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October 07, 1983 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-07
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plies, and camera, if possible.
Techniques studied include: cel
animation, clay and mat
techniques. Workshop runs from
10 a.m.-6 p.m. Pre-registration
required. (408 W.. Washington).
$35.00. Call 663-0681.
Marty Raskin
Come to the post card show
where many leading dealers will.
appraise, buy, and sell old post
cards. For information call 968-
5910. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Holiday Inn-
West Bank (Jackson Rd.). Free.

.......... .

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Bars & Clubs
Ashley's (996-9191) -
Singer/guitarist Jim Carlsen en-
The Blind Pig (996-8555) - Steve
Nardella and his band play some
classic rock 'n' roll tonight.
The Earle (994-0211) - Hoppin'
jazz from the Ron Brooks Trio.
The Fox's Den (662-1647) -
Listen to the jazz and swing piano
from Stephen Dorar this evening.
The Habitat (665-3636) -
Pegasus will have you dancing to
top-40 hits.
The Heidelberg (663-7758) -
Mustard's Retreat (guitarists
Michael Hough and David
Tamulevich) plays something for
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES) -
Kevin Lynch and the Cadillac
Cowboys swing, country style.
Their astralight will get everybody
dancing with their funk.
Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
Private Sector plays R & B,
reggae, and some funky jazz - all
of it with a great beat while Willie
D. Warren and The Brush St. Blues
band play blues their way -
Detroit style.
Rick's American Cafe (996-2747)
-Check out Luther Allison's elec-
tric blues tonight. See Friday
Roundhouse Saloon (769-0592) -
Solo piano from Bart Polot all
Second Chance (994-5350) -
Toronto's York Road plays dan-
ceable pop with an electronic
U-Club (763-2236) - Ska from
SLK, Life Boys open.
Briarwood Mall
The James Dapogny Easy Street
Sextet is featured at the Mall's 10th
anniversary celebration. An old-
time jazz ensemble with Univer-
sity professor Dapogny leading on
the piano.
7 p.m.in the Briarwood Mall
Grand Court. Call 769-9610. Free.
University Symphony Band/Wind
Program to be announced. H.
Robert Reynolds directs at 8 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium. Call 763-4726.
Prism Productions
Luther Allison does his farewell
performance this evening at
Rick's. Be sure not to miss a true
legend before he takes off to
Europe to return who knows when.
9:30 p.m.
The Ark
Peter "Madcat" Ruth brings his
captivating entertainment to the
Ark tonight at 8 for all you fans of
blues, jazz, folk and just about
anything else. (1421 Hill). Call 761-
1451 for further information.

Professional Theater Program
The Professional Theater
Program presents The Rivals by
Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The
Rivals satirizes 18th century social
and love conventions and hosts one
of the greatest collections of comic
characters in dramatic literature.
Sheridan also includes mistaken
identities, love triangles, and lots
of laughs in this hilarious comedy.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8
p.m. Call 763-5213.
The Brecht Company
"A Man's a Man" is a 1926
comedy about an Irish dock
worker who is conscripted into the
British Army and sent to India.
Stars Martin Walsh, Jeff Wine, and
Blake Ratcliffe. 8 p.m. at Residen-
tial College Auditorium, 701 E.
University. $5 at the door. Group
tickets available in advance. Call
Western Opera Theater of the
University Musical Society
Fully-staged, costumed produc-
tion of the Puccini favorite
"Madame Butterfly" is performed
by the touring branch of the San
Francisco Opera this evening at 8
p.m. Power Center tickets are
available at Burton Tower or the
door at $10-14. Call 665-3717.
University International Folk
Dance Club
"Romanian Dances" beginning
instruction followed by request
dancing starts the series of dance
session this month. Also this mon-
th are Hungarian dances on Oc-
tober 14, Middle Eastern dances on
October 21, and Croatian dances on
October 28. 8-9:30 pm (instruction)
and 9:30-midnight (dancing). 2nd
floor dance studio (621 E.
Williams). $1.50. Call 971-5194 or
University Field Hockey
The field hockey team battles
Michigan State today at 4 pm at
Ferris Field. Free. Call763-2159.
Performance Network
Talented Michigan animator,
Andrea Gomez, opens the Net-
work's Fall Film Series with a
presentation of her films, followed
by a discussion. The showing
begins at 8pm. (408 W.
Washington). $4.00 general/$3.00
students and senior citizens. Call
University Museum of Art
Senator Jack Faxon will give a
lecture on the topic "Collecting Art
in Michigan" at Hale Auditorium
in the Graduate School of Business
Administration. (Tappan and Hill
Streets). 8 p.m. Call 764-0395.
SYDA Foundation
SYDA presents "An Evening
with Swami Apurvananda." The
swami will discuss the practice of
Siddha Yoga andiMeditation, and
answer all questions. 89:20 p.m.
(1522 Hill St.). Call 994-5625. Free.

Center for Western European
As part of the conference on
socialist France, Susanne Berger
of MIT will speak on, "Opposition
in Socialist France: Towards
Thermidor?"; Peter Gourevitch of
UCSD will speak on, "Jacobin and
Girondin: An Old Wine in New
Bottles--The Majority and
Economics, Culture, Decen-
tralization, etc."; and Rene
Remond, President of the Fon-
dation National des Sciences
Politiques, will speak on,
"L'evolution des Forces Politiques
Francaises du 10 Mai 1981 a
aujourd'hui." This session will be
chaired by Toy Pierce, Michigan's
own professor of Political Science
from 2-5:30 p.m.
Continuing the conference on
Socialist France presents Michael
Piore of MIT who will speak on,
"Labor Policy"; Dominique
Strauss-Kahn of L'Universite de
Paris who will speak on, "Le Parti
Socialiste et l'Economie Francaise
1981-83: Y a-t-il Deux Politiques
de Francois Mitterand?"; and
John Aysman of Berkeley who will
speak on "Industrial Policy."
William J. Adams of the Depar-
tment of Economics will chair this
evening session in the Rackham
Amphitheater. Call 764-4311.
Ann Arbor Dickens Fellowship
"Dickens and Chancery," a lec-
ture by University Law Library
director Beverly Pooley will be
held at 8 p.m. at the Law School
Faculty Dining Hall. Call 761-8855.
University Astronomy Depar-
"Exotic Elements in the Sky" is
a lecture by astronomy professor
Charles Cowley. The visitor's
night lecture will be followed by
the film What Are Stars Made Of.
Also visitors are welcome to look
through the Angell Hall telescope.
8:30 p.m. Angell Hall Auditorium
B. Call 764-3440. Free.
University Duplicate Bridge Club
Swiss Team Format Special
Games are a two session com-
petition tonight and October 14.
Players of all levels are ac-
comodated. It is not necessary to
bring a partner. Come play from
7:15-11 p.m. in the Michigan
League. $3.75, students only $3.25
for the two-session Swiss format;
and $2, students $1.50 for regular
games. Call 995-6534.

The Habitat (665-3636) - Dance
to the top-40 music of Pegasus.
The Heidelberg (663-7758) -
Mustard's Retreat (guitar duo)
plays blues, folk and rock. Dance
to German Gand in the Wein
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES) -
Figures on a Beach, a new wave
band from Detroit will really get
you goin'. You may have heard
their EP Swimming.
Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
Come listen to some folk guitar
while Willie D. Warren and the
Bruch St. Blues Band play some
Detroit blues.
Rick's American Cafe (996-2747)
- Astralight cranks out the funk,
dance hits.
Roundhouse Saloon (769-0592) -
Great piano from Bart Polot.
Second Chance (994-5350) -
Good dancing music from electro-
pop group York Road.
U-Club (763-2236) - Wild ska
with SLK and new rock with
opening Life Boys act.
The Ark
Peter "Madcat" Ruth brings his
act back to the Ark again tonight at
8 p.m. See Friday's listing.
Center for Western European
In the last session of lectures for
the Conference On socialistic
France, this morning, Francois
Bedarida, of the Institut de
l'histoire du temps Present will
speak on, "Anticedents, Preceden-
ts et Consequences de la Victoire
de la Gauche de 1981"; Pascal Ory,
author of L'entre deux mais, will
speak on, "Cultural Change since
Mitterand"; and Paterick Viveret,
editor of Intervention, will speak
on, "Foreign Policy." Jean Car-
duner of Michigan's department of
Romance Languages, will chair.
Rackham Amphitheater, 9:30
a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call 764-4311.


Second Chance (994-5350) -
York Road takes you away to the
land of nouveau tunes tonight.
The Ark
Lindsay Tomasic and Jesse Fit-
zpatrick conduct the Tree
Children's Concert this afternoon
beginning at 2. Their jazzy folk
song will keep children of all ages
entertained. The Ark (1421 Hill).
$4, $2 for children. Call 761-1451 for
more information on this afternoon
Also this Sunday, catch the Red
Clay Ramblers as they combine
their diverse musical styles and
create wonderful entertainment.
The show begins at 8 p.m., call 761-
1451 for more information.
Friends of the Matthaei Botanical
The Friends of the Matthaei
Botanical Gardens will be offering
a tour today. The topic to be
covered is plant adaptations. No
reservations are necessary. 2 p.m.
1800 Dixboro Road. The outdoor
trails are free but the conservatory
charge is $1.
Performance Network
Michigan animator Andrea
Gomez will conduct the first of two
workshops on animated film-
making. Open for ages 10-adult.
Camera, film, processing and
lights provided. Participants
should bring their own art sup-

University of Michigan
President Harold Shapiro will
give the. annual State of the
University address this evening.
Distinguished faculty awards will
be presented during the program.
The Faculty Women's Club and
SACUA will host a reception of the
second floor of the Michigan
League following the ceremony. 8
p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall.
University Center for Western
European Studies
Elizabeth Pond, Bonn Bureau
Chief of The Christian Science
Monitor, will give a lecture on
"Today's Germany: Between
East and West." 4 p.m. West Con-
ference Toom of Rackham Hall.
Call 764-4311. Free.
Center for Near Eastern and North
African Studies
Blood and Sand, a film depic-
ting America's involvement in
the Western Sahara war, will be
shown tonight at 7 p.m. in the 'Lor-
ch Hall auditorium. Call for
further information. Free.

Bars & Clubs
The Blind Pig (996-8555) -
George Bedard and Mr. B let loose
with rocking rockabilly all night
The Earle (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville adds wonderful piano
to your wining & dining Earle ex-
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES) -
Radio King and his All-Star Band
bring down the house tonight.
Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
Bill Snead sets the mood with
guitar and song while the electric
glues of Quiet Storm carries you
through the evening.
Rick's American Cafe (996-2747)
- Sky High sends you away with
their rollin' funk.
Roundhouse Saloon (769-0592) -
David Mayer returns to the keys to
Second Chance (994-5350) - The
First Annual Live Wire Jam with
oodles of top-40 rock bands fills the
U-Club (763-2236) -Michael Pool
spins his funky dance music
the'CBN way tonight.

Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
13th Floor takes you to the top with
soulful R&B.
Rick's American Cafe (996-2747)
- Albert Collins performs tonight.
See Tuesday Music.
Roundhouse Saloon (769-0592) -
Bart Polot solos on piano tonight.
Second Chance (994-5350) - Top-
40 rockers Flyte keep your night
U-Club (763-2236) - DJ Tom
Simonian mixes some wonderful
reggae sounds all night long at the
University Musical Society
Musica Antiqua Koln, a five-man
ensemble from Cologne will
present little-known works on their
authentic Baroque instruments
tonight. Since their formation in
1973, the group has moved to the
forefront of German Baroque
chamber music. 8:30 p.m. in
Rackham Auditorium. Tickets are
$6.50-9.50. Call 665-3717.
Rick's American Cafe
Albert Collins blasts into Rick's
tonight at 9:30 p.m. with loads of
jazzy blue fun. Tickets are $4. Call
996-2747 for more information.
Eclipse Jazz
Continuing the History of Jazz
Lecture Series, this week's lecture
will . be given by Dr. James
Dapogny. Lecture runs from 7:30-
9';30 in Studio B of WUOM-FM on
the fifth floor of the LA&A
Building. Pre-registration
required. (500 S. State). $25.00 for
lecture series. Call763-5924.

Bars & Clubs
The Earle (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville enhances your
evening with piano greats.
The Habitat (665-3636) -
Pegasus sends you flying with top-
40 dance and rock music.
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES) -
Steve Nardella keeps Ann Arbor's
rockin' spirit alive tonight.

views on political ethics and social
change, will deliver the 1983
William W. Cook Lectures on
American Institutions. Berger will
begin his series of three lectures on
the topic of "Dimensions of
Pluralism: Religion and Morality
in America." -Today's lecture will
concentrate on "Secularization
and Counter-Secularization." 4
p.m. Lecture Room 1 MLB. Call
764-7260. Free.
German Department and Program
in Comparative Literature
Dr. Peter Boerner, professor of
Comparative Literature, Ger-
manic Studies, and West European
Studies at Indiana University, will
give a lecture on "Amerika, du
Hast es Besser?"-Goethe's views
of America in a Different Light. 8
p.. West Conference Room of
Rackham Hall.
Bars & Clubs
Ashley's (996-9191) - Pianist Jiff
Ewald entertains the Ashley bun-
The Earle (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville soothes the dining set
with sweet piano solos.
The Habitat (665-3636) - Come
stomp to the stompin' top-40 of
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES) -
The Rhode Island-based band Plan
9 brings their improvisational
guitar tunes to Joe's for unique en-
Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
Crosswynd starts you up with
hearty R&B followed by the
Falcons and their good rock.
Rick's AmericanCafe (996-2747)
- The Urbations will keep you
happy and dancin' all night
Roundhouse Saloon ')769-0592) -
Bart Polot masters the keys with
sweet solos.
Second Chance (994-5350) -
Mariner continues to pound out
top-40 tock tonight.
U-Club (763-2236) - UAC presen-
ts Soundstage tonight which gives
local talent and especially student-
organized groups the opportunity
to perform.
The Ark
Stephanie Ozer and Kathleen
Moore perform everything from
Motown to Jazz as well as their
own originals tonight with Ozer on
piano and Moore singing. The
show starts at 8 p.m. so be there at
the Ark (1421 Hill). Call 761-1451
for more information on this
musical event.
Office of Major Events
Tonight don't miss that wonder
of trumpeters Chuck Mangione as
he takes to the stage of Hill
Auditorium at 8 p.m. Tickets are
still available, call 763-5110 for
more information.
University Law School
Peter L. Berger continues to
deliver the 1983 William W. Cook
Lectures. Today's lecture will
discuss "From Religious to Moral
Pluralism." See Wednesday's.
University Macromolecular
Research Center
Symposium on "Current Con-

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Bars & Clubs
Ashley's (996-9191) -
Singer/guitarist Jim Price
provides light entertainment
The Earle (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville lifts you up with piano
The Habitat (665-3636) -
Pegasus keeps you dancin' all
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES) -
The Sun Messengers bring their
Detroit sound to Joe's tonight.
Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
The Mike Josephs Band winds you
up to get ready for the rock of Ex-
Rick's AmericanCafe (996-2747)
- Seeds of Europe provides new
music hits the likes of XTC and the
Clash for Rick's.
Roundhouse Saloon (769-0592) -
Bart Plot returns with soft piano
Second Chance (994-5350) -
Mariner keeps up with the best of
the top-40 greats.
U-Club (763-2236) - Laugh
Track lets loose with local talent
The Michigan Daily/ Canterbury Loft
Vice president for Student
Services Harry Johnson answers
questions from the press and the
students in another edition of
Campus Meet the Press. The ac-
tion begins at 4 p.m. in. the
Keunzel Room of "the Michigan
Union. Call 764-0552 for further in-
University Law School
Peter L. Berger, noted for his

Bars & Clubs
Ashley's (996-9191) Electric
guitarist John Lawrence plays
The Blind Pig (996-8555) - rock
'n roll greats from Steve Nardella
and his band.
The Earle (994-0211) - The Ron
Brooks Trio - watch for some sild
bass playing from Brooks.
The Fox's Den (662-1647) -
Some movin' jazz and swing from
pianist Stephen Dorar.

Bars & Clubs
Del Rio (761-2530) - Come listen
to the jazzy sounds of local enter-
Joe's Star Lounge (665-JOES)-
Stephanie Ozer and Kathy Moore
head tonight's show-a benefit for
the Women's Music Festival.
Mr. Flood's Party (995-2132) -
Neil Woodward tips off the evening
with bluesy guitar and song with
the Checkers following up on jazzy
Old Town (761-9291) - Jam with
more local artists tonight at Old
Roundhouse Saloon (769-0592 -
Bart Polot sweeps you away with
piano classics.

Art, clos
The exi
prints ti
the Old
special i
of the Re
tists b
and Hans
Also a
an exhib
and Satu
day spec
Union. 'T
to 8p.m.

6 Weekend/October 7. 1983

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