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September 25, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-09-25

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Wolverines plow

over Badgers
M' does not get kick
out of 38-21 win

Special to the Daily
MADISON - Welcome back to the
1970's, Michigan football style.
The Wolverines displayed feeble and
mistake-prone passing and kicking
games yesterday, but still ran with con-
fidence across the Camp Randall
Stadium turf, rushing for 351 yards en
route to a 38-21 romp over Wisconsin in
front of 77,708 fans.
dominated again from the start, as five
players gained more yards on the
ground than the entire team did
through the air. The passing attack net-
ted only 42 yards for the day, and
proved to be more of a hinderance than
a help to the offense.
"We thought we could run on them,"
Michigan coach Bo Schembechler said
after the game. "That was our game
plan, but I really didn't think we would
that effective. And being that effective
you always get caught up in it, because
it really takes the starch out of a foot-
ball team when you pound them like
But less than four minutes into the
game it appeared that Michigan would
be the team to lose its starch. Unable to
move on its first possession Michigan
punted to the Wisconson 46-yard line.
On the next play, from scrimmage
Badger tailback Gary Ellerson swept
around right end for 42 yards to the
Michigan 12. Two plays later Wisconsin
led 7-0.

"HE WENT AROUND us a-mile-a-
minute, and when he turned the corner
I didn't think we'd even catch him,"
Schembechler said of Ellerson's run.
"They ran a great sweep and surprised
us early."
"That first drive just shocked us
really quick" added Michigan inside
linebacker Mike Boren. "Those first
couple of plays got the jitters out of us.
Then we got our stuff together and shut
them down until the fourth quarter."
The Wolverine offense appeared to
have straightened out its problems too
after the ensuing kickoff. Mixing the
running of tailbacks Rick Rogers and
Kerry Smith with a Steve Smith pass to -
tightened Sim Nelson, the Wolverines
moved to the Wisconsin 10.
FROM THERE, Steve Smith lofted a
high pass into a crowd in the right cor-
ners of the end zone, where Badger cap-
tain Brian Marrow picked it off to kill
the drive.
But the Michigan defense proved that
the jitters were gone just five plays
later, when Ellerson and quarterback
Randy Wright muffed a handoff and
Michigan linebacker Carlton Rose fell
on the loose ball at the Badger 11.
Rogers carried twice for the score,
and Todd Schlopy added the conversion
to make it 7-7 with 2:29 left in the first
points on its next two possessions, with
Rogers getting another touchdown
and Bob Bergeron - who replaced
See 'M', Pages

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK

Michigan tailback Rick Rogers bursts up the middle for a first down during
first quarter action of the Wolverine's 38-21 victory over Wisconsin in

Madison yesterday. Rogers gained 59 yards on the afternoon before leaving
the game with a thigh bruise.

Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

C bt


1 Iai1

This may be your last chance to
kick your shoes off before the
frost. Partly cloudy and warmer,
with a"high in the low 70s.

Vol. XCIV-- No. 16 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Sunday, September 25, 1983 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

Martin Luther: 500
years can't dampen

The "95 Theses" won't be tacked up to the are open to
front doors of the Rackham Building, but a lec- At least i
ture there tomorrow night will resurrect the cen- involved
turies of conflict that have surrounded Martin "Everyone
Luther and his theology. the whole
Hans Kung, the controversial Catholic priest originated
mand visiting University professor, will open a commemor
four-day conference marking the 500th anniver- DUNNHA
sary of Martin Luther's birth. time since
with lectur
THE CONFERENCE is designed to present attend the
new and controversial examinations of the care of det
revolutionary Augustinian monk's life, said the carillon
Gerhard Dunnhaupt, a Germanic languages and music dur
literature professor, who is organizing the event. "whether
"The focus of the conference is Luther today peas or car
rather than Luther 500 years ago. There will be Sponsors
certain controversies that are inherent in these vantageous
sorts of things," Dunnhaupt said. ted. "The
For openers, Kung will speak tomorrow night Michigan w
on the ecumenical Luther, while his colleague think the U
from the University of Tubingen, in West Ger- tunity to sh
many, Prof. Heiko Oberman, will close the con- just a place
ference on Thursday with' a lecture entitled, Dunnhau
"The Un-ecumenical Martin Luther." have been
donations a
TWENTY SPEAKERS from the fields of DUNNHA
Reformation history, social history, Catholic and pointment
Protestant theology, and Germanic studies were dowment fo
commissioned to present new material The organi
O specifically for this conference. "These indeed," he
viewpoints are planned to be controversial and ,stems from
contradictive," Dunnhaupt said. ce that in
More than 300 scholars and pastors from Swit- possibly ha
zerland, Sweden, Germany, Canada, and the Valentin
United States will attend the various events, chairman a
which include lectures, discussions, exhibitions, tment, con
concerts, films, and a daily noon performance of refusal. "TI
'The Pardon Peddlers," a 16th-century play. one of the b
Although ticketed events are already sold out, shows we'r

ts, such as Kung's opening lecture,
the public.
10 University departments have been
in organizing the conference.
has been most cooperative around
University," said Dunnhaupt, who
the idea of having a quincentennial
ation .
AUPT SAYS he has spend most of his
April 1982 prodding people to come up
e topics, to do original research and to
conference. Dunnhaupt has taken
ails which range from ensuring that
er of Burton Tower will play Luther's
ing the conference to discovering
(conference participants) want
rots for their banquets."
hip of the celebration will prove ad-
to the University, Dunnhaupt predic-
reputation of the University of
ill significantly benefit," he said. "I
University welcomes such an oppor-
tow the world that the University is not
for dry scholarship."
pt said the conference's $10,000 costs
covered by corporate and private
nd registration fees.
AUPT expressed surprise and disap-
at the refusal of the National En-
or the Humanities to supply a grant.
zation's response was "very strange
e said, speculating that their denial
a biased opinion that "any conferen-
cludes a lecture by Kung couldn't
ve any merit."
e Hubbs, the conference's finance
and a professor in the German depar-
veyed a similar dismay over the NEH
the conference shows that we're still
est universities around," he said. "It
e not abandoning the humanities."

in-ures 245
Fom AP and UPI
DAVAO CITY, Philippines - A
grenade attack at a local beauty
pageant yesterday killed 12 people and
injured 245, police said. Police Maj.
Manuel Garcia said a fragmentation
grenade was lobbed at the foot of an
outdoor stage where two city councilors
were about to crown the winner of the
Miss Agdao competition.
Davao has been the scene of several
terrorist attacks the military either
blamed on communist insurgents or
Moslem rebels fighting for autonomy in
the southern Philippines.
H OSPIT AL SOUR CE S said 245,
people were wounded, 56 of them
seriously. Most of those treated in five
hospitals suffered shrapnel wounds and
others had lacerations, contusions and
fractures apparently sustained in the
stampede that followed the explosions.
Officials said the grenade attack
probably was not connected with
demonstrations in Manila and other
Philippine cities against President
Ferdinand Marcos.
In Cagayan de Oro, 500 miles south of
Manila, thirty thousand marchers
demanded the resignation of Marcos,
and Manila's archbishop pleaded with
him to accept a church compromise
council aimed at averting a "bloody
THE R ALLY IN the opposition-
governed city 500 miles south of Manila,
took place one day after riot squads in
the capital broke up protests with tear

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB

Strolling in style

Senior citizens walk briskly past an alley on Liberty Street yesterday.

Miss Piggy
S ISTER BERTHA Marie Kloser has brought a hog-
calling crown to Mount St. Francis Convent in Dubuque,

r . i

look like anyone else was going to get up there. So I did,"
she said. "It took a lot of courage." After surviving the first
cut, Sister Kloser squared off against a professional hog
caller from Texas and another women. First prize was two
tickets to a Louise Mandrell concert. Friends keep asking
for an encore performance. "I've had to do it several
times," she said, "It's not so loud when you close the door. -E

borhood. That's a lot of art-lovers," said Herb Goldberg,
regional manager for east coast Wendy's franchises. To
qualify for the "Starvin' Artist program, the artist must be
local and "look real skinny." Goldberg said. The neigh-
borhood, peppered with bodegas and Korean-owned fruit
stands, is evolving into an artist's community because of its
many sunny high-ceilinged apartments and cheaper than
usual Manhattan rents: Artist Mary Wells prints were un-
veiled Thursday in a corner near the condiment counter
anti hur nhctfpni4 multi-eninred etchings were hu~ng amid

9 1953-Dean of Students Erich Walter was named
assistant to the University president and Dean of Men.
Walter Rea was named acting dean of students. Both moves
were commended by student leaders.
* 1967-The newly formed Northwood-Terrace Tenants
Association officially end the September rent strike of
married students living in University housing. The group,
however, indicated a future rent strike was possible of
negotiations wtih University housing officials proved futile.



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