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October 26, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-26

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Ninety-four Fears
Editorial Freedom


Lit 4


Mostly sunny with a high in the
mid 50s.

ol. XCiV-No. 43 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 26, 1983 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages





Reagan so
From AP and UPI
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - Nearly
2,000 U.S. Marines and Army
paratroopers invaded Marxist-ruled
Grenada in an airborne strike yester-
day, clashing with Grenadian troops
and armed Cuban workers.
The U.S. forces, ordered to protect
some 1,000 Americans on the tiny
eastern Caribbean island and "restore
democracy," were followed by 300
troopers from six Caribbean nations.
PRESIDENT Reagan called the
operation which began before dawn,
"completely successful."
He said 1,900 Marines and Army
Ranger paratroopers sized the two
main airports on the mountainous, 21-
mile-long island that has a population of
At least two U.S. soldiers were killed
and 22 wounded in the initial fighting,
according to administration and
congressional sources in Washington.
They also reported three members of
Grenada's 1,200-man armed forces were
killed, and 30 Soviet advisers and about
600 Cubans were captured.
MEDICAL students, who make up the
majority of the estimated 1,000
Americans on Grenada, were reported
unharmed, although pinned down by

ys mission
the fighting.
Reagan said his hand was forced by
events that have "no place in civilized
society," and that he approved the in-
vasion of Grenada to protect
Americans and thwart "leftist thugs."
He said circumstances left him "no
choice but to act strongly and
"LET THERE be no misunderstan-
ding: this collective action has been
forced on us by events that have no
precedent in the eastern Caribbean and
no place in civilized society," Reagan
said. "American lives are at stake."

Administration officials said the
island, 1,500 miles southeast of Miami,
posed a strategic threat to the United
States because a Soviet-bloc aircraft
might eventually use the airport at
Point Salines, where a runway was
being extended by the Cuban work for-
Reagan, appearing at a White House
news conference, listed three reasons
for the invasion: to protect American
lives, "forestall further chaos" and
"restore order and democracy."
See GRENADA, Page 2

Congress has mixed
reaction to invasion

AP Photo
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill, attending a meeting about the Grenada invasion with other Congressional leaders and
President Reagan, yesterday said the public should not criticize the U.S. for sending troops to protect American
residents in the Caribbean country.

Marine replacements arrive in

Beirut as death

toll increases

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Members of
Congress, already stunned by the
deaths of more than 200 Marines in
Lebanon, had mixed sentiments as to
whether President Reagan should have
committed the United States to another
foreign military conflict by sending
troops to Grenada.
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill
refused to criticize the invasion, saying
"it's no time for the press of America or
we in public life to criticize our country
when our troops are being committed."
REPUBLICAN and Democratic
leaders, summoned to the White House
early in the day, were informed that the
invasion was under way but details of
the operation, including casualties,
were sketchy.
For the most part, Republicans ap-
plauded the invasion, calling it "essen-
tial" and a warning to the Soviet Union
that the United States will not permit
"further intervention" in the Western
But many Democrats were skeptical,
saying the landing by nearly 2,000 Ar-
my Rangers and Marines was "an act
of war."
:DEMOCR&T CRep-Don Edwards of
California said he had written Attorney
General William French Smith asking
if the invasion is a violation of the
Neutrality Act, which Edwards said

From AP and UPI
BFEIRUT, Lebanon-U.S. Marines
were ordered into sand-bagged bunkers
!yesterday and told to "shoot to kill"
anyone approaching their camp after
three trucks that officials feared might
be filled with explosives drove nearby.
The Pentagon said the death toll from
Sunday's terrorist bombing of a U.S.
Marine command post rose to 216. The
bodies of 197 already were undergoing
processing and identification in Frank-
furt, West Germany before being flown
to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware.
No date has been set.

THE SUICIDE strike was carried out
by a man driving a truck packed with a
ton of explosives.
It was the bloodiest single attack on
the Marines in peacetime and sur-
passed the loss of life of combat troops
on any single day throughout the Viet-
nam War.
The Islamic Holy War, a Shiite
militia faction aligned with Iran's
Ayatollah Rdholla Khomeini, claimed
responsibility for the bombing and told
Beirut newspapers: "We are the
soldiers of God and lovers of death."

The group demanded the withdrawal
of all foreign troops and said "we are
ready to turn Lebanon into another
THE MARINE commander, Col.
Timothy Geraghty, told reporters more
bodies were still in the rubble. About 70
Americans were injured, many of them
being treated in Military hospitals in
West Germany, Italy and Cyprus
French spokesman Lt. Col. Phillipe
De Longeux said 38 French troops were
killed,15 wounded, and 20 were missing
in the bombing at a French command

seconds after the attack on the
They belong to a multinational force
that arrived in Beirut 13 months ago to
help the Lebanese government restore
ABOUT 300 Marine fresh troops,
arrived at the American camp yester-
day to replace their fallen comrades
and to begin construction-of-anewcorn-.-
bat and communication nerve center to
replace the four-story Battalion Lan-
ding Team destroyed Sunday.
See NEW, Page 5

...questions U.S. intentions
prohibited a "hostile expedition against
a foreign country with which the United
States is at peace."
Most congressional leaders declined
comment, but-Sen. Earl- Levin (D-
Micy.), a member of the Senate Armed
Services Committee, said the ad-
ministration "should resolve quickly

Natural resources school
enrollment drops 29%

The School of Natural Resources, in
the midst of implementing a major
budget cut, lost almost a third of its
enrollment this year, forcing the school
to consolidate some courses and
eliminate other ones.
Enrollment in the- school dropped to
509 students, down 29 percent from 718
students last year. John Basset, the
school's associate dean, attributed the
drop to three issues: Concern among
prospective students over the budget
"cuts; a lack of interest in the field of
natural resources in general; and high
tuition rates.
BECAUSE OF all the publicity
surrounding last year's budget review,
which resulted in a 25 percent cut over
the next five years, "people think that
they somehow won't be able to com-
plete their degree at the school and so
they won't even start here," he said.
"Also, if a school is up for review and is
cut, then people think there must be
something wrong there."
High tuition costs at the University
have hurt the school especially, he said,
because natural resources jobs are not
as high paying as others, leading paren-
ts to believe a natural resources
education is not a sufficient pay off for

their investment in education. Career
opportunities in the field also are at a
low since the 1960s and 1970s when en-
vironmentalism hit its peak, he said.
Basset said the school plans to red-,
uce its undergraduate enrollment to
between 250 and 300 students by the end
of the five years but, because of the
rapid decline this year, that number
probably will be reached in just two
"IF WE GET down to the required
enrollments before the five years are
up, there is nothing wrong with this, but
it is just easier for faculty and students
to handle if it is done on a gradual
basis," Basset said.
But he added that "if enrollment con-
tinues to go down below the targeted
five-year level, then I am going to be
more concerned. If you extrapolate
from this year's drop that enrollment is
going to go down, then I would be
Dean James Crowfoot said the school
has had to consolidate many course
sections. "A shift of this magnitude ob-
viously' affects the whole enrollment
pattern of the school," he said.
"WE ALSO HAVE had to eliminate
some courses and make difficult
decisions to keep some smaller ones,"

he said. The school also has had to
revamp its orientation program and
contact a lot of students personally
about changes in the school's
curriculum which affected their
Enrollment in the other two schools
on campus which underwent budget
reviews also fell. Art school enrollment
dropped 9 percent while enrollment in
the education school fell 7 percnet.
The Schools of Social Work and LSA
and the College of Engineering all ex-
perienced small enrollment increases.
For the entire Ann Arbor campus,
enrollment dropped by 427 students, to
34,432. Enrollment at the University's
Flint campus jumped by 682 students,
or about a 14 percent increase.
"Things are moving generally as I
expected," said Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Provost Billy
Frye. "I am a bit surprised the
education school (enrollment) didn't
drop more than it did."
Enrollment in the Colleges of Ar-
chitecture and Urban Planning, the
College of Pharmacy, and the Schools
of Business Administration, Dentistry,
Medicine, Music, and Public Health all
dropped slightly. School of Library
Science enrollment stayed the same.

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Freshman roommates Michele Smith (left) and Lynda Cooley, twirlers for the marching band, practice on the steps of
Revelli Hall yesterday.

Yes, Virginia
M EMBERS OF THE University community have the
opportunity to see Virginia Nordby, director of the
Affirmative Action office, speak at today's Campus "Meet

will work with Wayne State University students to register
voters. Transportation to Detroit is free and the project is
open to all University students. Those interested in par-
ticipating should contact social work Prof. Barry
Checkaway at 763-5960.
Meet the press
B UTCHER BRUCE Oxford, who has trimmed beef for
his friend Ronald Reagan for more than 30 years,
confessed recently he never voted for Reagan despite their
" - _ ..,I.... r -f .44 14+ loi i n+ l.oh m n +A a

himself a niche in American folklore by leaving a mixing
stick in a glass filled with soda-water powder and water.
Epperson left the glass on his back porch overnight and
found the frozen concoction - the first popsicle - the next
morning. In 1922, after Epperson had established himself in
the real estate trade, he introduced the frozen treat at a
-fireman's ball. It was a sensation, and by 1924, Epperson
had patented "a handled, frozen confection or ice lollipop."
He called it an "Epsicle." He and his partners negotiated
royalty arrangement with the Popsicle Corp., but Epperson
cn~d nffhic natant to Pnncie1P -ft' fhe flgPv-.,C~Cinn hv, nin

sity administrators not to prevent the Gay Liberation Front
and Radical Lesbians from holding a Midwest conference
on homosexuality at the University.
" 1977 - Lino Mendiola, a spokesman for the Chicanos at
Michigan, said the Michigan Student Assembly may get
slapped with a civil rights suit unless it reverses a decision
to ask most political and minority groups from their
Michigan Union offices.
" 1978 - A group of students traveled to Lansing to rally
on the steps of the state Capitol to protest a ballot proposal





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