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October 07, 1983 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-07

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Kent Benson to speak
South Quad west lounge
Sunday, 9:00 p.m.
The Michigan Daily

Friday, bOctober 7, 1983

Signups for IM football
Last day today
IM building

Page 9

Reinhold replaces

injured Boren

This report just in, the surgeon
neral has found that being a
ichigan linebacker can be hazardous
your health.
Inside linebacker Mike Boren found
that out last Saturday against Indiana
when he sustained a knee injury that
will sideline him for the remainder of
the season.
REPLACING Boren for tomorrow's
game against Michigan State, and
thereby placing his health in danger at
a position that has been beset by this
season's rash of injuries, is Mike
"Mike hasn't had an awful lot of ex-
perience," Michigan head coach Bo
Schembechler said yesterday. "He's a
red-shirted freshman. But he's a com-
petitive youngster and a good athlete.
I'm sure he'll do a good job in there."

Ron Pollack


Michigan football

further. He had at least another five, 10
yards on it. He's capable of punting 70
yards. He's capable of kicking field
goals 60 yards. That way he's a threat.
Everybody has to respect that any time
we're on the other side of the field it's a
possibility that we can go for a field
* * *
Quotes on Saturday's game:
State offensive lineman Jim Bob
Lamb - "You're going to see
something on the field I've never ex-
perienced here. The pressure on us is
going to be great. (Offensive line
coach) Buck (Nystrom) will have us so

fired up tha we'll be ready to eat
Michigan up. I hope that's the way it
Michigan fullback Dan Rice-"Last
year I was looking more forward to Ohio
State. But this year Michigan State has
been playing good ball and we're really
looking forward to beating them."

whom had been hurt. Moeller said it
has not yet been decided whether Lyles
or his replacement last week, Carlton
Rose, will start tomorrow. Anderson
will be used as a backup.
* * *
Since first- and second string flankers
Gilvanni and Steve Johnson have both
been suspended for curfew violations,
Michigan will experiment at this position.
"There's going to be some different
arrangements out there and it'll depend
on what the situation is as far as the
game is concerned," Schembechler
said. "But (Triando) Markray (who is
expected to start) can play. Several of
the freshmen can play. It just depends
on how we want to go."
MICHIGAN STATE free safety Phil
Parker, who has been Spartan-of-the
Week for three weeks in a row, said the
suspension of the Johnsons will not
harm the Wolverine offense.
"They'd only caught one pass in four
games," Parker said. "It shouldn't
hurt them at all since they haven't
really used their flanker."
Moeller is not happy with the
Wolverines' tackling. He said that
against Indiana last week, Michigan
allowed 92 yards of offense after plays
should 'have been stopped. Moeller said
that this number normally should be no
more than 20-25 yards.
* * *
A CARTOON is posted on the door of
the office belonging to four of the
younger Wolverines' coaches. The car-
toon features a father speaking to his
"Now look, son, you got to get your
priorities straight! You gotta dedicate
yourself to football.
"THEN ONE of these days you can
sign for a large bonus, drive a fancy car
and have all the beautiful women you
"Then after college you might even
go on to the pros."
* * *
Meet Ralf the wonderfoot.
HE KICKS field goals, he punts and
he makes it look easy.
His real name is Ralf Moisieienko
("The guy is an excellent kicker but I
can't pronounce his name," Schem-
bechler said) and last weekend he
booted a 59-yard field goal in the final
minute to give the Spartans a 29-29 tie

with Purdue.
"The 59-yard field goal that he
kicked, there aren't many kickers in
the country that could have kicked
that," said Michigan State head coach
George Perles. "It still could have gone

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When you're in a tight spot,
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.. starts at linebacker
No matter how well Reinhold plays,
however, it is highly unlikely that his
performance will be on a level with
Boren''s, who was Michigan's leading
tackler when he was injured as well as
the previous two seasons.
"THERE'S NO question at all, we'll
really miss Mike Boren," said Gary
Moeller, Michigan's assistant head
coach and defensive coordinator. "Not
only is he a good player, but he's our
most experienced player. Reinhold will
play hard and give you everything he's
got; but we'll be replacing ,a guy who
played some 26 games with a guy who's
played 40 plays."
In -Boren's absence, junior inside
linebacker Mike Mallory will take over
the defensive signal-calling duties.
"Mallory does a goo( job," Moeller
said. "So I'm not worried. He did well
the second half last week after Boren
got hurt."
SOFTENING THE blow of Boren's
injury is the return of outside
linebacker Rodney Lyles and inside
linebacker Tim Anderson, both of

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