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November 10, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-10

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 10, 198;
'U' won t increase


The two-day sit-in staged by the Progressive
Student Network to shut down a research laboratory
will not warrant increased security in labs in the
future, officials said yesterday.
Vice President for Research Alfred Sussman said
the University will probably not set up any policies
against demonstrations because they do not expect
any further action.
EVEN THOUGH SUCH protests disrupt research
and learning, Sussman said, tighter control could in-
terfere even more.
"That very student's learning is dependent on a
free atmosphere," he said.
The main concern, University President Harold
Shapiro said, is to ensure that future protests do not
interfere with educational activities.
"IT IS INAPPROPRIATE for any group to inter-
fere in a substantial way with ongoing University ac-
tivities," Shapiro said.

In the future, Shapiro added, each case must be
handled individually. "It's always a difficult thing.
We have to take each case on its own merits."
Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior, whose lab was
stopped for two days, said there is really no way to
stop sit-ins. "Your response to them has to differ each
time," he said.
THE LAST THING I want to see is the University
saying we have to start locking doors before this hap-
pens again," Senior said, adding that putting
everything under lock and key would be a foolish
reaction to the demonstration.
Senior said the sit-in was more annoying than
disruptive because the researchers continued on
their theoretical work outside the laboratory.
Because the room was not in use at the time, said
Senior, the protest was "tolerated," but added "It
would be foolish to say that would be the way to han-
dle every case."
Professor George Haddad, chairman of electrical

and computer engineering, said it would be very dif-
ficult to set up enough security to assure there would
be no more interference in laboratories.
"I don't think there's enough security to prevent
this from happening again, but I'm not sure there
should be," he said. "With students coming in the
buildings all the time, it's difficult to monitor things
like this."
Both the University and the department should
decide what kind of action to take in individual cases,
Haddad said, but they cannot make those decisions in
"IT DEPENDS what happens next," Haddad said.
"If this thing gets repeated we'll have to do
something, I don't know what yet."
A major disruption would have to be handled dif-
ferently than this situation was, Haddad said, and if it
were ever necessary he thinks the University would
resort to making arrests. .
See RESEARCH, Page 5

PSN vows to continue military research protests

(Continued from Page 1)
protests was the regents' rejection last
June of a proposal to limit military
research on campus.
THIS ACTION, combined with what
they said was the University's move to
pull funds away from humanistic
studies, has made PSN members even
more worried about the presence of the
military on campus.
"This state is in trouble and the Un-
iversity is getting less money. But there
are dollars pouring out of the Pentagon,
so here there is drastic redirection of
funds to attract Pentagon money," said
PSN member Naomi Braine.
These ideas are gaining a broader

base of support, PSN members said.
"There are 26 of us in the lab, but this is
not the work of only 26. We had a sup-
port crew with members of the campus
ministries and marchers in the Diag
and in the candlelight vigil," said
Winkelman. "We're a broad-based
movement growing every day."
ONE OF THE group's most recent
protests was last month's visit to the of-
fice of Billy Frye, the University's vice
prsident for academic affairs and
provost. PSN members wanted to get
some changes made in the budget cut-
ting process, but felt they were unsuc-
cessful in gaining much ground.
"He told us he couldn't talk just

then, and to make an appointment,
which we did," said Mendelsohn. "But
then he called the morning of the ap-
pointment and said he couldn'ttmake
"Anyhow, he seems to think all we're
after is more money for the philosophy
department, which he brings up every
time," Mendelsohn said.
PSN MEMBER Mark Weinstein said,
however, that PSN members are also
concerned about students and faculty
members in departments other than
those in the humanities.
"Engineering students often mention
that (discussion of science and
morality) seem to be missing, and often

feel almost forced into fields in the
nuclear research and weapons in-
dustry, where there are programs and
greater financial rewards," Weinstein
Windleman emphasized the group's
belief that "it is the responsibility of the
citizens to speak out against immoral
activities through channels both outside
of and within the system. "We must
exercise our rights," he said.
Member Steve Austin said that PSN
"didn't aim to change the world" with
the sit-in. However, Austin said that
the protest was a start toward bigger

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Israelis summon reserve troops
TEL AVIV, Israel-Israel called up thousands of reserve troops yesterday
as part of a military preparedness drill that comes amid heightened tensions
with Syria.
The exercise was first announced last week, and officials said it was un-
connected to Syria's mobilization Monday of its entire reserve force.
The Israeli reserves were summoned to their pre-assigned units in the af-
ternoon when the military command broadcast 14 code words on Israel
Chief military spokesman, Brig. Gen. Yaacov Even, said on Israel radio
that the drill would be short. "The great majority of soldiers will arrive, be
registered and return home immediately," he said, adding that "a few
dozen" may be kept on duty a little longer.
No information was given on the number of troops involved. Earlier an-
nouncements said, "several thousand" would be mobilized, indicating that
only a fraction of Israel's 370,000 reservists were being called up.
Democrats block spending bill
WASHINGTON - House Democratic freshmen held their ground yester-
day despite a bitter leadership complaint that they "embarrassed the party,
screwed up the appropriations process and did nothing constructive" in
blocking an emergency spending bill in their attempt to force action to slash
Majority leaders were stunned Tuesday night when first-year Democrats
joined with minority Republicans to scuttle, 206-203, a stopgap measure to
which nearly $1 billion had been added for education and social services.
The freshmen said they actually favored the additional spending for those
purposes, but thwarted the emergency measure in an effort to bring
Congress to bear, prior to the 1984 election year, with the necessity to raise
taxes if yet another deficit in the $200 billion range is to be avoided.
The House freshmen, though, said their target was not the stopgap bill but
a tax bill that has been bogged down.
Many of the freshmen campaigned for office on promises to cut budget
deficits. With Congress pushing to adjourn for the year by Nov. 18, those who
want action on deficits say there must be votes now because nothing will be
done during the upcoming election year.
Rebels corner PLO in Tripoli
TRIPOLI, Lebanon - Palestinian rebels backed by Syria rained hundreds
of shells on PLO chairman Yasser Arafat's last Middle East bastion yester-
day, cornering him in Tripoli and ignoring his pleas for a truce.
The rebel barrage prevented the Palestine Liberation Organization leader
from visiting loyalist holdouts at the besieged Baddawi refugee camp out-
side Tripoli. Black smoke from raging fires hung over the port city of 500,000
Arafat visited maimed supporters in hospitals, roving the streets in a
chauffeured Jeep while shells from rebel positions in the north and east oc-
casionally slammed into neighborhoods near his office.
"There's been no progress in talks anywhere," Arafat told a group of
reporters who followed him to the Islamic Hospital, where he popped into
rooms to chat with patients and sign autographs.
The Syrian-backed rebels began their blitz seven days ago to oust Arafat
from Beddawi and end his 14-year reign of the PLO, claiming he had grown
corrupt and moderate and no longer strove for open confrontation with
Flint elects first black mayor
FLINT - James Sharp became the city's first black mayor as he upset in-
cumbent James Rutherford in Tuesday's election.
Nationally, Republicans captured the Washington state seat they needed.
as part of their strategy to keep control of the Senate, but Democrats other-
wise dominated off-year elections, capturing two governorships and several
big mayoral races.
There were mixed reviews and probably no strong signals for the Reagan
administration.in Tuesday's voting. History was made in Kentucky, which
elected its first woman governor and in Philadelphia, which will also haveits
first black mayor.
W. Wilson Goode, elected as Philadelphia's first black mayor, met with
retiring Mayor William Greene to plan a transition to power. His election in
the nation's fourth-largest city will put four of the nation's six biggest cities
in the hands of black chief executives.
In other voting Tuesday, the widow of John Birch Society Chairman Larry
McDonald lost a special election for the House seat that had been held by her
husband, who died Sept. 1 when a Korean airliner was shot down by a Soviet
Grenada appoints government
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - Sir Paul Scoon, Grenada's governor general,
appointed a nine-member advisory council yesterday to serve as a
provisional government and prepare for elections.
No elections have been held since a revolutionary government seized
power 4 years ago.
The governor general's announcement came shortly after U.S. officials
said Scoon and Cuban officials had agreed that two Cubans - the embassy
first secretary and a communications technician - will remain on the

The agreement worked out with the Cubans represented a compromise for
both sides. Scoon had demanded that all but one Cuban get out of Grenada.
The Cubans, taking their case to the United Nations, had requested that four
remain behind.
Scoon named Alister McIntyre to head the council as soon as he is released
from his duties as a deputy secretary-general in charge of the U.N. Council
on Trade and Development.
0 bl Mtditgan watly
Thursday, Noveinber 10, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No. 56
(ISSN 0745-967X)
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