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November 02, 1983 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-02

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 2, 1983

MSA loan helps
send students
to D.C. rally

The Michigan Student Assembly last
night loaned the Latin American
Solidarity Committee $900 to journey to
Washington D.C. Nov. 12 for a protest
against the Reagan administration's
Latin American policy.
The committee, a student group that
opposes U.S. intervention in Latin
America and the Carribean, plans to
send 46 students to the demonstration
on a chartered bus.
LSAC PLANS TO pay back the loan
with public contributions and by selling
tickets to students who ride the bus.
Although MSA members say they do
not usually loan out money, especially
for travel expenses, Assembly
President Mary Rowland said the rally
was big enough to warrant the loan. "It
is an important event for students to
participate in," Rowland said. MSA
approved the loan on an 18-4 vote.
Several MSA members were con-
siderably more reluctant to break the
assembly's policy of not loaning money.
treasurer, said he would only agree to
the loan if three LASC members
assumed personal responsibility for the
"Say they default...will three of their
people cough up $300 apiece? Although I

hate to put people in that kind of
position, MSA won't eat that note," said
George Trudea, a business schol
representative, said he abstained on the
vote because of the riskiness of the
loan. "I am just afraid they may not
raise that much money," he said.
Livingston also expressed concern
that the lean would start a precedent
among other groups. "MSA is not a
group set up to loan money. How will we
justify turning down other groups now?
This is definitely a problem. I'm not
willing to set such a precedent."
MARY CORNELIUS, spokesperson
for LASC, said group members would
assume responsibility for the money.
"The core of our group must be held
personally responsible," she said. "Af-
ter all LASC is just a student
organization. It could just disappear."
She said that LASC expects to pay
back the money through "bucket
drives" for contributions and by
charging students who ride the bus to
the rally. The group has until the end of
the term to pay the loan back.
"We have about 40 people who have
already expressed an interest in
going," she said. Currently, however,
only eight people had actually paid for
tickets, she said.

Paper efase Mr
The Chicago Sun-Times, the nation's seventh-largest daily newspaper, was
sold yesterday to Australian Rupert Murdoch's worldwide publishing com-
pany for $90 million cash. Murdoch's company, News America Publishing
Inc., owns daily newspapers in his native Australia as well as the United
States and England. His holdings include the New York Post and the weekly

U.S. troops capture island near Grenada

i i

(Continued from page 1)
Near Grenada yesterday, U.S. troops
searching for Cuban holdouts
caputured the tiny island of Carriacou
and took 17 Grenadian soldiers
prisoner, U.S. officials said. No shots
were fired in the operation.
PENTAGON officials said Marines
found a warehouse packed with more
than 700 rifles, 150 cases of am-
munition, 12 cases of TNT, and 38 Soviet
AR-47 submachine guns.
Carriacou is 15 miles north of
On Grenada yesterday, work crews
pressed the search for people killed
when U.S. warplanes bombed a mental
hospital last week, killing as many as 20
patients. The United States has said the
bombing was accidental.
'IT WAS ONE of several accidents

reported in the Grenada invasion.
Wounded army troops brought to
Walter Reed Medical Center in
Washington have said 19 comrades
were wounded because a U.S. plane
inadvertently bombed their position in-
stead of an enemy target.
T.he Washington Post, quoting Pen-
tagon sources it did not identify, said
several Army Rangers were killed and
several others wounded when two U.S.
helicopters collided and four Navy
Seals in a commado unit drowned in a
pre-invasion accident.
The Pentagon says 18 U.S. servicemen
have been killed, 86 wounded and one
missing since the invasion. It has listed
about 100 Cuban casualties without
specifying dead and wounded.
WHITE HOUSE spokesman Larry
Speakes announced yesterday that

Reagan has directed special envoy
Richard Stone to return to Central
America, where the Grenada operation
touched off widespread anxiety.
Speakes did not directly link the
mission to the foreign outcry over the
invasion. He said Stone will be con-
sulting with the governments of El
Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and
Costa Rica to maintain the momentum
of his mission to achieve a negotiated
settlement to fighting and tension in the
The takeover of Grenada has been
condemned by key participants in the
"Contadora" group of Latin nations
also searching for a negotiated set-
tlement. The group has among its fun-
damental objectives an end to foreign
military intervention in Central



The invasion of Grenada sparked
fears that Reagan, having demon-
strated his readiness to use force to
achieve foreign policy objectives,
might order similar action against
Nicaragua, whose Sandinista regime is
battling rebels supported by the CIA.
Lost oil rig
81 believed
to be dead
PEKING (UPI) - The wreckage of
the Glomar Java Sea, a U.S. oil-drilling
ship that sank with 81 people aboard,
including 42 Americans, has been iden-
tified by Chinese searchers in the stor-
my South China Sea, officials said
The sunken wreckage of the ship,
missing since last Tuesday, was iden-
tified by Chinese ships using special
sonar, said a spokesman for the ship's
owners, Global Marine Inc. of Houston,
THE WEEK-OLD search for sur-
vivors, still hampered by bad weather,
continued without result.
"We found nothing today. It's still
raining and visibility is poor. For now
we will continue the search but I don't
know for how long," said a spokesman
for the Western Pacific Search and
Rescue Center on Okinawa.
Two of the Americans were identified
by their families as John Lawrence, 38,
of Odessa, Texas, and Bernard Patrick
Cates, 39, of Midland, Texas, an under-
water engineer.
"They have definitely confirmed the
fact that our drill ship, the Glomar Java
Sea, has been sunk at the drill site,"
Global Vice President Dick Vermeer
said in Houston, adding the Chinese
ship used a special "side-scan" radar.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Carrier fire kills six; injures 35
SAN DIEGO - Fire raced through the main power plant of the aircraft
carrier Ranger early yesterday as it operated in the Arabian Sea, killing six
men and injuring 35 others, the Navy said.
It was the worst Navy accident in two years, and the second fatal incident
aboard the 1,071-foot Ranger since July, but the carrier continued its
operations, officials said.
The fire broke out at 12:50 a.m., and was extinguished within an hour, Lt.
Cmdr. Tom Jurkowsky said in San Diego where the ship is based.
July 18, two days after the Ranger left San Diego, a sailer was blown over-
board by exhaust from jet blast on the flight deck and was declared lost at
The next day, the carrier collided with a refueling oil tanker, the USS
Wichita from Oakland, and suffered damage to its flight deck elevator. The
damage was repaired at Pearl Harbor and Subic Bay in the Philippines at
the cost of more than $670,000.
The Ranger fire was the worst Navy accident since May 26, 1981, when 14
crew members of the USS Nimitz were killed after a Marine jet made a
faulty landing off the Florida coas.
Government's credit runs out
WASHINGTON - Like a consumer whose credit cards have been revoked,
the government began living on its cash yesterday as congressional leaders
searched in vain for a way to revive federal borrowing authority.
The government yesterday reached its debt ceiling of $1,389,000,000,000 -
nearly $1.4 trillion in round numbers - when the Treasury Department
made as large a payment to the Social Security system as it could
The Senate voted late Monday night to refuse to grant enough credit to last
through mid-February and rejected, 56-39, the increased $1.615 trillion limit
asked by President Reagan and passed by the House.
At a White House meeting with President Reagan, Senate Republic Leader
Howard Baker said he intends to delay further consideration of the debt bill
until next week. There is inadequate support for passage, a Baker aide
noted, saying Baker is willing to "wait and see if there is a crisis and how
people react to it."
Lillian Carter buried in Plains
PLAINS, Ga. - In a simple, six-minute.ceremony, "Miss Lillian" Carter,
mother of former President Jimmy Carter, was buried yesterday in the red
clay fields of her homeland under a hot south Georgia sun.
Present at the graveside along with the 39th president were former White
House aides Hamilton Jordan, Jack Watson, and Jody Powell, former
budget director Bert Lance, former United Nations Ambassador Andrew
Young, and about 300 other guests, including ABC White House correspon-
dent Sam Donaldson, ABC's David Hartman and country music star Tom
The Rev. Fred Collins, officiating at the service, said Carter, who died
Sunday at age 85 of cancer, wanted the ceremonies "brief and simple" -
and they were, lasting six minutes.
After the somber country service, the former president had the ropes
which had seperated the family from other guests taken down, and he began
thanking people for coming.
Postal service asks rate hike
WASHINGTON - The Postal Service proposed yesterday to raise all mail
rates next year to head off a deficit it says could hit $2.3 billion in 1985.
Postage would jump from 20 cents to 23 cents for first-class letters, and from.
13 cents to 15 cents for postcards.
The increases, the first since Nov. 1', 1981, would not take effect until Oct. 1,
1984, at the earliest, according to Postal Service Shairman Robert Hardesty.
He said the mail agency has operated at a surplus for the last two years,
but now is running at a deficit likely to hit $800 million for the fiscal year en-
ding Sept. 30, 1984. The red ink could jump to $2.3 billion the next year
without a raise in rates, he said.
"Three and one-half years of rising costs have caught up with us," Har
desty said. He said the board has delayed filing 'a new rate case "as long as
we prudently can."
The charge for mailing a first-class letter was i3 cents until Dec. 31, 1975,
15 cents until May 29, 1978, and 18 cents until March 22, 1981 Postal rates
were long subsidized by Congress, but that practice has ended.
Other proposed increases include a jump from 17 cents to 20 cents for
presorted letters and from $2.24 to $2.60 for priority mail. Second class, in-
county mail would jump 24.6 percent; third class maif by 5.6 percent, and
parcel post by 15.4 percent.
Druse, Lebanese armies clash,
Christian refugees released
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Druse and Lebanese army gunners shelled each
other's positions yesterday in a town overlooking the Marine compound in
Beirut, while their leaders 3,000 miles away in Geneva met in attempts to
end the civil war.
Lebanon state radio said clashes between the Lebanese army and Druse
militiamen broke out shortly after midday near the mountaintop town of
Souk el-Gharb. There were no reports of casualties.

Meanwhile, in the Chouf mountain village of Deir el-Kamar, the Inter-
national Red Cross supervised the release of 207 Christian refugeees trapped
behind Druse militia lines. Buses took them to Beirut under an agreement
arranged by the relief organization.
Druse leader Walid Jumblatt said the evacuation was timed to coincide
with peace talks among Lebanon's warring factions in Geneva as a good-will
gesture to the Christian-led central government.
Wednesday, November 2, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No. 49
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
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mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
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Woman robbed

A 20-year old Ann Arbor woman was
robbed at knifepoint Monday by a man
who had hidden inside her home, Ann
Arbor police said. The robbery took
place at about 2:30 p.m. on the 1200
block of Hill. The suspect fled after he
received a small amount of cash. Police
believe the suspect had forced a door to
enter the apartment before the woman

Billing, 764-0550.
Editorin-chief.....................BARRY WITT
Managing Editor ...................... JANET RAE
News Editor...................GEORGE ADAMS
Student Affairs Editor ................. BETH ALLEN
Features Editor................FANNIE WEINSTEIN
Opinion Page Editors...............DAVID SPAK
Arts/Magazine Editors.............MARE HODGESi
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Associate Sports Editors............ JIM DWORMAN
Chief Photographer..............DEBORAH LEWIS
NEWS STAFF: Jerry Aliotto, Cheryl Boocke, Sue Bar-
to, Jody Becker, Neil Chase, Stephanie DeGroote,
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Tom Ehr, Joe Ewing, Chris Harrison, Paul Helgren,
Steve Hunter, Tom Keaney, Ted Lerner, Doug Levy,
Tim Makinen, Adam Martin, Mike McGraw, Scott
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Pollard, Mike Redstone, Scott Solowich, Paula Schip-
per, Randy Schwartz, Rich Weidis, Steve Wise. Andrea
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