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September 08, 1983 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-09-08

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Page 10-A - The Michigan Daily, Thursday, September 8, 1983
Student .
By JACKIE YOUNG education costs.
Fears since 1980 that President Reagan's Last year the Univ
proposed cuts in federal student aid might end students' education co
many students' college educations can be put cent of the applicant
aside - at least for a year. came up short weref
University officials say most federal grants costs with government
and loanshave "slightly improved" and the This year, however,t
outlook is brighter for student aid programs provide complete stud
this year. cent of the cases, Groti
"DESPITE WHAT our students might have FEDERAL FUNDI
heard, we have more financial aid available to Supplemental grants,l
more students than last year," said the Univer- neediest students, wil
city's financial aid director, Harvey Grotrian. same level, this year,
"It's important for students not to become million respectively.
discouraged, because prospects are a lot bet- The federal-funded W
ter," he said. increase from $528 to
Most of the major federal grants and state- Under the Work Stud
funded aid stayed the same or increased government shares c
slightly from last year, Grotrian said. with employers. This y
SINCE 1980 deep cuts in federal and state pay a larger chunk o
government funding have hurt the University's percent compared to la
ability to fully subsidize needy students' The boost is likely to4

lid funds stay safef

versity fully subsidized
osts for less than 10 per-
ts. Needy students who
forced to pay education
loans or job earnings.
the University expects to
ent aid in at least 50 per-
rian said.
NG for Pell Grants and
programs limited to the
. continue at about the
at $5.4 million and $1.2
Work Study Program will
$540 million this year.
ly Program the federal
osts of hiring students
year the government will
f a student's salary, 75
st year's 65 percent.
encourage employers to

hire students, said Grotrian.
especially important this year since sky-
rocketing tuition at the University has forced
more students to seek financial aid. The
University is the most expensive public school
in the nation.
As a result, out of 35,000 students at the
University this year, about 70 percent will
receive more than $112 million in financial aid,
Grotrian said.
"More and more students are relying on
financial support, whether or not it is need-
based. They are working more and borrowing
more," Grotrian said.
ALTHOUGH TUITION increases have been
matched by boosts in financial aid, many mid-
dle-income students who could previously af-
ford to pay their own education costs, now
receive loans.
The federal government, however, has made
it tougher for middle income students to qualify
for Guaranteed Students Loans, the largest

federal loan program.
Current loan guidelines require a student,
whose family income is more than $30,000 to
pass a "needs test" which considers family in-
come and size, the number of students a family
has in college, and tuition costs. The stiffer
requirements resulted in a 30 percent decrease
in University students applying for federal
loans last year, said Grotrian.
TOP PUBLIC and private schools nation-,
wide, such as Harvard or Brandeis Univer-
sities, can offer students better financial aid
packages which has made the University less
The competition has hit most severely in at-
tempts to boost black enrollment. Since 1978,
black enrollment at the University has dropped
from 6.9 to 5.2 percent, although overall
minority enrollment has stayed constant.
To combat the drop and also attract high-
quality students, the University increased
minority merit scholarships by $200,000 this

year, said Jerry Augsberger assistant financial
aid director.
THE UNIVERSITY will offer 170 minority'
scholarships to both resident and non-resident-
students this year, he said.
Planning for 1984 financial aid begins in Oc.
tober and the outlook is unclear as to whiclh
way programs will turn. Reagan tried earlie;
this year to eliminate three federal program^
and replace them with one "Self-Help Grant" for
1984, but it failed by a wide margin in Congress.-
Reagan's proposal would require students ti;
pay 40 percent of their education costs - aI
minimum of $800 - to qualify for federal aid.'
The "self-help" grant would encourage studen>i
ts to pay for their own college education'
Reagan says and turn to the federal gover-"
nment as a last resort.
But Thomas Butts, the University's assistant,
to the vice president for academic affairs irk
Washigton, said the "self-help" proposal is a'
"dead fish" in Congress.

'U' won't replace draft resisters'fi
eontinuedfromPage1) "inherently unfair," said Regent university loan or a campus job, said

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because it forces the University to
become "a policing arm of the federal
Shapiro said in June that he was
"pleased" with the Minnesota judge's
ruling. But despite his opposition to the
law, "there will be no policy for making
up the money," he said.
Frye also said using the University to
enforce a federal law is "extraor-
dinarily inappropriate," but added that
circumventing the law with replacem-
ent aid is not the best way to fight it.
"It would be wrong for the University
to unilaterally seem to counter a
federal law," Frye said.
IF THE SUPREME Court does not
reverse its decision after hearing an
appeal, Frye said it is "doubtful" that
the University would adopt a replacem-
ent fund program next year.
Even if administrators supported
such a program, it would have to be ap-
proved by the University's Board of
Regents - and the chances of that ap-
pear slim.
Replacing lost government aid to
non-registered students would be

"WHILE I feel (the law) is inap-
propriate and I hope Congress succeeds
in its efforts to repeal it, likewise it is
inappropriate for us to favor people
who do not comply with the law,"
Roach said.
"There is not enough money around
as it is, and to discriminate in favor of
people who don't comply with the law is
going against the grain," he said.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
said that although the law is 'an
emotional issue, all of us are obliged to
support the system of laws in the coun-
"AS A PUBLIC institution, you don't
make your own laws," Baker said. "If
there is disagreement with the law, the
University should challenge it in
But the University's stand on the
issue doesn't mean students won't be
able to find replacement funds, said.
Grotrian. Financial aid counselors will
help students find jobs and grants from
outside the University to make up for
the lost federal funds, he said.
Students received letters last month
from the financial aid office explaining
the taw and clarifying that University
grants and loans will be unaffected.
The University of California has taken
the lead among public schools nation-
wide by adopting an alternative loan
program. Non-registered California
students who refuse to comply with the
law will be eligible for either a-

California will, replace non-
registrants federal aid only if there is
money remaining after students who
complied with the law receive their aid,
said Dreyer. The University loan will
replace National Direct Student Loans
(NDSL), Supplemental Grants, and
Work Study, but not Pell Grants and
Guaranteed Student Loans, the two
major federal grant programs.
ONLY ONE student at UCLA has
refused to comply with the law, -but
Dreyer said he expects more since
classes don't start until the end of
A few private schools, including Yale
and Stanford Universities and two
small Quaker colleges, Earlham and
Swarthmore, are offering non-
registered students loans at slightly
lower rates than banks. UCLA,
however, is providing loans at the same
5 percent interest rate as NDSLs.
Yale has taken heat for its bold stand
from conservative Washington colum-
nists William Buckley and George Will
who said the school is trying to make a
political statement. But Donald Routh,
Yale's financial aid director, said the
school's adamant stand on replacement
loans is mainly to uphold Yale's 20-year
policy of prviding students with com-
plete education aid.
"THERE ARE other appropriate
ways to enforce Selective Service laws
(rather than through financial aid of-

Thomas Roach (D-Saline). Larry Dreyer, financial aid director at

iancial aid
fices)," Routh said. An unfair burdenf
placed on financial aid offices becau
"not all draft resisters are in collei
and not all receive financial aid," tie
Yale loans cost students about $4,000
more than low-interest rate federal
student loans, Routh said. Even with
the alternative loans, the threat of
losing federal aid can force needy stud-
ents to register, he said.A!
"There is a tremendous pressure to
register," Routh said. "The law is
coercive because of the added costs."
SCHOOLS, SUCH as Yale, will not b
punished for subsidizing non-registere4
students, -according to Bob Jamroz, :a
spokesman for the Department of
Education, the federal agency which
enforces the law. The law only restricts
federal financial aid, Jamroz said, ad-
ding that schools are free to use their
own funds to replace lost aid.
The law's author, Rep. Gerald
Solomon (R.N.Y.), is not as lenient
toward schools helping out non-
registrants. In May, Solomon in.-
troduced a bill that would cut federal
research grants - especially defense
research contracts - from schools that
subsidize non-registered students.,
Nationwide, about 96 percent, or ID
million men have registered, leaving
about 400,000 non-registrants. About
70,000 non-registrants have receivedl
warning letters from the Selective Ser-
vice and 100 men are being "huntedl
down" by the FBI,raccording tok
JJustice Department spokesman.

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