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October 25, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-25

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 25, 1983

MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet Union,
in its strongest response yet to the
planned deployment of U.S. missiles in
Western Europe, said yesterday it is
readying its own new missile bases in
East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Western military analysts believe the
Soviet armed forces already have
short-range battlefield nuclear missiles
stationed on the soil of their Warsaw
Pact allies. But yesterday's announ-
cement was the first public
acknowledgement by the Kremlin that
it,was even planning a nuclear role for
Eastern Europe
"PREPARATORY work is being
started on the territory of East Ger-
many and Czechoslovakia for
deployment of missile complexes of
operational-tactical designation," the
official Tass news agency quoted the
Soviet Defense Ministry as announcing.
It said the preparations were "one of
the planned response measures in case
the American missiles are sited in
The plan was formulated in

agreement with East Germany and
Czechoslovakia, the ministry said. The
announcement came as Czechoslovak
leader Gustav Husak met in Prague
with East German leader Erich
WESTERN diplomats in Moscow
described yesterday's Soviet announ-
cement as a further step in a propagan-
da campaign aimed at convincing the
West European public and governmen-
ts to reject the U.S. missiles.
In Washington, the State Department
said the Tass disclosures were not a
surprise. It said it has known for many
years that the Soviet Union has
deployed "Frog" and "Scud" shorter-
rane missiles, capable of carrying
nuclear warheads, in Eastern Europe.
It said in a statement that the Frog
missiles are being replaced with the
more modern SS-21, and the Scuds will
likely be replaced with the newly
developed SS-23.
THE NATO allies are scheduled to
begin installing 572 new U.S. medium-
range Pershing 2 and cruise missiles in

iuropean nusiles
five Western European nations in Western Europe.
December. Western leaders say these Negotiations in Geneva, Switzerlai
missiles will counter more than 200 to cut back these medium-ran
Soviet SS-20 triple-warhead missiles nuclear forces have stalled.
stationed in Russia and targeted on


NBC's Savitch dies
in automobile accident

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NEW HOPE, Pa. (AP) - Jessica
Savitch, an anchorwoman for NBC
News and the public TV series "Fron-
tline," and New York Post executive
Martin Fischbein died when the car
they were in tumbled from a parking lot
Dorm -.s
may go co-ed
(Continued from Page 1)
Housing officials are unsure of
whether the change can be made
legally, since the regents by-laws or the
original bequest by stipulate using the
building to house females only.
Robert Hughes, the University's
housing director, said the bequest will
have to be "looked at," and said he
doesn't know if it can be changed if it
limits who can live in the building.
While Barbour and Newberry
residents overwhelmingly objected to
Levy's plan, reviews were mixed
among residents of Rumsey and Adams
Houses in West Quad.
It's not a good idea. In the past, this
house has been known to be a party
house," said Rumsey resident Chris
Wisniewski, an LSA sophomore.
But LSA Sophomore Steve Wilnik
said he thought "most of the guys would
like" a co-ed Rumsey House.

into the Delaware Canal, officials said
The car was found upside down in
about four feet of water early yesterday
near a restaurant, said Mario Lasarro,
a member of the Lambertville, N.J.,
rescue squad.
"IT WAS RAINING. The weather
was bad. The visibility was very poor,"
said New Hope Police Chief Walter
Everett, adding that officials believed
Miss Savitch and Fischbein had been at
the restaurant.
Savitch, 35, seemed destined for the
top of her profession despite a life
marred by personal tragedy.
With her career seemingly in ascent
- Newsweek magazine, in 1979, called
her "clearly NBC's reporter most likely
to succeed" - tragedy struck. Dr.
Donald Payne, an obstetrician and
gynecologist and her second husband of
less than six months, was found in
August, 1981, hanged in the basement of
their Washington home, a suicide vic-
tim. Her first marriage had ended in
As recently as August, she lost her
weekend job to Connie Chung, who was
hired away from the CBS station in Los
Angeles, KNXT. Miss Savitch was
assigned the twice-a-night "NBC News
Digest" report, with a promise that she
would take over the Sunday "Nightly
News" after the first of the year.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Chicago teachers end strike
CHICAGO - Striking teachers approved a new, oneyear contract yester-
day that ended the longest walkout in Chicago public school history, and
classes were set to resume today for the first time in more than three weeks.
Chicago Teachers Union President Robert Healey announced about 7 p.m.
that 14,522 union members voted on the new agreement, and 73 percent voted
to accept it, while 27 percent voted against it. There are 27,000 members in
the CTU.
The agreement, reached Sunday with the aid of a mediator, was approved
earlier yesterday by a near-unanimous 61-1 vote of the Chicago Teachers'
Union's executive board, Healey said.
Nearly 436,000 students in the nation's third-largest district have been
idled by the 15-day walkout which began Oct 3 in a dispute over teachers' pay
Healey also announed that contracts for 11,000 non-teaching members of 18
other unions, such as engineers and lunchroom employees who joined the
teachers' walkout Oct. 3, were also settled. "Everybody is on board,"
Healey said, adding that schools would reopen today.
Grenada keeps airport closed
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados - Grenada ket its airport closed yesterday,
frustrating plans for the departure of at least 200 U.S. citizens who want to
get off the troubled Caribbean island, diplomatic sources said.
"Air traffic is not happening," said Mike Morgan, spokesman for the U.S.
Embassy in Barbados. "All options are under consideration as far as the
departure of Americans is concerned ..." He didn't finish the sentence, and
declined to elaborate.
U.S. and Canadian diplomats negotiated yesterday to evacuate their
citizens from Grenada, which the revolutionary Military Council said was in
imminent danger of attack by other Caribbean countries.
The council said on Radio Free Grenada that two unidentified warships had
been cruising within 6 and 9 miles offshore for 10 hours and accused
Jamaica, Barbados and the seven-nation Organization of Eastern Caribbean
States of mobilizing troops for an invasion.
Chrysler, UAW sign contract
DETROIT - The United Auto Workers and Chrysler Corp. yesterday signed
a two-year, $1 billion contract covering 54,000 U.S. workers that the union's
president called another symbol of the "renaissance of Chrysler."
The contract signed by the UAW and Chrysler bargaining teams had been
negotiated and ratified more than a month ago. Scheduling problems held up
the formal ceremony, the union said.
The pact gives U.S. workers an immediate pay raise and eventual wage
and benefit parity with their counterparts at General Motors Corp. and Ford
Motor Co. Canadian workers are covered by a separate but similar contract.
Union members had given three sets of concessions to Chrysler since 1979
to help the No. 3 automaker avoid bankruptcy. The contract, which expires
in October, 1985, restores those concessions.
Chrysler Vice President Thomas Miner said the company is "glad to have
these last few years of turbulence behind us." Chrysler's recovery took "a
lof of heartache and a lot of unpleasantness and alot of hard work," he said.
School silence law overturned
NEWARK, N.J. - A federal judge yesterday struck down a state law re-
quiring a daily minute of silence in public schools, ruling the measure was
unconstitutional because it forced students and teachers into a "posture of
The law was the only one of its kind in the country which had not
previously been overturned, according to the American Civil Liberties
Union, which represented an Edison high school teacher disciplined for
refusing to implement the silent minute. The ACLU challenged the New Jer-
sey law as a thinly veiled attempt to circumvent First Amendment guaran-
tees of separation of church and state.
The lawmakers contended they never intended to attach religious
significance to the moment of silence. William Robertson, the Legislature's
attorney, had argued that "the only thing schoolchildren in this state are
required to do is to keep quiet for 60 seconds."
Jeffrey May, the teacher who refused to observe the silent minute in his
home-room class because he believed it was unconstitutional, said he felt
"great" about the ruling.
"My career can continue. There is a possibility it mighthave come to an
abrupt end," said May, adding he will ask Edison officials to remove from his
file a letter charing him with insubordination and conduct unbecoming a
Protesters blockade army depot
FRANKFURT, West Germany - About 100 anti-nuclear demonstrators who
yesterday blockaded a U.S. Army munitions depot they claim is an assembly
point for Pershing-2 missiles were overpowered by hundreds of police and
The blockade came as leaders of the anti-missile movement considered
laying siege to the Parliament Building in Bonn when legislators debate the
NATO plan for deploying U.S. cruise and Pershing-2 missiles.
In the U.S., ban-the-bomb protesters were arrested by the hundreds
yesterday as they scaled fences and went limp on roadways in futile attem-
pts to blockade key nuclear weapons facilities scattered from New England
to the West Coast.

In El Segundo, Calif. where more than 3,000 people had gathered Saturday
for a "Parade for Peace," more than 70 demonstrators were arrested for
blocking doorways or trespassing into lobbies of defense contractors.
About 30 demonstrators were arrested outside the Pentagon in Washington
D.C. Defense security officials said some of the 100 protesters threw a blood-
like substance at the building.




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"Oot e M Ct tgan .B tly
Tuesday, October 25, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No. 42
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
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