rather awkward rise to
the top of the University is even befud-
dling to the central figure in it all. "It's
quite beyond me how I got into the ad-
ministration," Frye says. "I certainly
didn't deliberately do it. I don't like
administration particularly. I, God
knows, did not aspire to be an ad-
"It's so messy I can't sort it out. I do
have a deep sense of loyalty and a deep
sense of obligation. I admit I enjoy
nothing better than working with
faculty members. But there are equally
abhorrent aspects to administration, as
equally horrid as those are attractive.
What shifts the balance I really don't
and not like an administrator. But
realistically, he has begun to wonder
how viable a professor he will be when
he returns to the faculty ranks.
"If you wanted to size up Bill Frye as
a professional administrator or
bureaucrat, I'm not particularily good
at that," he says. "About the only useful
thing I bring to the job is a value struc-
ture which is academic and faculty
Those values were introduced early
in his life. At age 15, he entered a Bap-
tist junior college in Georgia. He con-
In the
Belkin Productions
Joe Louis Arena
8 p.m., Monday, November 14
'I think the quote I was reminded of by a member
of (the deanship committee) was that they said,
"Why do you want the job?" and I said, "I don't
want the job."'
-Billy Frye
University vice president
for academic affairs
and provost
know. I really think that it is that I
let people persuade me that I can do the
Leaning back in his chair, he con-
tinues to talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of administrating. His
office is not that of the average ad-
ministrators. On the wall near the en-
trance hangs a scientific illustration of
several animal skulls, and on top of a
small bookshelf rests a thick book on
animal endocrinology. On the opposite
side of the room a tropical fish tank
bubbles softly. All three seem to be
holdovers from his professorial days in
the old zoology department - days he
fondly recalls but wonders if he will
ever be able to return to them.
Philosophically, he says, it is essen-
tial that he think like a faculty member
tinued at Piedmont College, where he
majored in biology, and at age 19, he
entered Emory University for graduate
"Once. I got to graduate school it
gradually dawned on me that I liked
academic life. . . But as more time goes
on, I realize that my viability as a
faculty member is becoming more and
more tenuous. The longer that time
passes and the longer I don't teach and
don't do scholarship and the day comes
that I return to my department, I'm
going to need some very patient and
supportive collegues when I climb back
into the saddle."
F RYE LIKES to schedule sack-
lunch meetings with his office
staff, and although he didn't bring his
By Matt Tucker
(IENESIS has been together for a
long time-not in the bound
editions of various bibles, but as a per-
forming and producing rock band.
The group's origins go a long way
back, to the days when Steve Hackett
and Peter Gabriel were musical
novices just getting their start. But
that does not concern us. We are in-
terested in Genesis in its present
form-a band led by Phil Collins, and
including co-founder Tony Banks and
Mike Rutherford.
In 1975, after Peter Gabriel left the
band to pursue a solo career, Phil
Collins came out from behind his
drums and took over as the front man.
This move, saving Genesis from what
their fans thought was certain death,
from Page S
66 by Beethoven, and the Sonata in A
major by Beethoven, and conlude with
the Adagio and Allegro in A flat major,
Op. 70 by Schumann, and the Sonata in
C major, Op. 65 by Benjamin Britten.
Accompanist is Lambert Orkin, noted
Principal Keyboardist of the National
Symphony Orchestra. For ticket infor-
mation, contact the University Musical
Society at 764-2538.
did not surprise Tony Banks. Banks
has said that "Peter (Gabriel) and I
thought he (Collins) would be very good
for the band. Quite honestly, he
became far better than I ever thought
he would. He ended up being by far the
best musician in the band."
Collins' emergence as the leader of
the band brought along new and ever-
growing success. The group's 1981
release, ABACAB, went platinum and
their 1982 Three Sides Lives album
went gold.
The success of the group as a whole
has allowed them to pursue solo
careers. Tony Banks and Mike Ruther-
ford both have had very successful solo
careers. But the member who has en-
joyed the most success on his own is
Phil Collins. Actually, according to
Collins, he is not really "on leave" from
Genesis at all, rather, he takes leave
from his solo career to get back with the
band occasionally.
"The main thing, the most important
thing to me, is my solo career," Colins
has said. "That doesn't undermine my
feelings for Genesis, but it does put
them into perspective. I don't feel like
I'm doing a solo venture, because that
implies that I'm on leave from the
group, and it ain't that way with me....
I'm proud of the fact that we're
Genesis, that we have a chemistry that
works and that people like. But I make
more money on my own than I do with
Genesis, so the bottomline, mercenary
level is that there's no reason for me to
be in Genesis except that I enjoy it."
Collins has been enormously suc-
cessful. Both of his solo album's, Face
Value and Hello, I Must Be Going, have
sold very well. Last year Collins toured
sans Genesis, with vey positive results.
He recently appeared with ex-Led Zep-
plin singer Robert Plant on his solo
tour, just for a change of pace.
If you are lucky enough to have
tickets for the concert this Monday, and
have never seen Genesis perform, then
you are in for a treat. Do not expect
Collins-like white-boy funk or goofy
love songs, but do expect an intense
Genesis: And He said 'Let there be music'
peformance from one of the finest
groups around. Collins performs won-
derfully, although his voice is quite
limited. Rutherford, backed by routing
guitarist Daryl Stuermer, is an excep-
tional guitarist who is not limited to the
standard six-string. He plays 12-string
and bass as well, using an inter-
changeable, double-necked guitar.
Banks is an amazing keyboardist, and
his mix-in of synthesizer is perfect.
Look for some Banks solos as the high
point of the show.
drummer (I
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drummers a
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His ability i
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his ability fi
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of "Behind
yourself whc
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