Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 11, 1983
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11 playoffs
IM football players rarely have any
fans watch their contests. Cheerleaders
cannot be found. The wave does not
leave Michigan Stadium.
Their enthusiam for competitive
football comes from within themselves.
They are a special breed, living out
dreams on an 80 yard gridiron with ar-
tificial referees.
AND NOW the playoffs have begun.
Players sacrifice their bodies for the
winning cause. They become dirty,
bloody, angry, frustrated and some get
happy. Out of the few hundred teams
that began this year, only a handful will
In the playoffs teams strive for the
pride, the glory, the self esteem of
being number one. The intensity is
IM football playoff fever. Catch it!
IM Roundup
goal line with just three minutes
remaining and returned it 79 yards for a
touchdown helping fourth ranked Chi
Phi to a 12-0 playoff victory over Phi
Alpha Kappa. Chi Phi (4-0) now moves
into the quarter finals.
"Once I saw the screen pass," Sch-
winke said, "I just stepped in front and
picked it off. There was no one near me.
I knew the game was over."
Chi Phi's 'Chi R A' defense held Phi
Alpha Kappa on every series. The 'Chi
R A' has not yielded a point all season.
"We do a lot of stunts," said defen-
sive coordinator Larry Fromm.
"Sometimes we blitz two or three guys.
It can frustrate the other team."
Graduate/Facuilty/Sta ft
D1 'B' 14, Law Big Dogs 8: It was a
matchup made in heaven. The future
dentists vs. the future lawyers. One
group will fix teeth and the other group
will use teeth to smile at jurys and win
In the professional world the two
have little in common. On the football
field they have even less in common.
The game had the makings of a classic.
And it did not disappoint.
Vince Mack completed a sizzling 18
passes out of 20 attempts, including
touchdown passes of 30 and 50 yards, as
fifth ranked DI-'B' (the future dentists)
upset second ranked Law Big Dogs (the
future lawyers) 14-8.
"It's good to beat those guys," said
D1-'B's Dave "chunx" Wright.
"Everyone looks to them as being the
No longer. Mack riddled the Dogs'
defense, leading D1-'B' to 10 first downs
to the Dogs' four. Bob Hager caught the
30 yard toss, while Rob Stewart caught
the 50 yard bomb.
The Plow 16, U-I Stoners 6: When
scheduling for the playoffs, The Plow's
Stuart Plesser noticed a U-I Stoners
team member also signing up. Having
just lost to the U-I Stoners team in the
season finale, Plesser sensed a chance
for sweet revenge. He put the Plow in
the same bracket with the Stoners.
And, oh, how sweet it was!
John Eisenhart threw a 40 yard bomb
to Kenny Gross and The Plow came
from behind to defeat'the U-I Stoners,
16-6, in a first round playoff game in the
Independent league.
"It was bad blood out there," said
Plesser. "I purposely scheduled next to
Plesser helped his team's cause by
intercepting a Stoners' pass after the
Stoners had driven deep into The Plow
territory. The Plow's other score was a
short Eisenhart pass to Ira Warshaw.
Chi Phi's first touchdown came
quarterback Brian Connybeare's
yard pass to Jerry Adams.
Hunt SMA 6, Too Much 0: It was a
very physical game," said Hunt SMA's
Collen Greene. "Those chicks were
going at it. A lot of heavy hitting. There
was a lot of stuff going on on the line."
Such intensity helped make this a low
scoring, yet exciting game.
The game's only tally came when
Jennifer Giesey caught a short flair out,
made a neat cut between two defenders
and dashed 15 yards into the end zone.
But Hunt SMA was anchored by its
defense. It built a brick wall and held
Too Much on two different goal line
stances. One of the key plays of the
game came when Greene intercepted a
pass in her end zone late in the contest
to halt a Too Much drive.
Chi Phi 12, Phi Alpha Kappa,0: Steve
Schwinke intercepted a pass at his own
Daily Football Rankings
1. Sigma Alpha Mu
2. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
3. Phi Delta Theta
4. Chi Phi
5. Psi Upsilon
2. Bruisers
3. Lakers
4. MBA Wolfpack
5. The A' track 'tions
1. Dix
3. D1-'B'
4. D1-'A'
5. Legal Soul
Residence Hall
1. Bursley Crush
2. Adams Ants
3. Kelsey Blue Roots
4. Al Pilots
5. Fisher
Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
This Co-Rec quarterback unloads a long bomb in an attempt to win one the
fast way. Such non-Schembechler style is characteristic of many IM teams
in their quest for the gridiron crown.