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September 27, 1983 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-09-27

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 - Page 3




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Rodents to board shuttle

'for anatomy


A group of University rats will soon
be in orbit around the Earth. The rats, a #
delegation from the anatomy depar-
tment, are part of an experiment on
space sickness, a recently discovered
form of motion sickness that afflicts
half of the astronauts sent into space.
The experiment will take place on the
fourth flight of Space Lab, a laboratory
module that will be connected to future
Space Shuttle flights. Space Lab IV is
scheduled to launch in early 1985.
"EVERY TIME we send astronauts
into space, there is a 50-50 chance they

will get space sickness," said Muriel
Ross, the University anatomy professor
who is preparing the experiment. "This
is one of a series of projects com-
missioned by Space Lab to study the ef-
fects of near-zero gravity on humans,"
said Ross, who specializes on the sen-
sory system of the inner ear.
Other experiments planned will study
the effects of near-zero, or
microgravity, on such systems as the
cardiovascular and skeletal structure.
The effects of space sickness are very
similar to those of well known forms of
motion sickness, such as car or sea

H P I _
The first full day of lectures in honor of Martin Luther's quincentennial
starts off at 9 a.m. today with three speakers - Profs. Harry Haile, Harry
McSorley, and Mark Edwards Jr. - examining "Luther the Man." Three af-
ternoon speakers - Profs. Lewis Spitz and Thomas Best and Dr. Marjorie
O'Rourke Boyle - will talk about "Luther the Humanist."
Cinema Guild - High Noon, 7:15 & 9 A.m., Dick Tracey - Dead Man's Trap
and Murder at Sea, 6:30 p.m., MLB 3 and Murder at Sea, 6:30 p.m. Lorch
Univ. Symphony Orchestra, Gustav Meier conducting, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Michigan Union Cultural Programs - dance series, Gay Delanghe and the
University Dancers, "New Works," 12:10 p.m., Pendleton Rm.
Germanic Languages - lec/concert of Martin Luther's Music for Organ
and Voice, 8 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division; open-air
play, "The Pardon Peddler," 12:15 p.m., southwest corner of Law Quad;
Lawyer's Club if it rains.
Chemistry - Myung-Hwan Whangbo, "Structural & Electronic Properties
of Linear Chain Molecules," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem; J. Eric Norlander, "Recent
Advances in the Mechanisms of Carbocation Reactions," 11 a.m., 1300
Recreational Sports - "Weight Training Program - Universal Equip-
ment," 7:30 p.m., CCRB Weight Rm.
ISR - R.B. Zajonc & Pamela Adelman, "Physiognomics," 7:30 p.m.,
Large Conf. Rm., 6050 ISR.
Psychobiology; Physiological Acoustics - Charles Brown, "Ecological
Influences on Primate Communication," 12:30 p.m., 1057 MHRI.
Renaissance Univ. Club - "A Hunger Solution - Samaj (Regional
Development)," 7:30 p.m., Welker Rm., Union.
Rackham Grad. Sch; Classical Studies; American Academy at Rome --
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures, Paul Zanker, "The Princeps & The Myth
of the New Era: The Program of Visual Imagery after 27 BC," 4 p.m., 207
Tappan Hall.
Museum of Art - art break, Mary Paul Shibbs, "Gerome Kamrowski: A
Retrospective Exhibition," 12:10 p.m., W. Gallery.
Computing Center - Chalk talk, CC Staff, "Using *PRINT* & *BATCH*,"
12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS; Forrest Hartman, "How to Use the Xerox 9600
Pageprinter," 3:30 p.m., 165 BSAD; Bob Blue, "Intro. to MTS IV," 7 p.m.,
2235 Angell.
Chemical Eng - Bohdan Wojciechowski, "A New Approach to the Quan-
tification of Fischer-Tropsch Project Distribution," 11:30 a.m., 1017 Dow
Eclipse - Lecture series on early jazz, Moris Lawrence, Jr., "Pre-Jazz &
Early Blues," 7:30 p.m., Studio B of WUOM-FM, 5th Floor, LSA Bldg.
Rudolf Steiner Institute - E. Katz, "The Spiritual Nature of Man," 8 p.m.,
1923 Geddes Ave.
EMU - Maggie Martin & Sandy Seals, workshop on resume preparation
and interview techniques, 2 p.m., Alumni Lounge, EMU's McKenny Union.
Center for Western European Studies - Keith Nield, "The Concept of
Culture in British Historiography," noon, 5208 Angell.
Int'l Center; Ecumenical Campus Center; Church Women United in Ann
Arbor - Antony Sullivan, "Lebanon Crisis - What Next?", noon, 603 E.
Center for Chinese Studies - William Baxter, "Investigating Old Chinese
Rhyming," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
His House Christian Fellowship -7:30 p.m., 925 E. Ann St.
Ann ARbor Go Club -7 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
CEW - Job Hunt Club, drop-in support for active job seekers, noon, 350S.
Thayer St., 2nd floor of Comerica Bank.
Lutheran Campus Ministry - women's support group, 7:30 p.m., So.
Forest at Hill.
CEW - minority student program, linkage-resourch lunch meeting, noon,
conf. Rm. 4, League.
Fencing Club -8 p.m., Coliseum, corner of Hill & 5th.
Cross Country Ski Club - 7:30 p.m., 439 Mason.
Women's Athletics - Volleyball, Michigan vs. EMU, 7 p.m., CCRB.
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sickness. But the causes, Ross said,
may be very different. In a weightless
environment, the inner ear - which is
the body's gravity sensor - is disrup-
ted. The structures within the ear,
which Ross said "loosely resemble a
muscle," seem to contract under the
strain of a weightles environment.
"They appear (to contract) since they
contain actin, one of the chemicals in-
volved in muscle contractions." Ross
of rats will be sent into orbit for study.
"Mission specialists," who are trained
in certain scientific procedures, will
remove the inner ears of the rats during
flight and immediately preserve them.
After the specimens are brought back
to Earth, Ross and her associates will
study them in hopes of uncovering more
about how a mammal's gravity recep-
tors respond to weightlessness.
Because the specimens must be
examined almost immediately after
exposure to the weightless environ-
ment, development of a fast technique
of preservation was necessary.
Although Ross said the preservation
technique already developed could be
used as it stands, her department still is
working to "fine tune" the tissue
preservation method.
Ross said she plans to work on
similar projects for the space program
in the future. "Space is the new fron-
tier," she said. "Students should be
aware of the potential that is there and
the opportunities that are available."

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Sidewalk surfing
Faster than merely walking, Phil Seiden zips through the Diag on his skateboard. This easy and convenient mode of
travel has become popular with many students.
Dail Classifieds Bring
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