Ninety-four Years of Editorial Freedom C, be Alitw ~IiIQw Fuzzy Mostly cloudy today, with a chance of light rain. High hovering around 50; low tonight in the mid-30s. Vol. XCIV-No. 42 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 25, 1983 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages o icials ill about new Medicare lan By SHARON SILBAR divides illnesses into 467 "diagnosis related gain of $4 million, because of a "generous" University researchers, Medicare ad- cording to DRG standards. When a new plan for Medicare payments goes groups," or DRGs, which will be used to gauge allowance to be given the hospital because it is ministrators have charted out how much "It's not as if tomorrow everything is going into effect this summer, physicians and ad- a standard payment for the kind of treatment a teaching institution. hospitals should receive as a flat rate for each to change," he said. "Medicare is only a por- ministrators at the University will face some patients receive. University Hospital officials of the DRG groups, including the price of tests, tion of our business." fundamental changes i the way they are ac- will feel the effects of the new system begin- HOWEVER BY 1986, the year the plan is ex- drugs, procedures, and rooms. What Forsyth and other officials realize, customed to doing business ning July 1. pected to be in full swing, Midyette said he an- University Hospital and medical school of- however, is that Blue Cross/Blue Shield, The new plan, a product of protracted efforts But no one is quite sure just how strong an ticipates a $1.2 million loss for the hospital. ficials have expressed concern about how the Prudential, and other major health insurance to standardize Medicare payments to the impact those effects might have. "And a lot of things can happen in between," DRG system will affect the way the Univer- organizations are considering adopting the nation's hospitals, is Congress' answer to "We have made some estimates," said he said. "Our concern is whether they'll con- sity's medical complex functions, as well as DRG payment system for their customers. mushrooming health costs, which some obser- Saunders Midyette, associate director of the tinue to give us this favorable adjustment." what it could do to the overall quality of health Peter Ward, the interim dean of the medical vers predicted would bankrupt Medicare by hospital. Instead of reimbursing hospitals for the actual care the University can offer. school, said DRGs mean that revenue for 1987 if something wasn't done. cost of treating a patient, the new system will JOHN FORSYTH, chief financial officer at hospitals - be it from the government or the PRESIDENT Reagan signed the standar- In the first year under the new system, reimburse hospitals based on what the gover- the hospital, said it will be a full four or five insurance companies - is not going to be as dizing plan into law last April. The new system Midyette predicts the University will realize a nment thinks is reasonable. Working with Yale years before the hospital is paid completely ac- See MEDICARE, Page 7 ~: ~, ,Mairine to stay m Beirut; 191 dead a French barracks 3 miles away in west At Beirut International Airport, near From AP and UPI Beirut. the dust-shrouded rubble of the Marine BEIRUT, Lebanon - U.S. Marines The massive pre-dawn explosions post, command spokesman Maj. Robert yesterday recovered the bodies of more razed both buildings, sending tons of Jordan told reporters, "There's nobody of their comrades from the ruins of a concrete and steel on the sleeping alive in there now. No, it would be a Marine headquarters leveled in a American and French peace-keeping miracle." suicide bombing that killed at least 191 troops. See MARINES, Page 3 U.S. servicemen and wounded at least 85 more. In Washington, a political furor built &~ o " 1 I w President Reagan declared they will stay, because "we have vital interests n Lebanon Forty-one French V suicide attack just after the Marines werIN SIMULTANEOUS pre-dawn bom- Keeping U.S. Marines in Beirut will The longer U.S. troops stay in bings Sunday, terrorists drove two provide terrorists with an open target Lebanon, the more likely it is they will trucks packed with explosives into the for more bloodshed and could lead the become involved in direct combat ROTC students pay their final respects to the 191 Marines killed in Sunday's Beirut blast. More than 200 students lined Marine Battallion Landing Team U.S. into another Vietnam-like similar to the U.S. involvement in the up in the rain early yesterday morning in front of North Hall to salute the fallen servicemen. headquarters at the Beirut airport and situation, University professors said See BEIRUT, Page 3 Students drop in to see the wizard of smaller but better - By JIM SPARKS When PSN co-founder Tom Marx said that More than 30 students linked arms and glt selective cuts promote competition for 'marched into the Administration Building at budgets. slciect rmt optto o Coon yesterday to protest budget cuts and IN RESPONSE to PSN's criticism that the resources, Frye responded "How else would h current review process has been too secretive you handle it? The students - members of the and arbitrary, Frye said he would show group "If you want to look at it in a business sense Progressive Student Network (PSN) - walked members the plans for new review processes that's your business, Frye said. prghestarsto then ofiewof (Pesden t fr before they are finalized. PSN MEMBERS contend that the Univer- Acadup the stairs to the office of Vice President Asfor The confrontation was calmer than the 24- sity's humanities departments are losing out Atheied Apthhas o d ois Bic Fthey hour sit-in PSN staged last April in Frye's of- to such high-technology areas as engineering they filled up the hall outside of his office, fice until law student Dmitri Iglitzin in- and defense research. But Frye steered away began serenading him with a slightly fractured terrupted Frye's explanation of budget from making any judgements on University version of "if priorities to say, "Some of us cringe every research that is related to weapons such as FRYE, WHO WAS meeting with his time you talk about 'units,' because it makes the Cruise missile. " ssistants, shut the door to the conference (the University) sound like a machine with in- "I have very strongly held personal views mas s the o d the wo fe terchangeable arts." on the subject, but I don't want to answer that room as the group reached the words, '"If he tecagal par"tF. listened to the students, he'd show a little When Iglitzin asked if Frye thought the one right now," Frye said. p University is run like a corporation, Frye "I don't have any (Cruise missiles) over " He came out several minutes later and quickly responded "Oh God no!" here, by the way," he said with a laugh. spent about half an hour answering questions FRYE LATER said he was irritated by the After the Frye visit, the group began a 24- about budget cutting at the University, and question because he does not think the con- hour peace vigil in front of the West nection is valid. "To the extent that I cut, Engineering Arch to protest defense research student involvement in the process. Dily Photo by SCOTT ZOTON Frye said that in the future, the reviews budgets and reallocate resources - there's no on campus and deployment of Cruise and Billy Frye had his lunch hour cut short yesterday when a group of 35 students made a surprise visit to his would be scheduled on a regular basis and personal gain in that." Pershing II missiles i Europe. office. The group left about 40 minutes later. By KAREN TENSA Newberry) as a sort of punishment," he said. "Some the single-sex dorms. The quiet, luxurious livg enjoyed by the female women who live in an all women's house doh't find an "Quite honestly, I don't think it's a necessary residents of Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry acceptable environment. They want to be in a co-ed move," said Thecla Chomicz, an engineering senior d i eodormitories may have to be shared with men if West living situation." and a four-year Newberry resident. "If there were an Quad's building director gets his way. Levy estimated the dissatisfied residents of on-campus rush for co-ed housing, I could see it, but Alan Levy, who is building director for all three of women's dorms to be "between 20 and 50 percent. the co-ed dorms aren't filled and we are. the dorms, is working on a proposal to make Barbour, But if the 60 women who attended a Barbour- SINGLE-SEX dorims have maintained their Newberry and the two remaining all-male houses of Newberry combined house meeting Sunday night are popularity through the years, despite the trend West Quad, Allen Rumsey and Adams, co-ed. any indication, Levy's esimate is way off. toward co-ed dorms. There has been less than a one LEVY IS currently "floating the idea for discussion AFTER A'lengthy discussion of the pros'and cons of preent change in the number of requests for single- with the staff and house councils" but has made no co-ed living, nine of the residents voted in favor of sex housing over the past few years, according to formal desicions, despite his admitted preference for going co-ed, six had no opinion and the remaining 45 housing program director Ed Salowitz. " ed:vn niomns or so voted against the idea. "I think the alumni would have a heart attack" "My personal philosophical position is in support of Most of the residents object to the idea of co-ed said Eleni Sengos, an LSA sophomore and president something to learn from men and men have housing because they assume men would have a of Newberry. something to learn from women.'' negative influence on their living situation. The ob- BETSY BARBOUR and Helen Newberry were Levy also is basing his proposal on the complaints jections at Sunday night's meeting ranged from fears opened in 1920 and 1914 respectively, and were built he receives' throughout the year from some residents of an increase in noise, parties, and abuse of the with money donated by the Newberry and Barbour of the small, single-sex dorms, buildings' facilities, to accusations that the change families. "SOME percentage see it (living in Barbour or would destroy the friendly privacy and atmosphere of See BARBOUR, Page 2 D -P~s~arSound? What sound? the day was the 60 year-old president of Adrian Ice Com- lt, pany, who was caught selling a single ticket to the Illinois SB ILL HERBERT AND his wife Margaret were having game for$20. tea in their daughter's home in High Wycombe, Also on this date in history: England, when a neighbor telephoned. "Do you know " 1970 - Sen. George McGovern, speaking at Hill there's an airplane on your roof?" the neighbor inquired. Auditorium, charged President Nixon with failing to Selective humor The Cessna single-engine plane, piloted by Ronald Com- eliminate "the real obscenities of American life." pston, was coming in for a landing at an airfield 35 miles McGovern was referring to Nixon's attack on pornography, mT HE SELECTIVE SERVICE System, usually a northwest of London when it got caught in a power line Sun- saying the president should concentrate instead on ending rather humorless organization, has decided that the day. It flipped and landed nose first on the three- the Indochinese war. mxttu arnnaeh miaht aet a htter resnonse than l hdrnm. two-story house. Herbert. 62. a retired tree . 1) -Th. runn., i:.A n.a.n.,,~. -m.:.,. :. .3-i-