Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
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Partly sunny today with a high in
the low 50s. Getting cloudier
tonight, dropping to the mid-20s.
Vol. XCIV-No. 52
Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 5, 1983
Fifteen Cents
Eight Pages
Trk b b
Israeli base
TYRE, Lebanon (AP)-A suicide terrorist raced
his "truck bomb" through a wall of gunfire and
blew up an Israeli command post yesterday, in a
grisly replay of the Beirut Marine attack. At least
29 Israelis and 10 Arab prisoners were reported
Israel lashed out swiftly in reprisal, sending
waves of warplanes against Arab targets in
Lebanon. As many as 60 people were killed in the
air strikes, Lebanese reports said.
RESPONSIBILITY for the bombing of the
Israeli headquarters here was claimed by a group
calling itself "Islamic Holy War," state-run
Beirut radio said.
This same shadowy Shiite Moslem extremist
group, professing allegiance to Iran's
revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini, had claimed responsibility for three
earlier truck bombings-the attack on the U.S.
Embassy in Beirut last April, which killed 17
Americans and p2 others, and the twin bombings
of U.S. Marine and French military command
posts in Beirut Oct. 23, which killed at least 230
Americans and 58 French soldiers.
An anonymous telephone caller told the French
news agency in Beirut that yesterday's bombing
was carried out in retaliation for Israel's con-
tinued occupation of southern Lebanon and the
arrests of Shiite Moslems here, Beirut radio said.
YESTERDAY'S killer struck at about 6 a.m. as
Israeli soldiers, border policemen and civilian
security men slept in the two-building, L-shaped
compound, which served as a security base for
policing the Tyre area, 12 miles north of the Israeli
The pick-up truck, carrying about 1,000 pounds
of explosives, passed three unmanned checkpoints
on the Mediterranean coastal road, and then
veered off toward the compound, Col. Yona Gazit
of the Israeli northern command told reporters.
"The sentries at two posts opened fire as it
crossed through the barrier into the compound,"
he said. "The driver was hit but the truck rolled
on. Just before reaching the two buildings it ex-
FARTHER NORTH, outside the port of Tripoli,
fighting raged on for a second day between Syrian-
backed PLO mutineers and Yasser Arafat's
loyalists. At least 200 people were reported killed
And, as -this bloodsoaked land was convulsed
anew, Lebanese peace talks recessed in Geneva,
Switzerland, for 1 weeks.
The Israeli military command in Tel Aviv
reported 29 Israelis killed in the Tyre blast, along
with 10 of several dozen Palestinians and
Lebanese under detention at the Israeli com-
pound. Beirut's state-run radio earlier said 25
Arab prisoners were killed.
THE TEL AVIV command said another 29
Israelis and three Arab detainees were wounded.
Through the day, cranes, bulldozers and
soldiers with blowtorches worked at the bombing
Through the day, cranes, bulldozers and
soldiers with blowtorches worked at the bombing
r See TERRORIST, Page 2
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Student entrepeneur Jeff Gelman stands by some of the games which have helped him take care of his tuition payments. Gelman
formed his video game business last year.
Studenthentrepreneur scores
hi*gh wi- th video gam e profis
Jeff Gelman rides around town:in a silver
1983 Trans Am, but he's looking at a Porsche.
The money he makes takes care of his out-of-
state tuition - and a whole lot more.
Gelman doesn't much like to play video.
games, but he loves to see others drop quar-
ters in thti slot.
Amusements only last year, but his now
booming video game business already has
grossed him between $20,000 and $30,000, he
says. The business began when Gelman
bought four video games with a loan from a
friend. He put one in his own fraternity, and
one each in three others.
From those rather humble beginnings.
he's built his business to 50 games in Ann Ar-
bor and several surrounding cities. In ad-
dition to campus fraternities - he's now got
games in 12 - Gelman also has machines in
Pizza Bob's, Olga's, and eight games in the
basement of the Lawyer's Club of the Law
This month, his business will bloom again,
as he's just signed on with the Pump 'n' Pan-
try gas station chain to install as many as 50
more machines in stores throughout
WITH THE NEW contract, Gelman says he's
ready "to get completely commercial" and
out of the fraternities, where his machines
are vulnerable to excessive damage. "More
times than not," he says, "there's damage to
those machines."
Depending on their location, his machines
can pull in anywhere from $50 to $200 a week.
His clients get half the revenues and he
claims the rest for himself. (The fraternities
don't get quite as much because they end up
spending a good portion of it on repairs.)
A xMs. Pac-Man machine costs Gelman
about $1300 which he says will pay itself off
in two to three months.
TO ASSIST him, Gelman employs, two
other students and a full-time technician.
Their salaries, and the machines themselves,
account for just about all the expenses of the
"Because we have no factory, work out of
an apartment (Gelman's), and have few em-
ployees we can offer better percentages for
our clients, better games, and compete with
all the video places in town," Gelman says.
He says he plans to continue building his
business while in college and at law school in
the future. But after he completes his
education, he hopes the business will be big
enough to sell for "multitudes of money."
He says he's not worried about fading in-
terest in video games because new
technologies will continue to develop to keep
people interested. The latest craze, laser disk
games, will be his next venture. Citing the
$4,000 price tag on the games currently
available, he says he'll start buying "when
the price goes down."
Students to stay put
in next bomb.threat
Because of a recent string of bomb threats in
dormitories which turned out to be false alarms,
housing officials have decided to stop evacuating
residents when a threatening call is received.
The tentative policy change was made to
discourage pranksters from phoning in false
threats, officials say. It will remain in effect until
housing safety officials can review the situation
and create a formal policy.
STOCKWELL HALL residents have been forced
out of their dormitory three times, while Mosher-
Jordan residents have had to leave their dorm on-.
ce this semester.--
The change in security came after a series of
three bomb threats were called into the two dorms
within a twenty-four hour period earlier this week.
Stockwell received one bomb threat that sent
students into the streets at 3 a.m. early thius
semester, and another on Tuesday night. Wed-
nesday night, Mosher-Jordan became the target of
yet another threat. Only one hour after the
residents had taken refuge in Stockwell and
Couzens, Stockwell received a similar call.
THIS TIME, however, Stockwell residents were
informed of the threat, but were not ordered to
Mosher-Jbrdan Resident Director Lydia Bud-
See STUDENTS, Page 3
Tenant groups feud
over who should
Law Review's minority
program lacks results
get MSA d
The feud between the Ann Arbor
Tenant's Union and its offshoot, the
Tenant-Landlord Resource Center,
flared further yesterday, with Union
members locking Center officials
out of the office the two groups
The groups are battling over $7,300
in MSA funding which was allocated
to the tenants' union last spring. Two
of the students who head the resour-
ce center, which was created last
April, say they should receive the
money because union leaders have
not used the funds properly in the
THE MONEY for the tenants'
union comes from the mandatory
fees students pay to MSA every
term. Eleven cents from each
student's MSA fee of $4.50 is
allocated to the union.
MSA President Mary Rowland
says the council is "bound by the
students' vote (last spring) to give
the money to the tenants' union,"
even though she says union mem-
bers have "begun to burn out." The
regents also affirmed the decision,
last summer to give the money to the
Resource center president Eileen
Fintor says the center was never in-
tended to operate on MSA funding,
and officials have applied for a com-
munity development grant. The
center does not hold MSA
recognition as an independent
student organization.
BUT NONE of that is about to deter
See TENANT, Page 3
Although the law school's prestigious
student journal, the Michigan Law
Review, adopted a new affirmative ac-
tion program last year, no new
minority students have joined the staff,
and only two even applied for accep-
tance to the journal.
Review staff members, however, say
it is probably too soon to judge the ef-
fectiveness of the program after only
one year. They say that the small num-
ber of minority applicants may bethe
result of factors unrelated to the
minority admissions program.
THE REVIEW adopted the modest
affirmative action program in response
to rising criticism about the lack of
minorities on staff. There are currently
no minorities on staff, and there has
only been one black staff member in the
last 17 years.
The law school has enrolled about 55
black students each year, and about 50
students from other minority groups.
Last year, the Review agreed to
automatically accept the two best
qualified minority students, whose
writing samples rank in the upper half
of all the samples submitted. If no
minority students rank in the upper half
of the samples, none are offered a
position on the staff. The review accep-
ts between 35 and 40 new staff members
each year.
OF THE WRITING samples sub-
mitted this year, only two of them were
from monority students. And when
staff decisions came late in July,
neither students' writing sample
ranked in the top half of the group.
Members of the Review expressed a
good deal of confusion over why there
See REVIEW, Page 3
AP Photo
Sub missionn
U.S. Navy Destroyer Peterson keeps an eye on a disabled Soviet submarine as
another Soviet vessel crosses between. The sub was found yesterday 490 miles
due east of St. Augustine, Fla. (See Digest story, page 2).
Trafficking turkey
URKEYS TEND to be pretty retarded birds but
the fowl that hangs around the highway in front of
the post office in Colgate, Wis., must be blessed as
well. "It's pure luck that this one is still alive,"
said Jean Arntz, 43, who lives across the county road from
the post office. The bird has developed a habit of standing in
Off their rockers
GOT A GRANDMOTHER who's too sedentary? Get her
around Jan and Louise Rose and she'll be off her
rocker in no time. The two grandmothers from Las Vegas
(not related, despite the same last name) are planning an
8,000-mile hike around North America to encourage the
elderly to get back into the swing of things. "We are doing it
for seniors to get them off their rockers and make them
Bloody embarrassing
(OUNT DRACULA had a rough time at the Northern
Illinois Blood Bank in Rockford last week. He fainted at
the sight of blood. Sam Marlow, the man underneath the
Count Dracula costume, had intended to donate blood to
promote a haunted house project by the local chapter of the
March of Dimes. But when Marlow, who is chairman of the
project, went to the donation center and saw another donor
give blood, he keeled over. He was revived but left the
half the auditorium with a crowd made up mostly of
children and elderly alumni.
" 1965 - University officials announced they were asking
other universities, including Harvard, to join them in set-
ting a reciprocal one-year student exchange.
* 1972 - Two District Court judges dismissed charges of
malicious destruction of property against protesters ac-
cused of digging bomb crates in the Diag during the sum-
mer. The protesters said, they dug the holes as part of a
demonstration against stepped-up air raids over North