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October 20, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-20

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom


Air Wan

1 Iai1Q

Cloudy with a chance of rain today
and a high near 50.

Vol. XCIV-No. 38

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 20, 1983

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

_ V

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate,
on a vote of 78-22, yesterday sent
President Reagon a bill establishing a n
national holiday in memory of Dr.
Margin Luther King Jr. That supreme r
honor has been accordedonly one other
American, George Washington.
Reagan has promised to sign the bill, p
which designates the third Monday in
January, starting in 1986, as a legal
holiday in King's name. Final
congressional action, sought for years,
came more than 15 years after the civil "It
rights leader was assassinated. A-.




It is only right that we set aside a day of
iational commemoration for the important
'ole that black Americans have played in

4merica's life

. . . work

. . and social

- Howard Baker
Senate Majority Leader

It is only right that we set aside a

KING'S widow, Coretta, and his son.
Martin III, watched from the Senate
gallery as the climactic roll was taken.
The family was accompanied by singer
Stevie Wonder; Benjamin Hooks,
president of the National Association
AP Photo for the Advancement of Colored
son, Martin Luther People; and Joseph Lowry, head of the
a national holiday. Southern Christian Leadership Con-
ference that King founded.

day of national commemoration of the
important role that black Americans
have played in America's life and work
and social progress," said Senate
Majority leader Howard Baker Jr., (R-
However, with election year coming
up, cynics suggest Congress and
President Reagan had the black vote in
mind in finally embracing the idea. But
that, too, is a tribute to King. He and

his followers made blacks a power to be
Before the final vote, Jesse Helms.
(R-N.C.), persisted in peppering the
Senate with proposed alternatives to a
King holiday. On Tuesday, Helms lost a
major attempt to recommit the bill for
further study of Helms' allegations that
King was influenced by communists.
"If we are going into this business of
picking out heroes, then I think my No.
See SENATE, Page 5

Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, Corretta King, widow of Martin Luther King Jr., and her
King III share a moment of celebration in anticipation of the Senate vote to honor King with

When Playwright Avery Hopwood died, he
several hundred thousand dollars to the Un
rsity to'be awarded annually to student writ
Since then, the Hopwood. Awards h
become a household name and the Hopw
Room a familiar haunt for visiting writers.I
as the name and the awards have increased
has the institution which hands them out. !
LAST YEAR only 60 percent of the mo
from Hopwood's endowment went to
writing awards, with the rest going to pay
judges, speakers, and other administra
Not all of those costs are as dull as post




awards-and dinner

and xeroxing, however. The Committee on
left Hopwood Awards spent $919 last spring for
hive- their lamb chop and veal dinner with novelist
ers. Maxine Hong Kingston, the speaker at the
ave April awards ceremony.
'ood Nearly $3,500 went toward posters, the bi-
But annual newsletter, the Hopwood bulletin and
I, so mailing costs.
BY FAR THE greatest expense outside of the
ney awards is the fee paid to professors and well-
the known writers to judge the students'
for manuscripts, and to speakers at the awards
tive ceremonies.
Hopwood's will doesn't specify such expen-
age ditures, but fanfare has accompanied the

awards ever since tea and cookies were first
served in the Hopwood Room.
"IT'S ALWAYS been that way," said Robert
Haugh, a retired English professor who was the
committee's chairman in the late '60s and early
"It gives, I would say, status and prestige ...
often it opens doors for the winners," he said.
"Arthur Miller is very fond of (the Hopwood
program) and he comes back and sits and talks
to students and this is wonderful for morale.
National visibility is important."
Visibility is also pricey. Speakers earn $2,000
at the April and $1,000 at the January awards
for freshmen and sophomores.

LAST APRIL it cost the committee $3,449 to
pay for Kingston's fee and her air fare from
The committee's $54,500 1983 budget came
from the interest on Hopwood's endowment,
and although $33,350 in prize money was awar-
ded in 1983 - the largest amount to date - the
percentage of the total yearly interest falls far
below the 75 percent paid out 10 years ago.
Andrea Beauchamp, the program's coor-
dinator, attributes much of the difference to
skyrocketing administrative costs, largely tied
to the University insistence on in-house buying.
ONE COST SHE doesn't intend to incur again

is dinner at Inglis House, a University-owned
home to entertain visiting guests. She said the
$919 dinner last April with the committee
members, past chairmen, and Kingston
represented an $11 per person increase over the
year before.
"They went up a lot and we're not going
back," she said.
Other costs that have eaten away at the
award percentage stem from prices charged
by University Publications. She said in 1981-82,
the committee paid $1.80 an hour to have its
awards posters designed, a figure that shot up
to $18 an hour for this year's awards. Beauchamp
See OFFICE, Page 5

Nigerians at
struggle to get
aid from home

Nigerian students enrolled at the Un-
iversity face an uncertain future -
possibly including prohibition from
J registration, eviction from their
residences, and deportation - because
of difficulties in obtaining financial aid
payments from sources at home.
The more than 30 Nigerian students at
the University are only one part of a
growing national problem that has
barred close to 5,000 Nigerians from
registering at U.S. schools because they
can not pay tuition and housing costs.
THE PROBLEM is not new, accor-

National Association for Foreign
Student Affairs, but the situation has
worsened in the past few years.
Rose said a currency squeeze caused
by a drop in the price of oil - Nigeria's
chief export -has cut the flow of
American dollars into that country,
leaving both government and private
sponsors unable to support Nigerian
students abroad.
Recently the Nigerian government
pledged $10 million to U.S. institutions to
cover the debts of the students, but no
payments have been made yet.
ROSE ALSO said Nigeria's civilian
Co ' 'aO

Engin., LSA
ask computer
By NEIL CHASE A study thisyear of a computer scien-
An "agreement in principle" has been ce program run by both departments
was "the most recent trigger" in the
reached between the College of decision to combine the programs, he
Engineering and LSA on the proposed si
merger of two schools' computer
departments, officials said yesterday THE MERGER would reduce
The executive committees of both repitition between the units, according
colleges have approved a tentative plan to t
combining LSA Computer and Com- Associate Engineering Dean Charles
munication Sciences department with Vest speculated that the consolidated
the engineering computer program, program would offer degrees to both
which is designed to "bring the two LSA and engineering students, while
groups together as an effective unit," the department's administrative fun-
according to LSA Associate Dean ctions would lie entirely within one of
Henry Pollack. the two'colleges.
THE PLAN, which at this point con-
tains no concrete outline of curriculum The two schools are now waiting for
requirements or administrative details, the University's executive officers to
came after a proposal earlier this year approve the plan. "The recommen-
that the two schools explore the dation was that if the executive officers
possibilities of merging their computer also approve it in principle, the
programs. negotiations will get down to the brass
Joint projects between the depar- tacks," Pollack said. "It's in the
tments and criticism from outside executive officers' hands."
organizations, such as the National Pollack and Vest said they hoped the
Science Foundation, led to the planning process could be completed
realization that "the program at within a few months.
Michigan suffered a little by separation "LSA is ready.to negotiate," Pollack
between the two colleges," Pollack said. "There's no use dragging it out
said. over a long period."

ding to Julie Rose, advisor for the Nee ', age
Fewer U students,
to get federal loans

The proposed federal financial aid
budget for 1984-85 will have grim reper-
cussions for University students
receiving National Direct Student
Loans, a University official said
A $17.5 million decrease in national
funds for the NDSL program means

the University will lose approximately
$200,000 compared to last year, accor-
ding to Harvey Grotrian, the Univer-
sity's director of financial aid.
BECAUSE OF the lower ap-
propriation, which was approved by a
joint House and Senate committee last
Tuesday, 190 fewer University students
See FEDERAL, Page 2

Daily Photo by TOO WOOLF
Only skin deep
Though it may seem a rash way to clean out the Virgin Mary's pores, Kevin
Thiellesel and Max Akins of Akins Construction get the job done at St.
Mary's Student Chapel yesterday.

Writing for dollars
HAVE YOU ever asked yourself, "Why am I here?
What is an education?" LSA Student Government
wants liberal arts students to think more seriously
about their education and why it is such an im-
portant part of life. To spur creative thinking along those


Suspended sentence
A SPRINGFIELD, ILL. city manager who suspended a
policewoman for posing nude in Playboy magazine, an
incident immortalized in a television movie Monday night,
resigned Tuesday after being questioned by police for
picking up a prostitute. Tom Bay, 51, wasn't arrested
Friday night in Dayton, about 20 miles from Springfield,
but Dayton police said Bay told them he had offered the
woman $50 for her services. A police spokesman said he
didn't know why Bay was not taken into custody. Bay
becamea cnntroversial figure in Snringfield when he sus-

lawyer said Bay's resignation was premature. "I think he
was emotionally premature in the action he took," the
lawyer said. "Nobody had legally established he solicited
(the prostitute) or she solicited him." D
First class flight
W HILE THE REST of its breed chose a more conven-
tional form of travel, one Monarch butterfly was
treated to a first class ride via the U.S. Postal system to
help it in its migration south. Bob Huggins, chief naturalist
at Big Bend National Park in southwest Texas said his
rln-rmnn rnnn t r..i-rln n-no' mn-odnn e nt

seats behind her were sold for $1 each.
Also on this date in history:
* 1932 - Ten minutes after the Michigan Socialist Club
opened a bookstand to sell radical literature, Ann Arbor
police shut the stand down because of alleged violation of a
"city ordinance." Club officials said Police chief Thomas
O'Brien had given them permission to operate the stand but
O'Brien denied ever sanctioning the sale.
" 1942 - Seven University students relinquished all other
extra-curicular posts to accept positions on the war-time
Manpower Mobilization Corps Executive Board, which
helped to intensify the University's contribution to the war




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