Page 8-B -- The Michigan Daily -- Thursday, September 8, 1983 THE FOLKS EXPECT YOU TO WRITE HOME ONCE IN A WHILE.. 0 HERE'S AN EASIER WAY newspaper), The Ensian (yearbook), and The Gargoyle (campus humor magazine). Daily astaffr keepSAneye on any ~ campus activi tiesi TO WRITE HOME - SIX DAYS A WEEKI * Dear Mom and Dad: * I thought you might like to know what school is like for me every day. The Michigan Daily * is the University's newspaper. It brings the most complete coverage of campus news six * days a week ... not to mention sports, features, editorials, and its newest feature, the * Weekend Magazine. This appears every Friday and includes special feature articles, * restaurant reviews, record reviews, and a list of events for the weekend and the up- coming week. 1 I. *Just fill out this form and mail,, with your check to: *The Michigan Daily/420 Mayhard/ Ann Arbor, MI 48109 s * That way, we'll have lots to discuss about living in Ann Arbor, and my days at Michigan, Ithe next timel1come home. 1 Love, Arthur 1 1LEAVE BLANK Yes, 1 would like to s ubsc ribe to THE LEAVIE BLANK * f MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree to be billed later3 I I .1 (pre-payment necessary for subs. outside of3 r Ann Arbor, Mich.) L H___ONE SEMESTER __ TWO SEMESTERS___ PERMANENT (automatically renew-ed each terni) SCHEDULE OF PRICES: ! For Circulation Dept. Use Only $15.50 SEPT. thru APRIL (2 Semesters)I $19.50 by MAIL outside Ann Arbor l Ep Stencil TypedI $8.00 per Semester I I$10.00 by MAIL outside Ann Arbor Number of Papers-.----- 1 . IAmount Due $ I I i ~I Dote Started1 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ (Please Print) Lust Name First Middle Initial I 3~e_..