4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, October 27, 1983 Sinclair The Michigan Daily ' V .1t t iVv M ( w N IK I Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIV-No. 44 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Paranoia in Reagan's eyes -- I4 TUESDAY MORNING'S invasion of Grenada by U.S. Marines was a tremendous mistake which has damaged U.S. credibility with its allies in Europe and Latin America. It also raises serious concerns about President Ronald Reagan's plans for Nicaragua. Tuesday morning, 1,900 U.S. Marines led an invasion of the tiny Caribbean island-nation, which has been wracked by civil strife since /an October 12 leftist uprising. Reagan and state department officials said the action was needed to protect U.S. citizens on the island, prevent com- munist Cuba from gaining another Caribbean outpost, and reverse a trend toward radicalism in the area. The administration's justification for the invastion crumbles under any honest appraisal of the situation, however. There is scarcely any evidence that the 1,000 Americans on the island were either stranded there, or even wanted to leave. The Americans, mostly students at a medical school on the island, could have been airlifted out yesterday and today under plans made by the school, according to the school's chancellor. Whether or not Reagan feared another hostage situation like the Iranian crisis, it is obvious that the danger to U.S. citizens has been greatly exaggerated. What seems likely is that the ad- ministration exaggerated the danger to justify a solution to its deeper worries - the overthrow of a democracy by a leftist regime. Once can almost see Reagan quaking in his Lynching, TN HIS running civil rights duel bet- ween his actions and his image, President Ronald Reagan put three more holes in his image when he fired three members of the Civil Rights Commission. All three had been highly critical of Reagan's record on civil rights. Their firings, another in Reagan's long line of moves designed to lynch the commission, demonstrate the president's true colors on civil rights issues. The commission was formed in 1957 as a bipartisan executive branch ad- visory group. It has been a consistent and active voice of reason on civil rights. Its recpmmendations have been followegd time and again, not because of which party the commission agreed with, but because of the logic and common sense that permeated its reports. Though the six-member committee has been critical of past ad- ministrations and policies, no president has been remotely as hostile to it as Reagan. He has fought -the commission's recharter - something Congress must do every five years - and tried to replace commission holdovers from the Carter and Ford administrations. Congress has been reluctant to give in to the president's whims. A bipar- golf shoes over the possibility. This country, however, cannot con- tinue to shove a U.S.-type democracy {'down the throats of peoples who do not want it. Reagan's paranoia of anything left of a William Buckley will even- tually draw the country into more foreign messes if it continues. Will Nicaragua be next? The San- dinista government also seems to offer an outpost for Cuba. The efforts of the rebels there could, with enough U.S. aid, throw that country into internal turmoil. Would Reagan then rush in the Marines under the pretext of restoring order? Tuesday's invasion seems to indicate that he would. "Today it was Grenada, tomorrow it could be another country," as a Bolivian ambassador said after the in- vasion. This invasion also puts a tremendous strain on America's relations with its allies in Europe and Latin America. Key members of the Organization of American States, such as Mexico, Columbia, Costa Rica, Peru, and Venezuela strongly opposed the in- vasion. Perhaps even more disturbing, Britain, one of America's staunchest allies, urged Reagan not to invade the island. To Western Europeans, Reagan's actions are more proof that he is chasing Soviet phantoms, and is too trigger-happy to be trusted with nuclear weapons. The U.S. government must realize that it cannot solve every problem in the world, that it cannot plug every hole that leftist governments might fill. With its invasion of Grenada, America already has damaged its credibility considerably. Reagan-style tisan coalition of senators proposed a compromise that would allow Reagan to appoint two new commission mem- bers without removing any of the ex- isting members, thereby increasing the number of members to eight. Reagan rejected that plan and though he had no cause, illegally fired his most vocal critics on the com- mission: Mary Frances Berry, a professor of history and law at Howard University; Blandina Cardenas Ramirez, a San Antonio educator; and Rabbi Murray Saltzman of Baltimore. That left the commission with three members, two of which were appointed by Reagan. But the commission cannot operate with only three people - four are required for a quorum. Reagan, in essence, has left the commission for dead unless Congress takes action. Congress can remove the executive branch control over the committee by making it a legislative commission an- swerable directly to Congress. If this is done the commission could continue its stellar work on civil rights without worrying about a president that doesn't share the same concern for those who don't enjoy the same rights as Ronald Reagan. It's time to take this target of Reagan's anti-civil rights hunt away from him. IN loorl- .. aTw _.. crr nw'.rs.r rrsyryw .ws-.. aw.c~lef'1. ' _ - _-,s .ia_ y..._.. .. r . . . '' -- --= n Y % ';N, - . " _ C:: y .... { 1 I- LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Heckling is a function of democracy To the Daily: In the editoral "Heckling Haig's Hecklers" (Daily Oct. 22) two basic points were made, each of them misguided and ill- founded. First, hecklers sup- posedly shirked their "duty" to allow others to exercise their rights of free speech and peaceable assembly. The Constitution guarantees neither a monologue nor an obedient, passive audience. My fellow hecklers and I did not in- tend in any way to prevent Mr. Haig from saying whatever he wished to say. We neither forced Haig from the podium, cut his speech or the question and an- swer session short, nor alter the content of his speech. Unlike Jeane Kirkpatrick at Berkeley last spring, Haig was not shouted down. The Daily should have objected to the behavior of the crowd and Haig himself. Hecklers wanted to hear Haig tell more subtle lies, disanalogies, and subterfuges. Haig too To the Daily: I just wanted to see Al Haig speak tonight. That's all. But what did we get? We got police and a near-riot protest instead, and it's the fault of whoever organized Mr. Haig's little visit to Ann Arbor. Tell me, please, who possesses the uncanny wisdom and foresight to schedule Alexander Haig - in person - in Rackham Auditorium? There were at least 3500 parents, students, professors, and generally in- terested citizens wishing to hear Haig speak. Rackham holds 1200 comfortably. I address this to those responsible for this sham. Wait. I think I understand. With everyone scared about another Vietnam in El Salvador, maybe you had the idea that you'd only let those peopletin who you knew weren't going to give Al buddy any hassles. After all, there were all those radical protesters sprawled out on the Rackham steps telling everyone that they, for once, were going to speak their minds to a politican that counts. Prohibitive measures, right? Lock the doors before the troublemakers can get in. Or maybe, the adept organizers of this important public talk just don't realize that this is just that - an important talk. This is The University of Michigan. I've heard it said that the University is kind of respected and prestigious, and that some great people have graduated from here . . of course this all could be rumor. But rumor or not, I know there are some people who aren't totally apathetic with gover- nmental issues. Some - like myself admittedly - have been a little busy with school and would sincerely like to catch up on some current events. Firsthand knowledge like Mr. Haig's was a privilege. It was a right we had The largely right-wing crowd and Haig tried to silence the hecklers. The hecklers' right of free speech suffered a greater infringement than Haig's, if Haig's freedom of speech suffered at all. Ironically, " Haig's speech was not free; it cost thousands of dollars. It is moreover ironic that the Daily mentioned peaceable assembly. For the hecklers are for global peace. The majority of truly hostile comments came from the political right instead of the left. Hecklers advocate op- position because it is essential to democracy. The Daily said the hecklers were "trying to disrupt" Haig's lecture. "Disrupt" is used here in a pejorative sense which obscures both the intention and the effect ,of the heckling. Applause in- terrupts a lecture no less than heckling does. The crowd, for ex- ample, warmly applauded Haig's remark that a certain woman's beauty would not get her everything in life. Implicit in the big for littleA Dialy editorial is an acceptance of this type of interruption. Democracy also allows for in- terruptions expressing op- position. Hecklers interrupted to oppose Haig's position and qualify his statements. The hecklers succeeded in democratizing the auditorium and promoted interaction with the speaker. Heckling Haig was a mode of democratic opposition. It was radically democratic since each heckler autonomously exer- cised his or her right of free speech. It is false that the hecklers were not listening to Haig. On thie contrary, 'Hecklers responded to specific remarks made by Haig. This type of democratic in- teraction promotes education. Thus the heckling did not adver- sely affect the "spirit of education in an atmosphere of free speech" that the Daily said is so important to the nurturing of a world elite. Putting aside the ob- vious point that Haig's speech ackham What about Ch: What about out What about: it, really like ano apology, a re-sc rysler Arena? Haigs visit. Feedback, please! side? Thank you Michigan Daily for thuh? I would letting this one opinion be heard. explanation, an - Anne Mancour heduling of Mr. October 22 MSA out offocus To the Daily: After witnessing the actions of certain student groups at the Alexander Haig speech, we are ashamed of being affiliated with the student body of this univer- sity. The complete disrespect, impoliteness, and sheer rudeness of the hecklers still stuns us. These people, though they claim to be "politically aware," did not express themselves in an in- telligent manner. We also cannot believe the audacity of the MSA News in printing the "doctored" photograph of Mr. Haig. Is this newspaper actually published by responsible people in the Michigan Student Assembly (who supposedly represent the studen- ts)? We find their actions irresponsible. Due to the immaturity of a por- tion of the Rackham audience, as well as the improper image of Mr. Haig in the MSA News, we believe a formal apology to Mr. Haig is in order. As President of MSA, Mary Rowland is the leader of, as well as chief representative of, the entire student body, and hence it is her duty to undertake this task. We are not all in favor of Mr. Haig, or his policies, but we do' uphold a high belief in respect and politeness to all individuals - whether we agree or disagree with them. - Christopher Grew Joseph Dent Nicholas John Kabcenell October 21 was itself of minimal educational value - similar pedestrian analyses can be found in the popular press - the hecklers made Haig's speech more educational than it otherwise would have been. Education certainly presup- poses a knowledge of official and quasi-offical government policy. Education should also include a critical examination of those policies both in academic and political settings. There is no doubt that Haig's lecture was academic only insofar as he spoke in a building owned by a university. The hecklers did not believe that the cloak of academia was sufficient garb to allow Haig's atrocious statemen- ts to go unchallenged. The second basic point of. th' Daily editorial is also flawed. Thie' point was that the hecklers were jeopardizing "the University's; ability to bring in a varied rang; of viewpoints and speakers." First, the wisdom of attracting speakers such as Haig should bi questioned before worrying about recruiting more of them. Wh eriteria were used to select him?. How well are the students served when thousands of dollars are, spent to hear Haig tell jokes? The University administration should, ask just how educational Haig's. speech was. What students saw at Rackham on Friday was a per sonality and that was what most of them were there to see. University guest lectureships should not be forums used to ex- pound reactionary propaganda; which attract their audiences on the basis of personality. The University should prove it is in-~ terested in presenting a diversity of opinions. Why not invite Er- nesto Cardenal or Ruben Zamora to give an alternative perspective on American foreign policy? As Art Goldberg wrote in The Nation of Jeane Kirkpatrick at Berkeley: "Her appearance was a political promotion endorsed by a university guest lectureship. The First Amendment, after all, was designed to empower or- dinary citizens against of- ficialdom - and protect their rights to criticize and petition their leaders. In the real world, free speech is ordinarily reserved for those who own a podium." Second, students should not be concerned with frightening off potential guest lectures by challenging the viewshof those who do come. For those who would be deterred by such in- teraction would probably not of- fer the same educational ex- perience others would. Without the possibility of democratic in- teraction with a speaker, much of what makes a discourse educational is lacking. In "Heckling Haig's Hecklers" the Daily has once again served the causes of reaction and the University administration. - Eric Schnaufer October 22 A 4 4 4 Jeering East Quad To the Daily: -1 , . j , E, s ,, , t t 'r4 i ' Ol d®1 i ' ! f 1 R. ;% > 1 . <' ' rt,! C ! f . . / r / , r Sri J;{' ' .~y r . , , i I amydeeplyconcerned about the way Alexander Haig was received here in East Quad. A group consisting mainly of East Quad residents harassed and jeered the former secretary of state as he was entering and leaving his room. Several people yelled obscenities and political slogans at his window. While he was leaving his room, they chanted: "Al Haig has no place in our home" or something to that effect. Somebody even yelled out, "hit him" as Mr. Haig got into his BLOOM COUNTY limousine. As a resident of East Quad, I am ashamed of the way these protestors treated Mr. Haig. Their actions were rude and childish. Closedmindedness and jeering are not compatible with a free society, in which we listen to a person's views with respect, whether or not we agree with them. Certainly those opposed to Mr. Haig's views could have protested them in a more con- structive and civil way. - Jonathan Koenig October 20 I4 by Berke Breathed i I