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September 14, 1983 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-09-14

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The Michigan Daily, Wednesday, September 14, 1983- Page 3

Bartleby's closes shop,
students note new scribes

Bartleby's Notes Ltd., the notetaking
service which provided nearly 2,000
students with notes from about 20
University.courses last year, has closed
up shop and its owner has disappeared,
according to University Cellar
But students who prefer to just sit in
class and listen to a lecture aren't out of
luck: A one-time Bartleby's employee
is filling the shoes of his former boss.
continuing the service were left up in
the air this summer when Bartleby's
'owner Perry March disappeared
without signing the contract the
bookstore had prepared.
t'We sort of 'planned on him being
around," said University Cellar

manager Bruce Weinberg, who added
that it wasn't until a week before
classes were scheduled to start that he
knew March was not planning on con-
tinuing Bartleby's.
"We just assumed he flew the coop,"
said Weinberg..
MARCH COULD NOT be reached for
Although Bartleby's does not owe the
Cellar, which received $1.50 for each
subscription it sold, any money, Cellar
manager Cynthia Dunitz said she
thought the service was poorly run.
"How could you trust someone who's
skipped town on you?" she said.
THE MANAGER of the new
notetaking service, Supreme Course
Transcripts, said that although his ser-
vice is similar to Bartleby's, the two
are not connected in any way.

"(March) is totally uninvolved in
this," said Brian Steuer, a senior in the
business school, who also is part-owner
of Supreme Course. "This is a whole
new different ballgame."
Class notes will cost between $13.50
and $17.50, depending on how often the
class meets. Students will be able to
pick up the notes, which will probably
be taken by teaching assistants, at
Wizard of Word Processing on East
University on Tuesdays.
ALTHOUGH ONLY eight professors
have agreed to allow note takers to sit
in on their classes so far, Steuer said he
expects the service to offer notes for 10
But, he added, note takers will not be
sent where they're not welcomed. "If
we go into a class where a professor
doesn't want us, we're defeating our
purpose," he said.
Among those professors who have
agreed to let note takers sit in on their
classes are Prof. Alfred Hend'el,
physics 240; Prof. Ronald Inglehart,
political science 140; Prof. Joel Sch-
wartz, political science 101; and Brace,
anthropology 161, said Steuer.

Education is federal
problem, says panel


Afternoon Delight

WASHINGTON (AP) - Warning that
"America must not become an .in-
dustrial dinosaur," a government com-
mission yesterday proposed a crash
federal program with a first-year cost
of $1.5 billion to bolster science and
math education through teacher
training, model schools, tougher cour-
ses and longer class days.
The commission, established by the
governing body of the National Science
foundation said its 17-month study of
condition of U.S. science education
found problems so deep that the federal
government must take the lead in
solving them.
The panel's recommendations in-
cluded establishing 2,000 "exemplary"
or model schools with special science
and math programs, improved training
for the 1.6 million teachers in those sub-
jects from the first grade through high
school, more required technical cour-
ses for students and longer school days
or years.
THE REPORT of the 20-member
commission of educators, scientists,
business executives and other
specialists calls for initiatives that
would require the federal government
to advance $1.51 billion in the first year,
$ome of which would be spent later.
The panel estimated the average an-
nual federal expenditures for the first
three years of the effort would total
about $956 million, dropping to $680

million for the next two years and then
leveling out at a rate of $331 million a
Thus, the first six years would cost
more than $4.5 billion. But the com-
mission said the costs were modest
compared to the $9 billion spent last year
in federal aid to elementary and
secondary schools.
THE COMMISSION plan calls for the
federal government to share costs and
responsibility for programs with state
and local governments, which already
bear more than 90 percent of the $117:6
billion spent each year on public
education. William Coleman, co-chair-
if the commission, urged President
Reagan to establish a National
Education Council to sort out these
costs and to monitor the , proposed
The Reagan administration has
argued repeatedly in favor of reduced
federal role in education and lower
federal spending. The president has
proposed spending $50 million to help
states train science teachers, and
Congress is considering bills that would
provide $25 million to improve science
The National Education Association
praised the commission's report,
saying it agreed with all the recom-
mendations except one which said
science and math teachers should be
paid more than other teachers.

This adventuresome squirrel found the pickings to his liking as he climbed into the lap of LSA Junior Billy Fenster
yesterday in the Diag for a snack.

Education dean nominated; cuts made final

(Continued from Page 1)
report stated.
FRYE SAID he also wants to con-
tinue the Ph.D program where faculty
and student strength is demonstrated
because not to "seems to run counter to
the goal of emphasizing research and
scholarship in the School."
He also said in the report that the
executive officers don't favor closing
the Bureau of School Services because
"it plays a valuable role in providing
accreditation and other services for
public and private schools and provides
an important liaison between the
University and the K-12 system."
Frye said, however, that they hope
the Bureau of School Services could be
made "self-supporting" as soon as
THE DIFFERENT emphasis under
the review process will mean "expec-
ted changes in the performance, the
quality, the productivity, and the

focus" of current programs at the
school, Frye said in an interview
Frye said he would appoint a special
faculty transition team to work with his
office to quickly plan a formula for
handling the changes. °.
The transition team will be composed
primarily. of education school facdlty
with some outside representation, Frye
said. He said he was currently unsure of
students' input in the process.
FRYE SAID he chose Berger as dean
for several reasons. Frye said Berger's
strong background in research as well
as teaching was crucial. Frye said
Berger's knowledge of teaching in K-12
grades was important to the decision
because this area would become the
"primary mission" of the school.
Berger also had "good connections
and a good reputation among educators
around the state "as well as within the
University," Frye said.

Berger said yesterday the changes l
the School will be undergoing soon are
inevitable and are a result of the
philosophy in the 1960s that universities
"be all things tp all people." This view
of education called upon educators to
"do everything" without considering
the price, he said. Even before the
review, Berger said, most educators
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knew that something would have to
The Regents will review the
education school decision this weeks,
buy they are not required to give their
consent because the school is being cut
and not eliminated.
notion session to learn about
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Today marks the last chance to visit the works of the late "Edwin A.
Harleston: Painter of an Era, 1882-1931." The exhibit is open until.8 p.m. at
the Rackham East Gallery.
Cinema Guild-Iphigenia (Greek w/subtitles), Lorch Hall, 7 & 9:20 p.m.
Music-Open Tower-'Carillon Demonstration, Burton Tower, 4-5 p.m.
Minority Student Services-Mexican Dance Troupe, "Hijos de Astlan"
Stockwell's Main Lounge, 6:30-7:15 p.m. A reception to follow.
Chemistry-Analytical Sem., Forest McKeller, "The Troops in the Tren-
ches & the Ivory Tower," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
Dentistry-Sem., Robert Doerr, "The Final Report of the Committee on
the Future of Dentistry," 4 pm, Kellogg Aud.
Psychiatry-John Greden, "Laboratory Markers of Depression: Is There
a Clinical Future?" 10:30 a.m., CPH Aud.
Chemical Engineering-James Wilkes, "Introduction to Digital Com-
puting. Fortran 1V Programming Language -I," Nat. Sci. Aud., 7 p.m.
Biological Sciences-Tahir Rizki, "Regulation of the Histidine-Utilization
Genes of Klebsiella," 4 p.m., MLB 2.
The Wn. W. Cook Lectures on American Institution, Lecture III: Peter L.
Berger, "Churches as Mediating Structures" MLB 1, 4 p.m.
Computing Center-Welcome to MTS, Hartman & Blue, 7 p.m., 165 BSAD.
Science Fiction Club-Stilyagi Air Corps, 8:15p.m., Mich. League.
' Academic Alcoholics-Alan Club, 1:30 pm..
Mich. Gay Undergraduates-Guild House, 9p.m., 802 Monroe.
Meeting for "Let Them Eat Cake Sale," Union,8 p'm.
The Women's Peace Camp-Michigan Union, 8p.m.
Career Planning & Placement-Business Intern Program, 6 p.m.,
Rackham Aud.
Reader's Theatre Guild-Information & Auditions, 7:30 p.m., Kuenzel
Rm., Michigan Union.
WCBN 88.3 FM-"Radio Free Lawyer," discussion of legal issues, 6 p.m.
University Hospital-Cardiac Rehab. Program-Fall classes on Heart
Disease, "Aerobic Exercise," Heart Station Classroom, S-3348 on the 3rd
level of Main Hospital, 7 p.m.
Transcendental Meditation Program-Introduction, 528 W. Liberty, 8 p.m.
Lutheran Campus Ministry-Informal Worship, S. Forest at Hill, 7-7:30
pm; Bible Study on the Gospel of Luke, 7:30; Choir, 7:30 p.m.
CEW-"Women & Science,'"Workshop, Vandenberg Room, Michigan
League, 7-9:30 p.m. Call 764-2382.
Student Alumni Council, Michigan Student Assembly and Recreational
Sports-"Festifall '83," Palmer Field, Noon-7 p.m. Eclipse Jazz will provide
the entertainment.
Student Wood & Crafts Shop-Power Tools Safety, 6-8 p.m., 537 SAB
Ann Arbor Democratic Socialists of America-Open house at Guild House,


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