4 OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Saturday, October 8, 1983 Stewart The Michigan Daily 14 Vol. XCIV - No. 28 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board 11 Waking sleej IT IS A SAD fact of life at the Univer- sity that most students have little or no concept of what the University five-year budget cutting plan is. Equally upsetting is news that a large majority of student representatives on various University committees rarely, if ever, attend their committee meetings. On top of that, the Michigan . Student Assembly has had to hire a volunteer coordinator to help fill positions for those committees and t other groups. 1 As much as student activism was imbedded in campus life in the past, so student apathy grips the University' today. The overwhelming number of students now wander through their years here, getting little out of this in- tellectual community largely because they put little into it. They and the people around them are forgetting that they can and should be involved in the events that shape their lives at the University. Today's student apathy has roots both in the failures of past activism and its successes. Over the past 25 years students helped fight and., win battles as important as the civil rights movement and an end to the war in Vietnam. They also won many privileges now considered second nature such as an end to dress codes, co-educational dormitories, and ven- ding machines in the libraries. When students today look back on the successes, they see issues on which there was widespread, if not universal, agreement. If students weren't in- volved in a freedom ride through Alabama 20 years ago, they were at least nodding in approval. Now many students sitting in the diag probably would scoff at a group protesting U.S. involvement in El Salvador - if they bothered to react at all. Students also look back on the failures of past protests. They con- clude that such protesting is useless. What good did anti-Vietnam War teach-ins and rallies do? They didn't end the war until 1973. So what good will protesting the five-year plan do today? Protests failed to save 50,000 of their contemporaries killed in Vietnam. They didn't eliminate racism. Nor did they raise black enrollment here to 10 percent. , There is a sense among students today that if they don't get immediate, recognizable, and concrete return on ping students their "investments," the investments aren't worth the effort. Most students now are in school to learn some marketable skill to get a job after they earn their slip of paper. Many want the financial success of their parents and they want it early in life. So they see no time for, and no value in, arguing about issues whether the issues affect them or not. University administrators do much to foster this attitude. When policy decisions that have significant con- sequences for the University, ad- ministators pay no heed to the few students who speak out. The regents, for example, listen to students during the public comments section of their monthly meetings. But listen is all they do. Similarly, many of the committees which have student representatives don't allow those representatives a vote. The prevalent paternalistic at- titude among administrators says, "We know what is good for you no mat- ter what you say." Much of this apathy is but a mirror of the rest of society. Twenty years ago it seemed everyone had a stake in the major issues so they were willing to get involved. Today it seems there are few major issues touching everyone. Twenty years ago there were leaders motivating people. John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke of the potential-for change. They are gone, and their deaths are symbols of lost potential. Who speaks to us about our potential for change today? Who are our leaders? Yet those unanswered questions cannot become excuses for students to continue ignoring the problems around them. Students proved speaking their minds gets results. They spoke up in favor of a student bookstore and got the University Cellar. They argued for a broad-based liberal arts degree and got the bachelor of general studies plan. They even fought for and got those committee appointments studen- ts now ignore. There are problems in need of solving. The issues raised by the Black Action Movement over a decade ago are unresolved. There are programs that are shaping and will shape studen- ts' lives here for years to come. The five-year plan about which fe stud- ents know anything moves merrily along. Nap time is over. Students should wake up to the world around them. A BERKELEY, Calif. - Burned, ripped to shreds, and mailed back to the government by countless young Americans, it was a universal symbol of protest during the Vietnam War era. Now, 11 years after it was done awayrwith, a draft card of sorts has returned to the national scene. And once again, it is generating controversy. MEN who register for the military draft this fall are being issued wallet-sized "registration acknowledgement cards'' designed to replace the form let- ters previously used as proof of registration. The information on the card includes the registrant's name,, current, and permanent addresses, phone number, Selec- tive Service, and Social Security numbers, date of birth, and signature. Federal officials deny that the change adds up to a comeback for the draft card. "This card is not really a card because it's not as thick as a card. It's a slip of paper they can carry with them volun- tarily," said John Lamb, a spokeswoman for the Selective Service System in Washington, D.C. "It's a handy little thing we designed for their convenience." But opponents of Selective Ser- vice registration charge that the difference between the old draft card and the new slip are academic. Said Jon Landau, an attorney with the San Francisco office of the Philadelphia-based Draft cards are back, so is protest By Laurie Goodstein made no prior announcement of the change. "I think there will be a strong reaction when people realize what Selective Service is plan- ning," he predicted. "It may well come to burning some of these forms." During the Vietnam War, protestors organized mass draft card burnings on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, in New York's Cen- tral Park, and on college cam- puses across the nation.4 "The draft card back in the 60's was always a way to have something in your pocket remin- ding you that you aren't a free person," said Bruce Dancis, 35, of Pleasant Hill, Calif. It was a very powerful symbol of social control. That is why Congress passed a bill making it illegal to destroy a draft card." In a highly publicized protest, Dancis tore up his own draft card 4 in 1966 and returned it to his local draft board. The gesture earned him 19 months in a federal prison in Kentucky. The new version of the draft card, charged Dancis, is a way to "get the draft one more step in through the back door, without having Reagan take the political consequences of actually an- nouncing the reinstitution of a draft." Goodstein wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. Central Committee for Conscien- tious Objectors: "There are ef- forts now to further restrict the rights of draft-age men. These (efforts) will go hand in hand with the requirement that you constantly show this card." According to Landau and other Selective Service critics, the new documents will make it easier for the government to enforce the recently enacted Solomon Amen- dment. That law denies federal college financial aid, as well as employment under the new Jobs Training Participation Act which went into effect Oct. 1, to any draft-eligible man who has not registered. Rep. Gerald Solomon (R-N.Y.) the author of the amendment, is working on a second bill which would deny welfare benefits to draft-eligible men who cannot show proof of registration. SELECTIVE Service spokeswoman Lamb confirmed that many lay enforcement agen- cies now ask for draft registration numbers before they will hire a young man. In Landau's view, "The registration acknowledgement card moves us a step closer toward a national identity card." He believes that public response to the new card has been muted because the federal government LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Daily didn 't do phys. ed. homework I I U'g I I To the Daily: I would like to react to the Daily's editorial entitled "Punt physical education" (September 22). I am a strong advocate of freedom of the press. I am also a firm believer in the right of any citizen to be heard and that ap- propriate forums be made available in order that this may take place. My concern centers on the point made that the un- dergraduate program in physical education is an inappropriate op- tior, for students enrolled at the University. I believe the wording used was "mickey mouse" program. I might not have had this concern had the person who wrote the editorial taken the time to research the undergraduate curriculum and then, based on his or her research, completed the editorial. My assumption is that creditable journalism requires reasonable inquiry. The Daily, besides being a valuable in- strument for disseminating in- ternational, national, and local news, serves as a training base for future journalists. It is in this context that I raise the fnlInwing with faculty from other disciplines has been that this concept is supported and actively promoted at Michigan. In my 17 years as a member of the Physical Education faculty at this University, I cannot recall a more vicious treatment of any academic or non-academic program by your publication. However, in all fairness, I must state that I have not read every edition of the Daily these past 17 year. I am particularly saddened by the impact this editorial must have had on our undergraduate population, which is in excess of 300 students. How demeaning this must have been for them. During the past decade, our undergraduate curriculum has been evaluated by various groups of professionals, external to the ........... .............. ...................... xx University. In every case, our program has been praised for its quality, its rigor and its sen- sitivity to sociological and educational change. S.J. Galetti October 3 Galetti coordinates un- dergraduate studies in the physical education depar-l tment. Unsigned editorials appearing on the left side of this page represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board. 4 . ............ X ma X X X X BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed m E ~ 6,('R.WN~ e ise ~.i/.i !r(6IKO TtT55TPlI& I YE5, MR5. WINTHROP.. v_ 8GAU56, WAMR 5CA77 16 PE5, I KNOW 7HA7'5 5MR91 I I I