w will affect
WASHINGTON (AP) - A sooner than
expected buildup of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere is causing major
changes that will start to eventually
disrupt food production and melt polar
ice caps, government scientists said
Scientists at the Environmental
Protection Agency pictured a world in
the next century in which New York
City could have a climate like Daytona
Beach, Fla., and today's Midwestern
wheat belt could shift significantly nor-
thward into Canada.
"WE ARE trying to get people to
realize that changes are coming sooner
than they expected," said John Hof-
fman, EPA director of strategic
studies. "Major changes will be here by
the years 1990 to 2000 and we have to
learn how to live with them."
The EPA report, titled "Can We
Delay a Greenhouse Warming?" con-
cluded that no matter what restrictions
are placed on the burning of fossil fuels,
the warming of the earth's atmosphere
is inevitable.
The "greenhouse" effect is the name
given to the buildup in the atmosphere
of carbon dioxide gases, which act like
the glass in a greenhouse by allowing
the sun's rays to warm the earth and
then trapping the heat. ,
Carbon dioxide is produced primarily
by the burning of fossil fuels - coal, oil
and natural gas.
"Our findings support the conclusion
that a global greenhouse warming is
nether trivial nor just a long-term
problem," the report concluded.
"Changes by the end of the 21st century
could be catastropic taken in the con-
text of today's world. A soberness and
sense of urgency should underlie our
response to a greenhouse warming."
(Continued from Page 3)
Since beginning the phone campaign
two weeks ago, Kuczer says he has
gained four new clients and still has not
finished reviewing all the responses.
One of Kuczer's clients, Sigma Phi
fraternity, recently threw a party using
the system. Sigma Phi social director
John Casey said the service made par-
tying much easier.
"It was incredibly easy, with none of
your normal party hassles. It's a lot
easier giving someone a shopping list
and letting them do your chores for
you," he said.
But food and drinks make up only
part of the service, Kuczer says. He
said bands like SLK or Astralight,
locations such as the Ann Arbor Court
Club, photographers, disc jockeys,
balloons, and strip-o-grams are all
within reach through the Party Express
Kuczer said "The Express" grew out
of his experience selling pretzels in the
Diag. "I catered for people on the
streets," he said. So why can't I cater
The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 19, 1983 - Page 7
Vaccine discovery
could prevent herpes
NEW YORK (AP) - Vaccines to
prevent herpes, hepatitis and influenza
have been made by inserting genes
from those viruses into smallpox vac-
cines, opening the way to cheaper,
safer and simpler methods of im-
munization, researchers said yester-
The technique could conceivably be
used against any infectious disease,
whether it is caused by a virus, bac-
terium or parasite, said Enzo Paoletti,
a virologist with the New York State
Health Department and the developer
of the new vaccines.
AT A NEWS conference in the New
York City offices of the state Health
Department, Paoletti said it would
probably be at least two years before
the vaccines are ready for human
Paoletti said it should be possible to
use the technique to construct a single
vaccine that could protect against as
many as a dozen diseases. David
Axelrod, the New York State Health
Commissioner, suggested, for example,
that the research might lead to a single
vaccine to protect children against all
of the common childhood diseases, such
as measles, mumps and chicken pox.
It is not yet known whether the body's
immune system is capable of
developing immunity to several
diseases at once, Axelrod said.
AS FOR HEPATITIS, for example,
the current vaccine costs about $100 per
administration, must be given in three
doses, and must be kept refrigerated.
For those reasons, the vaccine is dif-
ficult to use in undeveloped nations,
where the incidence of hepatitis is
A hepatitis vaccine based on Paolet-
ti's technique, on the other hand, would
not need to be refrigerated, could be
given with a single skin prick, and
would probably cost something like 30
cents per administration, Paoletti said.
In the case of herpes and other
diseases for which there is no existing
vaccine, the technique could lead to
rapid development of vaccines.
IN ONE TEST, 40 mice given the her-
pes vaccine were exposed to active
herpes infection. Every one of the mice
survived. In contrast, nearly all mice
who did not receive the herpes vaccine
died of encephalitis, a brain infection.
That vaccine was for herpes simplex
Type I, which causes fever blisters on
the lips. The researchere are now
developing a vaccine against herpes
simplex Type II, the cause of genital
It is not known whether such a vac-
cine, intended to provide protection
against herpes, would cure people who
already have the disease, Paoleti said
in answer to a question.
"What we're doing currently is to
spend some time developing the op-
timally engineered vaccine so we can
increase the potency," Paoletti said.
Cashing in AP Phoo'
Governor James Blanchard makes change at Stacey's restaurant in Traverse City. Blanchard, who was in town for a
press conference joined a group of business people at this local restaurant where it's a tradition to ring up your own bill
and make your own change.
Sp dniedr
From AP and UPI
Department official said yesterday the
government two years ago turned down
an offer by accused spy James Harper
to halt his espionage activities for the
Soviet Union in return for immunity
"In a nutshell, we wouldn't buy it,"
said John Martin, the department's
chief of internal security in Washington
D.C. At the time, the government did
not know the identity of Harper, only
that his lawyer said he wanted to
"come in from the cold."
THE FBI accuses Harper, arraigned
on spy charges Monday, of feeding sen-
immunity two years ago
sitive missile secrets for eight years in-
to a spy network that was so successful
it won the praise of Soviet leader Yuri
The FBI said Harper, 49, a high
technology consultant in California's
"Silicon Valley," passed along "ex-
tremely sensitive" secrets to Moscow
which he got for a period of eight years
from his wife.
The woman, Ruby Schuler, died last
June at the age of 39. She worked at
Systems Control Inc. of Palo Alto,
Calif., from 1972 until August 1982 and
had access to virtually all of the firm's
top secret documents.
The documents, according to FBI af-
fidavits, are vital to the United States'
survival in a nuclear war. They are
believed to contain U.S. defense infor-
mation possibly relating to nuclear ex-
changes involving lasers, satellites and
other types of high-technology
Justice Department officials in
Washington, who declined to be named,
said yesterday that Harper requested
and received $1 million from Soviet-
bloc intelligence agents. They said the
FBI was searching for the money.
LSA questions CCS
(Continued from Page 1)
minus in prerequisite courses.
If the department can prove that C
students cannot handle the upper-level
CCS courses, Longone said, it would
then be justified in enforcing a stricter
requirement to protect students from
''academic disaster."~
Range Planning and Curriculum Jack
Meiland said yesterday that the com-
mittee is working with the department,
but would not speculate on the future of
the requirements.
Galler said the department must
limit the number of students entering
the major not only because of the dif-
ficulty of . the coursework, but also
because the department cannot handle
the large number of students who want
a computer science degree.
He said a nationwide shortage of,
faculty makes it hard to find qualified
instructors. The department was able
to fill only one of the two open faculty
positions this year.
"We consider ourselves fortunate if
we can hire one good person (per year)
and ecstatic if we can get two," Galler
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§DAY .§
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Native speakers dissuaded
(Continued from Page 1)
GOMEZ SAID the department would
make exceptions to the rule, however.
"We feel that most native speakers are
way beyond the levels of our courses,
but we don't forbid anyone to concen-
trate," he said.
Gomez said such a policy is not
necessary in Romance and European
language departments because their
relative similarity to English
decreased the advantages of a foreign
According to Charles Fraker, a
professor of Spanish: "Genuine native
speakers are uncommon, but they do
exist." Among those majoring in
Spanish have been children of Cuban
refugees and students of Mexican
descent, he said.
Hans Fabian, a professor of German,
said the Germanic languages depar-
tment also allows students of German
descent to major in the department.
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