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September 27, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-09-27

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sunny and mild today with a high
reaching into the 70s. Pleasant
tonight with a low in the mid-50s.

Vol. XCIV - No. 17 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages
- :1




arms talks

From AP and UPI
UNITED NATIONS - Declaring that
"a nuclear war cannot be won and must
never be fought," President Reagan of-
fered yesterday to make new proposals
to limit medium-range nuclear
weapons in Europe, and challenged the
Soviet Union to make comparable con-
cessions toward an agreement.
In a speech before the U.N. General
Assembly, Reagan largely laid aside
his sharp rhetoric against the Soviet
Union for shooting down a Korean jum-
bo jet. The president called upon the
Soviets "to reduce the tensions it has
heaped on the world in the past few
weeks, and to show a firm commitment
to peace by coming to the bargaining
table with a new understanding ot its
obligations. I urge you to match our
"IF THE SOVIETS sit down at the
bargaining table seeking genuine arms
reductions, there will be arms reduc-
tions. The time has come for the Soviet
Union to show proof that it wants arms
control in reality, not just in rhetoric,"
the president said.
Saying he was present "to renew my
nation's commitment to peace,"
Reagan sketched the modified proposal
laid out last week by U.S. negotiator
Paul Nitze at the Geneva talks on In-
termediate Nuclear Forces.
Reagan said his new package of
initiatives placed on the bargaining

... seeks compromise

Lords and ladies Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
The Harlotry Players enact Niklaus Manuel's The Pardon Peddler in the University's Law Quad yesterday as part of the Martin Luther Quincentennial
Conference being held this week.
Theologian challenges
Christian reverence

table in Geneva would bring about
equal global reductions and limits of
the destructive arsenals held by the
HE MADE "an unequivocal pledge"
to the assembled delegates:
"The United States seeks and will
accept any equitable, verifiable
agreement that stabilizes forces at
lower levels than currently exist. We
are ready to be flexible in our ap-
proach, indeed, willing to com-
See REAGAN, Page 6

Although Hans Kung last night joking-
ly referred to the similarities between
himself and the 15th century religious
reformer Martin Luther, Kung's lec-
ture showed an important difference:
While Luther's views offended only
Catholics, Kung's remarks brought
forth occasional hisses from
Protestants as well.
Speaking last night as the opening
lecturer at a four-day conference
commemorating the 500th birthday of
Martin Luther, the controversial
priest and visiting professor of
theology from Tubingen, West Ger-
many, criticized the Protestant Chur-
ch for making Luther's teachings
more modern and rational than they
actually are.
"Protestants agree that the Pope is not
infallible, but they act as if Luther
might be, still today," he said.
KUNG CITED Luther's belief in a
medieval system of punishment and
anti-semitism as his sources of
fallibility. "He, himself, was by no
means a bringer of enlightenment,"
Kung said.
The Catholics Church also received
criticism for its "medieval" views
and practices. "The Catholic Church
has assimilated neither Martin
Luther nor the Enlightenment," Kung

said. While the Roman Catholic Chur-
ch verbally guarantees human rights,
"it supresses these very rights on the
hornefroit," he said, referring to the
church's refusal to permit the or-
dination of women, and its positions
on birth control, divorce, and
celibacy. "Let some action follow
your words," said Kung.
Kung also called for the Catholic
Church to reconcile religious dif-
ferences in Ireland and in the Near
East, saying that peace is more im-
portant than religious disparities. On
the 500th year of Martin Luther's bir-
thday, "the 500 years of division bet-
ween Catholics and Protestants is
enough," he said.
longer a heretic for Catholics, no
longer a saint for Protestants," Kung
expressed a need for "a renewed
Christianity, serving a renewed
Kung's closing calls for unity
received a standing ovation from the
more than 15Q0-member audience
assembled in both Rackham
Auditorium an the Amphitheatre,
where Kung's lecture was heard over
a loudspeaker.

1 7-year-old
tells Con gress

Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
Prof. Hans Kung, a controversial theologian and priest, criticizes the
Catholic church as medieval and calls for a "renewed Christianity serving a
renewed humanity" at the opening lecture of the Martin Luther Quincenten-
nial Conference yesterday.

WASHINGTON (AP) - A 17-year-old
computer "hacker" who has broken in-
to dozens of computer systems nation-
wide, including those at Los Alamos
National Laboratory and Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center, told Congress
yesterday how easy and dangerous it
was - and how simple it would be to
stop it.
Computer "hacking" - breaking
through the defenses of institutional
data systems for puzzle-solving
amusement - has become a growing
problem with the proliferation of home
computers that are easily hooked up to
long-distance telephone lines.
"THERE WAS no damage, but the
potential for damage was enormous,"
Neal Patrick said of his activities. with
six computer-literate friends known as
the "414s" after the area code of their
hometown of Milwaukee, Wis.
Jimmy McClary, who is in charge of
computer security at Los Alamos,
N.M., said the Milwaukee youths
gained access through a nationally
known information network that is a
favorite target of hackers: They
penetrated only an unclassified system
that is meant for open use, but if they had
wanted "could have caused confusion,
delay and perhaps incorrect results"
for legitimate users.
"If someone with a sinister intent had
accessed that computer, the damage

could have run into the millions, just in
dollar value," said Patrick, who
became interested in computers during
a seventh-grade course on the subject.
BUT THE group's electronic ex-
ploration was not difficult, he told a
House Science subcommittee. It
required only basic knowledge of how
computers work, a small home com-
puter and the use of easy-to-guess
passwords like "test or "system"
which are part of basic computer
programs and which owners frequently
neglect to change.
Some of the passwords are available
through electronic "bulletin boards,"
information exchanges that can be
dialed up by telephone by anyone with a
few hundred dollars' worth of basic
"If they had just changed those
passwords, we couldn't have gotten in,"
Patrick told the panel. He said
access could be greatly restricted by
that simple step.
Most truly sensitive computer
systems, such as those dealing with
national defense or financial data, are
safely isolated and require security
clearances and classified codes to use
them, experts at the hearing said.
Several congressional panels are
looking at proposed laws that would
make computer tampering a federal


Council renews
talks for
expansion of
City's airport
Saying 'hi' to Hal
orry, boys and girls, but your annual chan(,
see how the University's head honcho lives.
been diluted into a purely social event thist
around. Thursday's reception to meet Presii
Harold Shapiro and his wife, Vivian, has been movedf
its traditional site at the Shapiro's South University AvE

After a summer hiatus in the Ann Arbor Airport
expansion controversy, the city council last night con-
fined its special session to rehashing old problemswith
the proposed additions.
Curiously absent from the meeting was any men-
tion of Mayor Louis Belcher's alleged mishandling of
the expansion. Last year, Belcher was accused of ac-
ting without council approval in asking for federal aid
and approval to expand the airport.
DISCUSSION CENTERED on technical aspects of
the city Airport Advisory Committee's master plan to
extend the airport's main runway.
The plan was originally unveiled at a Jan. 24 coun-

cil meeting.
Supporters of the expansion, including Belcher,
said the increased capacity of the airport would be a
boon to local business, but some council members
questioned the need for improvements and the ex-
pansion's social and environmental implications.
COUNCILMEMBERS Lowell Peterson (D-1st
Ward) and Raphael Ezekiel (D-3rd Ward) asked why
the expansion was necessary since Willow Run air-
port is within minutes of Ann Arbor.
"We are trying to make the runway able to manage
cabin class aircraft," said Bob Thomas of the
Michigan Aeronautics Commission. "The question is
See AIRPORT, Page 6

Mayoral madness
NEW YORK Mayor Edward Koch and Detroit Mayor
Coleman Young have added some garrulousness to their
governing, trading insults aimed at each other and their
respective cities. Koch says his city is "heaven compared
to Detroit, and Young counters by saying Koch has
"diarrhea of the mouth." The dispute began at a
congressional subcommittee hearing in New York Monday
on claims by city residents of police brutality. The hearing

cused of public lewdness and refusing to tell police the bare
facts. "He had no identification on him except maybe a bir-
thmark or something like that," said Somers, N.Y. Trop-
per William Baker. "But he finally gave us the infor-
mation." Police said David Otto, 26, hopped onto his 10-
speed bike after a friend in a bar bet him he would not take
the ride with his clothes off. Otto was arrested shortly after
midnight by officers who spotted him. Otto, a carpenter,
was given a blanket and taken to the Somers barracks
where police charged him with lewdness and obstructing
governmental administration. The second charge was filed

Also on this date in history:
* 1965 - University President Harlan Hatcher postponed
the announcement of a new theatre project after the Daily
printed an editorial critical of committing the University to
the expense. The $3 million complex was to be named after
Regent Eugene Power and constructed in part with a $1
million donation from him.
1974 - The Student Government Council began operations
under a newly-approved constitution which increased the
number of active representatives from 10 to 30.
* 1980 - A 19-year-old Ann Arbor man was left in critical

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