0 Painkillers C BEST OFANNARBOR BEST SPORTS :..........;r ...: ...:..::::::::.,,..: . r .. fem.. ...... ... ........ ... .:.:..:. _ ....:................::::::::::. : .. : r+' .. rt :.. ... ..: ..."rrs ... rr.. r. r. .." ... .. r,........ .. .........l... rl. r.r.x .. ....vr .:.........:::::::::":::r..:.:::..:::r::?"r:::r:................................................, ":::"":"r,":::"::":::"S:r":;:"rs:::::;::ir:::r:::;:Si"i:". 2= #::::"r. . :.....:R;:: ta.. ..: r, ...... rr...:...r..... ..i... .:.... .....ar..r.{ ..... .:... .: .....f.rrrr:......... .... ..... r........ ........ :. r..:..:::::.................. ....................x:: r:. :::. :::. :::: i:i":+": F.vr:..... ....... .... ......... ... r.. .r .:.: ..... .:......nr ......n....... ..... .................n....... ,......:::v:::::::: r:.,::.:.:n..... f. ..4' .v.::{fi i r}. .:... /,..xx...,..r .:........:.......:..... r::"f. x..., : .........f .. .... .............:.. :. .... ...... ...::r...... :. rf..... .. r...:...: .:: .r:rv; :. :.v :.k.x%..:1 .:..............r:............... r..n : x: n.::.,,.,.,.:.:...:.:.: .:::...:::::: .......... Best football player Anthony Carter No real surprise. Best basketball player Eric Turner The Extra-terrestrial. Best baseball player Chris Sabo Best halftime diversion Seventh graders playing basket- ball at halftime during the Michigan-Northwestern basketball game. Worst halftime diversion Singer Ty Cool At the last two Michigan basketball games of the season. Best football game UCLA 31, Michigan 27 Best athletic feat Michael Leach's NCAA Best place to find a pick up game IM Building Best time and place to swin Bell Pool, 7 a. m. And why do you suppose it's so empty? Best place to look like you're working out In front of any sorority house. Everyone's sport Crew Why does it seem like every student on campus has rowed at one time or another? Best salary of any Michigan Graduate (or non-graduate) Anthony Carter Most needing of improvement The Women's basketball team The hockey team is a close second. Most difficult players to replace Leo Brown and Anthony Car- ter. 1 cident in October of 1981. Nine short months later, Bruce made the World Team in tower diving. Bruce is an Ann Arbor Pioneer alum- nus and two-time state diving champion on the springboard. But tower diving is Bruce's forte. At just 12 years of age, Bruce made it to the finals of the Nationals in tower diving. At 13, he placed 14th in the Olympic trials. Bruce became the youngest ever to win tie tower Nationals when he was 16. Setting new records seems to be a way of life for this diving whiz. He has won the most age-group diving championships -14. Bruce brought his diving talents to Michigan where his father, Dick Kim- ball, is head diving coach. Bruce en- joyed a very good rookie season with the Wolverines. All-American honors capped the season for him as he placed ninth in one meter and sixth in three meter diving events at the NCAA. The Pan American Games, being held this summer in Caracas, Venezuela and the 1984 Olympics are two future goals for Ann Arbor's best athlete. Best athlete Bruce Kimball ANN ARBOR'S BEST athlete is Michigan freshman All-America diver, Bruce Kimball. Most will recognize Bruce's name from the national atten- tion he received following his amazing diving comeback after a severe car ac- By Bradford Parks 't I'VE GOT TO change my life," says Mary, out loud. Henry stops looking at his hand and starts looking at Mary. "Maybe you should." They are both on drugs, and not quite all there. "O.K., I will." Mary picks up Henry's hunting rifle and pulls the trigger. "Whoa," says Henry. He's been hit hard in the shoulder and there's some blood. "You shouldn't have done that," says Henry, through gritted teeth. "Yeah," says Mary, putting down the hunting rifle. "Bad trip." * * * It used to be that Mary could just pick a dress out of the closet and wear that. It fit great, it highlighted her face and eyes, and her parents said she was very pretty. It made her feel good to walk down the street and watch herself reflected in windows, looking good. Things were different now. Most of her old clothes were gone. She gave them away or put them in the garbage. She hated them. They were silly, ex- travagant, the kind of clothes suburban girls wore, checking their make-up in little hand mirrors, or sifting through their handbags for vaseline or kleenex. Now Mary wore whatever felt right. Sleeveless stenciled T-shirts, headban- ds, vinyl pants so impossibly tight that she had to breathe out in little gasps. It was great fun. Her friends thought she looked great. They wanted her to dye her hair blue, but she told them that was passe. The trip to the hospital is pleasant and uneventful. Both Mary and Henry are still seeing things. The ambulance driver looks like a giant moth with wings of solid titanium. They're zipping down the highway like insulin from a syringe. Henry moans. "It's o.k.," says Mary, touching his head gingerly. Mary is straight enough to tell the doctors it was all an accident. She didn't know the safety was off, and in the future she'll try to be more careful. The doctors wrap Henry's shoulder up in lots of sweet white gauze and give him painkillers. Later, Mary paces around the living room in her stocking feet and apologizes. "I'm sorry, Henry. I just don't know what came over me," says Mary. "Things happen," says Henry. "I'm really sorry." "Don't sweat it." "How does it feel?" "It's bearable." "Good. Good." Mary paces around the room some more, and starts ripping magazines into little pieces. The pieces scatter wherever she walks and the whole thing develops a pleasant little rhythm, like an irregular heartbeat or drums in the Congo. Henry nods out. Mary's shredded one magazine and starts on another.> Henry came into Mary's life like a fire engine into a living room. She met him at a party for art students at Michigan State University, and fell for him with the gorgeous inevitability only terrifying mistakes can bring. Henry was a curling iron set at the hottest set- ting imaginable, and Mary was going to curl her hair, even it if was burned to the roots in the process. Henry was a hunk of beefcake and she liked hers rare. Henry was ... Henry, and Mary loved and lusted for him like nothing before or since. To Henry, Mary was a calm wind on badly scarred beachland. Stability, function, good curvy breasts and big watery brown eyes. A nice woman, a good provider. But like camping in the wild, there's a time when the provisions just run out. * * * ARY IS AT the art school, passing time, when she sees a guy that she wants. He looks different. His clothes match. He shaves. There are no earrings in either of his ears. What was he doing at the art school? Mary thrusts her chest out and walks over to him. "Got any cigarettes?" The wonderful guy turns towards her. He's wearing a grey Oxford shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, and a tie. He's holding onto his sportsjacket with one finger through the hanging loop in the back and he smiles. His teeth are white and pretty even. He has cigarettes, and gives Mary one, lights it for her, and lights another for himself. "Busy?" They go to Mary and Henry's apar- tment. Henry is gone for the week, teaching executives in California to use his company's vibration reducers. Mary stops the handsome man in the entryway. She falls onto her knees and rips open his pants. She sucks him off in the entryway. There's nothing for the Oxford man to hold onto and he almost loses his balance a couple of times. Mary wants to bite through him, cripple him, and wishes he'd lose his balance. His semen tastes pithy and routine. Mary wants something more. The man __. __________________________ I Best basketball game Purdue 80, Michigan 77 (triple overtime) Strongest athlete Paul Girgash singles championship * ....'.'.A * A 44.4*4.4. 4.4444 * -# * ,. 4 4- 44... 4 * 4. * 444444 A N 4.6.44* 6*4..t,, 4#4.4* 44444.4444 4.4.44444'.** A ~,( A * 4 A 4. -, 1 444.4.44.44444 A 4* 4~~44.*4 .444.4.44 * - 4444444444444 4*444.44 j44444'. 4444~444~~4'..'44444'. 44*4 4~4*4444444*44444444 - Yr 44'.%.4.*44..4.. .44 *444.4444.'.4 .44.44.444 * ~4 4.4444 S4.4*4.444,44 *444*.444 4 ~ 444 *44* 4'4~4*444~~ * .4 4*..4.* 4 4 4.4.4 4 44 .4 4 44 444 444.Jt 44444. * .4 .4.44.4 4 4 4 4.4 44 4 4~4 44 4444 4444.4.444.4.4 4.4.44 444444444 ~4). 444.4 ~4 444 44.444* 4.4 44*4.4.44 4~4444.44*4.4.444.4444444444~4.4 44444*444.4 ~ *****************.4-444 .~ ~ ~ 4*4..~ *'*~* *4*4 ~ - 4444444444 '.~44~** *4* 4*4444..4 -. - Best Swimming meet January 28,1983. Michigan over Indiana With close to 1000 fans crowded into the stands of Matt Mann pool, the Wolverine's men's swim team came from behind to defeat powerhouse In- diana. Michigan had only beaten the Hoosiers once since 1962. Most sadistic The UCLA Bruin This crazy bear was unlucky enough to have the Michigan cheerleaders split his legs against the uprights during the regular season Michigan-UCLA game. Only the damn thing kept coming back for more. Friendliest coach Bill Frieder Best sport for those who love to party Rugby A quarter keg is their official mascot. in the Oxford shirt throws her back- wards onto the floor and actually tears her shirt off her back. It makes wren- ching noises and cuts off her breathing for a few seconds. This is something more. He squeezes her breasts like he expects them to pop. He kisses her, his tongue clogging her mouth. While he undresses she touches herself through her clothes. He has another hard-on and she grabs it. She pulls off her pants and gets on top of him, watching his face. Her brown eyes water like they always do. He has a clean, well-ordered face, like a track star or a president, and when his mouth opens you can see his very white teeth after the gums. He looks like an advertisement. Mary rams herself down on him harder, hur- ting herself. Her eyes keep watering. Mr. Oxford shirt holds onto her hips and brings her up and down, up and down. He moans. Mary screams like she's been sliced open and there's no hope of keeping things together. Afterwards, they rest. '* * * Mary doesn't like to be alone in the apartment. She feels trapped. She thinks of suicide. She thinks of all the things she should be doing, all the things her parents talked about when she left for college: Freedom, money. Responsibility. Finding yourself. Sometimes things seem as bad as they are. Mary-paces around the apartment and drinks. She has to change her life. But nothing seems to work. Everything's a hazy mess, a bloody mess, like crawling through broken glass on your hands and knees, looking for your contacts. Mary gulps at her drink. It used to be that life was written in short sentences, with no caps, like large print books in the library. Now everything ended in exclamation poin- ts, exclamation points and crossed-out question marks, dozens of onion-thin pages scattered around in no particular order. People are so busy today, Mary thinks. You can't get their attention without a twenty-one gun salute. * * * "What's this?" "Just try it. Come on, try it." Mary takes a green and white capsule and drinks it with her Kool-Aid. "Another." Mary takes another. "What'll this do to me?" "Nothing you haven't had done to you before." "Oh." Mary drinks some more Kool- Aid. The art school cafeteria is crowded. Some of Mary's friends are here, popping pills. Jon and Gabby are arguing at the next table. Mary looks out the window. It's mid afternoon and the light outside is bright and brash. Somebody taps her on the shoulder. "Do you think there'll be a war?" "Who cares?" says Mary. Her frien- ds laugh., "I do. I care." Mary's never seen this guy before and his face is getting blurry around the edges. The drugs, she thinks. "Why? Why should you care?" Mary says. She really wants to know. "Because I like being alive. I like living." "That's pretty passe." Mary's friends really break up at that, giggling all down the table. Mary starts giggling too, and pretty soon she can't stop. * * * MARY AND HENRY are exactly alike, Mary thinks, and if they're not, they soon will be. When they con- nected it was magic, controlled mechanics, like two starfish inter- twining in the salty ocean. They com-, plemented each other perfectly. Henry liked art, she Henry liked to do everything was willing t anywhere, for the experienc mative years, Henry and her as they got o down, mellow in her life Mar to be, in lov meeting new I tired cliches living. Mary com without knock Henry?" Mary walks her friends ar with her knee Henry's fuckir Jon, Diedre ai on the couch. everything on "Oh Jesus, good," says G "I know bak The white gau like it's holding in an easy everything. Sh the whole thing stray strand o Someone offer drinks it. It's d If all the doesn't want t for seats, or pi When those cu to be the one, drift to, color i the belle of th rolling off a cl director befor script. "Look out," falls on the covered below cream, around back of her ca together with s giggles. Mary eyes. Diedre is go somebody else out of her mot under her nos sucking him a ced, like a bit stagehand righ This isn't in th isn't right at al Somebody sI ass and she res Mary drives some new clot bench near newspaper an She's wearing shirt and pant She picks at he business sectio tell anything's her lipstick out applies it with The lipstick sr and she break the shopping customers star just walk by. She looks lik ness, to bad thi brown eyes ju she wipes her < hand, but it's everywhere. S ornament, lik sense of crime. crying, and wa now, before it's Best IM team 0 Rumsey House, 3' (overall) West Quad Best diversion during a game The two guys with yellow Leo Brown t-shirts who go stark, raving bananas at the basketball game. 2nd place - To the folks who spend en- tire football games trying to get a single unbroken piece of toilet paper from the outer edge of Michigan stadium down to the field. A word from the judge The quality of the entries was, in my opinion, mixed. But the winners stand out: They have a purpose and control - an authority -- that the others lack. They are dramatic and their language is pure and direct, and they speak to their readers with nouns and verbs and images that are clear and unmistakable. Bloody stubs of" wings, a naked girl covered below the waist with shaving cream - these are powerful, memorable images which convey much in only afew words. My congratulations to the winners. - William Hollinger Honorable mention: The Molding of Muriel, by Lisa Nicole Finkle. William Hollinger is a member of the English Department faculty. His stories have appeared in a number of periodicals. The Fence-Walker, his first book, a war novel set in Korea in the late 1960s, will be published next winter. 8 Weekend/April15,1983 21