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October 06, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-06

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Ninetyfour Years
Editorial Freedom

C I -



Partly sunny today with a high in
the-upper 60s.

XCIV - No. 26

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 6, 1983

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pages

.ji Noe rize

Skid row
Meri-Ann Van Boxell, a member of the University's crew team, takes!
tinuously for three days and nights to raise $10,000 for a new boathouse.

Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
her turn at the oars in the Diag yesterday. The team members are rowing con-

Few turn out for GEO talks-

OSLO, Norway (AP) - Lech Walesa,
founder of Poland's Solidarity labor
movement which shook the Communist
world, won the Nobel Peace Prize
yesterday for his fight on behalf of the
"unconquered longing" of all people for
peace and freedon.
Walesa quickly said he would give the
approximatley $190,000 award to
Poland's Roman Catholic Church,
which as been outspoken in its support
of the labor movement.
SOLIDARITY admirers around the
world praised Walesa's selection. Pope
John Paul II wired congratulations to
his 40-year-old compatriot and
President Reagan hailed the award as a
victory of "moral force over brute for-
Polish authorities did not say whether
they would permit Walesa to leave
Poland to accept the award, and the
labor leader said he was considering
sending a relative in his place. Soviet
dissident Andrei Sakharov, the only,
other Peace Prize laureate from the
East bloc, did not accept his 1975 award
because he feared he would not be
allowed to return home. His wife,
Yelena Bonner, attended on his behalf.
In Warsaw, deputy government
spokesman Andrzej Konopacki charged
that the award was politically
motivated and said the Peace Prize
"used to be a meaningful award. Now it
is devalued."
WALESA, who was interned by the
Communist government for 11 months

the i ninn

By JAN RUBENSTEIN after next week's membership meeting. LIn uion .
Although it's been a year since the University's GEO leaders also had planned to nominate officers GEO Chief Negotiator Abra
teaching assistants have had a chance to vote on a at last night's meeting, but that too was put off until electing a stewards council
new union contract, few showed interest last night in next week. representative from each Un
discussing the latest pact with the University. Instead of debating the merits of the contract, with additional representative
Fewer than 30 people showed up at yesterday's union members tried to analyze GEO's tments.
membership meeting to hear Graduate Employee organizational problems. ANOTHER member suggeste
Organization negotiators summarize the major "WE'RE FUNCTIONING at the moment with constitution to require only a
strengths and weaknesses of the contract, which was almost no clear responsibility structure," said Jane prove future contracts, rath
not available to GEO members before last night. Holzka, who helped negotiate the current contract requirement of half of the union
IN ADDITION, no one at the meeting was willing to proposal.
volunteer to mail ballots or count votes on the Some members suggested switching from the Members will be asked to v
proposed contract. Despite the membership's current steering committee-structure where all reached Sept. 26, which will c
apathy, GEO leaders tentatively plan to distribute members have equal status to a more clearly defined 1800 graduate employees. If rat
ballots to the union's estimated 600 to 7004 members officer-structure where one person would speak for go into effect September, 1984.

sham Erlich proposed
, consisting of one
iversity department,
es for larger depar-
ed that GEO amend its
majority vote to ap-
er than the current
's members.
vote on an agreement
over the University's
ified, the contract will

. donates money to church
during martial law, was harassed af-
terward while trying to return to his job
as a shipyard electrician, and has
recently been the object of a news
media campaign to discredit him.
The Norwegian Nobel Cpmmittee
said Walesa had-made his contribution
"with considerable personal sacrifice
to ensure the workers' right to establish
their own organization."
The Solidarity Union, the only indep-
endent labor union in the Soviet bloc,
See NOBEL, Page 2

accused of

A man was arrested for assault yesterday after
he allegedly sprayed two University security
guards in the eyes with an irritating chemical.
The two security officers, Peter Sutton and
Rachel Flint, responded to a call at 4:25 p.m. that
the suspect, Gary Lustid, was wandering around
the third floor of the LSA Building, said Univer-
sity Security Director Walter Stevens.
THE BUILDING employee who called Univer-
sity security recognized Lustid as someofne who
"we had trouble with a few weeks ago," Stevens
When Sutton and Flint arrived, Lustid was
leaving the building. He falsely told the two of-
ficers that he was a student, and when he reached
into his pocket, they assumed that he was going to

show them his student identification card.
But Lustid pulled out a small container of
chemical spray, then allegedly sprayed the
chemical in the officers' eyes.
A THIRD OFFICER, Tim Shannon, arrived as
Lustid was spraying the other security guards.
Shannon helped to subdue Lustid until Ann Arbor
Police arrived at the scene.
- Lustid has been charged with felonious assault
and is being held in Washtenaw County Jail.
Sutton and Flint were taken to University
Hospital, where they were treated for reaction to
the chemical spray and released. Flint went back
to work today, and Sutton will return soon.
Stevens said that the case is still under in-
vestigation, and that further charges "are
probably forthcoming."

Senate Republicans call

for Watt



WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Republicans
served blunt notice yesterday that Interior
Secretary James Watt must go or face a strong
vote of no confidence. But President Reagan said
Watt "has done a fine job," and a "stupid
renark" didn't merit his removal.
Senate GOP leaders said a stormy, closed-door
caucus on Tuesday had demonstrated that support
for Watt had waned far beyond previous
estimates, and a consensus emerged that the
secretary should resign for the good of the party.
Minority Democrats, in their own caucus days
earlier, unanimously endorsed a call for Watt's
WATT MET with presidential counselor Edwin
Meese early yesterday for "a general discussion
of the Senate situation," then left town for "a long-
planned vacation," according to Douglas Baldwin,
the secretary's chief spokesman. Baldwin said
Watt "is not reassessing" his plans and continues

to believe he is an asset to the administration:
Reagan, whose aides had pronounced the case
closed over Watt last week, told The Associated
Press board of directors that the secretary "had
done a fine job."
The president said Watt made "a stupid
remark" when he referred to an advisory panel on
coal leasing as "a black. . . a woman, two Jews
and a cripple" two weeks ago.
BUT REAGAN said he agreed with House
Democratic Leader Jim Wright of Texas on the
issue. "He didn't think it was an impeachable of-
fense, and I don't either." said Reagan.
"I recognize that a mistake was made," the
president said. "(Watt) recognizes that, too. What
he was trying to say was not based on any malice,
any prejudice of any kind . . . If there was any
bigotry or malice in the man, prejudice of any
kind, he wouldn't be a part of the administration."
See SENATE, Page 2

One downAP Photo'
Chicago second baseman Julio Cruz dives over the Orioles' Al Bumbry to make a tag during sixth
inning action of game one of the American League championship series yesterday in Baltimore.
The White Sox won, 2-1.

.. faces threat of ouster

Speed racers
REG IPPOLITO, a graduate student in mechani-
cal engineering, beat the pack around the track
Y yesterday to win a free trip to Daytona Beach,

Scratch and.. .
A BEER LABEL designer says he will sue the state
of Connecticut if it doesn't lift a ban on the sale of Nude
Beer, which features the picture of a woman whose bikini
top can be scratched away. "There's no judge in this land
who would deny me my constitutional rights to market this
beer," said William Boam, chairman of Nude Products,
Inc. in Tustin, Calif. Connecticut's Liquor Control Com-
mission banned the beer-which features the picture of a
voluptuous blonde in a skimpy black bikini-after learning

ts a female in a provocative dress." Nude beer is currently
available in about 12 states, although it also has been ban-
ned in New York and Ohio. Boam said he plans to sue those
states as well. He said a survey he took shows that women
are not offended by the label but want equal treatment for
men. He said he will oblige and plans to bring out Nude
Dude Beer-featuring a label of a man wearing a scratch-
away bathing suit-in time for Christmas. El

were held in the Natural Science Auditorium. Students
were excused from class work for the day because atten-
dance at the workshops was mandatory.
" 1956 - Michigan State's football team overpowered the
Wolverines 9-0 in Michigan Stadium, even though
Michigan's "potentially great" squad dominated play for
more than half the game.
" 1974 - Students crowded the main floor of the Michigan
Union to beat the voter registration deadline at the only
registration site on campus. Registrars were swearingin

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