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October 23, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-23

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Sunday, October 23, 1983
European protest of
U.S. missiles peaks

From AP and UPI
Hundreds of thousands of anti-
nuclear protesters poured into the
streets of Europe yesterday to protest
U.S. plans to base new cruise and Per-
shing-2 missiles in five NATO nations
starting later this year.
The biggest turnout came in West
Germany where the protest ranked as
probably the largest nationwide
demonstration since World War II.
Organizers claimed 1.3 million people
demonstrated in West Germany in the
climax to a 10-day "action campaign"
against the missiles. Police said only
half as many as that turned up, despite
the clear skies and bright sunshine.
Some 200,000 demonstrators linked
arms along the 67-mile route from the
U.S. Army's European headquarters at
Stuttgart to a suspected Pershing
missile base at Neu Elm.
Hundreds of thousands of other anti-
nuclear demonstrators marched
elsewhere in Europe. Except for a few
scattered incidents, the continent-wide
protest was nearly free of violence.
Across the Atlantic too, in the United
States and Canada, demonstrators
joined the protest in rallies timed to
coincide with U.N. Disarmament Week.
The largest U.S. rallies were at arms

depots and factories where Cruise and
Pershing missiles are manufactured.
In the El Segundo area outside Los
Angeles, an estimated 2,000 protesters
paraded past TRW Inc., Rockwell In-
ternational, Hughes Aircraft and Mc-
Donnell Douglas. Americans also pro-
tested near military and nuclear in-
stallations such as New Hampshire's
Peace Air Force Base, home of the Air
Force unit that dropped atomic bombs
on Japan, and possible missile storage
sites in New York.
In his weekly radio address,
President Reagan responded to the
protests by accusing Moscow of a
"capaign to intimidate the West." He
said Moscow's intransigence in arms
control talks will not block deployment
of the missiles.
"We will continue our efforts to make
the Soviets heed the will of the world,
stop stonewalling and start negotiating
in good faith," Reagan said.
In the absence of a break-through at
U.S.-Soviet arms talks in Geneva, West
Germany and Britain were scheduled
to receive the first of 572 medium-range
nucler missiles within the next few
weeks. In London, the Guardian
newspaper said the first missiles would
arrive within the next 10 days.

AP Photo
Demonstrators carrying a skeleton effigy march through the streets of Lon-
don yesterday in the climax of a ten-day protest against nuclear weapons.

demands talk
with Reagan,
kidnaps aides
(Continued from Page 1)
ing to White House spokesman Peter
Reagan tried five or six times to call
the man from a car phone, but
spokesman Peter Roussel told reporters,
"They never communicated. The man
hung up on him each time."
RICHMOND County Sheriff J. B.
Dykes said Harris freed six hostages
during negotiations with sheriff's
deputies and Secret Service agents,
during which he demanded a meeting
with Reagan.
"After demands for whiskey and
food, the seventhdhostagewbolted from
the room from where he was held and
escaped unharmed. The subject was
captured," Dykes said. The man who
bolted was identified as club manager
Jim Armstrong.
Among those held at gunpoint were
Davis Fischer, special assistant to the
president, and Lanny Wiles of Ponte
Vedra, Fla., a fast food executive who
works part time as a White House ad-
vance man.
DURING THE hostage incident
Harris asked for whiskey and food, said
Richmond County Sheriff J.B. Dykes.
Reagan was taken off the course and
driven under heavy guard to his nearby
quarters on the club grounds. Roussel
said, "I would like to emphasize at no
time was the president ever in danger."
His spot on the course was an estimated
600 to 700 yards away from the pro shop.
Harris was to be arraigned Monday
morning. He was being held at FBI
headquarters in Augusta.
Danny Rendleman
Joe Matuszak
Josie Kearns
Jan Worth
MON., OCT. 24-8 P.M.

Compilied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
King against Jackson candidacy
WASHINGTON - Coretta Scott King says it would harm both blacks and
Democrats if Jesse Jackson runs for president, creating a "backlash" that
could help reelect President Reagan.
"I just don't think this is the year for a black to seriously run," she said.
"No black can win the Democratic nomination - Jesse Jackson or anybody
King visited Washington this past week to see the Senate vote to establish a
new national holiday in honor of her crusading husband, Martin Luther
King, Jr.
She said a candidacy by Jackson would hurt Democrats' chances of elec-
ting anyone.
"I believe it's going to create some serious problems," she said. "It might
cause the kind of backlash that would tend to help Mr. Reagan and the con-
servative trend in this country. That might mean another four years (of
Reagan) --or worse."
Jackson is on leave as head of Operation PUSH in Chicago while he
decides whether to run for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Grenada's junta says U.S. is
concocting excuse for invasion
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad - Grenada's leftist military junta yesterday
accused the United States of inventing reports that American residents are
in danger so that U.S. forces can invade the tiny Caribbean nation.
The Pentagon said a Navy convoy carrying 2,000 Marines had been diver-
ted from its original destination of Lebanon and was steaming toward
Grenada in case the 1,000 Americans there need protection. But the State
Department said there are no immediate plans to evacuate them.
A military junta seized power in Grenada last week after an internal
power struggle, killed leftistPrime Minister Maurice Bishop, three Cabinet
members and several of his supporters, decreed a 24-hour curfew and war-
ned that violtors would be shot. It lifted the curfew briefly yesterday so island-
ders could buy food.
Most Americans in Grenada, a 133-square-mile island with a population of
110,000, are students or staff members of the St. George's University School
of Medicine.
State-run Radio Free Grenada said Gen. Hudson Austin's 16-member
Revolutionary Military Council called U.S. claims that the Americans are in
danger "an excuse for a U.S. invasion of Grenada."
Syrians threaten to rocket
U.S. ships, planes in Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Syria's government yesterday threatened to fire its
rockets at Lebanon-based U.S. ships and planes because of what it called
President Reagan's desire to "terrorize Syria."
The threat in the Syrian government newspaper Tishrin came as Syrian-
backed Druse gunners shelled and sniped at Lebanese army positions in the
strategic mountain town of Souk el-Gharb and nearby outposts overlooking
Tishrin's editorial was apparently a response to Reagan's news conferen-
ce Wednesday in which he said Syria is an obstacle to Middle East peace.
The Syrians have occupied parts of Lebanon for eight years and support the
Druse militia fighting Gemayel's army and rightist Christian militiamen.
Shootouts between Druse and Lebanese soldiers also were reported in
southern Beirut near the defense lines of Israel's occupation army, forcing
authorities to close major roads temporarily.
State-run Beirut radio said the clashes, a daily occurence despite the Sept.
26 cease-fire, could "lead to the total collapse of the truce and destroy the
planned peace talks even before they open."
Iraq. assault kills hundreds
Iraq unleashed a barrage of surface-to-surface missiles yesterday on
three Iranian cities, killing hundreds of people, Tehran Radio said, and
Baghdad said it had mined Iran's second largest port, Bandar Khomeini.
An Iranian military communique broadcast by the radio said hundreds of
people were "martyred" in the missile and artillery attach against the cities
of Marivan, Dezful and Masjid-e Solaiman.
An Iraqi military communique, however, made no mention of the attack
butsaid Iraqi troops killed 3,235 Iranian soldiers in a two-day battle to recap-
ture lost territory in the northern Banjwin sector.
The Iranian communique said thousands of people gathered at Dezful to
rescue victims of the attack by three Iraqi missiles on the city's residential
Marcos swears in new panel
to investigate Aquino slaying
MANILA, Philippines - President Ferdinand Marcos swore in a new
panel yesterday to investigate the assassination of opposition leader
Benigno Aquino, replacing the commission that resigned when its impar-
tiality was challenged.
In ceremonies at his Malacanang palace broadcast on national television,
Marcos swore in a businessman, an educator, a lawyer, a labor leader and a

retired judge.
The president described the Aug. 21 assassination of Aquino, his chief
political rival, as a "national shame" and a tragedy that has given rise to
"all kinds of emotions," making a thorough and impartial investigation dif-
Opposition leaders have accused Marcos of complicity in the
assassination, a charge Marcos denies.
Sunday, October 23, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No..41
(ISSN 0745-967X)
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