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September 10, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-09-10

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
Vol. XCIV - No. 3
abuse with
In an attempt to crack down on
students abusing the cafeteria
system, University housing officials
have repRiced traditional meal car-
ds with a $52,000 computer card
system VALIDINE.
Instead of the sticker-covered
laminated cards that cafeteria staff
would mark off at every meal, stud-
ents have been provided with the
VALIDINE cards which are
programmed to keep track of how
many meals a student eats each day.
ds feature a magnetic strip on the
back and a sharp'color photo of each
student on the front, making it easy Freshman
SEE 'U', Page 9 University
Fresh fac
Freshpersons won't be the only ones getting lost
around town this fall.
Since students left in May, the volatile Ann Arbor
shopping market has undergone a major facelift; a
couple of campus favorites bit the dust but new stores
have cropped up to take their places and others just-
changed a bit.
If you're not yet in the know with the new street
scene, here's a guide to what's come and gone:
Dooley's, that model of undergraduate bars
housed at 310 Maynard is revamped and ready to
rock with a new dance floor,, DJ booth, carpeting
railings, and lighting.
There's also a price to pay for the new look: A $2
cover charge and (sorry underclasspersons) a 21-
and-over (20 with a student ID) admittance policy.
" Head for the arcades, video fans, because Dooley's
has removed the games to provide more tables to
tired dancers and serious drinkers. Bottoms up.
Two blocks from Dooleys, Saca Taco ... (whoops)
Jimmy's... no, Hur's Campus Cafe has taken over a
seemingly jinxed spot on the corner of William and
Police fore

Major ve
By ROB FRANK discrepanci




Blue Thunder
Mostly sunny today with afternoon and
evening thundershowers likely. High in
the upper 80s, low tonight near 60.
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, September 10, 1983 Free Issue Twelve Pages
I ___V _




Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
John Monahan displays his VALIDINE meal card while waiting to eat dinner at West Quad yesterday.
officials say the new cards will cut down on the number of students abusing the cgfeteria system:

es fid fre
If multi-ethnicity is your bag, Hur's is the place to
be: This family-owned restaurant serves up a mix of
seafood, submarines, ribs, ice cream and other
dishes that span the globe from Korea to Italy.
Moderate prices and quick carry-out or sit-down
service are what the Hur family hope will keep them
in business longer than the previous vendors who
inhabited the corner.
Not far from either of these, the Michigan Union is.
fit for a feast with its-restaurant-dominated restyled
The Michigan Union Grill Eateries and Commons
offers a wide variety of foods and- plenty of
tables for eating, socializing, or studying.
The eateries are set up in booths adjacent to the
common - and large - seating area.
The Michigan Union Grill (MUG) serves fresh
quarter-pound hamburgers, hot dogs, and other fast-
food items at better-than-competitive prices; like all
of the Union food stores, the MUG is non-profit.
Next to the MUG ,lies the Corner Market,
displaying freshidaily produce from Detroit's
.Eastern Market, five specialty salads, quiche, and
natural foods.

sh places,
For dessert, the Stroh's Creamery serves up ice-
cream weighed as it is served so you pay only for
what you get.
Soon to join the Union gang are a delicatessen
named Dagwood's Parcheezies Pizzeria, and a
Variety shop.
If working the Liberty street video dens has you a
little hungry, Otto's Crispy Corn has nestled in next to
Simulation Station at 504 E. Liberty to fill the popcorn
These cheerful corn mongers dish out carmel,
cheese, buttered .and plain popcorn, sweets, drinks
and an occasional hot dog.
If the West Coast is what you seek, San Francisco
Sub Shoppe owner Charlie Arvai challenges you to
"tackle 'the 49,' 'experience the Earthquake,' 'eat
your way out of Alcatraz,"'
one of the bay-area inspired speciafties on sourdough
They also offer two vegeterian specials and soft
drinks at the Fifth and Liberty store.
Central Cafe is turning Chinese, I really think so.
See ANN ARBOR'S, Page 2

to spy
From AP and UPI
The Soviets warned yesterday that
they will shoot again if their air space is
violated by spy planes.
Yesterday, Soviet chief'of staff Mar-
shal Nikolai Ogarkov and two senior
Kremlin officials held a rare news con-
ference, broadcast live to the United
States - but not in the Soviet Union -
to answer reporter's questions.
OGARKOV claimed the airliner was
on a carefully coordinated spy mission
with a U.S. reconnaissance plane that
flew alongside the Korean Air Lines
plane for 10 minutes. The United States
has acknowledged the American spy
plane was in the area p-butnever
closer than 75 miles to the plane ;- but
said it was on the ground in Alaska for
an hour before the airliner was shot
down with an air-to-air missile.
Ogarkov said the decision to bring
down the jumbo jet took 21/2 hours
during which interceptors gave chase
and 120 warning shots yere fired.
He insisted the fighter crew and
ground command had acted properly
and legally, and warned, "In the future,
if need be, they will also perform their
combat tasks."
JAPANESE authorities said debris
from the KAL plane the Soviets shot
down Sept. 1 had washed ashore in nor-
thern Japan, 'and that fishermen had
found the mutilated body of a child who
might have been one of the 269 people
who perished in the crash.
In Washington, defense Secretary
Caspar Weinberger said he expects the
Soviets to manufacture some evidence
- perhaps "a black box dripping with
seaweed" - to justify their claim
that the passenger jet they shot down
was a spy plane.
Weinberger said the Soviets were

desperate to keep Japanese and
American search vessels out of the area
where the South Korean plane was
Weinberger said the Soviets are
trying to prevent any investigation of
the incident and suggested President
Reagan, deal with them "as you deal
with any murderer who refuses to par-
ticipate in any way with the in-
vestigation of his crime."
HOWEVER, President Reagan,
rejecting critics' complaints that he has
See REAGAN, Page 9
Sovi e t S
th e .book,.
prof Says
The Russian response to a Korean Air
Lines jet's irtrusion into Soviet air-
space was standard operating
procedure and apparently the result of
military derision makers, a University
expert on Soviet affairs said yesterday.
"Their response as brutal was to the
book. It was a normal Soviet response;
dogmatic, and rigid," History Prof. Ar-
thur Mendel said.'
THE SOVIET Union shot down KAL
Flight 007 last week after it wandered
over eastern Russia while en route
Seoul from Anchorage, Alaska.
See PROF, Page 9

see end to

is investigation

es and missing funds, of-

Ann Aficials said lat
Ann Arbor Police detectives hope a denied The Daily
meeting next week with University the auditors' repor
administrators will end a six-month in- contained private
vestigation into allegations that funds ding personnel wit
were misappropriated within the Office Shortly after the
of Major Events. Events director
Detective David Jachalke said he ex- Robert Davies,
pects the investigation will become promotion assista
"inactive" following next Thursday's sity. Officials hav
meeting, which means that police have to connect their
not collected sufficient evidence of audit.
wrongdoing to keep the case open. "I need things t
Jachalke said detectives have collec- when I bring (any
ted no new information in the case since detective Jachalk
the first part of July and have not been the University ha
able to solidify any leads which could Karen (Young) is
result in an indictment. As the investiga
Problems with the office's financial th month, Univers
records were first discovered when in- have not lost inter
ternal auditors for the University con- tments in the cas
Iducted an unannounced audit last Mar- University feare
ch. Unannounced audits are routinely Associate Vice P
conducted throughout the University. Services Thomas
That audit revealed bookkeeping
Car trouble
HAT'S DRIVING people wild in Denmark these
W days? Outdated American license plates, which
police in the nation's second-largest city call "nothing but
trouble." A downtown supermarket in Aarhus, Denmark
sells the plates for 50 cents a piece, but it costs $40 in fines

er. Administrators
's request to review
t because they said it
information regar-
hin Major Events.
e audit bega'n, Major
Karen Young and
her booking and
ant, left the Univer-
e since been hesitant
departure with the
o be black and white
y charges) to court,"
ke said. "Obviously,
d what they needed;
tion enters its seven-
sity officials say they
est in securing indic-
se. Denying that the
d adverse publicity,
resident for Student
Easthope said ad-

ministrators would continue to seek
charges in the case.
"I don't know why we wouldn't con-
tinue to pursue this (case)," he said.
Michigan Union director Frank Cian-
ciola, who is the immediate supervisor
of Major Events, said the case has gone
beyond University jurisdiction.. "It's
out of our court now," he said.
Cianciola said the office has un-
dergone a complete review in the wake
of the audit but he declined to cite
specific changes. "We're trying to be
more in tune with our business side," he
Jachalke did not say exactly who
would participate in the meeting with
administrators Thursday, but he said
representatives of the departments of
public safety and internal audit would
be present.
Carl Smith, director of University
audits, said he had not been notified
about the meeting and refused to com-
ment on the investigation.

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
What a rush !
Leslie Silbar, Sheri Banks, and Shelley Dunck inform Caroline Lindemuler and Lisa Tredway (left to right), prospec-
tive West Quad rushees, about the upcoming mandatory sorority mass meeting tomorrow.


Scarlet letter
FLOOD OF checks arrived from residents with
overdue water bills after Huntington, Mass.'officials
threatened to impose a 1983 version of New England's 17th
century punishment - the scarlet letter. Last month,
selectmen in the town threatened to paint an 18-inch high
fluorescent orange "W" on the street in front of the homes
of 15 delinquents who owed a total of $8,000 in water bills.
Water Commissioner Rosemary Caputo said the water

"on point" outside her locker at a Broken Arrow, Okla. in-
termediate school this week. "I didn't know what was
going on," said the girl, who was called out of class to open
her locker. "My first thought was that someone had put
something in there, planted drugs." Instead,. the
authorities found books neatly stacked and nothing else -
except a suspicious-looking plastic bag on the locker floor.
When they saw that, R.T., a black Labrador, and Buddy, a
golden Labrador, started whining, thumping their tails,
and salivating. Inside the bag: three chocolate chip

Also on this date in history:
" 1974 - The University announced it would re-open a
position for a women's advocate, who would work for
"changes in policies and programs that affect women ad-
* 1969 - A coalition of radical campus groups announ-
ced plans to disrupt ROTC classes in an anti-defense
department protest.
" 1964 - Police and dorm officials said they had failed to
find out who had set off a bomb in South Quad that caused



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