Ninety-four Years of EditorialFreedom 4rI1u 43 ti Declining It'll probably rain and the tem- perature won't surpass 53. Vol.XCIV-No. 55 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 9, 1983 Fif teen Cents Eight Pages Lab ta enters By JIM SPARKS Shapiro No research was performed im the "probab College of Engineering's radiation udents a laboratory yesterday, as 26 students may take continued to blockade the room. some po The sit-in, which began Monday after- til late la noon, is aimed at shutting down the "I do 1 research of Electrical and Computer when th Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior, one with the of the most vocal proponents of defense this man research on campus. say how Protesters - members of the allowedt Progressive Student Network - vowed "I wo to stay another night in the lab and Professo would not say when they planned to enough i leave. THES "I FEEL like we have taken a hold on to protes it (the lab) and we've got control of it .. an elect . we've stopped the research for 24 aircraft. hours," LSA sophomore Mara Silver- bombar man said yesterday afternoon. an F-D Vice President for Academic Affairs microwa and Provost Billy Frye, who is the literatur University's acting chief executive in Pentago the absence of President Harold sors Sen keover 3rd said the University will ly be patient as long as (the st- re)" but added the University e action against the blockade at int. Shapiro was out of town un- Lst night. believe there will come a point he students can not interfere work of students and faculty in nner," Frye said. He declined to long the students would be to stay, however. ould rely very heavily on or Senior's judgement on when s enough," he said. STUDENTS chose Senior's lab st his research on the effect of tromagnetic pulse (EMP) on In Senior's current project, he ds a hobby-shop scale model of 106 fighter bomber with aves to simulate lightning. But e from Dikewood Industries, a n subcontractor which spon- nior's research, says the pur- day pose of EMP research is to "harden" a structure to withstand the blast of a nuclear detonation. Senior said that there are similarities between the effects of lightning and any form of electromagnetic pulse, but that the specific project he's currently working on involves only lightning studies. He said last night that no decision has been made as to when the University would have the protesters removed, but that "sooner or later, one's patience comes to an end." THUS FAR, the disruption has not had an impact on his project and he still plans to complete his present work by the end of the year. He also said he didn't think the protest would affect his sponsors. "I don't think (the protest) reflects very well on the reputation of a university, but I assume the sponsors know a university must entertain diverse opinions." See BLOCKADE, Page 2 Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON Between 150 and 200 protesters hold a candlelight march from the President's house on South University to the East Engineering Building last night. The marchers were showing their support for 26 members of the Progressive Student Network, who were entering the second night of a blockade of an engineering college research laboratory. Faculty doubts sit-in's impact By PETE WILLIAMS Despite the sit-in at the engineering college's radiation laboratory, faculty members and ad- ministrators across the University yesterday said they consider military research a dead issue. By a 7-1 vote last June, the regents rejected a set of guidelines for non-classified research that had wound its way through the faculty and ad- ministration. THE STUDENTS IN the lab hope to resurrect the issue through their action against military research, but many faculty observers doubt they'll be successful. "I think that topic was thoroughly exhausted last year," said Billy Frye, vice president for academic affairs and provos. Vice President for Research Alfred Sussman echoed Frye's com- ments, saying he didn't think the students' action would make any difference. University President Harold Shapiro, the third top administrator responsible for evaluating the University's policy before it goes to the regents, was out of town yesterday and unavailable for comment. EVEN IN THE faculty, where last year's proposals to establish a system for monitoring research were initiated, there was little en- couragement for the protestors. Robert Lewis, an English professor and mem- ber of the faculty and student Research Policies Committee which developed the proposed guidelines last year, said he didn't think his committee would address the issue this year. "It is still on our agenda and I know it is a hot issue, but (the committee) spent a year working hard on (research guidelines) and with the regents' decision, I think we're kind of at an impasse," he said. "I believe it's an important issue that should be discussed but it probably won't be this coming year," he said. DONALD HULTQUIST, a medical school professor who also sits on the Research Policies Committee, said that there is very little interest in the issue among committee members. "I don't think the demonstration will have any impact on what the committee does," he said. Herbert Hildebrandt, chairman of the faculty's governing body, the Senate Assembly,. said the protest is misguided because Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior, whose lab is being occupied, is working "within his guidelines." Hildebrandt said the University has clearly defined what is permissable research and that "each professor has the right, within guidelines, to do any sort of research they wish." Engineering Prof. James Nicholls, who relies substantially on the Pentagon for research sup- port, said he has "no sympathy" for the sit-in. "Basically I think the regents said it all last year. The research we are doing with the Depar- tment of Defense is perfectly acceptable." NICHOLLS SPECIALIZES in studies of rocket propulsion, which he says is an imnportant part of the education of his aerospace engineering students. "I am teaching a class in rocket propulsion. My students may use that knowledge for peaceful or military uses. We are trying to turn out solidly-based people," he said. Nicholls and other faculty members argue that See DEFENSE, Page 2 Senior .. research stalled Petitioners call for nuclear free Ann Arbor Capitol Hill bomb blast triggers more threats By PETER MEILAND A campaign to ban nuclear weapons research and development in Ann Arbor has garnered almost one-third of the signatures necessary to place the proposal on next April's city election ballot, sponsors of the proposal say. Organizers of the petition drive for the Nuclear Freeze Zone Act say they have collected about 1,600 of the 5,000 signatures needed to qualify the act as a ballot question. SPONSORED BY the Michigan alliance for Disarmament (MAD) with help from the Progressive Student Network, the Interfaith Council for Peace and the Democratic Socialists of America, the act would prohibit nuclear weapons research and development within the Ann Arbor city limits. Also, the proposal calls for a commission to monitor adherence to the law. Neither sponsors of the proposal nor city of- ficials could say whether the legislation would be binding upon the University, which con- ducts funded research with possible nuclear applications. CITY COUNCIL member Lowell Peterson (D-1st Ward) said that the University may not be bound by the act because as a public in- stitution it is responsible to the state. Peterson said he believed the University would be exempt from the law. City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw also said that he was unsure of the legality of the proposal's effect on the University, though he had not seen the legislation. UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS yesterday ex- pressed concern that the proposal, if it is in- tended to govern the University, would place serious limits on the academic freedom of researchers. George Gamota, director of the Institute of Science and Technology, said the law would limit the free exchange of ideas and "create an environment of witch hunts" at the University. Gamota, who has worked to increase the University's share of military funding for research, said the law would cause inter- pretation problems if enacted. "THAT KIND OF law, I feel, would be very difficult to interpret, since in dealing with research you are talking about a whole array See CITIZENS, Page 3 From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - The FBI reviewed videotape from a Capitol security camera yesterday seeking the identity of a bomber who planted an explosive charge near the Senate ciamber that ripped a 13-foot-high gash in an interior wall. A caller to the Capitol warned of a bomb six minutes before the explosion, a Senate aide said yesterday. The explosion late Monday night shredded prized paintings, damaged both the Republican and Democratic cloakrooms, and ripped a door off its hinges. It also triggered a rash of bomb threats, including one at the Pentagon, one in the House, another at the Capitol subway.stop and a fourth that forced the evacuation of the Republication National Committee building several blocks from the capitol. THE SENATE carried on business as. usual, amid heightened security. Looking for clues to the identity of the bomber, the FBI reviewed videotape' from cameras trained on hallways leading to the alcove where a bomb was slipped behind a window seat, about 30 feet from the Senate chamber. Authorities would say little about the footage except that it showed a lot of smoke. The FBI said the blast was caused by a "high-explosive device with a delayed timing." Baker aide Tom Griscom said, "It was a wristwatch timer." SENATE Sergeant at Arms Larry Smith said the Capitol switchboard was warned of the bomb six minutes before the blast. An anonymous caller said the bombing was a reaction to American military action in Lebanon and Grenada. "The Senate will not be deterred or intimidated," said Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) as he held the senate to a schedule which began at 9 a.m. EST. "We'll do that, conduct business as usual in the rubble. We'll do that in the mess," he said. Baker said that had the Senate been in session at the time of the explosion, there would have been "grave injury. . . and, perhaps, loss of life to senators and staff." The "Armed Resistance Unit," the group claiming responsibility for the bombing, said in a "communique" that "we attacked the U.S. government to retaliate against imperialist aggression that has sent the Marines, the CIA and the Army to invade sovereign nations, to trample and lay waste to the lives and rights of the peoples of Grenada, Lebanon, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. "We purposely aimed our attack at the institutions of imperialist rule rather than at individual members of the ruling class and government. We did not choose to kill any of them at this time. But their lives are not sacred ..." The statement was dated Monday and received in yesterday's mail at National Public Radio's Washington bureau. AP Photo Senator Mack Mattingly (R-Ga.), examines yesterday morning the damage caused by an explosion late Monday night. The FBI said the blast was caused by a "high explosive device with a delayed timing." TODAY Meet the PSN T N THE MIDST of the big sit-in at the East Engineering Building radiation laboratory, the Daily and Canter- h..c TtfAncr...wn of .hs Prwivn -..., 4h Aanf Memphis Tennessee while working for the Internal Revenue Service. The charges were filed following an in- vestigation by the FBI, the U.S. attorney's office, and special agents from the Internal Revenue Service, after the scheme was uncovered when officials checked state and federal government computer records. All those charged were either temporary employees at the IRS Memphis Ser- vice Center or former temporary employees of the office. The fraudulent unemployment claims were filed in 1980 through 1982 with more than $50,000 in illegal claims collec- ted in 1982. buyers of Beverly Hills. The owners commissioned Car- tier's jewelers to create something modestly described at its unveiling Friday as "the most expensive Christmas tree in the world." The traditional star atop the tree is a $580,000 creation of 32 half-carat diamonds surrounding a 2-inch square emerald. Long strands of pearl worth $5,000 to $250,000 each are draped over the branches. The cheapest decorations used on the tree were a pair of diamond earing priced at $1,700. rnl - n 1.. .1............. .1956 - Construction work began on "Project 87," a $6 million women's dorm to be shaped like the letter 'H.' "1956 - The Inter-Cooperative Council formally requested that the University set aside 1.65 acres on North Campus for the construction of a new housing project. '1949 - Dr. William Mann of the dental school released a report claiming that fear and pain of a visit to the dentist would be almost eliminated by the use of the Air Dent, a substitute for the dentist's drill. The new device had so suce cessfully "reduced and eliminated heat, pressure, vibration, and noise that pain and discomfort become a minnr fetnr in cutting a tnnth." hesaid i i I